Down with Ho Chi Minh
Report from the New York Times Ho Chi Minh, currently still in hiding on somewhere at the face of earth, has been once again, faced the wrath of repeated condemnation. This time around, it's the USA, France and UK that has called for his immediate resignation or face further condemnation due to what is seen as being bias. Instead, Pham Van Dong, already popular enough, has already been brought up as the best leader for Vietnam.
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Angered Chinese
A spokesman of the Chinese foreign Ministry has made an announcement where in response to the "blatant" accusations of France, China has moved some 3 thousand soldiers into Vietnam to prevent France from "infringing" Vietnam's sovereignty.
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Words of warning
In a press release by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs France have expressed their determination to take back control of Vietnam again if it aims to gain power before having experienced democracy via a free and fair election. Curiously enough, France have not even brought a white flag this time around.
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Opening Phases of the Geneva Conference
Report by the British Broadcasting Corporation As all the officials from the varying countries assemble for the Geneva Conference, there has been an unexpected stride in collaboration among the Nations of PRC, USSR and UK to support Pham Van Dong in Vietnam with a combined taskforce of surveyors from the three aforementioned Nations to assess the aid Vietnam needs. Perhaps with such an unexpected alliance of varying nations, Vietnam might see a promising future again
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North Vietnam newspaper response
Our troops have returned home from war, after a long battle with the French barbarians! They have stolen our land, massacred our people, and refused us our rightful independence. But all of that is no more! From now on, we are a free nation. 
We, as one people, will move forward in recuperating our losses from this tragic war. All citizens should exhibit comradery, for this victory is not the result of any individual, but the result of a great nation. The Government would like to remind all citizens to practice food rationing, as our food supplies are dangerously low after such an intense period of fighting. For those who have the luxury of a roof over their heads, it is advised that you share such blessings with your fellow citizens who might have lost their homes during the war.
This war would not have been won if not for the great efforts of our troops. Brave Vietnamese men, who have given their lives for a just cause. Let us find comfort in the knowledge that their deaths are not in vain. They have made Vietnam proud, and for that they will be remembered as heroes.
Our leader, Ho Chi Minh, is a venerable and wise man. It is under his leadership, with Pham Van Dong as his aide, that we have not fallen to the despicable intruders that have trespassed into our homeland.
Let us work together, as one united nation, to show the world that Vietnam is not a country to be trifled with. The world should know that despite our split from South Vietnam, we remain unbothered; strong as ever. From now on, we are no longer ‘ruled by the French’, nor ‘under influence of the West’. Let us finally embrace our own distinct culture, and build us a beautiful, prosperous, North Vietnam. War is finally over. With that, the war phases has finally and in ushers the arrival of the Geneva Conference to help usher in a phase of rebuilding for Vietnam.
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French military evacuation from Indochina - sad loss for the free world
On this fateful morning, Paul Ely, the Commander of the French forces in Indochina, has announced that the French will start to evacuate from Indochina starting from today, 24th June, 1954.
“It is with a heavy heart that I have made the decision to evacuate our troops from Indochina. The war has taken a huge toll on our troops and our resources, and I find that a military evacuation is the only plausible action for us to take to minimise any more losses,” Paul Ely said in an interview with our correspondents in Indochina. 
Today is a very sad day for the free world. The French have lost North Vietnam to the evil communist forces, a devastating sign of defeat of the free world to the evil communist forces. With one more country falling to communism, the looming possibility of more countries surrounding Vietnam following suit. The communist threat has now soared to a higher level.
But, not all hope is lost in Indochina, as South Vietnam still remains free from communist subversion. This is probably a relieving piece of information amongst the doom and gloom faced by the French over the loss of North Vietnam to the communists. 
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The French’s final stand at Indochina (24 June)
In the dead of night, a lit candle flickers in the tent.
A man stands tall and proud, surveying the topographic map laid out in front of him. There is a savage glint in his eyes that suggests intellect and cunning.
A man bursts into the tent, running. He speaks in hushed whispers, and in his whispers introduces the man in the tent as Henri Navarre.
