hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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The Top 5 Scientific Ways Your Pet Helps You Live Longer. And How You Can Legally Take Them Everywhere | Advertorial For Supportpets.com
Every wonder what life would be like if you could bring your pet to work, or school? Ever wonder if it would help or make no difference at all? Well, so did Mariah J. Picard from the University of Maine! (Us Star Trek fans will try not to get side tract by that really cool last name!)
Mariah, and her team, conducted a study with 35 participants to find out if there was any benefit from the physical presence of dogs.
The participants took a questionnaire at the start of the study. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gauge positivity and negativity on a scale. The scale included mood, anxiety, and stress as levers. 
After the questionnaire the participants were split into two groups. Group 1 had 5 minutes of interaction with a dog. Group 2 watched an instructional video where dogs were present. 
After the timed interaction or video the participants were given the same questionnaire. Group 1 showed improved levels of positivity in all levers! Increased mood, decreased levels of stress and decreased anxiety. Group 2 showed no change.
Proving the positive affects of physical presence of dogs! 
The American Heart Association echoed the same findings, but extended them to all pets!
That’s great, but how does all this positivity help you live longer? 
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Pets Help Reduce Work Related Stress
According to the American Heart Association stress may lead to high blood pressure, which can pose a risk for heart attack and stroke! It also, according to Hopkins Medicine, increases inflammation in your body and lowers HDL cholesterol. (That’s the good one)
Having just 5 minutes of interaction with your pet has be scientifically been proven to reduce stress. Possibly saving your heart and your brain!
2. They Help Manage Anxiety
While stress can be short lived, anxiety is different. Those who suffer from anxiety experience more long term effects. That means they are at higher risk for basically everything. It’s more common than people want to believe. Pets have been proven to assist in managing long term anxiety and even anxiety attacks! Giving you and your body much need relaxation. Maybe even extending your life by doing so!
3. Increased Productivity
Having lower stress, anxiety, and blood pressure, because pets having calming effects, make employees more cordial and productive according to Applied Psychology at USC! Because of all the direct benefits of pets a side effect is a greater ability to get things done! How cool is that?!
4. Increased Activity
Pet owners have been proven to be more active. Makes sense. You have to walk them. Get them social. We all know from P.E. class that more activity leads to a healthier and happier life.
5. Decreased Feeling Of Loneliness
This is a big one!  The News In Health Organization (NIH) reported that research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s Disease, and even death. Ouch, that’s a big scary list! Let’s make it less scary by pointing out that simply having and loving your pet decreases and can even eliminate feeling lonely!
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How absolutely incredible they are!
Bet you’re wondering, “This all sounds really great, but my job and my apartment won’t let me have my pet with me.” 
Enter ESA!
What’s an ESA?
We’re glad you asked! An ESA is an Emotional Support Animal. An animal that provides  relief from life halting things like stress and anxiety through companionship. No, you don’t have to be “crazy” to get approved! 
If work gets overwhelming sometimes and your pet calms you and helps you relax, this is for you! If learning your in-laws are coming stresses you out, first you’re not alone and second this is for you. If for any reason your pet helps you feel better in any way, an ESA is for you!
What are the benefits of an ESA?
It’s more than just a cute name, and no it’s not made up! An ESA is legal documentation that allows your pet to be with you always! Even in places with a no pet policy!Nervous? Don’t be! 
Official ESAs are protected by the FHA (Fair Housing Agreement). Even if your apartment doesn’t allow pets!
Official ESAs are protected by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) So your boss can’t get rid of you because you bring your pet to work! YOUR PROTECTED!
You and your pet are welcome in more stores, restaurants, and shops!
How do you get ESA approved?
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Great news! You’re already where you need to be! Support Pets has a super simple 3 step process to get your best friend certified as an ESA!
Step 1. Qualify Online
Take our short 3 minute questionnaire. We ask simple and direct questions to make sure we can get you qualified! 99% approval! Click the button below to get started! 
Step 2. Order ESA
After your qualification is verified, complete your order for your ESA and federal protection anywhere you live and work!
Step 3. Doctor Approval
Within 24-48 hours a state certified Doctor in your state will approve your ESA! This makes it official and legal, and you get to enjoy all of the benefits and protection of having your very own ESA!
That’s it! See super simple! Don’t wait any longer! 
Why should you chose Support Pets?
