hockeylesbians · 7 years
hi all, this is going to be a short thing. this is my first time on tumblr since may and it will likely be my last time for the indefinite future. the truth is, although i’ve always been a fan, i’ve never been in a fandom, and the last year taught me that it’s just not for me. i’m a very sensitive person who takes everything to heart, and that’s something i personally have to work on, but fandom is also so problematic (says I, the millionth person to come to this realization).
there are a lot of wonderful people on this site, and i think about you a lot. if you want to for some reason see me post selfies and rant about hockey and politics, you can follow me on twitter @mollyblob
bye 💖💖
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
the whole point of my comic post is Check Please fans disregarding it’s misrepresentation of hockey as a sport and as a player “culture” and like… tagging “real hockey” as a content warning is so fucking disrespectful.
jack and bitty and whoever the fuck are based off of the idea of hockey camaraderie and it’s vague line between friendship and more than friendship.
im trying to critique that very idea in this post. im trying to explain that because hockey is an expensive sport, it is predominantly white and rich people who play it, and because it is predominantly white and rich, the “hockey camaraderie” you think of comes rare to players of color and lgbt players who are often ostracized within their own fucking team. im saying that Check Please fails to address this and instead paints men’s ice hockey as an all accepting, loving, diverse community, when really, it’s not, even in a liberal-leaning suburb of San Jose/Oakland where i live.
there are so many problems within minor hockey communities, so many problems within professional hockey communities. tagging these issues off as “real hockey cw” so they can be blocked is erasing your source material and its spitting on people who really, in real life, have to deal with real homophobia and real racism when they play real hockey.
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
I'm sorry everyone I come back to tumblr and just fuck everything up. sorry for putting shit on ur dashes
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
Fuck I'm just the worst person I'm sorry
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
wait I'm sorry I didn't see ur response to my post this was directed towards the original poster fuck i didn't mean to hurt you and if you see my most recent post that also wasn't directed towards u I'm so sorry fuck I totally agree with all of what u said and I'm really sorry if it didn't come across that way I just can't really continue to talk about this right now I'm so sorry
there are shitheads in every fanbase, and there are shitheads on every team. any pens fan defending sid’s attacking pk is an asshole but that doesn’t mean you can call an entire fanbase RAPE APOLOGISTS. that’s disrespectful and cruel to survivors and just a fucking shitty thing to say.
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
ok this is my last thing before i take a big ole handful of xanax lol i just don't understand generalizing entire fanbases? i have friends who are blackhawks and kings fans for chrissakes and somehow i don't conflate them with the blackhawks and kings fans who defend kane and doughty? just like i don't conflate preds fans with those who defend ribeiro and zolnierczyk!! it's that easy not to conflate the racist fans of every team (because believe me. the majority of hockey fans are white and the majority of those people are really fucking racist and yes it's every team!!!) with the non racist fans?? idk maybe i'm just in my privileged little corner of hockey twitter where i don't have to interact with the majority of racist fans but. i do not see the point in generalizing fanbases. thanks and bye
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
hoo boy o boy i just ! Wow! it sure is great to be called a rape apologist for no reason other than liking s team!! sure feels great as a survivor :-) it is 3:35 and i know i am not going to be able to sleep for a million y e a rs good thing i have anxiety medication l m a o
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
there are shitheads in every fanbase, and there are shitheads on every team. any pens fan defending sid's attacking pk is an asshole but that doesn't mean you can call an entire fanbase RAPE APOLOGISTS. that's disrespectful and cruel to survivors and just a fucking shitty thing to say.
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
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i'd never blocked anyone before but there's a first time for everything!!!!!
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
hi if u agreed with that post that said "pens fans are as bad as kane fans" please unfollow me and go have fun in ur world where a rapist is on the same level as a team you don't like
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
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the traditional post-pens win Dunkin' Donuts!!!!
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
They cheered for the baby and booed everyone else. This is the greatest thing 
(i saw this on twitter but hadn’t seen it on tumblr so i needed to post it. pls watch this)
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
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the mullet is coming along!!
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
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one of my jobs this summer is at a country club and honestly i think i’m rocking the uniform
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
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hi it’s me ur dad
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
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hockeylesbians · 7 years
i can't believe the pittsburgh penguins have the audacity to want to win the cup every year... how dare they
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