‘Sir,’ the man begins. ‘All our soldiers are tired-’
Navarre raises his hand, and the man immediately falls silent. (This man is a huge admirer of Navarre, a famed strategist.)
He studies the map, eyes scanning it for something that is not there. (What he is looking for is a way to defeat the Viet Minh.) He furrows his brow, thinking.
There is another man in the corner of the tent, a lieutenant. He is staring at the estimated casualty count from the previous battle. He wears a forlorn expression, one that reveals him as a man who has witnessed great loss. The lieutenant’s shoulders are hunched, drastic in comparison with Navarre.
Tomorrow they will march. Thousands of men, most with little to no experience, marching on the front lines. It is a death sentence for the many young recruits, who have signed up for war dreaming of becoming national heroes.
‘Sir… Is there a possibility we will emerge victorious?’ The man speaks cautiously.
The reply he gets does nothing to boost the man’s pathetic hope. 
‘It does not matter if we win or lose,’ the strategist says. ‘Any life lost is already a defeat.’ 
The lieutenant looks up when he hears this. 
He speaks, voice hoarse. ‘So what do we do?’
A shadow passes over the face of the famed strategist, the Commander of the French Far East Expeditionary Corps.
‘We go into battle, as always, for our country that demands it. For us, there is no greater honor.
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A worried French adjutant experience
‘Hello…hello? Is this working?’ 
You turn your head around to see who is talking, and your eye catches on someone standing in the middle of the street. For some reason unbeknownst to you, you recognise him. He is Paul Henri Romauld Ely, Chief of the French Defence Staff. 
He is, very obviously, intoxicated. He yells into his megaphone.
‘We… lost. We LOST.’ He stumbles. More people are looking at him. You can feel their judgement being passed on him. He is a rather admirable officer, but this incident makes you lose a little bit of faith in him. Other people feel the same.
‘Geneva Conference… What is that? Why… Do we have to settle with those barbarians? France is a powerless… NO! Powerful! Country… How can we have fallen so far…?’ 
You are shocked as you see a tear fall down his face.
‘Our ancestors must be so ashamed of us! Forgive us for our incompetence, we have failed our motherland…’
An obviously embarrassed and flushed official rushes towards him, pulling on his arm and leading him away.
‘No… NO! I will not give in! I will not surrender…. WHY?’
More embarrassed officials rush towards him, and drag him away.
You watch, stunned as you see the scene unfold.
He begins to sing, ignoring the poor officials straining to carry him away.
‘Aux armes, citoyens, formez vos bataillons, marchons, marchons! Qu’un sang impur abreuve nos sillons! Que-’ (From La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. Translation: To arms, citizens, form your battalions, march, march! Let an impure blood water our furrows! What-’)
An official hurriedly stuffs a handkerchief into his mouth.
You watch in amazement. Everyone is visibly amused, and you are too.
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France defeat in the battle of Dien Bien Phu (6 May) 
An excerpt from a French newspaper:
It is an undeniable fact that we are delaying our own defeat. 
Thousands and thousands of our soldiers are dead, and there seems to be a growing consensus among everyone that this is a war we will not win. 
It is only further proven by the fact that the Vietnamese have emerged victorious from the previous clashes between both armies.
There is a mother somewhere who awaits her son’s return from a war her country claims to be necessary. His body lies on the battlefield, picked apart by vultures. His comrades all lay scattered around him. 
There is a child who awaits her father’s return from the war. She thinks he is a hero for fighting against the Vietnamese. She does not know that to be her hero, he has given up his life.
There is a young man who is in an oversized uniform. His helmet tips over the side of his head, and his boots are three sizes too large. His uniform was salvaged from the body of a dead soldier, and it still bears his name. He fights, knowing he is doomed, because the country demands him to do so.
So many people have died, yet do you hear the radio broadcasts? They claim that it is still possible for us to win! At what expense then, I ask? How much more do we have to give up, just for the smallest chance of victory? Merde! Do you not know the plight of your own citizens? We are all tired of war.
The question to ask now is: Will the French diplomats finally call for a cessation of this meaningless war? Or will we see more of our comrades go off to war, never to return?
