hippielotus · 1 year
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hippielotus · 1 year
Does anybody here like pretty, customized old-school game consoles??
I did this last year & I'm still kinda proud of it.
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hippielotus · 1 year
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ISSA RAE as President Barbie Barbie Teaser Trailer
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hippielotus · 1 year
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hippielotus · 1 year
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No filter baby + no makeup
Instagram: niccsg
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hippielotus · 2 years
Food in Spanish
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La fruta- Fruit La verdura- vegetables La naranja- Orange La manzana- Apple El plátano - Banana La fresa- Strawberry La frambuesa- Raspberry La lima- Lime El limón - Lemon  La carne- Meat El jamón - Ham El cerdo- pork El pollo- Chicken La vaca- beef La ternera- veal El venado venison El pato- duck El pavo- turkey El chorizo- Sausage La salchicha- Sausage  El pescado- Fish La quisquilla- Prawns (one of the many ways to say prawn RIP) El pulpo- Octopus El pan- Bread El arroz- Rice La patata- Potato La leche- Milk El huevo- Egg El vino-  Wine La cerveza- Beer El jugo/ el zumo- Juice El chocolate- chocolate El pastel/ la tarta- cake La galleta- biscuit Las patatas fritas- crisps La priuleta- Lollipop El toffee- Toffee La pastilla de menta- Mint sweets El chicle- Chewing gum La gominola- Fruit gum La lechuga- lettuce La cebolla- Onion Las alubias- beans La mantequilla- Butter El helado- ice cream El té- tea La limonada- lemonade El chocolate caliente- hot chocolate La cola- cola El vino rosado- rose wine El vino tinto- red wine El vino blanco- white wine La sopa- soup
Comer- to eat/ have lunch Desayunar- to have breakfast Tomar- to take/drink Beber- to drink Cenar- to dine/ have dinner Cocinar- to cook Hornear- to bake Freír- to fry
Biológico/a- organic orgánico/a - organic Vegeteriano/a - vegeterian  Delicioso/a- delicious
*this is based off of Spanish in Spain  ** I am not a learner- please let me know if any of these are wrong (esp if it’s an accent missing)
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hippielotus · 2 years
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hippielotus · 2 years
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Keep calm drink coffee and keep on Studying 📚✨
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hippielotus · 2 years
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hippielotus · 2 years
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20-21/70 days of productivity: 29-30/12
Done with the reproductive tract module, still have some questions on uworld but these will have to wait
Also, what’s better than study with me videos? Study with me livestreams with everyone being supportive in the chat, this year’s magical discovery probably
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hippielotus · 2 years
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Mirabel! 🦋
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hippielotus · 2 years
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hippielotus · 2 years
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Only 9/25 people passed our pharm class…. Clinicals in the hospital start next week…. My grade goes from an A to a F every other day….. I feel like I’m living in a panic attack on pause…. But on the bight side this class is more concept based which is better because pharm was so much memorization and I was so afraid I wasn’t going to pass but here we are….
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hippielotus · 2 years
“She loves hard because she knows how it feels to be loved so little.”
— iliketoquote.com
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hippielotus · 2 years
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happy little trees
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hippielotus · 2 years
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Loft in Little Italy [1080x1345]
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hippielotus · 2 years
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