hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Yay !!!! You updated Ima go read. I'll be back! 😊😊
Lol okay boo
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Okay guys I’ll try with this but each chapter has been a struggle but I hope I can finish. Y’all gotta y’all part too because if I’m not getting feedback I’ma really feel like this fanfic ain’t shit and delete it.
Enjoy/leave feedback
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
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“You child is finally sleeping” Storm said as she fell back onto the bed “I told you she wasn’t going to go to bed if you were in the room with her” she added
I smiled lightly at the huge attachment that Kai has grown for me even though it has only been a couple of days. I can’t say I wasn’t loving this feeling.
I shrugged “What can I say” I smirked causing her to roll her eyes “So tell me, how do you like it?” she asked
“Like what?” I asked
“Being a father” she said
I shrugged my shoulders “It’s a new feeling” I mumbled “Even though I knew all this time I had a kid, I didn't make it register the way it was supposed to because, you know” I said
She nodded “And what about now?” she questioned
“And now… it’s like… I been wanted to keep her safe just off the fact that she has my blood running through her but now it’s like damn that’s my kid, ya know?” I asked
She nodded “That’s that feeling you get when you realized you’re no longer living for yourself, you have a whole other person that’s depending on you to keep them self” she said
I nodded “Yeah something like that I guess. It’s a different kind of love that I never thought I would ever experience” I said honestly
“So you would want another one?” she asked hopefully
“What! I’m there’s like three pregnant chicks at my job and they’re making me have baby fever” she pout
“Poking out that bottom lip is not going to make me say yes” I said “At least not right now, we in the middle of a war baby and I can’t add any more lives to the equation” I explained
She nodded with forwarded eyebrows “A war? What kind of war?” she asked
“Nothing that you need to worry about, I’m taking care of it” I wrapped my arm around her body and pulled her closer to me
I mean it when I say nothing is happening to anybody else that I love and nothing is damn sure happening to me because I got way too many people depending on me to go fuck around and get myself killed.
“So…” she said throwing her leg over my waist
“So what?” I asked side eying her
I hope she’s not about to ask me more questions about this shot because the less she knew, the better.
“I spoke to August while earlier” she continued
“Uh huh…” I said urging her to hurry up and say what is she had say
“Why aren’t you going to his graduation now?” she asked
I kissed my teeth, I knew they would link up about this shit. I knew better than to think the graduation topic would be dropped so easily.
“Does it matter?” I asked
“What the fuck do you mean ‘does it matter’? Yes nigga it matters” she poked into my chest with her claws causing me to wince “Why?” I questioned grabbing her finger before she could do anymore damage
“Because, if you don’t go, he won’t go” she said
“Fuck you mean, he ain’t going? He going!” I know that nigga not about to have my parents down in Miami for no damn reason and after all that money I spent in putting his ass through that expensive ass private school, he not going? He better walk his ass across that stage
“He’s not going to go because his motivation for going won’t be there” she held an attitude in her voice
“I’m not the only one that was pushing him to go to school though-”
“But you were the main one telling him that this wasn’t life you wanted for him, am I wrong?” she asked
I bit the inside of my lip “It’s not that I don’t want to go and you know that, I want to see him cross that stage that’s almost impossible for me to do since the situation I’m in. I’m trying to be burned out of people’s mind before I go around showing my face again and a couple of months is just too much of a short notice” I explained
“Well you are the master of disguise” she joked “Figure it out somehow because I already promised him that you were coming” she smiled brightly up at me
“This is what you doing now? Making my mind up for me?” I questioned
She nodded “Uh huh! Because what I say goes” she said placing a kiss on my lips
* * *
“I know y’all want me out and I will be but I have to pick something up right quick” Storm said as she quickly made her way over to the entertainment system and picked up Kai’s iPad
“I always knew you were bougie as fuck Stormy, this house is a mini mansion girl!” Mijo exclaimed as his eyes roamed the spacious living room
She chuckled “I only like the best of the best Barry, you know that” she said
“That’s why she’s with me nigga” I added
She rolled her eyes “Yeah because you’re the best of the best Kyron” she said sarcastically causing Mijo to chuckle “Anyways, I can only hold Kai off for so long because she’s nagging me about you” she said
“We’re almost finished, right?” I asked looking at Mijo for confirmation
“Oh yeah, this won’t take much longer” he smiled at her
She looked at us weirdly “Okay, I can take a hint. I’ll see you guys in a few” she said before leaving walking out
I waited until I was certain she was out of earshot before turning to Mijo “What were you saying now?” I asked in a hushed tone
“So you never slipped up and told Kid about your parents right?” he asked matching the same tone I was using
I shook my head “You’re the only one that knows. His father thinks that he killed them back in fire 7 years ago” he nodded “So he must believe they’re dead too, so to them Aug is the only family you have left”
“Yup!” I nodded “I’m just trying to figure out why they didn’t try shit with Aug, shit even with you. Y’all the closest ones to me right now” I mumbled
“Yeah, weird huh?” he asked nervously
“What happened?” I asked calmly
“Huh? What you talking about” he asked trying to play stupid
“What the fuck happened while I was away!” I did my best not to get loud so that Storm wouldn’t hear me
“Fuck” he cursed lowly “There was a fire…” he mumbled trailing off
“Uh huh” I motioned for him to go on
“At Aug’s crib” my eyes closed when those words left his mouth “But you know Aug is smarter than that, he smelt the gas as soon as he walked through the door and was able to make it out the house before that shit blew. Whoever did that shit was sloppy as hell with it”
My eyes reopened and focused on him “That’s why he called me saying he wanted to move all out of the blue and you backed him up with it?” I questioned
“Yeah” He nodded
“If someone wasn’t trying to beat me to it, I’ll kill both of y’all” he tried to say something but I held my hand up to stop him “Y’all didn’t even think of telling me?” I asked
“You about to kill somebody right now, just imagine how you would have acted if we told you back then?” he asked
“Besides my kid and my parents, August is the only blood I have left. You know they not going to stop until they kill my brother or whoever close to me and that shit ain’t happening, not on my watch it ain’t” I said as I sat back and started to think
“It’s been a year, why hasn’t he tried again?” Mijo asked
“They’re gonna do it at a time no one is gonna expect it” I mumbled
His eyes searched my face and it was like something clicked in his head “His graduation?”
