hismama-a · 3 years
Just a bit of a life update, since I know I haven't really been around, aside from leaving little hearts and sending some memes whenever I see them:
I was planning to get some stuff done on here and finish reblogging stuff on my new Masaki blog (same url (@hismama) if you want to re-follow, btw (but I've still got 4-5 more rows with 6 posts in each to transfer there before I can start posting new stuff, so yeah)), yet the world seems to have other plans for me, a.k.a. I suddenly got flooded with workloads + caught myself a BAD cold with bone pain and severe headaches here and there (when I don't even have the time to be sick orz).
So yeah, to everyone to whom I owe replies, be it on Rangiku or on Masaki, IC or OOC, I apologize for the extra slowness at the moment. Unfortunately, it's been really hard to translate words in my head to produce the writing that you guys deserve with everything that's been going on (as evidenced by this all-over-the-place wall of text) ._. I shall be able to get back on my feet next week, hopefully on Tuesday tops.
Until then, I'm wishing y'all a great time~!
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hismama-a · 3 years
Nvm, husband just one-hit-KO’d GF and nothing was said between them aside of taunts 😂😂😂
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hismama-a · 3 years
I’ve been rereading some old chapters to try to form a solid idea what could’ve possibly happened to Masaki’s soul after she died, and while I still have many questions I have yet to answer, one thing I can already confirm from Ichigo’s fight with Grand Fisher is that:
Masaki’s soul was NOT eaten by Grand Fisher.
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hismama-a · 3 years
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@hisdaddy​​ I never knew he actually wished to look like John Travolta 😂😂😂
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hismama-a · 3 years
My Rangiku muse whenever I’m trying to write any other character: *pulls a Mashiro and kicks the air; throwing tantrums until I come back to shower her with attention*
My Rangiku muse when I’m writing Masaki: *steps down willingly*
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hismama-a · 3 years
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@uraharashouten​ I can totally hear Kisuke going all, “You two aren’t the only ones who remember that moment like it was yesterday, you know that, right?”
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hismama-a · 3 years
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❝ d-don’t SULK now… i was just sayin’ that… w-well uh… ❞
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“Saying whaaat now, hmmm..? Louder, please, Honey... I can’t hear you...”
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hismama-a · 3 years
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hismama-a · 3 years
@hisdaddy​ || ( continued from here )
“Awh... So you think that last part was not as important? You’re no fun...”
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hismama-a · 3 years
ichigo: how did you and mom meet? i never asked…
isshin: ( Ò_Ó ) …….. (Ò/_/Ó) 
ichigo: ? yes ?
isshin: well uh …
Keep reading
Ichigo: So... Dad told me about your first meeting. How was your reaction to the entire encounter, with him being, you know... A captain-level shinigami and all that???
Masaki: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Masaki: Well... I’m glad you asked~
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(OOC note: Let’s pretend she’s still alive to see everything unfolding. I do have that verse, anyway 😛)
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hismama-a · 3 years
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hismama-a · 3 years
@hisdaddy​​ said:
“How can you get arrested on Valentine’s Day?”
“For stealing someone’s heart.”
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And here she thought, not too long ago, they would agree to proclaim her the corny one in this relationship.
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“HAHAHAH! What kind of answer is that?!”
Surely not one she hoped to hear when she caught glimpse of his captivating gaze somehow fixated on her face and asked what he was thinking.
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“Well... If that one’s considered a crime, is it okay if I just ask to borrow a kiss, then? I promise I’ll give it back~”
But of course, there’s a reason why the two of them were made for each other.
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@hisdaddy​​ also said:
“How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?”
“He gave her a ring!”
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Right when she least expected the joke train to prove itself still up and running, with her mouth currently full of the very last chug of her strawberry milkshake, the former captain struck once again—leaving his sweetheart in a fit of coughs, before her breathing eventually went steady for her snicker to take over.
“Aww, did the girlfriend say yes when she picked up the call?”
And that’s when it hits her.
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“Wait a minute... Are you— Is this...what I think— No, no... There’s no way it is, right..?”
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hismama-a · 3 years
💖 (from @hismama, because why not :Dc)
Send a 💖 and I’ll tell you what a relationship would be like with my character
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How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No (out of respect) | Probably Say “I love you” first? Yes | No (unless you want him to) Cheat on them? Yes | No Be the jealous type? Yes | No | Sometimes Plan the dates? Yes | No | Both do Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No (out of respect) Remember anniversaries? Yes | No (sorry lol)
Their Relationship Would Be:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame (Kubo can go fuck off!) | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other | plot dependent
What terrible pet names would they give each other? Bärchen and Bärchen
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hismama-a · 3 years
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❝ Masaki Kurosaki Bleach 2022 Mock-up Calendar ❞ — by Chia
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hismama-a · 3 years
This was their first February 14th as a couple.
