hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
He could practically see the gears turning in that big floofy head as he stared Midoriya down. He hummed softly as the other grew flustered the corners of his eyebrows quirking up slightly.
Though the dual user blinked when Izuku put his hand over his mouth looking at the other boy curiously.
Though Shoto was even more perplexed when the other said he was the better looking of everyone in class. Hand gently reaching out to grab Izuku’s wrist before lowering it.
“But I don’t care what our other classmates think of me.” He pointed out, since truly he didn’t. He just didn’t care about practically anything other then Midoriya’s opinion of him, and his own goals.
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The other had to be teasing him. 
It was hard to imagine that the one everyone considered the most handsome guy in their class was attracted to or found him cute. The only one who ever said that to him was his mother and as an outcast, he never got any looks.
Though his eyes widened when his wrist was grabbed and it was lowered feeling his heart race as Shoto said how didn’t care what his classmates think. Feeling like this wasn’t real as his face turned a bright red.
...They were really getting distracted from the mission.
“W-We shouldn’t be um...” were they flirting? It felt like they were flirting and he can’t believe they were doing this when on a mission. Sure it was just a minor thing since they had other older heroes on the job but still!
“mmmmm-!” he looks away feeling extremely flustered. 
[ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
His back pressed against the wall as they hid from a few villains, his head peeking out the side a moment before they trailed down to the shorter male. “They’re gone, Midoriya.” Shoto glanced at his companion calm clearly not bothered by the other’s urgency.
“Midoriya?” The name fell from his lips once more noting the male staring at his face. Was he dirty? Most likely. He lifted his right hand and pressed a single digit to the boy’s forehead forcing it cold so he’d get startled. His lips tightened into a tight line showing he barely contained amusement.
“We are safe now.”
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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birthday art for @cyanciela <3
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
A small hum escaped him as his face rubs against the other arm feeling himself melt into it. Having noticed that he was munching on his ice animal friends a fact he noticed the other does. He was so talented in his abilities.
“Oh, yeah I find it just really hot and wanted to cool down. I also noticed you’ve been eating your ice animals, are you feeling that hot?” he questioned wondering if maybe it was bad that he was leaning on the other. Though he didn’t look bothered at all-
Though seeing him bite ice was even more startling if was honest.
@hissaviorcomplex asked:
It's hot so he just kind of going to casually lean on Shoto's cold side. It no issue just best friends being very very close-
And personal ice pack, so don't mind him pressing his face to Shoto’s arm.
It was hot out, and honestly the cold or heat didn’t fully effect Shoto. Which made the fact he ate his small ice animal buddies even more relentless. Since he could regulate his body temperature as he wished, he really never felt the seasons change.
But he glanced at the dark haired male when he leaned against his arm. “Are you alright, Midoriya?”
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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Cold noodles green lunch on a hot hot day! Chilled sudachi udon—savory cold broth with lots of citrus, noodles iced until it almost hurts your teeth—and cha-soba (made with green tea) zaru style with tempura.
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
There was a soft fluttering in his chest as he watched the dark haired male flush in embarrassment. The dual user tilted his head staring at Izuku for a moment, taking in his appearance.
His blunt nature was surely an issue, but he didn’t think Izuku would be that affected by it. “Ah, handsome then. Though somehow it doesn’t fit you.” He muttered his voice a bit softer.
Watching curiously as the other hit his own cheeks to snap out of it. “Midoriya, you’re cute.” He spoke up again. Maybe he’d understand better this time-
When the other said that handsome doesn’t fit him a loud huff escaped him remembering how Ashido said Shoto was the best looking in the class. It was true that compared to him he was kind of plain. but-
Midoriya, you’re cute.
Gah! This is a low blow this was too much mental damage and validation for him to not get flustered over!
“Ahhh- Ok that’s enough! Haha,” he was dying wondering why Shoto was choosing now to call him sure. Very quickly moving a hand to cover the others mouth before says more to tease him.
“A-Anyway, we all know you’re the better looking of everyone in the class. Let not get onto my looks we are suppose to just tell the heroes what we saw,” he squeaks out trying to distract from the situation before dies of embarrassment.
[ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
His back pressed against the wall as they hid from a few villains, his head peeking out the side a moment before they trailed down to the shorter male. “They’re gone, Midoriya.” Shoto glanced at his companion calm clearly not bothered by the other’s urgency.
“Midoriya?” The name fell from his lips once more noting the male staring at his face. Was he dirty? Most likely. He lifted his right hand and pressed a single digit to the boy’s forehead forcing it cold so he’d get startled. His lips tightened into a tight line showing he barely contained amusement.
“We are safe now.”
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
As Izuku screeched and jumped back, the dual user tilted his head curiously. “Midoriya, you have a very high pitched scream.” He noted amused, wondering if he always screams like that. “Someone would think a woman was in trouble.” Another blunt statement.
But maybe he just likes to lovingly bully his best friend. As the male seemed embarrassed as he rubbed his forehead, Shoto eyed the small childish pout on his face. “You’re very cute, Midoriya.” He couldn’t help, but say it since the other was adorable in his opinion, a small smile gracing his lips.
“No they won’t-” he defends quickly flushed at the fact he did some how scream on a higher note then any guy probably could.
To think he allowed himself to get distracted, they were in a serious situation he can’t get distracted like that!
Though his eyes widened as the other called him cute feeling his heart race and this warm feeling over comes him. Very quickly trying to hide his face once he realized what was happening.
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“...I prefer handsome thanks,” he huffs embarrassed at the bullying he was receiving. Still he slowly lowered his arms and pat his own cheeks to snap him out of his stupor.
Guessing he needed this.
[ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
His back pressed against the wall as they hid from a few villains, his head peeking out the side a moment before they trailed down to the shorter male. “They’re gone, Midoriya.” Shoto glanced at his companion calm clearly not bothered by the other’s urgency.
“Midoriya?” The name fell from his lips once more noting the male staring at his face. Was he dirty? Most likely. He lifted his right hand and pressed a single digit to the boy’s forehead forcing it cold so he’d get startled. His lips tightened into a tight line showing he barely contained amusement.
“We are safe now.”
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
Izuku it’s you
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Cue loud noise like a squeak just like the little animal as covers his face very much embarrassed.
"N-No it isn't!" Yes, yes it is very much him.
0 notes
hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
It was only natural that Izuku would get distracted when he is literally pinning Shoto against the wall. Like how could he not notice? Though he knew he should focus he couldn’t help himself but watch in awe.
That is until he felt something cold as ice touch his forehead.
“GAAAH-!” He yelped and he pulls off of the others person to rub his forehead. There was a slight red mark from the sudden cold but he covers his mouth quickly. Though the villains has since pass them by you can’t be too careful-!
“That’s cold Shoto,” he groans as rubs the mark a bit embarrassed since knows it was because he was staring. Ugh, where a hole in the floor when you need it.
[ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
His back pressed against the wall as they hid from a few villains, his head peeking out the side a moment before they trailed down to the shorter male. “They’re gone, Midoriya.” Shoto glanced at his companion calm clearly not bothered by the other’s urgency.
“Midoriya?” The name fell from his lips once more noting the male staring at his face. Was he dirty? Most likely. He lifted his right hand and pressed a single digit to the boy’s forehead forcing it cold so he’d get startled. His lips tightened into a tight line showing he barely contained amusement.
“We are safe now.”
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
[ FOREHEAD ]:          placing a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck, the sender guides them close and rests their foreheads together.
//Maybe Izuku got a fever?
He was only a little under the weather but Shoto can be quite persistent once he gets an idea in his head. Izuku can tell that he isn’t going to let him wiggle out of this situation unless he allows him to check. Though it seems Shoto’s lack of interactions meant he isn’t aware of how close is too close.
Izuku’s heart was racing as his eyes widened at the other moving in close. His mind running hot as the others face was right in front of his own as their forehead touch. At this moment sure if he wasn’t running a fever before he probably was now.
“U-Um isn’t this a bit close?” He says it mostly for modesty reason as he guiltily enjoyed the attention. Knowing it was bad since the other is only doing this out of concern for a friend, and yet….
