hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
About me
My name is Hiroyuki Noda. I'm a professional poker player. I also enjoy playing baccarat (Pacino) and slot machines (Pacino). On the portal OnlineCasino-JP24.com, I am the chief editor. I write about my personal experience. The most challenging experience of gambling on the Internet begins with choosing the type of casinos online that match your needs best. The casino professionals at https://onlinecasino-jp24.com/ have carefully selected the best Japanese online casinos, making it easy to choose safe and reliable popular casino games.
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 The game will be enjoyable more and will become more comfortable of the game's rules, so it may be worthwhile to use certain strategies. If you use the correct strategies to increase your odds and play more successfully when playing online casinos. Basic strategies for beginners can help you maximize the amount of money you earn. An effective strategy is essential for players who are just beginning their journey. You don't want to just enjoy playing, you're looking to make the most of your earnings. We wish you much fun and success in this game.
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hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
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Some recent Magic stuff!
Maestros Ascendancy + Elegant Entourage For Magic: The Gathering - Streets of New Capenna AD Cynthia Sheppard
Xander's Wake + Menagerie Curator for Alchemy: New Capenna AD Deborah Garcia
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hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
hey wanna know a thing you can do that is free, requires essentially no effort and will make someone working a shitty job’s day/week/potentially life materially better?
Next time you encounter some kind of problem that requires you to call or chat a customer service line, if the person that you speak with resolves your issue, just send or say something along these lines:
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look, i’ve worked at an inbound call center, and the job is rough on the good days - on the real bad ones, it fucking sucks. It’s inherent to the gig:
Every caller is annoyed and in a bad mood to some degree before they’ve even finished navagating the phone tree because something has already gone wrong enough that they need assistance from a remote customer service employee.
Depending on how bad the wait in the queue is, they’re gonna be angrier by the time they talk to an employee, and there is always a wait, because there’s always a queue, because there will always be fewer reps than there are callers, because if the employeer didn’t chronically understaff the call center, they might theoretically have to pay an employee for the odd 30 seconds of idle time between calls and that is unacceptable.
Meanwhile, the rep is having their clock watched by their supervisor, and they are supposed to make each call as brief as possible because there are so many people waiting in the queue. Their supervisor will monitor average call time and the worker may be disciplined if that number gets too high. The supervisor is also potentially recording any of the rep’s calls without any indication that they’re doing so.
This means that the gig becomes “dealing with an irate customer with a problem that might be incredibly complex as fast as humanly possible without making any errors or indicating anything but polite deference” in case the employer uses a recording of one of the worst calls to support your firing or justify your layoff. You must be constantly on.
Finally, because the whole experience is so unpleasant for everyone involved, compliments or thanks are vanishingly rare. That means you have very little to point as proof of your value to when you’re negotiating for a raise. But in my experience, when you routinely get customer feedback like this? It’s huge. It’s what keeps you employed when the economy takes a nosedive, it’s what gets you raises or promotions during the good times, it makes you less of an interchangeable cog in the machine as far as management is concerned - especially if the customer ensures to either speak to or message the supervisor and make sure they hear your feedback directly, and especially especially if you mention that bit about how you were going to take your business to a competitor but then this specific employee fixed it for you.
Also, you know, it can be the one bright moment in someone’s shitty workday, and trust me, sometimes those moments of kindness are everything.
It’s a shitty system because capitalism is a nightmare and the profit motive is so obviously the cause of just about everything that makes customer support gigs like this hell, but it’s a necessary, incredibly unappreciated job, and until the revolution comes, this is some wildly low effort praxis in furtherance of supporting our fellow workers.
One last note: I don’t think the users of this particular website are the target market for this instruction, but don’t do that shit where you start off by demanding to know where the employee helping you is physically located, we don’t treat people worse just because they aren’t from the same country, and if you’re speaking to them? They’re dealing with the same shit I outlined above whether they’re in Milwaukee or Mumbai. Probably goes without saying, butttttttt you wouldn’t believe how awful people get about that.
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hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
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Online misinformation campaign
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hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
i can't believe i'm not old enough to rent a car, but i'm old enough to help design rockets and planes like that makes sense
engineering things
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hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
Sharing is gifting Ad-Free Browsing—on mobile!
The wait is over. From today, you can gift Ad-Free Browsing to other users on mobile. If you love giving presents and know someone who doesn’t love ads on Tumblr and they have an Android or iPhone, this will be great news. You can gift an ad-free month to a special someone at $4.99 or a whole ad-free year at $39.99 (that’s 4 months for $0!). You can include a little note with your present, or even send it anonymously. So why not show them you love them—and tell them, if you like—with the gift of Ad-Free Browsing on Tumblr? 
It could not be easier. Simply tap on the gift icon on the recipient’s blog header, and you’re away! The recipient’s dash will be ad-free across all platforms once it is received.
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You can find out more about this in our handy Help Center article. Any questions? Then please drop us a line on @wip or Support, and keep an eye out for more updates on @changes.
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hiroyukinoda91 · 2 years
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🌞 Sun and Moon 🌙
After a very long time I’m finally back with uploading my art! This is one of several paintings which I did this year and you can expect to see more soon. Like usually, I’ll still mostly post surreal art but I did have to shift back to painterly because of my Carpal Tunnel. I do hope you like this piece and that you look forward to see others! It was done in Photoshop CC and Wacom Cintiq 27QHD.
Official site | Displate | Instagram | DeviantART | ArtStation | Twitter
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