Day 8 v
At the end of day 8 on V's Route thinking 'holy crap, they're all in love with me' 😂😂😂
Enjoying this route though
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So I finished Shingen's Divine Ending today. I NEVER KNEW A STUPID OTOME GAME COULD MAKE ME FEEL/CRY SO MUCH. Those aren't tears on my face, it's just raining. Inside. Honest *wails into cup of tea*
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I knew Trump seemed familiar!
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Jumin rant (spoilers if you haven’t started his route)
Jumin is so misunderstood okay 
okay listen, alright?
Jumin’s route gets super uncomfortable at times, he gets super clingy and weird and basically kidnaps you for a couple days. When Elizabeth goes missing he basically just shuts tf down and replaces his love for his cat with you. And yes, it’s fucking weird. I’m a huge Jumin fan and even I was like “ehh no not okay” 
Jumin has been sheltered his entire life, everything he’s ever wanted has been handed to him on a silver plater, no one to protest his thoughts or voice, no one to tell him no. He’s basically grew up as a robot with no real emotions since all his emotions towards people have been pre planted. He’s bitter towards everyone cause no one  would ever tell him he was wrong, He was grown into a world of him being right 110% of the time. 
He met Rika and V, the first people to ever treat him like a human, even Jaehee, the one person that works with him the closes is cold towards the man always giving the excuse that she’s doing it cause it’s her job and that the money is great. which I get completely. But V and Rika treated him like a friend, his first friends in his entire life okay.
 Jumins a 26 year old man running a fucking company and his only fucking friends are Rika and V. It’s explained a lot in the game that he had actual fucking feelings for Rika, okay, and she was with V before they even met, Rika jokes like “haha lol okay what if I met you before meeting V, you’d think we’d be together lololololol” and Jumin brushes it off BUT HOW BAD DO YOU THINK THAT HURT FOR HIM? The first woman he had actual human feelings for was already in love. 
People give him shit for being obsessed with his cat, which yee his feelings towards his cat are a bit over the top but again. Jumin doesn’t understand emotions towards people. Elizabeth was a gift from his great friends Rika and V and they asked him to take care of her. He protested at first but he promised Rika he would, alright. Now after years of owning this cat he’s learned the emotion of basic love. Elizabeth is basically spoiled cause he cares about this fucking cat so much BECAUSE HE HAS NEVER ACTUALLY HAD TO CARE ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE ELSE BEFORE. So him growing feelings for something is a HUGE deal for him. 
Jumin says things regarding his feelings a lot also like how he didn’t understand what jealousy felt like since he, one of the most richest men around, would have nothing to be jealous of anything anyone owning. And how he didn’t know he could care about another persons feelings. 
Jumin grew up with his father jumping from woman to woman, all trying to win Jumin over. He’s grown in a household of his dad not knowing what love was his self. Jumin doesn’t know what love was since he grew up around woman using his father for money. Jumin wasn’t stupid when a new woman came around, he knew none of those young glamours woman actually LOVED his father. 
So why tf would Jumin know what love was when he’s never actually been around it in his entire life. HAHAHA AND THEN YOU COME AROUND OKAY. You show up and start treating Jumin like a fucking human. Everyone in the RFA treats Jumin like a joke basically. Zen ragging him about his wealth, Jaehee ragging him about how much he makes her work, Seven ragging him about his cat, Yoosung ragging him about his privilege. But then you show up and you start speaking to him with respect. Even in the beginning Jumin’s bitter towards it, if you’ve played Jumin’s route you’d understand how fucking HARD it is to read Jumin. His responses to what you think are the best options for him are still super vague and dense. 
Then you actually get to his route and still the options are ridiculous to read. You’ll get two bad options or two good options and you still have no idea how it’ll play out. 
Jumin loves you, no matter what ending you get, Jumin has actually develop real human feelings for you, the first person since Rika, in his entire life. And he goes fucking over board with it. Because he doesn’t know how to fucking handle it. Jumin basically looses his marbles in his route (no matter what ending you get) because the man has no idea how to deal with it. 
Jumin is basically a giant child with emotions. He leads a huge company and is super responsible all the time. But when it comes to his feelings/emotions. He has no clue what to do with them. Tell him you like his tie and he gets butterflies, Tell him you like the way he’s responsible and how hard working he is and he blushes. 
Jumin needs to get less hate in this fandom, yes his route is problematic, I get that, But you also have to realize the man is just a giant sheltered child. 
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