hmcreations159 · 2 years
Why Do Babies Traditionally Wear White Baptism Gowns?
White Baptism GownsWhite baptism gowns are a tradition that has survived for many many years. But why is it so popular? Helping to unite not just families, but entire communities, christenings are a wonderful tradition that dates back many centuries, and as the only event that strives to welcome a baby into the Christian faith, parents, family members and well-wishers alike, seek to follow ancient traditions as much as they can.
Included in these traditions is the wearing of a christening gown, and while it’s not compulsory that your child wear one for their baptism, many parents choose to dress their infants in them for the occasion.
Baptism gowns in all their glory
For parents who are newcomers to Christianity or the baptism ceremony itself, dressing their precious child in a baptism gown is a way of respecting the faith and showing others that they are committed to the religious culture they are joining.
Many christening gowns are unisex and can be worn by either gender, although some parents prefer to opt for a more delicate, lacy dress for their little girls. While the style and colour may be of your choosing, most parents select a white or ivory cream baptism dress for their infant.
Why is white such a popular colour for baptism dresses?
Innocence and purity are often associated with the colour white, and not just when it comes to baptisms. Representing the purity and goodness of Christ, practising Christians are encouraged to wear a white gown such as the one Christ was wearing when he died, for religious ceremonies such as baptisms, to express their gratitude for the loving sacrifice Jesus made for us all.
Typically made from fine and delicate fabrics such as silk, cotton or lace, baby’s baptism gowns don’t have to be white or ivory or cream, but if you’re following tradition and wanting your infant to be truly accepted into the Christian faith, it’s undoubtedly the colour of choice.
Is it okay to dress my baby in other colours?
If you would like your baby girls’ baptism gown to be a little more unique, you may find some manufacturers making gowns with pastel-coloured features, such as pale green, yellow or peach in the gown’s trimmings and embroidery designs.
For your beautiful baby boy, a white baptism gown with an accent of blue could help make his outfit even more memorable, just be sure to stay well away from black, as this is traditionally associated with death and evil within the Christian faith.
White baptism dress and christening dresses by Helen Marie are handmade in Ireland, in the beautiful County Galway. With a variety of designs that are suitable for both boys and girls, each baptism gown has been painstakingly crafted from 100% Irish linen, satin or lace. Embroidered with delicate and intricate Celtic designs, each of our christening outfits tells a unique and memorable tale.
For more details about Baby Baptism, visit Hmcreations.us
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hmcreations159 · 2 years
What Should Parents Wear to Their Baby’s Christening?
As such a special occasion for all the family, parents attending a baptism will want to wear outfits that are appropriate to the event, while still being able to look their best. Photographs, or even videos of the special event, will no doubt be treasured for many years to come and reminisced over as the baby grows.
With this in mind, here is a little advice on just how to dress for your precious baby’s baptism:
Jeans – acceptable, or a big no-no?
While wearing denim in any form to a christening or similar event, isn’t an arrestable offence by any means, it is definitely a big baptism faux pas!
Jeans, along with denim in any of its forms, are widely considered to be inappropriate for such a cherished occasion as a baptism, and as such, you’ll want to avoid wearing them at all costs. By all means, wear something more casual for any post-baptism events you have planned, but not for the christening itself.
Can open-toed sandals be worn to a baptism?
There are absolutely no rules that forbid the wearing of any kind of sandal to a christening, but as with any special event that marks such an auspicious occasion, you’d be wise to wear elegant footwear if you’re the proud mother and something that covers the toes if you’re the proud father. Pay attention to the condition of your toenails, and only wear shoes or sandals that you can comfortably walk in – nothing looks worse than someone teetering around the church in high heels!
What about wearing something black?
There are certainly no official rules about wearing black at a baptism, but considering the nature of the event and the fact that your baby will likely be dressed in a white, ivory or cream baptism gown, a black outfit or garment might look out of place.
Is flashy allowed?
If you’re asking the question of whether you can wear a skimpy dress or figure-hugging leopard print sweater to your baby’s baptism, then the answer is a resounding: no! Anything flashy or attention-grabbing will serve only to detract attention from your precious cherub and tarnish the true meaning of the event for everyone present. While you can of course dress to impress, this should be done in a dignified manner, demure and elegant manner.
Baptismal clothing and white christening dress by Helen Marie are handmade in Ireland, in the beautiful County Galway. With a variety of designs that are suitable for both boys and girls, each baptism gown has been painstakingly crafted from 100% Irish linen, satin or lace. Embroidered with delicate and intricate Celtic designs, each of our christening outfits tells a unique and memorable tale.
For more details about Baby Baptism, visit Hmcreations.us
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hmcreations159 · 2 years
Birth Traditions from Around the Globe
Cultures around the world have long had a history of practising birth traditions and customs, and while each ritual may be different, they all celebrate the birth of a new baby in their own, special way.
Let’s begin by looking at Irish birth traditions, before taking a quick peak at some other countries around the world:
Crossing a new baby’s palm with silver has long been a tradition for citizens of Ireland and many parts of Great Britain, and a silver coin is placed in the baby’s hand to see if it will grab it with a closed fist, or drop it. The former was said to show that the baby would be frugal as an adult, while the latter indicated the opposite.
