himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
wooooooahhh have i not been on tumblr on my computer in a while.
they changed shit!
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
Today was long. But surprisingly it was a good day, even though I did not want to be at work. I'd say the highlights were : A) having a smart car come through.. omg I don't know why I find it funny but I'm laughing just thinking about it B) happy dancing in the handicap stall in the bathroom because if I held in my excitement I'd probably become a spaz and then some guy fucking got out to make sure that people were drying his car right (fucking hate when people do that) and locked himself out. Lmfaoooo
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
Best day everrr yesterday :) It's been feeling like summer a loottt lately and I'm way too excited
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer? i attempt to in the beginning, then i give up Have any summer homework? it's not the summer; but i've never had any before Are you a fairly self-motivated person? nope. unfortunately i am not What’s your favorite book series? don't have one What’s your favorite thing to do if you’re out on a lake? ..idk i don't go to lakes a lot hahah Do you take offense when people use the words “gay” or “retarded”? no, but i see how other people do What type of food do you know how to cook? i don't know.. random things Do you make your passwords so tricky to remember that you forget them? no Cautious or reckless driver? i'm not cautious, but i'm not reckless either? What’s a subject you’re sick of people debating about? everything Are you one to take naps? sometimes What’s something you wish they’d build in your neighborhood? nothing really What’s your favorite website, excluding social networking sites? google What hair product do you use the most? ..hairspray i guess Do you usually keep ponytail holders around your wrist? not a lot. they get annoying Sunny D or orange juice? orange juice What’s your favorite food to get at a carnival? uhh i don't know Do you actually use e-mail? sure Can you snap out of a bad mood fast? depends on the ~~situation Currently holding any grudges? no What do you order to drink when you go out to eat? sprite How can a person tell if you’re mad or annoyed? ..i don't know i mean i get quiet and don't talk a lot, but i'm quiet to begin with sooo What’s your favorite energy drink? monster Have you ever ingested caffeine in the name of getting homework done? yeah Do you have good study habits? no Are you good at coming up with gift ideas for others? terrible Do you have a pair of jeans with holes in them? yeah Where’s your favorite purse from? coach What about your sunglasses? all my favorites broke or i lost.. :( How is your ego? shitty Do you keep lint rollers around the house? yeah What’s something you enjoy that’s outside your age level? hah i like to color Is your curfew flexible, if you have one? don't have one Regardless, when is the latest you have come home from a night out? like 3 or 4 Do you have a weak stomach? no Where do you like sitting best on a roller coaster? don't really care Are you usually the person comforting, or the person being comforted? attempting to comfort Do you actually use the camera on your phone? yeah Is there anything you don’t mind buying secondhand? probably, but i can't think of any Tennis shoes or flats? flats Are you a good planner or do you settle for spontaneity? ehh, i'm a pretty bad planner 
What do you do to pass the time when you’re a passenger on a long car journey? talk, listen to music, look out the window 
When your friends come and hang out at your house, what do you get up to? uhhh hahah i don't know usually just sit around and talk my house is boring 
Does it annoy you when surveys ask questions about controversial topics, or do you like arguing your point? don't care 
How often would you say you updated your Facebook status? almost never 
Do you think there’s a specific age when it’s no longer acceptable to be living with your parents? yeah 
Girls - if you got pregnant now, would you keep it? Guys - what would your reaction be if your girlfriend fell pregnant? not possible 
Do you think it’s ignorant for people to have unprotected sex when they’re not ready for a child? yeah 
Are there any specific piercings you would never, ever get done? almost all of them 
What’s your favourite non-animated Disney film? idkkk 
It’s pouring with rain and you don’t have anywhere you need to be - how do you spend your day? depends on what i'm in the mood for 
How often do your family go out for meals? not often 
Assuming you had sufficient funds, would you be capable of living alone, paying bills and looking after yourself properly? yeah 
What were your favourite things to do as a child? barbies, torture play with my cats, dance around, be dumb haha 
Are you happy to spend time being single, or are you one of those people who jumps from relationship to relationship? i don't have a problem with being single i have an issue for long i've been single 
If you were shopping with your best friend, and they picked an outfit that was completely unflattering, would you tell them? most likely 
Do you find it easy to open up to people about your past? my past isn't anything interesting.. i'm just bad at opening up in general 
If you’re out in the middle of nowhere and need the toilet, do you try and hold it in or just go behind a bush somewhere? hold it 
Do you prefer using air-con or having the windows down when you’re driving on a hot day? windows down 
Can you ever manage to finish three courses when you go out to eat at restaurants? no
What would you say your favourite farm animal is? none 
How do you react when someone you’re friends with has a bad attitude? i usually just ignore it 
Is it easy to embarrass you, or are you one of those people who just plays things off? easily embarassed 
Are you comfortable going shopping or to the movies with your parents? yeah 
Do you have a favourite movie soundtrack? nope 
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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himynameispenis-blog · 12 years
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