This is a plea from all of your citizens. Please, for the sake of all of France, draw a white flag lest more of us die in vain.
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Cholera outbreak
A news report from the New York Times: In further addition to the pains that the French Expedition Army faces in Dien Bien Phu, reports has emerged that the French soldiers have been seen taking longer toilet breaks than usual which has furthered decreased their effectiveness in the overall conflict. In fact, this struggling reporter is trying to finish up this piece in the loo.
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Bao Dai returns from his slumber confused
Amidst rumours of Bao Dai dying peacefully, a bodyguard of his along with Bao Dai (seen yawning)has came out to simply say as paraphrased from Mr Mark Twain "News of my death, possibly circulated from internal parties, has been greatly exaggerated" With that, Bao Dai left to eat a bow of Phở.
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Controversy erupts in United Nations
In light of suspicious acts of war by the USSR and PRC, there have been roars of outrage against them by a majority of states in the United Nations General Assembly. In fact, the PRC is already badly wounded from the Korean War. This has led to the forced withdrawal of any Soviet Troops and PRC troops in the region or risk possible nuclear retaliation by the USA. Molotov was seen to be angrily whacking his shoes against a nearby table at this shift of tempo.
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Bloody Return of the Viet Minh and overt support
“Thwack” “BOOM!” 
Another nameless French Soldier falls to the ground, with a clean hole through the space between his eyes. His injured comrade pushes on, struggling to stand on the soil watered with blood.
There is the stench of death, heavy in the air.
He does not look at the corpse. His comrade is dead, and the young soldier knows it.
The fight is hopeless, and this young soldier knows it too.
As the ground erupts under the weight of the Viet Minh Artillery, the soldier closes his eyes, and clasps his hands together. His lips form words, but he does not speak it. 
Si je meur, je meur pour mon pays. If I die, I die for my country.
It is a prayer. The prayer of a desperate youth.
A cry comes from his left.
“Rester en ligne!!” (Hold the line!!)
He opens his eyes and grabs his rifle. 
A picture of an elderly couple falls from his pocket as he stands. 
He steps on it unknowingly, as he goes once more into battle. 
He thought that war was his destiny. He does not know that his destiny is to be buried in another nameless grave, lying next to hundreds of other foolish men. Never in the chaos of battlefield did he care to notice that the commands were not just Vietnamese, but Russian and Chinese too. Well trained "foreign advisors" of elite Soviet and Chinese formation, battle hardened from Korea and WWII had came just in time to back the Viet Minh. "пошли товарищи!" "来吧同胞们!" (Let's go Comrades!")
The sacrifice of one man will not stop the neverending attacks of the wretched communist forces. They always seem to come charging in again and again, and again, and again...
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Assassination Attempt on Bao Dai!!
Breaking News from the British Broadcasting Corporation
While in a meeting between a US official and Bao Dai, two suspected Communist undercover officials disguised as a Cameraman and Assistant were able to assassinate the US officials while nearly getting Bao Dai. This sudden change in events have led to tension between those under Bao Dai and the Communists individuals.
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French hand in hand with USA
Surprise French radio Broadcast:
France have followed up this trend of mindset with proclaiming the USSR to be merely pulling the strings of the Vietminh "puppet" with lies that are pushing for the Communist's own influence in the region
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"Damn the Commies"
In a sudden announcement from the USA, they have wagged their fingers and told the Soviets and Chinese to stop being aggressive and allow for Vietnam to peacefully settle out it's issues. This is to be preferably followed up with democratic elections by the people. If not, the USA will be compelled to go and intervene with great force. This is aptly put by one of Matthew Ridgeway's Associates: "They need to calm down or face the arsenal of democracy"
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Outrageous acts of stupidity by France
This is the Vietnamese news agency with breaking news The recent attack on the conference was in no ways, done by the glorious communists comrades of ours as it is "idiotic enough to announce their beliefs upon killing and sully the reputation, and talk about how it was most likely the French that did the killings and is framing it on the communist". This ongoing conflict is also a clear sign of French aggression and make them next to unworthy of brokering any sort of peace treaty in the region. Down with France.
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