An earlier Irish tradition involved the top tier of the parent’s wedding cake (which was soaked in whiskey) being sprinkled over the baby’s head, while the rest was consumed by the adults.
During a popular and historical custom known as the ‘Sebou’, Egyptian family members come together to celebrate the baby. Newborns are placed in either a pink or blue carrier as per their gender, and after the banging of a pestle and mortar and the group reading of commandments, the carrier is passed around among those gathered.
When they are 8 days old, Latvian newborns are washed in a sauna bath filled with healing herbs and essences, and breast milk is massaged into the baby’s neck. After this tradition, Latvians believe the baby is clean and prepared for life.
With no painkillers, traditional Buddhist mothers in Japan give birth without the father being present in the room, and once the baby is born, the umbilical cord is preserved by the hospital, before being presented to the new mother in a presentation box.
New mothers in Brazil give gifts to visitors after the baby is born, such as sweets and trinkets, and the mother will typically receive several pairs of red booties from friends and family.
The Netherlands
A stuffed stork was historically placed in a window facing the street when Norwegian parents wanted to announce the birth of a baby, and visitors received pink or blue biscuits as a gift.
In Nigeria, the paternal grandmother traditionally bathed the baby for the first time with palm oil and a natural sponge, to give it a good start to life. Then, the baby’s arms were bent backwards to ensure flexibility, and shockingly, the baby was then thrown into the air to check their reflexes!
Once a baby is 4 weeks old in China, the family gather to celebrate and extended family members are gifted red eggs to represent fertility and the circle of life. Once the baby is 100 days old, another celebration occurs in which the baby is dressed in red and passed around to family members and friends who give red envelopes containing money for the baby.
Dominican Republic
In a series of pre-birth rituals, the pregnant mother will select one chair from 3 to sit on, each of which conceals an item of cutlery. If she sits on a chair concealing a spoon, she’s going to have a girl; a knife means it’s a boy, and a fork means the gender is unknown.
Nowadays, baptisms and christenings are still popular traditions among Christian communities in Ireland, the UK and America, in which the infant is celebrated while dressed in a beautiful gown that can be handed down from generation to generation.
White baptism dress and christening dresses by Helen Marie are handmade in Ireland, in the beautiful County Galway. With a variety of designs that are suitable for both boys and girls, each baptism gown has been painstakingly crafted from 100% Irish linen, satin or lace. Embroidered with delicate and intricate Celtic designs, each of our christening outfits tells a unique and memorable tale.
For more details about Baby Baptism, visit Hmcreations.us
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hmcreations159 · 2 years
The Importance of Christening Gowns in Irish Culture
Representing a wonderful new cycle of life, an Irish baby’s christening is a joyful celebration of purity and joy, and a way for families to come together and rejoice.
A ceremony that welcomes a child becoming a part of a family’s Catholic or Christian faith, infant baptism or christening is a centuries-old tradition that began between the second and third century AD, and which grew in both popularity and significance following Saint Patricks 5th century arrival in Ireland and his conversion of the Irish people to Christianity.
The Importance of Christening Gowns in Irish Culture
The christening gown has always played a significant role in Irish baptisms and is traditionally white, a colour that symbolizes innocence, purity and oneness with God. In an old Irish custom, gowns were made from fabric or lace from a bridal veil or gown.
Girls would wear three white dresses in the Catholic tradition, symbolizing the three major sacraments in the Church: her christening or baptism, her communion and her wedding. Using the same fabric to make both wedding and christening gowns, is a strong representation of family ties, and over the centuries, has come to symbolize strength and unity between generations.
In some Irish families, a small piece of the christening gown was used in the creation of a wedding gown for the child, while other families choose to make the gown an heirloom, and pass it down from generation to generation. This is one of the most common Irish family traditions and one that is held sacred by many.
From Beautiful Christening Gown, to Cherished Family Heirloom
Forming an integral part of Irish cultural heritage, baptismal gowns are often preserved and handed down from one generation to the next, as much loved and cherished family heirlooms.
Today, centuries on from the tradition of cutting up wedding gowns to make christening gowns from, modern Irish mothers are choosing to invest in finely made christening gowns that they can dress their baby in (most are unisex so can be worn by either a boy or a girl), and pass down through the generations, as a treasured heirloom and important piece of family history. In Irish families with many children, it’s usually the oldest girl who will inherit the precious christening gown, which she will then go on to use when she has children of her own.
Connecting anyone of Irish descendants to their rich, cultural past, Irish christening gowns are so much more than a beautiful item of clothing to dress a baby in for its baptism; they are symbols of unity, faith and purity, and preserving them for future generations is an act of kindness, solidarity and respect.
Baptismal clothing and white christening dress by Helen Marie are handmade in Ireland, in the beautiful County Galway. With a variety of designs that are suitable for both boys and girls, each baptism gown has been painstakingly crafted from 100% Irish linen, satin or lace. Embroidered with delicate and intricate Celtic designs, each of our christening outfits tells a unique and memorable tale.
