hoejism · 1 year
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biblically accurate gojo (ur welcome for blessing ur feeds) 🤛🤛
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hoejism · 1 year
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: ★ before we begin, no — this isn’t about the void state, something similar, but without you having to enter the void… Sounds cool right? — has it worked for me? hell yeah, it’s basically living in the end!
what is it fleur, is it a mix between the "I AM" state & living in the end technique?
you're right, it's a great challenge that has worked wonders for me, and i'm sure you'll love it.
let's start! ↓
i challenge you, to live in the end for three days, no procrastination, no doubts, no nothing, simply knowing you have your desires already, because you do.
not seeking for your desires, not ‘trying’ to get your desires, not wishing for you to get your desires, simply living in the end.
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you’re going to write on a piece of paper / notes app | a list of your desires, and your deadline to get them is three days from now.
you’re not going to try any techniques or any methods, on these three days.
you’re going to be embodying the version of yourself who has their desires, you’re going to act & think like her/him/them
you’re not going to change the date you’ve established, nor you’re going to doubt that date.
+ on these 3 days, you’re going to take 10 minutes to close your eyes and affirm “I AM” while envisioning yourself with your desires and dwelling in that feeling, you’re going to repeat this scene 2x every day, just 10 minutes of seeing your desired version of yourself, and you’re going to select that state and continue your day knowing that you’re already IN that state, no matter what the 3D is showing you, because mentally you’re there, and that’s all that matters, while you are affirming “I AM” envision the version of yourself you’ve selected with a bright white light surrounding you.
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: ★ Fleur, is it going to happen exactly in three days?
i’ll assure you that even on the first day you’ll already have everything (even though you do already 🧘🏻‍♀️) it’s all about how much you persist and believe that it’ll happen.
— this challenge was entirely inspired in neville’s books, i do not own these methods, this challenge is simply for you guys to live in the end and stop over complicating your power, i truly hope you guys love & try it, please leave your success stories in my inbox, it has given me insane results in less than two days, x.
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hoejism · 1 year
I manifested a new job!
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But not just any job, this manifestation is pretty much life changing for me as I get to work in my desired city, make lots more money, and also live there for a discount!
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✭ How it started✭ Obstacles✭ How I used my Imagination ✭ How it manifested
✭ How it started
So I already was tired of the job I was currently at and I needed a change. I had a difficult manager, annoying clients, and I wanted to move to another city.
I occasionally checked my company's website for new positions and kept my options open for a good month. During this month, I was still deciding between what I wanted but once I figured that out, a new opportunity was posted. It was literally calling my name! It was my desired location and a brand new building. So I immediately told my manager for her approval and applied.
✭ Obstacles
I didn't hear anything for two weeks and in those two weeks, I started feeling anxious because I got a random thought that I would be fired from my current job. It was totally random and it gave me a really bad feeling but instead of fighting it, I decided to flip it and affirm that I got hired at the new job.
After weeks of not hearing anything, I checked back to my work email (that I never use) and saw that they denied me because they couldn't get a hold of me! I almost freaked out but remembered who I was and stayed calm. I reached out to the manager to apologize and ask for a interview and she said YES!
My co-workers, although very supportive, kept putting negative thoughts into my head of how my manager would react to me wanting to transfer because she's so strict and needy. I didn't take it personal and I would affirm to myself that my manager adores me and supports me.
After my first interview with the new manager, she said she would reach out the next day for a second interview with another higher up. I didn't hear back for another two weeks but instead of assuming the worst, I returned to the state of someone who got the second interview scheduled. I even chose a day that she would email me back and when I would have the interview and it manifested in a week!
✭ How I used my Imagination
Now, I didn't do this to get anything or see results, I naturally did it to fulfill myself and also for fun.
I used affirmations here and there. No, I didn't track how long or when I would affirm. If I caught myself falling out of state, I would just shift back and maybe affirm once or a few times until I felt confident.
