hobogym · 4 years
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hobogym · 4 years
Insomnia... (at Old Gravesend Cemetery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAZ35rCnCZz2LN9QfjazJMYc9VTbjvr1t97XOs0/?igshid=h1ip1fmjucoe
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hobogym · 4 years
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hobogym · 4 years
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This is cool https://www.instagram.com/p/CAJMyRynKbNwePapKWeFDJ7hSr8dHT4DBPKQ800/?igshid=whvvud2zohk8
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hobogym · 4 years
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"Are you a Covidiot? You believe you need a mask You believe you having a mask on protects others You can’t wait for the vaccine You think Bill Gates is a philanthropist You believe the cases and deaths reported You believe in social distancing (conditioning) You believe in sacrificing freedoms You think some businesses are non essential You think health heroes should make tiktok videos You’re a big fan of Fauci and Birx You social distance but ran out to get tested You believe it came from bats You accept the “new normal” You snitch on your neighbors You watch Cuomo press conferences You stand on taped X’s in stores You follow the direction arrows in stores You wear a mask and gloves in your car You’ve never cared about health until Covid You social distanced from family You believe you’re more essential than others You cry at covid commercials You follow the MSM for information You listen to the CDC and WHO for info You lied about knowing someone having Covid You’re scared of everyone when you’re out You think microchips sound cool You think contact tracers are a good idea" "You’re not allowed to visit beaches or parks by yourself that’s just not safe. However you’re more than welcome to congregate with hundreds of people inside a Costco, Walmart or Target. Covid is magical because it doesn’t spread inside big box stores, liquor stores or fast food chains. However, Covid is quite contagious in nature, churches, gyms and small businesses. Ironic how the approved or “essential” places you’re allowed to go to are businesses that push toxic substances and are billion dollar corporations supported by the 1% while the places that are deemed not safe or “non essential” are places that support people’s mental, physical and spiritual health along with small local businesses. If you can’t see what’s happening you might be wearing a mask over your eyes to shield you from seeing the truth." (at Coney Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIx83NHWYpKPFmz9W_DgwC5Jc6zb3Bvcvw5Yw0/?igshid=1htikdbhd32hu
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hobogym · 4 years
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How’d ya spend your weekend Joe.P ? Ya know, lickin the rust off of my cast iron pans... https://www.instagram.com/p/CADMbbqHPJLOlj_r5-wAdl-QBhv0CxqsNQZ5Us0/?igshid=t7q82mel4zkn
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hobogym · 4 years
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Paying attention now? https://www.instagram.com/p/CADKLsfnnR8Pb351Fw4LAaxmy7P2rN-0GXgHQQ0/?igshid=14ankvpuu0d58
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hobogym · 4 years
Paying attention?
8 Mai _ Die sogenannte Befreiung
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hobogym · 4 years
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Today only the person who no longer believes in a happy ending, only he who has consciously renounced it, is able to live. Ernst Jünger from The Glass Bees.
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hobogym · 4 years
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“If you surrender a civilization to avoid social disapproval, you should know that all of history will curse you for your cowardliness.” - Alice Teller
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hobogym · 4 years
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“If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy’s religion, you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed.” - King Polydoros of Sparta (reigned 741–665 BC)
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hobogym · 4 years
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There is another seat of consciousness than the brain and nerves. There is a blood consciousness which exists in us independently of the ordinary mental consciousness. One lives, knows and has one’s being in the blood, without any reference to nerves and brain. This is one half of life belonging to the darkness. 
DH Lawrence
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hobogym · 4 years
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Ooooops (at Gravesend, Brooklyn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7fYVRH5pKYKaVn5JDBEzonXDUqN1ih1_o17M0/?igshid=s9wxp776663i
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hobogym · 4 years
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Who killed Terry Yeakey? http://www.riflewarrior.com/who_killed_terry_yeakey.html https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7C8V8HqRFErVyHYKlBslTLq5LLZC5ROJx1ks0/?igshid=1g7e4szhfnbml
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hobogym · 4 years
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Completely bored out of my mind... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5xRkdHQUTuTm_fT6kJzoP1Gsqgo_c7LyEhxg0/?igshid=v04g8rticizf
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hobogym · 4 years
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hobogym · 4 years
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Via friend Ray Manna. Perfect example of smoke being blown up our ass... (at Gravesend, Brooklyn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4y0GdnbYDZgqeJVD_w7l9fCbJ-8EWm0rCEp00/?igshid=199ur8rt5i3bu
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