hmayjorcsucom112 · 11 years
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Just kidding, It’s much more than that! It’s the art of embracing imperfection, of appreciating flawed beauty. Whilst the Japanese originally intended it to refer to nature, I believe there is flawed beauty everywhere if you look close enough. If you clears their mind stops walking, texting, chatting, eating and overthinking for a mere minute, you immediately take in so much more of the world, find beauty in the emotion you see, the nature you feel and the situations your in. To me, Wabi Sabi can be a way of life, a beautiful acceptance of reality.
  The Photo I have chosen was selected from the National Geographic Website:
(Mac Kwan/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)
I absolutely love the photo and to me it represents Wabi Sabi. These Phillipino children from Cebu City are extremely poor and yet they live life to the fullest, they use the imperfections, the bad and turn it into good. With positive attitudes they turn garbage scraps and the back of a bus into a playground. Their happiness is so pure and raw, they symbolize such innocence, and this is what Wabi Sabi is to me- pure happiness despite the odds. 
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hmayjorcsucom112 · 11 years
I had no idea how many supposedly popular sites I really had no clue about! Out of that list, i've only visited about 5 of the sites. I use Gmail, Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr and occasionally twitter but other than that I am a Web 2.0 virgin!
Facebook is an every day habit. I'll check it when I'm bored, when I need to talk to someone, when I'm looking for gossip and even when I don't want to be on there, at times I find myself still using it. I'll get notifications on my phone through my email and on my laptop, it's as if I can't escape! Then there’s Tumblr of course. The ultimate waste of time. I know for some it is a blogging website, or a source of information but for me It is purely an aid for my procrastination. I literally indulge in a comedic yet pointless Tumblr page called "I waste so much time".
  I'll scroll through it giggling/nodding only to come to my senses, look at the name of the page and feel guilty. Why do I waste so much time on the internet? Is it because everyone else is doing it?
No I don't think so. I think it is an almost instinctual thing for our generation. We are asked a question and immediately resort to Google for a quick accurate response, we are bored and turn to Facebook or go on a YouTube rampage. One in which you begin watching a fail compilation and end up watching a documentary on how the illuminati killed Michael Jackson. We are prey to the Internet, yet depend on it. And that's just Web 2.0!
Web 3.0 is a totally different ball game from what I can see. The Sematic Web is a confusing concept however, with our rapidly growing mass of data, it seems necessary. Is Web 3.0 a thing of the future, will it ever be as hugely influential as Web 2.0? I hope not, but I presume so.
Social Media Cheat Sheet. (sourced from Business2community.com)
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Until next time bloggers!
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