hithgir · 28 days
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Call me if you need me, Sarge.
RAVI SINGH & PIPPA FITZ-AMOBI | A Good Girl's Guide to Murder — July 2024
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hithgir · 2 months
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Last week, I've pulled an all-nighter watching Heartbreak High S2. So 2 days ago, I drew (the best character) Quinni.
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hithgir · 2 months
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I love them, mind you
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hithgir · 3 months
I have SO MANY thoughts about Simon saying "what the hell do you think?" in response to Wille asking if Simon is over him. For one thing, Simon looks so quintessentially *Simon* in that scene, adorable with his little fists. But also that statement is so Simon. It's strong, flirty, sassy. This whole season we saw Simon slowly break down, lose himself, lose his spark and defiance. But by the end, when he makes the decision to free himself from the royal family, and when Wille frees himself too, we see Simon's spark slowly come back. We get our snarky, strong minded, lovable sosse back. We get that old charm back in Wilmon's interactions, flirty and fun and challenging. Even though we didn't see a lot of Simon's "arc", so to speak, in the finale, these small details said so much. I was so relieved (and in tears) when I heard him say that line in that way, so snarky and flirty and confident. Simon is getting back to who he is, not just a boy with a huge loving heart, but also a boy that quips back, has strong convictions, whose presence takes up an entire room.
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hithgir · 3 months
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"är du säker på att du är över mig?"
"vad fan tror du?"
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hithgir · 3 months
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hithgir · 3 months
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It always hits different when it's reversed
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hithgir · 5 months
As a fellow gifmaker (only not quite as skilled as you are) I've been struggling and your gifs always look so amazing and nice and colourful so I was wondering if you could share some tips on how do you colour tinted scenes like in MoTA? thank you Jess you are amazing 🤗
heey there!!!! First of all sorry for taking so long to reply to this, I was so happy with your nice comments that I wanted to give you a proper insight on how I do it, but unfortunately I'm quite HORRIBLE at explaining things?
I'll put it under the cut because it's gonna be a long post! but if you have any doubts my askbox is always open!!!!
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So first of all I already gave some tips on how does my process with coloring gifs work so you can check it on my resources and tips tag
As you said you are also a fellow gifmaker so I'll take it from there as I assume you already know gif 101, but if you are new to this you can again check my tag for some beginners tips
Also want to point out this lovely tutorial by @ajusnice that might be even more helpful, since I learned a lot from it
Disclaimer: i'm colorblind, I can see all the hues, just not all the shades and I tend to struggle with greens, oranges and yellows so apologies for any mistakes or if this turns out looking weird!
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So at this point I hope you already have you gif all cut down to the size that you want and used your fav action/sharpening presets ( I use this or this actions to sharpen my gifs
Now I'll use the footage down bellow as it is really blue tinted and I worked with it for this gifset (MoTA SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!) so it looks like this
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3. So the first thing I do is work with curse as it gives me a better grasp of what I have and how do I want to go with it. I have been using this method where you go to Curves >> Click on the top right menu >> Auto Options
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4. Now a new window thing will open up and then I click on the option Find Dark and Light Colors, as you can see my gif already looks a lot brighter and now so tinted
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5. this is how my gif looks like I selected that option
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6. still does look a little blue-ish doesn't it? Okay so now I'll go to some adjustment layers, the first thing I do is work with hue/saturation. I'll go to the cyans and blues first and I want to remove some of the blue tint of my scene. I prefer to decrease the saturation of those colors so it looks a bit like this
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and my gif looks like this
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7. So here is our first problem, while I took away the blues my gif now looks a little dull as the scene was delivered to us in such a different color scheme, It wasn't supposed to look like this so now we need to color correct!! For this I work my way around vibrance/saturation so my menu looks like this
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And my gif looks like this
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8. Problem #2 because now it looks too blue tinted AGAIN! so I just repeat step 6 again so my menus look like this
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and my gif looks like this
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9. from now on it's only about some details such as correct the brightness/contrast of the scene and I personally like to use the color balance adjustment layer, I'll leave it all here
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10. finally one of my fav adjustment layers -> SELECTIVE COLOR i just mess around until it looks nice to me, I'll leave the configs I used down bellow
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Finally after all those steps my gif looks like this
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hithgir · 7 months
Henry's little head tilt when he's trying to figure out what Alex is stressing about.
"You could say I'm bi"
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"Oh, yeah. I'm down."
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"History huh?"
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hithgir · 8 months
What to do when you didn't get the score you expected
Sometimes you score lower than you thought you would, or you studied relentlessly and still ended up with a pass but not as high a pass as you thought you deserved.
Remind yourself that there's always next time
Tests often measure performance, not competence; you likely know more than the test says you do
All in all -- relax! Don't let it get to you. Grab a cup of tea or coffee and remind yourself that this is an opportunity to look your weakness in the eye and grow
Take the feedback into consideration. Where were you lacking?
Re-evaluate your study methods. What wasn't working? What did you miss? How can you account for that next time?
Properly hydrate and properly nourish yourself (and brain).
Do practice questions
Alternatively: make practice questions for later
Also alternatively: Make a blank copy of the test to sit again in a few weeks' time
Remember the forgetting curve. Interrupt forgetting
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(I find this particularly useful when deciding what to study on what day)
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hithgir · 9 months
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tender touch appreciation post
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hithgir · 10 months
Rwrb text posts part 15
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This is canon idc
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hithgir · 10 months
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THEE #idiot4idiot power couple
RED WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE dir. matthew lopez
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hithgir · 11 months
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I just have to do everything around here.
Red, White & Royal Blue (2023) dir. Matthew López
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hithgir · 1 year
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hithgir · 1 year
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Sanaweek + Day 6: Favorite shots
Sana’s room 
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hithgir · 1 year
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Young Royals scenes as Google searches Pt.3
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