✓Quick and Easy Qualification 
✓99% Approval
✓Unbeatable Customer Service
✓100% Money Back Guarantee
✓Express Processing, Only 24-48 hours from Apply To Approval
✓Board Certified Doctors In Your State
✓Discounted ESA Gear
✓50% OFF If You Have A Friend Who Has Used Support Pets
✓$20 Amazon Gift Card For Every Friend You Help Get Their Very Own ESA
Every month you wait to certify your ESA you’re bleeding unnecessary money in pet rent, time away from your best friend, and possibly.... increasing your health risk! Qualify today! 
Go to www.supportpets.com
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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These Halloween Items Will Make People Run From Your House In Fear | For 22words.com
It's Halloween and you're back to being a kid. You walk down the street as your favorite character that year and see that one house. The one house that's decked out and you know that the candy is going to be amazing. Probably full size bars! If you can be brave enough to get close. We all remember those.
Well, it's our turn to be that house. Our turn to give those memories to our kid's generation. If you're into the holidays like our family is, then I'm excited to share these 22 Halloween Amazon finds with you! Whether you live in a suburb or an apartment, this list will undoubtably make your house the most wicked in your neighborhood. Pun intended.
All links have been shut off. 22words has exclusive ownership over this content. It is being used specifically to show writing ability and experience.
Cats For Hocus Pocus Vibes
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I loved the movie Hocus Pocus! Still do! I shared it with my kids and now it's a halloween tradition. These cats totally give me Hocus Pocus vibes. They are simple cut outs, but the the silhouette with the hollow eyes looks creepy. Especially when you get down this list and add back lighting.
Cut Off Hands To Scare The Greedy Candy Grabbers
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Nothing like some good ol' scare tactics. We've all experienced them. The kid that can't seem to get enough candy when they reach into the bowl. I have one. My daughter always tries to grab more than her fair share. Put some strategic severed hands around the front door with a little fog, give 'em something to think about.
Halloween Classic Caution Tape
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Growing up my mom would binge watch CSI. Obviously, this classic caution tape was in every episode. Signaling that yet another on the loose killer had left a dead body behind. Makes you look around in fear wondering who it is. Perfect.
Deceivingly Real Looking Door Mat
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I'll be honest. I thought this was one of those products that looks good in the photos, but when it arrives you're disappointed. Then I saw the reviews. This thing is so freaky! You just might have more left over candy than you planned.
Dementors! Expecto Patronum!
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Amazon list this as a "Floating Reaper". Come on, us Potter fans know this is a Dementor. Up there just feeding on happiness. Slightly lit by the floating candles this is a perfect addition to any fan setup!
I can not wait for Halloween. The sweets, the ambiance, the kids excited to dress up. So much fun. Hope you found some pretty cool stuff in this special Halloween addition! You're still here? Check out more below!
For the full 22 item list check out 22words.com. I really love working with them. Sometimes the content can get a little cheesy, but who doesn't love a little cheese once in a while!? Especially, around the holidays. Give me double.
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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Weird & Easy Trick To Get A FREE Website
About 2 months ago I started applying to agency writing jobs on LinkedIn. Almost everyone of them asked for an online portfolio! I didn't want another monthly expense. So, I started digging.
After A LOT of searching I came across a really easy solution to having a free portfolio website! The site you're on now is that solution.
Is it Squarespace, Wix, or some other fancy website builder? No, but it looks professional and does what I need it to do. This works for portfolios, resumes, blogs, professional services, and over the phone/in person sales.
Whats this not good for? E-commerce. If you want to sell products online direct, this option would not be good for you.
The only problem, then, is the platform I chose puts their logos and promos everywhere! Including the url address.
The site I'm referring to is.... Tumblr!
That's right you're on Tumblr right now. With a few easy tweaks we can have our own unbranded FREE site. Why? Because Tumblr gives you access to their code! Whuhahaha!
Now, before you get freaked out it's way more simple than you think!
I went to stackoverflow. A popular coding forum platform. There, people share coding solutions to problems online. Our problem is we want another company's branding off our site! Right?! Here are the steps I followed to get the site you're looking at now.
Step 1: Create a Tumblr Account
Step 2: Buy a domain. Ok Ok it's not totally free. But this is a once a year $12. I used Godaddy. Do yourself a favor and pull the trigger. It looks way more professional. Plus, when you own a domain you can get a fully custom email, instead of using gmail or whatever you use.
