hitokiller · 4 years
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How unexpectedly… easy it was to pacify Izou. Fortune might not always be in his favor, but at least, perhaps he could try a preventative measure for the future — such as asking, “Did you… consider not making a fuss first? I wouldn’t make light of you after you’ve shown me more than once just how skilled you are with the sword…”
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“ huh, what th’ hell ya askin’ fer ?  ‘nyone who laughs at me, dies —— i ain’t takin’ no chances. ”   even if that person happens to be contracted with him.  he scoffs, before slapping a hand onto robin’s shoulder,  “ but yer damn right, master !  ya recognize skill and i am th’ greatest there is !  oi, i’m feelin’ good, let’s celebrate wit’ sake ! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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“Hijikata-san praising me wouldn’t even mean anything! Only an idiot calls another person an idiot!” Hands on hip. “Japan, no, the whole call calls me a Genius Swordsman.” Smug smug smug.
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how can he argue with that ?   “ S-SHADDUP !!  i’m still better than ya  —— we can decide who’s th’ real genius right now ! i’ll take ya on ! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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“I, uhh … —” Think, Robin! There had to be a way to save the situation! Although, why was Izou taking this the wrong way in the first place?! “Well, you looked so cheerful that I couldn’t help but feel happy too…?”
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“ huh ? ”   now he’s a bit confused. if he was just laughing with him, why didn’t robin just say so ?   “ tch, what a pain in th’ ass ... next time, ya gotta be more clearer !  i ain’t needin’ t’ make a fuss fer nothin’. ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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“HAAH? You can call yourself that all you want but that title is reserved for Shinsengumi First Division Captain, Okita Souji, aka, ME!” 
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“ HAAAH, WHO SAID ?  don’t tell me it was yer dumbass commander  —— all ya shinsengumi lots are a bunch’o idiots, anyway ! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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if you ever just need a quick breakdown about izou, this is everything he is in one ( 1 ) image.
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hitokiller · 4 years
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“What—? No, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement!” But, oh, it was very hard not cracking a smile or laughing.
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“ ... ”   was that a praise ?   “ oii, then why th’ hell it looks like yer ‘bout t’ start laughin’ any minute now !? ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
✖ //   —  ❛ answered 。
@pragmarage​  said : Hey, hey, I'll kill you someday : )
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“ ya got it all wrong, miburo !  i’ll be the one t’ kill ya ! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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“Pssst, I’m the one with the Genius Swordsman title!”
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“ HAAH ? ya kiddin’ yerself. can’t even walk wit’out coughin’ a lung. I’M THE GENIUS SWORDSMAN !! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
@fellbranded​ replied to your post: 
mhmm. yes.
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“ haaah ?  ya doubtin’ me or somethin’ ? ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
@ichibantai​ replied to your post
💅 “Mhmm.”
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“ wh—— that ‘cludes ya, i’m superior !! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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“ —— i’m a genius !  a prodigy !  the best swordsman !! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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           her posture eases a little, arms resting at her sides.  “  you aren’t going to give me a choice, are you  …  ?  ”  it’s not as if she had any other better thing to do, but  ..  “  sake ?  to each their own.  i’ve never particularly cared for that kind of drink, although it’s not bad.  ”  if anything, millia preferred the subtle taste of a delicate wine.  the blonde assassin takes a seat, one leg kicked over the other and posture straight.