I imagined before bed of me working at the new job. This is something I naturally did because I love visualizing exciting possibilites before bed (sometims too exciting and I wouldn't fall asleep haha). I imagined what the office would look like, what my new coworkers could look like, what I would wear, etc. I created different scenarios that could happen.
After a few weeks, it did feel natural. I was bragging to my family that I would get the job. I even made a pinterest board of all the new outfits I needed to buy, I chose a new hairstyle and nails, basically thinking from.
✭ How it manifested
Regardless of what the 3D showed, I had the mindset I already had the job, cause "how can I lose if I'm already chose?" lmfao. After basically going through 3 interviews in a span of three months, the new manager called to offer me the position! I also forget to mention I wanted to manifest higher pay and the pay ended up being a few dollars over (hourly) than what I was okay with!
This job offers an opportunity to live onsite at a discount and it's a brand new luxury property! Now I am going to manifest living there at my desired rent, move in date, and all the other stuff that come with getting a new place!
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hoejism · 1 year
Your circumstances don't matter
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I don’t give a fuck what your past was, or what your present looks like now, or what you “hope” your future will be. You can have exactly what you want every single time!
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“I want this person but they don’t know I exist…”
“I want a new car but I don’t have enough money…”
“I want to experience this but…”
“I want this, BUT…”
We all at some point talked like this not realizing we are limiting ourselves.
If you are focused on your current circumstances, there will always be a “but.” (And I don’t ever wanna hear anybody say “BUT” after this post like fuck you mean?)
The good news is your current circumstances won’t ever matter because every single possibility exists in the eternal NOW, and everything is ALWAYS changing and anything can happen at any time. This is why you don’t have to worry about creating a new circumstance for you to get something you want, you simply align yourself with a reality that has what you want.
Because there are infinite realities, there are going to be outcomes we prefer, and the ones we don’t prefer.
Now, you may ask…
“How come I experience unwanted outcomes? How do we align to the preferred outcomes?”
First, if you’re anxiously worrying or fearing a certain outcome, you’re putting more energy into it. You might even expect it to happen, thinking about what you would do when the worst happens. Basically, you’re sooo focused on what could go wrong, you end up manifesting what you didn’t want. Then, have the audacity to say, “SEE, I knew things would go wrong!” Well no shit, bitch.
“The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.” - Neville Goddard
This is why I’m always saying where your focus goes, energy flows. When you focus on your desired outcome, that is the outcome you will receive.
That’s it. This shit ain’t rocket science.
Doubts may arise, a scary situation might pop into your head, the 3D might show the exact opposite of what you want, so what?!
Are you telling me you’re gonna let a silly little thought determine what’s going to happen? You’re going to give up because something didn’t go your way? Ok girl, stay lame.
Let that shit pass and counter it with a thought or vision that you want.
When you continue to do this, it’ll carve a pathway to our desired outcome, people start moving, events start happening, things will begin to shift behind the scenes to get you to your end goal. It’s also important to trust the process even if you see no visible movement, and just remain calm in the feeling you already have what you want.
STOP preparing for the worst,
STOP dwelling in what you don’t want,
STOP giving up after every inconvenience.
Things will always work out for you, why?! BECAUSE YOU SAID SO AND PERSISTED IN IT!
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hoejism · 1 year
i hope yall know ice spice issa manifestation girlieeee and she manifested her fame, beauty, money and body 😭💗💗💗💗💗
edit 1: hopefully this motivates yall to start fulfilling within causeeee ice spice is getting really big and getting all types of collabs 🙈💗 edit 2: title got edited and i added more proof | edit 3: this text got edited
edit 4: + in her lyrics you can see her affirming in them too
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3K notes · View notes
hoejism · 1 year
i hope yall know ice spice issa manifestation girlieeee and she manifested her fame, beauty, money and body 😭💗💗💗💗💗
edit 1: hopefully this motivates yall to start fulfilling within causeeee ice spice is getting really big and getting all types of collabs 🙈💗 edit 2: title got edited and i added more proof | edit 3: this text got edited
edit 4: + in her lyrics you can see her affirming in them too
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hoejism · 1 year
Mermaid’s Guide for the Astrological Aspects
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Aspects 101
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Planets Aspects
Sun Aspects
When it comes to the Sun and its aspects, it's all about the inner you, your personality and your ego.
