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“u were just there to stroke his ego”
yeah that’s why he in my messages till this day begging for me to come back & that he’s sorry and repeatedly telling me he misses me 😂😭 both clowns that deserve eachother 🤡
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dumb bitch really thinks that by checking my tumblr, fb, soundcloud and psn daily and harassing me on all my shit is gonna undo what that man did and bring that man back. this has been going on for more than A YEAR and you still got nothing out of it i don’t even fucking know you cunt ? i don’t know who the fuck you are never did. you only wasting your own time ? if you’re that desperate for some cock go spend that time stalking guys instead of me ? you think all that shit you say to me in my inbox under an anonymous acc is gonna get to me? you only making yourself look pathetic we’re all having a laugh at you 💀 you’re really the lowest of lows. this is why you’re getting no where in life .. grow the fuck up you immature obsessive psycho. that foul mouth you got on you is gonna get you fucked up real bad one day. he is with some other chick so leave me the fk alone , you can go do her head in now ✌🏽
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girl is trippen balls, idek u hahaha really shows how insecure u are (i mean understandable if u look like that... sheesh) that’s why u on anonymous ugly bitch, bc ur face is as ugly as the hate u send people online<3
like honey don’t you have a son lmfaaaao go pay his child support ya broke bitch u got too much time on ur hands worry about ya child n your own self
u know nothing about me girl u think u do cause u check my shit every day but u delusional af, seek help.
this girl thinks i stole her man... girl if ur man can be stolen he ain’t your man. either way you’re confused as fuck hahahaha 
never has anything different to say it’s always comments on my appearance and almost every photo i put up of myself ya so quick to check it out n comment on it thinking i gotta add filter to look good hahah unlike u i don’t need filter or makeup to look good girl if i was an “ugly witch” he wouldn’t have constantly come running bak to me hahah i’m so “ugly” right that’s why he fucked u over multiple times and couldn’t resist me 😉 baby girl i’m cute as fuck, lmao u can stay mad about it tho hoe 🤣
peace x
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She says “don’t need ppl on the internet to tell me I look good” yet she’s the one on the internet calling other girls ugly for over a year
“Pretending to be someone else on another account” yet she’s made multiple fakies on tumblr and other socials just to message me
We love a hypocrite pick me girl, that’s older than me and yet still acting like a little twelve year old.
The fact that you think I edit my photos and use filter is the biggest compliment 😂😂😂 silly little hoe thinks I gotta try to look hot, it comes naturally 🤷🏽‍♀️
Daniel Araya has a new wife and yet she still cut and obsessing over me 😘 if I wasn’t hot you wouldn’t have approached me in the first place, you saw me as a threat hence why you’re still going.. ouch must hurt to think he only ran back to you for some pussy and to get a nut n that’s it.. lol
All you do is speak cap 🧢 cause you got nothing left, you don’t even know what you’re on about just tryna start shit like where’s that nude you claim that you have I’m waiting for it LMAOOOO all talk all cap I don’t believe a word that comes outta that filthy mouth
I finally saw what you look like after you been hiding your foul face and you’re cut as fuck bc now you know I know you’re both ugly inside and out and nothing can change that; nina rat arche lemme give you a tip since you love piercings so much why don’t you pierce your small lips together that way you can learn to never open your mouth cause whatever you say is fuckin stupid anyway 😂😂😂😂😭 better yet pierce your hands together so you can stop being a keyboard internet hero that’s all u know how to do bored ganga, go make some fkn friends and leave the house or something
Do you kiss your parents and little sister with that same mouth?
With all that time you spend caking your face with makeup just word of advice, it doesn’t hide how ugly you are 🥰
Take your saggy pussy outta my ask box x
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Look at me guyssss I have skinny 15 year old white boy tiddies and I’m going through my punk emo faze right now RAWR XD :P
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Awwwwww look it’s Nina Valeriano begging for a friend 😫😭 poor lonely soul
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She says “don’t need ppl on the internet to tell me I look good” yet she’s the one on the internet calling other girls ugly for over a year
“Pretending to be someone else on another account” yet she’s made multiple fakies on tumblr and other socials just to message me
We love a hypocrite pick me girl, that’s older than me and yet still acting like a little twelve year old.
The fact that you think I edit my photos and use filter is the biggest compliment 😂😂😂 silly little hoe thinks I gotta try to look hot, it comes naturally 🤷🏽‍♀️
Daniel Araya has a new wife and yet she still cut and obsessing over me 😘 if I wasn’t hot you wouldn’t have approached me in the first place, you saw me as a threat hence why you’re still going.. ouch must hurt to think he only ran back to you for some pussy and to get a nut n that’s it.. lol
All you do is speak cap 🧢 cause you got nothing left, you don’t even know what you’re on about just tryna start shit like where’s that nude you claim that you have I’m waiting for it LMAOOOO all talk all cap I don’t believe a word that comes outta that filthy mouth
I finally saw what you look like after you been hiding your foul face and you’re cut as fuck bc now you know I know you’re both ugly inside and out and nothing can change that; nina rat arche lemme give you a tip since you love piercings so much why don’t you pierce your small lips together that way you can learn to never open your mouth cause whatever you say is fuckin stupid anyway 😂😂😂😂😭 better yet pierce your hands together so you can stop being a keyboard internet hero that’s all u know how to do bored ganga, go make some fkn friends and leave the house or something
Do you kiss your parents and little sister with that same mouth?
With all that time you spend caking your face with makeup just word of advice, it doesn’t hide how ugly you are 🥰
Take your saggy pussy outta my ask box x
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Look at me guyssss I have skinny 15 year old white boy tiddies and I’m going through my punk emo faze right now RAWR XD :P
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Awwwwww look it’s Nina Valeriano begging for a friend 😫😭 poor lonely soul
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get that ugly flat titty no ass stinkin pussy rawr xd insecure bitch off @ blog
this bitch still crying over her baby daddy who don’t love her no more wahhh wahhh
thinkin constantly hating and abusing other girls is gonna bring the man back
she’s also mad bc @ is hot as fuck and she can never match that level of hotness. stay salty.
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