hisfjd2 · 3 months
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hisfjd2 · 3 months
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hisfjd2 · 5 months
The things a person can find on reddit!
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hisfjd2 · 7 months
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My friend and I was watching a movie in his apartment. And it was really hot in the room, because off the radiator, so he took his shirt off. He has gotten chubby (Submission) Looking pretty soft around the gut there, he’s carrying a lot of flab.
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hisfjd2 · 8 months
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hisfjd2 · 8 months
Uhhh buddy, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to wait until *after* high school to let loose and allow your waistline to start swelling up like that. Doesn't bode real well for ya. Just sayin'
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
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They are ALWAYS happier when they let go of the abs and let the tummy make more decisions 😍😍
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
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Massive ass, and still growing.
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
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Rockin that growing belly
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
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the tummy line is increasing. eat up for your holiday to really relish the fresh chub
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hisfjd2 · 9 months
A Bro-Tastic Saga
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This is the story of Blaine, Carter, and Mason, three frat bros whose lives were forever changed by a mysterious and magical brew. Their tale began with a secret recipe, and the desire to be the kings of the frat house.
Blaine, the charismatic leader of the trio, had a thing for big guys. He had found a special brew of beer online that would turn Carter & Mason into the bros of his dreams. All he needed to do was to get each of them to drink one cup, and then the beer would take it from there...
"Guys," Blaine said, "I've got a special brew thats gonna take this party to the next level."
Carter and Mason exchanged puzzled looks. Mason spoke up, his voice tinged with curiosity, "What's the brew, Blaine?"
Blaine leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial, "We're gonna get so drunk off this beer bros! I've got this recipe from my uncle. It's a secret family formula. We'll call it 'Doughboys Beer."
The plan was set in motion. The party raged on, and Carter and Mason down their first cups of Doughboys. The frat house was filled with laughter, music, and shirtless frat bros. Little did anyone know that Blaine had laced the brew with a touch of magic.
Over time, the effects of Doughboys Beer became increasingly apparent. Carter and Mason began to pack on the pounds. Their once-toned bodies gave way to soft guts that seemed to grow by the minute.
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Carter rubbed his expanding belly, letting out a satisfied burp, "Man, I've been eating like a horse lately."
Mason patted his own soft gut, "Yeah, me too. What's happening, guys?"
Blaine, feigning innocence, shrugged, "Must be all those late-night pizzas, dudes."
The transformation continued, their softness becoming more pronounced, but what truly fascinated the bros were the newfound desires they couldn't quite explain.
Carter looked at Mason, his voice tinged with an unfamiliar attraction, "You ever feel...different around Blaine?"
Mason nodded, "Yeah, dude. It's like, I can't take my eyes off him."
Blaine couldn't help but grin, his plan working even better than he had hoped, "Guess it's just my charm, guys."
Their infatuation with Blaine only grew as they continued to consume Doughboys Beer. The two bros became lazier, spending their days lounging on the couch, munching on snacks, and craving the magical brew that seemed to have them under its spell. All while obsessing over Blaine and his god-like fit body.
Carter looked at Mason, his voice dripping with desire, "Man, I can't get enough of this beer. It's like it's calling me."
Mason agreed, "You're right, dude. We need more Doughboys Beer."
Their desires had shifted, and their craving for Blaine and the magical brew consumed their thoughts.
Blaine, in the know about the beer's enchanting properties, decided to take advantage of the situation. He encouraged their growing desire, all while maintaining his own physique for them to worship. But he stayed well clear of consuming any of the special brew himself.
One night, as the three bros were hanging out at another rager, Carter and Mason decided to hatch a plan of their own. They couldn't resist the allure of the beer any longer, and it was time to introduce Blaine to the magical elixir he had created.
Carter and Mason exchanged knowing glances and shared a chuckle. Blaine was going to taste the very brew he had concocted and used to control them.
Mason slapped Blaine on the back and practically poured the cup into Blaine's mouth, "Hey, man, you've gotta try this beer. It's epic."
Carter chimed in, "It's like, it tastes so good, dude. It will change your life."
As the magical brew touched his lips, he felt a warmth spreading through his body, followed by an overwhelming sense of desire. His senses tingled with a newfound attraction, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from Carter and Mason.
Carter leaned in, his voice low and seductive, "You feelin' it, Blaine?"
Blaine nodded, "Yeah, guys, this is amazing."
Mason joined in, "We've got more. Let's party."
The three of them drank and laughed, their inhibitions vanishing with each sip. Blaine was now under the spell of the very brew he had created, and he couldn't resist the allure of his transformed bros.
As the night wore on, Blaine's body began to change, his once-toned physique giving way to a soft, doughy middle. His t-shirt stretched across his expanding waistline, and his once-defined abs were replaced by a burgeoning belly.
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Carter and Mason watched with amusement, their desires growing stronger as they saw the changes in their once-fit leader. Blaine's attraction to them intensified, and he couldn't resist their allure. He was under their spell, just as they had once been under his.
Carter looked at Mason, his voice tinged with desire, "Man, I can't get enough of this beer. It's like it's calling me."
Mason agreed, "You're right, dude. We need more Doughboys Beer."
Their plan had worked. Blaine was now under the enchantment of the beer, and the power dynamic had shifted. He had become just as addicted to the magical brew as they were.
In the days that followed, Blaine, Carter, and Mason continued their life of indulgence, their desires and cravings entwined in a way they could never have imagined. The frat house parties were wilder than ever, and Doughboys Beer remained their secret, a source of their cravings and desires.
Blaine had unwittingly joined the ranks of the transformed, becoming just as addicted and infatuated with his two bros as they were with him. They had become a trio bound by their shared addiction.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, their indulgence knew no bounds. They reveled in their transformed physiques and the enchanting power of Doughboys Beer. Their desires grew stronger with each passing day, their cravings unrelenting.
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Their once-toned bodies had become soft and doughy, their once-healthy habits replaced by a relentless pursuit of the magical brew. Blaine, Carter, and Mason had fallen completely under its spell, and the frat house was their kingdom of indulgence.
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hisfjd2 · 10 months
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Clayton Bush
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hisfjd2 · 10 months
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Three-sport football/basketball/track star begins college, quits track and basketball, and packs on 30 lbs as he loses the need for speed and agility
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hisfjd2 · 10 months
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Lukas and his flabby little beginner belly!😂
His TikTok: Lukiauflock
Thank you for the submission!😁
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hisfjd2 · 10 months
A classic case: jock gets girlfriend, jock gets chubby
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