hislordshipharry · 7 years
The Marriage Stone Tribute: Harry and the Twins.
We got quite a few reactions to Harry’s appreciation of the twins (both sets). Needless to say nothing we ever do is by chance, to make you purely angry, to tease you or to “test the waters”. This is a Snarry story and we want to make it a epic Snarry, but by doing that we must do things that might look like we want to ruin it (if one doesn’t pay attention).
The whole Harry and the Twins have very specific end deals both in introspection and in the grand scheme of the plot: the end game.  The first one might seem a little more obscure, because those are things that we have hinted at very little, that have to do with Harry himself as a person, but his first impressions of them and the strength of it hint at something completely different. Both in his relationship and.... about other bigger things. 
The answer is right there in the story. You just have to pay a tiny bit more attention.
Rest assured, Yen and I are too wimpy to put many obstacles in the way of Snarry. Especially if those obstacles are other people, people that don’t even have to do with the bigger plot points. We might endanger them being physically together, but we wouldn’t endanger their feelings for each other. On the contrary, the twins appear at a very pivotal point in Harry’s life, so while we wanted to flesh them out a lot, their relevance will be rather limited. They are there to give Harry a tiny push towards the end revelation of his feelings.
And after that, we hope those epiphanies will be that much sweeter.
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hislordshipharry · 7 years
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This is what I imagine the Shelong brothers look like. I edited the picture to give them their characteristic golden eyes.
@ 星野 
(No profit is made here. If you are the creator of this product and wish for me to take the picture down, please message me).
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hislordshipharry · 7 years
This is how I imagine the servants at the Xia Royal Compound to look like.
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hislordshipharry · 7 years
Josephine Darcy’s fic update.
So for anyone that could have possibly missed her update on The Marriage Stone. This is the link: (x).
Both Yen and I left her very long reviews about our thoughts and feelings. Let me know if you guys want me to post them here so you can see.
I really wouldn’t dare tell you to look for them. It’s probably two thousand reviews you have to go through to find them, even if they are relatively easy to spot. As both are walls of text lol
What do you guys think of her update? Or about us keeping up with the story? Would you prefer I open submissions in case your thoughts are longer than the character limit of an ask?
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hislordshipharry · 7 years
My Tribute to Josephine Darcy’s The Marriage Stone.
Link: (x).
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hislordshipharry · 7 years
Hey there, guys!
New blog. And honestly it was a long time coming.
This blog is entirely dedicated to updates, suggestions and inquires about YenGirl’s Tribute to the Marriage Stone. Although if the conversation permits, we could talk about many more things :) Are you in the mood for introspection, to question things, to rant? Fire away! As long as it’s related to the Potterverse, or maybe even something personal! Don’t be afraid and send me an ask.
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