hisriverrunsdeep · 16 days
some of yall really out here missing the entire point of misfits and magic
you can't make a problem go away just by pretending it doesn't exist. you have to call it out.
misfits and magic calls out that book series in every way possible, from the general discrimination to the lack of diversity to the specific idea that kids are evil from age 11.
should that book series get more publicity? no. but if the bullshit that author does is ignored, it will only fester and become a bigger problem. call out the issue without giving the issue any money. call out the issue in an effective manner. and in this case, call out the issue in a fun way that supports actual queer people.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 16 days
stop letting miserable people on the internet convince you that you must have a concrete, well-constructed opinion on everything that has ever existed.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 16 days
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hisriverrunsdeep · 19 days
I don't think women can be funny. I wouldn't consider myself a misogynist or even transphobe, as so often comes with my ideology (All genders deserve equal pay and voting rights of course.) Transgender people in my eye are a little complicated because there is nonbinary and such, but generally "binaries" in regards to transgender people fall into their cisgender counterparts' categories. This is also a possible way to determine someone's "true gender" (if a man is not funny it is likely she will come out as transgender in the future.) I have seen female comedians and such but they have a different way of carrying themselves that tells me they do not know how to make a joke. Discovering your blog has been interesting to me because you seem to understand comedy much better than other females. Maybe you're not quite to the gold standard that men have achieved and perhaps your prowess is due to the Internet being a different medium but you have merit that many don't. Consider a career in screenwriting.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 19 days
when I was younger I didn’t understand why “may you live in interesting times” was considered a curse in ancient greece.
I get it now.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 19 days
Education Connection jingle
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hisriverrunsdeep · 19 days
I am aware I have died on this hill before but people who really strenuously argue that fanfic isn't "real writing" drive me insane. what do you meeeaaaaannn. besides the fact that any attempt to define "real art" vs "fake art" is inherently reactionary, it just doesn't make any sense. it's Writing. people Write it. what the fuck are you talking about.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 19 days
Since the whole thing with NaNoWriMo has gone down, I've noticed that one of their former sponsors, Ellipsus, has cut contact with NaNoWriMo because they do not support their stance on AI; I didn't know what Ellipsus was, but upon further research I've found that they are a writing platform that works a lot like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, only with a heavier leaning on the story-writing aspect and connecting with other writers - and they also completely denounce any use of AI, both in the writing process itself and in the use of their platform. I really appreciate that.
Since this is the case (and since I've noticed Google has begun implementing more AI into their software), I've decided to give Ellipsus a try to see if it's a good alternative to Google Docs (my main writing platform). It's completely free and so far, I've found it simple to use (although it is pretty minimal in its features), and I really like the look of it.
I figured I'd spread the word about this platform in case any of you writers would want to give it a try, and if you do, let me know how you like it!
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hisriverrunsdeep · 20 days
So... apparently the NaNoWriMo organization has been gutted and the people at the top now are fully focused on Getting That AI Money.
I have no reason to say this other than Vibes™️ and the way that every other org who has pivoted to AI has behaved but I wouldn't trust anything shared with or stored on their servers not to be scraped for training LLMs. That includes pasting stuff into the site to verify your word count, if that's still a thing. (I haven't done Nano since 2015).
Also of note:
Age gating has been implemented. If you haven't added your date of birth to your profile or if you're under 18, it's supposed to lock you out of local region pages and the forums. ... It's worth noting that the privacy policy on the webpage doesn't specify how that data is stored and may not be GDPR compliant.
Camp events are being run solely by sponsors. Events for LGBTQIA+, disabled writers, and writers of color no longer appear to be a thing at NaNo.
Just... go read the whole thing. It's not that long. Ugh.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 20 days
"I live in a red state my vote doesn't ma-"
If your vote didn't matter they wouldn't try so hard to make it harder to vote in red states. Voting in red states can turn them into swing states like Georgia, Ohio, and Arizona. And voting in blue states can keep them from becoming swing states.
California used to be Red. Texas was Blue long ago. Florida was once a swing state. Obama took Indiana but it's gone redder since. Ten years ago Arizona and Georgia going blue was unthinkable.
Things change and we can make them change.
And that's before getting into more local elections. Turning cities blue, the state legislature.
Red states have flipped blue in recent years at those levels too.
Because people vote, and if we vote in high enough numbers we can turn a tight election into a walk in the park. If we vote in high enough numbers, we can turn a loss into a win. So many good things have happened in states where someone won by like 100 votes. (arizona is one)
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hisriverrunsdeep · 21 days
incase it wasn’t clear - i am and my blog is anti-terf 👍
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hisriverrunsdeep · 21 days
I like that Aabria and Brennan co-own the dome now. Just alternate these two forever please.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 21 days
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lol. I am living for the comments under the official trailer video.
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hisriverrunsdeep · 21 days
i think its verrry weird how you started posting nsfw posts and reblogging porn the minute you turned 18 idk
I hate to be the one to tell you this but I have been actively extremely horny since I hit puberty when I was like twelve years old. Human development does not work like "absolutely zero impure thoughts until you reach the designated legal sex age, where you have until 25 to finally learn what a boob is, and then 25+ you're allowed to have consensual sex 😊 because 19-25-year-olds are basically minors". I also can tell that the underlying idea in this ask is that I, and anyone who begins posting nsfw when they turn 18, was somehow "groomed" into it, when the fact of the matter is that I have been very naturally gay horny for years and waited until I was 18 to explicitly post about it because THAT'S how you keep yourself safe. You don't pretend to be a delicate sexless angel with the mind of a five-year-old who's never heard what sex is just because you're seventeen. I am a human being with sexual thoughts and I'm now a legal adult who is allowed to post about them. Realize that there is a difference between external adults "waiting until she's 18" and someone waiting until they themselves are 18 so they can go out and buy porn, which they've wanted to buy for years.
This is an extremely reductive, reactionary, infantilizing, and conservative way to speak to me. Don't even pretend you have progressive sexual politics if you think like this. Fuck yourself I'm so serious. No one ever speak to me this way again
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hisriverrunsdeep · 21 days
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hisriverrunsdeep · 23 days
imagine seeing this and still thinking that women aren't complex, interesting and have rich inner lives. meanwhile men are out there buying sneakers and funko pops. sad!
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hisriverrunsdeep · 23 days
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hands you a warden loaf. loaf of warden. 🍞
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