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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Bloodborne has taken over my life, please, take this gift, weary hunter.🩸🌙
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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Tododeku - AU Fantasy
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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Finished Ico recently and I really loved it so I went ahead and sketched Todoroki as a prince and Deku as the brave boy who rescues him, something simple.🥦🍰
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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Dear God, I may not understand why everything is happening in my life right now, but I just wanted to say I trust you and I love you.
{art is my own ✨}
buy me a coffee! ☕️
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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hey there, you with the stars in your eyes ✨
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
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“Wonder how many buildings can I jump over with One for All.”
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hissaviorcomplex · 2 years
okay so i got like, three books delivered this week, and in anticipation i reread another book that i had, and lads, let me tell ye, it was like quicksand. so now i have a list, some from my head, many from my wonderful friends’ heads, of prompts that basically made us all very soft or very “pleasantly scandalized rich lady from the sixties who just found out a juicy bit of goss about the new neighbor”. i hope ye like them! (DO NOT ADD TO THE LIST. I WILL MAKE A PART TWO. AND THREE. AND FOUR. MANY MANY PARTS. EVENTUALLY. )
[ HAIR ]:          sender slowly reaches out to catch a loose strand of the receiver’s hair and tuck it gently and securely back behind their ear, letting their touch linger afterwards. (if the receiver has short hair, then the sender reaches out and gently runs their fingers through their hair to smooth it back.)
[ CLOSE ]:          while standing remarkably close to one another, the sender is unable to stop themselves from running their gaze across the receiver’s body, lingering for a moment on their lips, before returning to initiate prolonged, intense eye contact.
[ CHIN ]:          as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
[ THUMB ]:          while cupping the receiver’s cheek in their hand, the sender slowly glides their thumb across their cheekbone in a tender, sweeping caress.
[ WOUND ]:          upon noticing a recent injury on the receiver’s person, the sender carefully moves closer, running a thumb (or hand) across the wound in a gentle, troubled manner.
[ INHALE ]:          while standing in very close quarters to the receiver, the sender shakily inhales with desire/anticipation as they realize how intimately close they are to one another.
[ DANCE ]:          when alone together (e.g. the bedroom, the kitchen, literally anywhere once they’re alone) the sender takes the receiver’s hand, and pulls them into a graceful yet intimate dance as a spontaneous act.
[ BARE ]:          as they get undressed, the sender gently places a soft, tender kiss against the receiver’s bare shoulder.
[ SCAR ]:          noticing a scar on the receiver’s skin, the sender tentatively stops them from covering it up, and rests a gentle, soft kiss over it.
[ FOREHEAD ]:          placing a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck, the sender guides them close and rests their foreheads together.
[ PALM ]:          taking the receiver’s hand, the sender brings it to their mouth, and places a tender kiss against the receiver’s palm.
[ LINGER ]:          taking the receiver’s hand, the sender lifts it to their lips, and gently kisses their knuckles, lingering for a moment before withdrawing.
[ BEHIND ]:         upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them.
[ WAIT ]:          realizing the receiver is about to leave the room, the sender hastily reaches out and catches their wrist, preventing them from continuing their departure.
[ ARM ]:          after holding their hand, the sender releases the receiver, but slowly glides their hand up the full length of their arm, lingering on the upper arm, then the shoulder, then resting their touch against the side of their neck.
[ HOLD ]:          while close to the receiver, the sender wordlessly takes a hold of their hand, for no other purpose than to be holding it.
[ PLAY ]:          while sitting together, the sender absently lifts the receiver’s hand, idly running their fingertips across the lines of their palms, mapping out every inch of their hand with slow, lazy touches.
[ GUIDE ]:          in the process of guiding the receiver through a crowded place, the sender’s hand protectively grazes against the small of their back
[ TOUCH ]:          while touching the receiver’s waist, the sender’s hand briefly dips beneath the hem of their shirt, skimming briefly across the bare skin of their waist.
[ CUP ]:           bringing both hands up to cup the receiver’s face, the sender draws them in closer to them in order to get a better look at their face.
[ TUG ]:          the sender tugs the receiver close against them by resting a hand against the small of their back, pulling them flush against their body.
[ HUSH ]:          while standing close to one another and hiding from pursuers, the sender reaches up and places a finger against the receiver’s lips to prevent them from speaking and revealing their location.
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