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“ haah, sake not good enough fer ya ?  then whaddya like t’ drink ? ”   he questions, the invitation a knife’s edge away from mocking.  from appearances, she looked to be quite refined in her tastes; a drastic opposite to his wild and untamed demeanor.  izou shuffles the cards in his hands with a lazy smile before setting up the game  ——  eight cards to each player and eight placed between them, their colorful designs facing upwards.   “ oi, an’ while yer at it, pick up ya cards. y’know ‘ow to play hanafuda ? ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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  ❝ Listen! Hear me out first! You jump from a height that would turn anyone into mush, setting off a feeling of suspense from everyone watching! Then, like the indomitable and fearless protagonist of an action series that has you at the edge of your seat, you pull off the impossible! You even strike a really awesome pose to have it really hit home for everyone else! Isn’t that just the coolest?! ❞
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“ haah ? yer talkin’ outta yer goddamn ass. ain’t nobody watchin’ ... tch  —— fine, if it’s so cool, then show it t’ me. i’ll be yer audience. ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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   ❝ No, no! You’re decidedly not cool! Oh, I can reenact that really cool landing for you! Hold on, there should be a cliff nearby! Let me show you that really cool landing! Or do you want to try it with me? ❞
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“ ya an idiot or did’ja hit yer ‘ead fallin’ down ? there’s nothin’ cool ‘bout landin’ !!  leave me out ‘f it, i ain’t gonna do stupid shit wit’ ya ! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
✖ //   —  ❛ answered 。
@coolestpaladin​   said : i tried jumping off a cliff earlier and landed heroically maybe if u do something similar u can be cool too
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“ huh, th’ hell ya mean ‘land ‘eroically’ ? OII, YA TRYIN’ TO MESS WIT’ ME AGAIN, YA DAMN BRAT ? I’M ALREADY COOL ! ”
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hitokiller · 4 years
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i’ve abandoned my boy.......
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hitokiller · 4 years
Robin glanced at his Servant awkwardly, lightly scratching the tip of his nose as he held out a tablet computer with his other hand. “Uhh… I was asking if you preferred this Plan A…” The screen displayed a rough itinerary for an outing in the city, with a few shops of interest — dessert shops, namely — listed and some important landmarks. The title of the document actually said: 「 Plan A 」. “Or this Plan B?” He then swiped the screen for a second document, the contents of which were the same, but arranged in another order and titled 「 Plan B 」. 
But it wasn’t more than two seconds after his repeated question that he sputtered, unable to maintain a straight face. What was he doing, ruining his own joke by laughing as soon as he delivered the punchline?! And after he managed to quickly change the document titles while walking in, too…
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“Sorry, I had a whim for some lighthearted humor. Maybe I really have been spending a little too much time on these.” Actually, he wasn’t as tired as he seemed to imply, even if he did stay up later than usual last night to analyze the clues gathered thus far about an enemy Servant. Though their identity was still unknown, he at least knew the class and was able to gather up a sizable amount of information about the Master. 
“I will be counting on you tomorrow, but for now, let’s head into the city to unwind and familiarize yourself with the environment.” Robin gestured towards the tablet again. “After you pick an order to go about it in?”
izou stares down at the tablet, scanning over the depictions laid out like a traveler’s guide as robin flipped between the two; plan a or plan b. for a moment, he gives the other a bemused look. but, quick were his brows to twitch and his gaze to grow sharp and hot at the sound of the other’s laughter. was robin seriously making fun of him, and what was with this outing that was being suggested ?
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“ ——  haaah ? an’ why th’ hell should i ? ”   the assassin retorts, biting back the threat on the tip of his tongue and prying fingers away from the hilt of a blade. they were amidst a war, not playing tourism. understanding the layout of an environment is important, yes, but with a single command, he could take to the night and scout at his leisure without the unnecessary flair. so much for the promise of the ‘ tactics ’ that lay scattered upon a desk, just a breadth away.   “ d’ya got shit fer brains ? i ain’t ‘ere fer unwindin’ an’ gettin’ cozy, ya know !? ”
he grimaces, pulling at the fringe of his scarf over his mouth. it’s not his place to enjoy subtleties, when all he knows is how and when to cut down others; reveling in their demise. yet, despite the fight he had just put up, izou was still a simple man and caves in to the proposal.   “ tch, dammit ! fine, i’ll escort ya ‘round while takin’ a look. ”   he points at the tablet, still labeled plan b on screen,   “ oi, ya said t’ pick a plan, huh ? go wit’ that one an’ let’s move. ”
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