Masaki had always been the kind who lived in the moment without ever really planning too far ahead—and yet, this one was an exception. Despite the amount of time they had spent together, weeks that turned into months of herself having held her man’s hand through all the customs and rules in the world of the living, she had purposefully left out the details about this particular date. Sure, she had mentioned it before, given that the whole marketing stunt for the flowers and the chocolates, as well as the sight of girls running around passing their gifts left and right in hope for their senpais to eventually notice them were simply impossible to ignore—but the significance of the tradition itself had remained confidential.
Until now.
Before she’d met him, the quincy had never really acknowledged the importance of commemorating love on a specific day of the year—she certainly could understand the concept of anniversaries, alright; seeing that it was a reminder of a memory familiar only to the people involved in a relationship—just...not when you had to share the occasion with everybody else in the universe. Her mindset had changed along the way, however, once she’d realized that with the right person, sometimes all you wished for was merely another excuse to shower them with your devotion.
And she wants his very first experience with the celebration to be something out of his usual, perceptive foresight.
Spending the entirety of her morning in the dorm’s kitchen measuring and mixing ingredients, to the point she literally painted her apron and face in smudges of cacao and fruit jams, it was finally time to pull her strength and actually deliver the dozen pieces of assorted truffles, confined neatly inside a small red box with a matching star-shaped ribbon atop of its lids, to her darling dearest Shinigami-san. Although she was, by no means, a novice when it came to the ways of the cuisines, she couldn’t help the crazy, nervous thumping inside her chest as she waited for her man to arrive at their usual rendezvous—that one park in the middle of the town, with the mesmerizing sparkles of lights whenever there was a well-known festivity for the residents to feast upon.
Would he think she’s being silly, partaking in such a cheesy event??? Is he even the type to enjoy sweets, for the taste is seldom considered suitable for the more mature palates???
There were many other second-guessing inquiries that kept playing like a broken record in her head—and only once his voice put a halt to her train of thoughts that she was knocked back to her senses; delicate hands bashfully presented the offering before his stupefying gaze.
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“Ha-happy Valentine’s day!” the brunette flashed her beau the biggest smile she could muster to make up for the stutter; subconsciously half-yelling her words that ultimately earned her plenty of perplexed stares and giggles from the passerby.
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hismama-a · 3 years
Been chatting with @hisnephew and nobody can tell me this isn’t pretty much how Masaki and Isshin’s wedding went down—with the sole difference being the groom’s family was the one filled with loud, gregarious creatures, while the bride’s...not only did many of them refuse to come, some that did show up were keeping quite the tight upper lips the entire time they sat by the altar hahahahahah!
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hismama-a · 3 years
@hisnephew​ said:
❝ So Isshin finally found someone t’spend his life with , eh ? ❞ there kaien was , taking a sip from his juice box that he was shown how to use by Ururu , ❝ ...hey ya wanna know how old he really is ? ❞ a devious grin . Might as well since Isshin wasn't here . Who said nephews were angels ?
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“Oh~! You’re that weird guy with Darling’s nose! From the bra incident!”
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She didn’t miss a beat with her greeting—no brain farts, no long ‘uhm’s, not a single moment of stuttering. The words rolled off her tongue with quite an ease, despite the awakening memory being a matter that would’ve painted a streak of red across one’s face, had it been any other girl the reaper was conversing with.
“What are you doing here???”
Drinking that sweet, sweet artificial fruit nectar, obviously—yet her odd inquiry was only the beginning of the spurt of her puzzlement.
Sure, she remembered mentioning the encounter to her lover—keeping out the details on the unintentional reveal of her...thought-provoking undergarment, however; she would’ve rather not troubled his mind with unnecessary jealousy, given that the predicament had been ultimately resolved in what’d appeared to be a civil manner, anyway—and having him baring his guesses as to who exactly this person might’ve happened to be; a third-degree family member in his confusing noble lineage or such, she believed—so the brunette did consider the possibility of these two having had a meet-up she’d never heard about, in which the doctor had probably spilled the bean on their relationship.
Sure, there had been discussions regarding their future whenever they spent the night together—but what does he even mean by that particular ‘Isshin finally found someone to spend his life with’ part??? Did Isshin somehow tell him something he has yet to tell her??? How come this stranger of a man seems to know more about their affair than Masaki herself??? Is he actually assigned a special mission from the Shinigami Corp. to dig into her beau’s life in exile or what, now???
And most importantly...
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“How old...my Darling...really is..?”
Truthfully, such a concept had never actually crossed her mind before. In the quincy’s eyes, he was simply a mature-looking guy who had this natural talent of finding his way straight to her heart. Not that the question didn’t pique her interest, just... It was beyond her comprehension to have such a personal information offered by a person she had only spoken to twice.
“I don’t know... He looks about Ryuu-chan’s age to me...”
Also tagging @hisdaddy​ for the mention!
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