Conjunct: Your self is emphasized
Opposition: Focus on self-perception and others
Square: Tension and challenge with your personality
Trine: Harmony and ease with your personality
Sextile: Help in expressing your ego.
Sun/Moon: Inner needs and feelings intertwined with self-expression
Sun/Mercury: Self-expression and creativity intertwined with information processing and idea exchange
Sun/Venus: Self-worth and creativity intertwined with partnerships and social activities
Sun/Mars: Purpose and creative expression intertwined with drive for action and assertion
Sun/Jupiter: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with philosophical and spiritual beliefs
Sun/Saturn: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with hard work and perseverance
Sun/Uranus: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with freedom and individuality
Sun/Neptune: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with sensitivity to the inner world and imagination
Sun/Pluto: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with embracing change and inner depths.
Moon Aspects
When it comes to the Moon in astrology, any aspect it makes accentuates your emotions.
Conjunction: Emotions are at the forefront
Opposition: Awareness of both your and others' emotional states
Square: Emotional challenges and tension
Trine: Transform the energy of negative and positive feelings into productive things
Sextile: Opportunity for positive emotional expression, boosted confidence.
Moon/Mercury: Feelings and instincts intertwined with information processing and self-expression in words
Moon/Venus: Feelings and instincts intertwined with appreciation and creation of art, beauty, and pleasure
Moon/Mars: Feelings and instincts intertwined with pursuit of desires and passions
Moon/Jupiter: Feelings and instincts intertwined with seeking knowledge, finding meaning, and connecting with purpose
Moon/Saturn: Feelings and instincts intertwined with responsibility, perseverance, and learning from challenges
Moon/Uranus: Feelings and instincts intertwined with embracing change, taking risks, and thinking outside the box
Moon/Neptune: Feelings and instincts intertwined with empathy, creation, and accessing deeper aspects of psyche
Moon/Pluto: Feelings and instincts intertwined with facing the shadow self, navigating intense emotions, and undergoing personal growth.
Mercury Aspects
When it comes to Mercury, any aspect you see is all about the mind.
Conjunction: Mind is front and center
Opposition: Can mess with the head or give a new perspective
Square: Mental gears grind and cause tension
Trine or sextile: Easy, flowing mental vibe.
Mercury/Venus: Seeks to harmonize mental processes and communication with social and creative expressions.
Mercury/Mars: Strong drive to assert ideas and communicate effectively, but may struggle with impulsiveness and argumentative tendencies.
Mercury/Jupiter: Mental abilities and communication skills influenced by exploration and intellectual pursuits.
Mercury/Saturn: Mental abilities and communication skills influenced by a disciplined and strategic approach to thinking.
Mercury/Uranus: Communication style marked by need for intellectual stimulation and innovation.
Mercury/Neptune: Communication style influenced by sensitivity and intuition.
Mercury/Pluto: Communication style marked by ability to uncover hidden truths and depths.
Venus Aspects
When Venus is in the picture, it's all about love, siren!
Conjunct: highlights your loving nature.
Opposition: brings a wake-up call about your feelings towards others.
Square: challenges your ability to love.
Trine/sextile: make love easy and flowing.
Venus/Mars - values, love and beauty align with drive and action-oriented nature.
Venus/Jupiter - values, love and beauty align with life philosophies.
Venus/Saturn - values, love and beauty linked to a sense of responsibility.
Venus/Uranus - value, love and beauty linked to individuality and differentiation.
Venus/Neptune - value, love and beauty aligned with dreams and aspirations.
Venus/Pluto - value, love and beauty marked by intensity and desire for emotional connection and transformation.
Mars Aspects
When Mars gets involved, it's all about energy and aggression.
Conjunction: intense energy and drive.
Opposition: reveals motivations, either your own or others'.
