hiores · 1 year
Miguel O'hara X Male Reader
('Cause there's just not enough Male Reader ANYWHERE much less Male OC)
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POV: You were the newest recruit
You, just like most Spider People or Spider things in the Spider-Society, were recruited by the one and only Miguel O'hara. Aside from assigning missions and tasks to you and the others, no one else really ever talks to him or tries to make small talk with him. Aside from Lyla, Peter B Parker, Jess, Gwen, and Mayday, there was no one else who really interacted with the man at all, unless it was absolutely necessary. That was until he recruited you 4 months ago.
"I am Spider-Man of 2099," He introduced himself ever so casually after absolutely beating the crap out of you. You weren't too keen on strangers approaching your city, especially a stranger that happened to have Spider abilities like you who arrived in some weird portal, but the man was strong. VERY strong. Much so that he was able to beat your ass in your city.
Miguel sighed tiredly, rubbing his temples as he looked down at you wheezing and coughing on the ground like a dying old man.
"You know, I wouldn't have had to do that had you been willing to negotiate with me at the beginning right?" He asked as he looked down at you. You were laying on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You kept your head down due to your Spider Mask being torn up. You managed to let out a slight groan before picking yourself up slowly to look at him.
"Yeah? Well, can you really blame me? I see a weird guy in a weird suit who came from some sort of mysterious portal. Did you really expect me to just welcome you without feeling some sort of suspicion??" You asked as you finally stood up, slightly recovering from the ass whooping you received from the same man not too long ago.
He sighed tiredly, "Fair enough. Now, let me introduce myself again, for the third time, properly." He walked up to you, his broad and tall frame towering over you as he made his way over to you. "I am Spider-Man of 2099" He stated, looking down at you, expecting an answer from you. You sighed, still feeling sore as you cleared your throat. "I'm (Y/N)," You managed to sputter out, before going into a fit of coughs and wheeze. Miguel took notice of this and sighed.
"Listen, I really didn't mean to beat you up that badly alright? But I need you-"
"For what? Need me for what??" You asked as you looked up at him. You were quite curious as to what he needed you for, but after the beating, you couldn't help but to not trust him a bit.
"Well, if you would just let me speak, you would know," He responded sarcastically, contemplating his decision to run a whole society of spider beings from different universes. He turned to you and began to explain everything, from how the Multiverse worked, to the existence of the Spider-Society, the existence of anomalies, canon events, EVERYTHING. He looked at you, waiting to see how you would react or what you would say. But all you did was stand there, confused and lost. He let out a grunt of frustration, before looking back at you.
"Alright, look. Would you like to join the Spider-Society or not?" He asked, clearly a bit frustrated.
"Uhm...yeah?? Yeah I would," You replied, feeling a bit unsure of your decision, but still going along with it nonetheless. Miguel nodded as he then took you to HQ.
It has been four months since your first encounter with the man. Since then, you've been leaning onto him for support and for help, since he was the only one you felt comfortable talking to. Slowly yet surely you began to loosen up around the other Spider Folks, you learned so much about them, and about how the Multiverse worked. And as for Miguel, well, the two of you became a bit close as the months went by. You were sure to visit his work place and have a small casual talk with him. At first, Miguel found it quite annoying. He tried shooing you away multiple times, even tried to give you extra tasks just so you could leave him alone. However, you were able to finish the tasks quickly and efficiently, which pleased Miguel, seeing that you could complete tasks well enough that he or Lyla didn't have to run through it, but also left him annoyed because he just couldn't get rid of you, so he had no choice but to tolerate you. As time went by, he found himself becoming used to your presence in his work office. You became a regular along with a few others.
Miguel found himself becoming especially fond of you for some reason. He noticed EVERYTHING you did for him. From the efforts you put into your work, the vigorous training you put yourself through as you trained with the others to perfect your skills in both combat and web shooting, the way you would always try to greet him and converse with him, he noticed ALL of it. And he couldn't help but to feel like he grew a bit soft towards you. Lyla was the first to pick up on Miguel's abnormally soft behavior and attitude towards you, although no one else could really tell. She teased Miguel RELENTLESSLY.
"Hey Miguel, try and tidy yourself up, I think your 'boyfriend' is about to come in" Lyla teased with a smug smirk on her face. Miguel only glared at her, threatening to shut her off. She only took this as a sign to keep teasing him. You then entered the room, Miguel turned towards you as he raised his eyebrows and shut Lyla off before she could say anything.
"Soo, how is it Miguel? Did you get any rest?" You asked as you walked up to him, handing him a bag of empanadas to munch on. He took the bag and placed it next to him and sighed.
"Yeah...it's going well" He yawned tiredly. He was especially sleepy due to the most recent mission, but he just couldn't bring himself to rest. Not with the burden of saving the multiverse, leading the Spider-Society, and much more. You smiled gently at him as you gave him a pat on his shoulders.
"Just take some time to rest, Miguel," You say to him affectionately. He looked up at you from his chair, and offered the tiniest smile to you as he laid back on the chair, getting extra comfy.
"I know I can always trust you to take care of work, you do a great job at it, you're one of the best I got." Miguel sighed as his eyes started to feel a bit heavy, before he finally fell asleep. You stayed in his office for a bit, before pressing a very soft kiss on his cheek. Despite knowing how fond of you he was, Miguel was still Miguel, he still kept his guard up around you and he would undoubtedly kick your ass for kissing his cheek. You stayed there a bit longer, watching him rest, with a content smile on your face.
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