Step 3: Connect Domain to your Tumblr. Tumblr has the simple instructions on their site.
Step 4: Add a free theme. There are actually a TON of them. Just go to the edit appearance setting, on the top left you'll see an option that says browse themes. There are really great free ones, and some awesome purchase options.
Step 5: Add code to Theme. Go to your profile page. Hit "Edit Appearance" then hit "Edit Theme" scroll all the way down then hit "Advanced Options" In the "Add Custom CSS" box copy and paste this code:
.tmblr-iframe-compact .tmblr-iframe--unified-controls {display:none!important;} tumblr_controls, .tmblr-iframe{display:none!important;}
There you go! An almost FREE website. You go to Tumblr to upload content and show the world what you're capable of! You can add video, photos, blogs, your resume, LinkedIn profile link. Just about everything you would add to a self promoting website.
Speaking of self promotion! If you, or your company, are in need of a copy/content writer look no further! You can see samples of my work in the archives section of this site. The first project is free! For real this time. LOL. If you like it lets talk about terms. If you don't... No obligation no hard feelings!
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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5 Practical Items on Amazon That Make Great Gifts! | for BrainJolt Media
I find gift giving hard. Oh, feels good to finally get that out! Wedding showers, baby showers, house warming parties, birthdays, anniversaries... It feels like it goes on forever! Then if you're on the receiving end, it’s worse. No one else knows what to give, so you get a giant pile of, “I have no idea what to do with all of this”.
So, you put most of it in the garage. It stays there forever, or you try regifting hoping you're not giving it to the person who gave it to you. Come on, don’t act like you’ve never done it!
Let’s end that now! There is no better feeling, in the gift giving world, than when you visit months later and you see your gift being proudly displayed and actually used! Here are my top 5 PRACTICAL gifts! In a rush? All of them are on Amazon Prime! We got your back!
We hope you find these products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We are a participant in the Amazon affiliate program and we may have additional affiliate relationships with some of the products featured here – as such, our company may receive a share of sales from links on this page. Prices on Amazon fluctuate so anything mentioned below might change as soon as we publish it!
1. Assassinate Their Toaster, Microwave, & Oven!
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via ninjakitchen.com
This beast is the Ninja DZ201 Foodi! An Air Fryer with 2 Independent Frying Baskets! My family had the classic 1 basket. When it finally gave out we got this Ninja, LIFE CHANGING! Now my veggies don’t taste like my kids chicken nuggets! I honestly don’t remember the last time I used my microwave, toaster, or oven. Seriously. I’ve roasted a whole chicken in this thing!
2. The Cold Weather Heaven Cooker!
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via InstantHome.com
This Instant Pot has almost 50,000 4.5 star reviews on Amazon. You’re definitely in safe hands! I actually received this model as a wrap gift on a production I worked on a couple years ago. I’m never coming back CrockPot.... Never! If you love slow cooker meals? Imagine having that same meal with all the flavors in 4% of the time. Now stop drooling! It’s real. I’ve even used this when I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer! It was still amazing!
3. Coffee Snob Approved!
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via Amazon
As a self admitted coffee snob, Nespresso is the business! I could never get on board with pods and pod machines. I always felt like it was substandard coffee. Then, I tried Nespresso pods! That thick foam you see in the picture is not fake! That’s really how this liquid happiness comes out of the spout. This machine reads a bar code on the fully recyclable capsule, and pushes through just the right amount of water. With one button. If Rolls Royce made a coffee machine. This would be it!
4. Spa For Their... Nether Regions!
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via HelloTushy.com
The Tushy Spa 3.0 bidet. Or as I call it, “The one thing I’ll grab even if there’s a fire!”. This is my number one! I’ve saved it until now because I needed you to trust me. If you give this as a gift it will be... really freakin awkward. Then one week later you’re going to get a call from your new best friend. (TMI warning: I know when a visitor has tried mine when I hear a loud scream, followed by uncontrollable laughter. Then they emerge a refreshed convert.)
5. For 11am, When Their Battery Is Dead!
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via Amazon
The Anker 622 MagGo is every social scroller & YouTube binge watcher’s dream! Let’s be honest, even with the latest battery upgrades most of can’t get to lunch without that “low battery” alert. The Anker requires no wires, magnetically attaches to your iPhone, and folds out into a stand! It comes in mint, baby blue, purple, black, and white!