I nodded slowly “Most likely”
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I remember just how much I hated when Mijo and Kyron linked up, they were always whispering about some super-secret ship that I wasn’t allowed to hear.
They always made it clear that my presence wasn’t wanted nor was it needed. I have half a mind to kick both their asses out of my damn house.
“I wanna go see daddy” Kai whined as she tried to get out of my arms
I took a deep breath because the last thing I needed to add to my stress was an unruly toddler “You have to wait for a little bit babe, he’s really busy right now” I said
“What he doing?” she asked
“He’s talking about important things” I tried to explain even though I wasn’t too sure myself what the hell he was talking about
“More imp­-… more than me?” she pouted
I chuckled at her totally giving up on trying to say important “No sweetheart, he just wants to get it over with so he could spend more time with you” I said
She nodded and I guess she finally understood what I was trying to say because she started play with her pad without any more chatter.
I sighed in relief because I was going to finally be able to get some work done on my laptop. About twenty minutes into my work there was a very much unexpected knock at my door.
I had half a nerve not to get up and get it but there were more than one car outside and there were a couple of lights on.
“Stay right here, I’m going to go answer the door okay” I said as I placed Kai in a seat of her own
She nodded barely paying me any kind of mind.
I quickly made my way to the door and looked through the peephole “Breeze? What the hell are you doing here?” I asked as I swung the door open
“Nice to see you too sis” she said sarcastically
“No I’m happy to see you” I said pulling her into a hug “Fuck!” I mouthed “But for real what are you doing here?” I asked
“Mom said to check on you because you’ve been acting weird lately so I came to spend the weekend with my sister and niece” she smiled “Plus I heard what happened with Kyron so, I’m also here to comfort” she said as we pulled apart
I swear my Mom is always up in somebody’s business. I didn’t need this shit right now but I knew I had to tell Breeze because I never really lied to her and being that I couldn’t just turn her away since she came from so far.
 She was going to find out sooner or later what was going on.
“Breeze, come in” I said grabbing her by the arm and yanking her into the house before slamming the door shut “Um, Mijo’s here…” I trailed off
She looked at me strangely “And why in hell’s name would Mijo be at your house Storm?” she asked
I swallowed hard “Because um... there’s something I need to tell you” I quickly said
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Finally got a new awesome story to put on my bookmark. I really love how they getting along again. I just wish Ky wasn't so hard at first lol cause technically he fucked up. But they so cute ! I'm glad they slowly becoming happy. I hope Ky really realizes what he got.
Thank you hun. Yeah he had major issues in the beginning (still kinda does) b t they are trying to make it work which is a good thing.
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
No continue I love this story. I would be upset if you don't. It was soo good
Aww man I don’t want to upset anyone
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
NO i will be waitin fa ya at the doe 💁💁💁💁 FINISH(PLEASE) 😘😘😘😘
No let this joke die
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Well you did say it was supposed to be a short.. 😒
I did say that...
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Nooo continue ..one of my faves ❤
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
I love this fan fic so much.😌🙌 keep updating!
Thank you
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
it’s coming
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Wait does breeze know about her sister having a baby like where is she Lol. Does mijo be keeping an eye on her like ky did with storm or nah ??
Yeah she does know. Hopefully you’ll find that out
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
No you should finish it. It's so different from all the other fanfics out here 😩❤️
You think? Thanks I guess
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Please continue, I love this story!!
I hope I can
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Continue this ! If anything revamp it but I love the concept it was getting really interesting .
I don’t want to revamp either, I’m really indecisive right now
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Please keep this fanfic!
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
No you didn't
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hisandherfiendff · 9 years
Nooooooo! You can not just up and leave this story. That's so unfair to those who actually like it and want to read on. I don't feel as if you rushed this story
I hate doing it, I’ve done it twice before because I lost interest and It’s slowly happening with this this story
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