For more details about Baby Baptism, visit Hmcreations.us
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hmcreations159 · 2 years
5 Compelling Reasons to Baptize Your Baby
Most parents experience a rollercoaster of emotions when they welcome a baby to the family, and for many, the rollercoaster ride never stops, even when the child is grown up and having babies of their own!
While there may be much joy and pride when a baby is born, many parents also experience intense feelings of anguish or fear, and an overwhelming desire to protect this precious new lifeform, in whatever way they can. The responsibilities that come with parenting are immense, but provided you show them love, guide them with gentle discipline and teach them to have a healthy relationship with God, your tiny new lifeform, can grow to experience all the joys of the world.
One of the first steps many Irish parents (or parents with a unique Irish heritage) take in protecting their new baby and starting them off on a righteous path, is to have them baptized, or christened.
If you’re unsure as to whether to have your baby baptized, here are just 5 of the many compelling reasons to do so:
Your Child Will be an Official Child of God
Whether you read the bible frequently, or never at all, the significance of a baby becoming a child of God is difficult to underestimate, and baptism shortly after birth, establishes this firmly.
Your Child will be Freed From Original sin
As written in the ancient text of the bible, the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, results in baptismal grace and birth into the new life. Your baby, once christened, will become an adoptive son of the Father, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Your Child will Become a Part of the Church Community
A sense of community is vital for us all, and nothing will give your baby more security and comfort than the sacramental bond of unity that exists among everyone who has been baptized, and therefore, reborn.
Your Baby Will Share in the Priesthood of Christ
Scripture clearly identifies Jesus Christ as our great high priest, and by having your baby baptized, they will then share in the priesthood of Christ, and in his prophetic and royal mission.
Your Baby will Have a Permanent Spiritual Mark
When baptized, your baby will be sealed with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of belonging to Christ, and no sin can ever erase this mark.
Having your baby baptized is a wonderful tradition that many Irish families choose to uphold, and those with Irish heritage living in other countries of the world, often choose to uphold it, too. A symbolic and celebratory occasion, babies are dressed in fine gowns that can be handed down from generation to generation, and families come together on the day to witness the child’s acceptance of God’s protection.
White baptism dress and christening dresses by Helen Marie are handmade in Ireland, in the beautiful County Galway. With a variety of designs that are suitable for both boys and girls, each baptism gown has been painstakingly crafted from 100% Irish linen, satin or lace. Embroidered with delicate and intricate Celtic designs, each of our christening outfits tells a unique and memorable tale.
For more details about Baby Baptism, visit Hmcreations.us
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hmcreations159 · 2 years
How To Choose the Right Gown for Your Baby’s Baptism
As a precious and memorable event in any Irish family, a baby’s christening is truly special, and often, only the finest of gowns will do the ceremony and its sentiment, justice. But if it’s your first baby’s baptism, you might be a little overwhelmed by the variety of gowns available.
To help you choose the perfect gown for your little angel’s christening, here is a brief guide to your options:
What are Traditional Christening Gowns Made From?
More often than not, baptism dresses (or christening gowns) are pure white in colour, symbolizing the child’s innocence and purity, and are traditionally made from materials such as cotton, silk, satin, linen or delicate organza. Out of these materials, cotton, silk and linen will keep the baby more comfortable, since they’re breathable and lightweight.
Seasonal Considerations
If you’re having your baby christened in the summer, these materials will definitely help to keep them cool, while you may want to opt for a heavier, thicker fabric if the baptism is to take place in the middle of winter. The design of the gown itself may also vary according to the climate, and for summer christenings, you may prefer to choose a gown with shorter sleeves and which is shorter in overall length, too.
Can I add Accessories to my Baby’s Outfit?
Of course! From white socks and shoes to a blanket, shawl or delicate jewelry, smaller items can be adorned to help your baby look even more beautiful for their christening than they already do.
Sometimes, family members or close friends may gift religious and sentimental items such as angel figurines or a bible, and it’s commonplace for bibs and towels to be paired with a traditional baptism dress, too. While a bib can be added to enhance the baby’s gown, it can also be used to protect it, and a keepsake towel will come in very handy for drying baby’s head after the ceremony.
Whatever type of christening gown you’re looking for, there are various styles and designs to choose from, such as classic gowns with layers of ruffles and a bow, off-white soft lace gowns, glamourous gowns with sequins and lace combined, to modern gowns with polka dots or an intricate, vintage-inspired gown with rows of ruffled lace and an oversized bow.
Most importantly, your baby’s christening gown should be both beautiful and comfortable and serve as a timeless reminder of your Irish heritage and close family ties.
Baptism dresses and christening gowns by Helen Marie are handmade in Ireland, in the beautiful County Galway. With a variety of designs that are suitable for both boys and girls, each baptism gown has been painstakingly crafted from 100% Irish linen, satin or lace. Embroidered with delicate and intricate Celtic designs, each of our christening outfits tells a unique and memorable tale.
For more details about Baby Baptism, visit HM Creations
Reference: https://hmcreations.us/how-to-choose-the-right-gown-for-your-babys-baptism
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