We hope you enjoyed this list! Let us know what your favorite practical gifts are! Gift cards don’t count.
Still here? Check out some our other articles down below!
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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How I Turned $480 Into $40,000 With One Facebook Ad
How it started
In 2020 I had already been working in the emergency room in Los Angeles for 4 years. Working only three 12 hour shifts a week I had plenty of time, so I experimented with e-commerce. I created an ER staff apparel company called ER Hero. It did well, but the profit margins were very low. After about 2 years I decided to discontinue and move on to freelance ad management. I found my favorite part of e-comm was figuring out creative ways to beat the control, the ad performing the best. Most of my clients were personal training gyms. You can see where this is going…
Covid came and along with disrupting the entire world decided to wipe out my entire client niche. 
On top of that, believe it or not, the ER started cutting my shifts. Because of the pandemic people with scrapes, coughs, fevers, and other minor illnesses stopped coming. So there was a HUGE decrease in traffic and the ER was bleeding money. So their response was to cut shifts. 
Seemed like overnight over half of my income was wiped out! It’s not as bad as others had it but it was still a giant blow with no end in sight.
Sitting at the kitchen table with my wife, kids asleep,  we talked about what we could do. At that moment she happened to be working on a balloon garland for her friends baby shower. It was a new hobby of hers. Completely clueless we didn’t think anything of it. 
The party went well and her friend, Kaitlin, kept thanking my wife repeatedly! Confused my wife asked why. Turns out Kaitlin did some research and tried to hire a balloon company to do the project and the cheapest quote was $800! For some balloons!
With crazy enthusiasm in her voice my wife called me while still at the party! She said, “I figured out what we're going to do!”
How it happened
That night I made and posted our first Facebook ad for what would become Dreamy Balloons LLC.
We got decent results. 2-3x ROAS.
Later that month she did a project for a little girl’s 4th birthday. The reaction was so cute I was desperate to get the parents to let me use the video as an ad. They did.  
We did $5/day per ad set to start. Lead ad campaign with 20 different ad sets, target audiences, all with the same ad and headlines.
Parent magazine and parents of (various age groups) were our stand outs. 
Over the summer of 2020 we only spent a total of $480 on ads. How’s that possible? 
We would get over 200 leads in under 24 hours. Our average conversion rate was over 80%! 
On only $480 ad spend we ended the summer with just over $40,000 and a 75% profit margin!
Leads would become customers, customers would become repeat customers, who would refer other leads for discounts, and the cycle repeated! 
My wife wanting to keep the business small, read the amazing book "Small Giants", has had so many referrals that we haven't published ads since.
If you would like help doing something similar, or just looking for a copywriter? Punch that "ask me anything" button, up top, and let's talk!
Fingers crossed,
Kevin Anderson
Reviews, everyone loves reviews!
“Kevin has an insightful way of identifying the key elements of your brand strengths and teach you how to communicate them effectively to the marketplace. Kevin has an entrepreneur’s heart and a desire for every business owner to be empowered to succeed.”
-Karim Prince, koinsystems.com
“Kevin’s business strategy and perspective helped me avoid common pitfalls that many small business owners experience. His passion and drive for success will be an asset to anyone looking for their business ventures to succeed!”
-Najah Bey, @Masoncookie.la on Instagram
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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You Probably Don't Need A Consultant, Here's Why!
As a general rule I hate most types of consulting. You pay a crap load of money then they nit pick your business and give you a list of changes that typically have little to no ROI. Yuck!
Majority of the time you don't need a consultant. You already know what you could do. You're procrastinating.
"The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a theory maintaining that 80 percent of the output from a given situation or system is determined by 20 percent of the input. The principle doesn't stipulate that all situations will demonstrate that precise ratio – it refers to a typical distribution"
Find what 20% of actions, clients, employees, & policies are contributing 80% of your Profit. Retrain, refrain, and re-evaluate the rest.
IF you still absolutely feel you need help doing this...
My ONLY focus is to help you identify the biggest needle movers. I don’t care that your accounting department uses Pilot pens and not cheap BIC. OR, that your HR department wants more extensive recruiting requirements.
I’m interested if there is redundancies in payroll costing you tens of thousands of unnecessary dollars. What processes can easily and cheaply be automated? Im interested to see if you have a re-targeting campaign and value ladder. Are your landing pages converting as well as they should? Are you testing different variables against a control to make sure your optimized? These are the things we would tackle!
If this seems up your alley send me an email with the following:
Number of years in business?
Number of full time employees that are NOT family members?
Goals for the business?
What your biggest struggles have been?
Talk soon
P.S. Everyone likes a good review!
“Kevin has an insightful way of identifying the key elements of your brand strengths and teach you how to communicate them effectively to the marketplace. Kevin has an entrepreneur’s heart and a desire for every business owner to be empowered to succeed.”
—Karim Koinsystems.com
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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Your Mission Statement Is Boring, Here's How To Fix It!
In a world flooded with billions of content pieces and a digital marketing agency on every corner how do you get attention?!
How do you let the people you can help most see you? Yes, you can use the latest digital platforms as a tool, and you should!
However, start with what connects people to grass root movements! What hits them in the soul and makes them support a cause? Work on THAT strategy! Work on your mission!
It doesn't have to be a "Save the world" type of thing. It can be as simple as, "Making kids in Arizona joy", or, " forming better parent relationships".
Your company mission needs to be sharable and something people can get on board with. Hashtag-able if you will.
I worked for a company who's mission statement was, "To be the hospital of choice in our community."
That doesn't excite anyone. It sounds greedy. It just sounds like all you want is their money.
What if it was, "Building a healthier and happier community".
I feel like that mission I could get behind. It sounds like you do more than just take sick people's money.
Companies tend to have different mission statements from their marketing slogans. I'm suggesting you make them the same. Don't hide your mission. Get your tribe on board with it! Make it a life improvement movement! Then live it out!
We need to constantly be testing different angles. Direct pitch, goodwill content, community programs, kid programs, testimonies, all of these can be effective marketing if real effort is behind them.
A company that just slaps their name on a banner at the local high school football game is not doing anything! However, what if they had community programs for the those kids who struggle with school but the parents can't afford tutors. Then do PR to make sure the community knew about the program.
What effect would a local company have if they organized and promoted a community clean up day. Showing they appreciate and want to care for the community they serve? Creating hashtags like #cleanupLA or #TheTulsaScrub. Sharing them all over social. Verses, slapping their logo on a local bus stop and putting up some FB ads.
Obviously those ideas would be more for a brick and mortar. Everyone is going hard on digital. I'm one of them. However, effective marketing is more than just an online ad manager. You have to give your tribe an authentic reason to engage with you!
A lot of digital companies donate a % of sales to their favorite causes. That way people feel like they contributed to a good cause when they buy your product/service. That works. It's one idea. Just know most people are suspicious until they actually see the good you're doing.
The old, "Show, don't tell".
Get involved beyond just sending a deposit. Get your hands dirty and show your tribe you actually care about the cause.
It's not bragging. The world is full of negativity. It's time to make positivity, kindness, and empathy LOUD!
To wrap this up, your mission statement needs to be a declaration about what your company actually cares about. Then you live out in FRONT of your tribe.
If you want help creating a sharable mission with your niche community, reach out by punching the "ask me anything" button up top! Let's talk about some ideas and brainstorm together!
Fingers crossed,
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hirekevinanderson · 2 years
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Read This If You Want Your Ads To Make Money!
So many companies copy big corp marketing that is designed for general brand awareness, and try to use it for direct response! Don't make that mistake. You might as well lite your money on fire...
But, there is a different way! A way that works now, better than it ever has.
Actually helping them solve a freakin problem!
Stick out from your competitors using goodwill, value, and legit calls to action to help your customers move toward pleasure or avoid pain!
From an eye catching headline, to gripping story based research backed copy, you need to show you're part of the community!
Your ads, product descriptions, blogs, and articles need to engage your target audience! Help them solve problems.
Speak their language! Connect with what they care about most, and as Robert Collier said, "Enter the conversation already going on in their head!"
You gain trust from your target market by helping them solve a problem in your social posts, ads, and any other marketing material!
At minimum you should be spending the time learning what their biggest problems are. Then show them you understand THEM.
There is this really great quote: "trust you with little, trust you with much."
So many jump straight to the sale and never foster a relationship. Return customers are the life of a business, not one time sales.
Life time value!
If you need help brainstorming how to do this for your company smash that "ask me anything" button. We can do this together.
Talk soon!
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