Square: a challenging aspect that brings out aggression.
Trine: smooth flow of motivation and energy.
Sextile: positive energy that can be channeled into something great.
Mars/Jupiter - drive and action-oriented nature amplified by sense of expansion and optimism.
Mars/Saturn - drive and action-oriented nature molded by discipline and focus.
Mars/Uranus - drive and action-oriented nature inspired by innovations and revolutions.
Mars/Neptune - drive and action-oriented nature inspired by dreams, sensitivity, and intuition.
Mars/Pluto -drive and action-oriented nature marked by intensity and desire for power and transformation.
Jupiter Aspects
Any aspect to Jupiter accentuates expansion, philosophical reasoning and protection.
Conjunction: emphasizes growth, expansion, and optimism.
Square/opposition: create tension between desire for more and the reality of the situation.
Trine: indicates natural talent or ability for growth.
Sextile: provides opportunities for positive growth.
Jupiter/Saturn - desire for growth is grounded by practicality.
Jupiter/Uranus - desire for growth is inspired by innovation and revolution.
Jupiter/Neptune - desire for growth is inspired by dreams, intuition.
Jupiter/Pluto - desire for growth is marked by intensity and desire for transformation.
Saturn Aspects
So, when it comes to Saturn, you're gonna wanna pay attention because there's probably a lesson in there for you. This planet is all about concentration, discipline, and getting your life together in a tangible way.
Conjunction: the above principles are important to you.
Square or opposition: challenge in taking responsibility.
Trine or sextile: provide smoother opportunities to learn and concentrate with Saturn.
Saturn/Uranus: balance structure and stability with change and innovation.
Saturn/Neptune: links structure and stability with spiritual and emotional grounding.
Saturn/Pluto: transforming and intensifying the need for structure and stability through personal growth.
Uranus Aspects
Alright, so any aspect to Uranus is like a wake-up call that shakes things up, frees you from the norm, and brings surprises.
Conjunction: it brings out your creative drive.
Square or opposition: make you more independent and rebellious.
Trine or sextile: let your inventive side shine and make it easy for you to do your own thing.
Uranus/Neptune - the need for change and innovation is challenged and inspired by creative and visionary thinking.
Uranus/Pluto - the need for change and innovation is transformed and intensified by personal transformation.
Neptune Aspects
Any aspect to Neptune should be seen as a connection to the spiritual realm and the imagination.
Conjunction: emphasizes the power of imagination and creative potential.
Square or opposition: challenge you to deal with illusions and confusion in your life.
Trine or sextile: provide opportunities to connect with the spiritual realm and use your imagination in a positive way.
Neptune/Pluto - the need for spiritual and emotional connection is transformed and intensified by their transformative experience of personal growth and evolution.
Pluto Aspects
When it comes to any aspect of Pluto, you can expect some deep transformation, power struggles, and revelations.
Conjunction: highlights a sense of intensity and depth.
Opposition: may bring power struggles and bring awareness to your innermost desires and fears.
Square: where you may face challenges and obstacles that test your strength and character, and it can help you transform into a stronger and more self-aware person.
Trine or sextile: provide opportunities to channel the transformative energy of Pluto into positive action, making it easier to connect with your inner power and personal growth.
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Signs Aspects
Sign that Conjunct
Aries/Aries - highlights initiative, assertiveness, and confidence.
Taurus/Taurus - highlights grounding, stability, and a focus on material and sensory pleasures.
Gemini/Gemini - emphasizes communication, learning, adaptability, and versatility.
Cancer/Cancer - emphasizes emotional sensitivity, nurturing, and instincts.
Leo/Leo - highlights themes of self-expression, creativity, confidence, and leadership potential.
Virgo/Virgo - emphasizes practicality, attention to detail, analytical thinking, and a focus on health and self-improvement.
Libra/Libra - emphasizes themes of balance, harmony, diplomacy, and a focus on relationships and aesthetics.
Scorpio/Scorpio - highlights themes of intensity, secrecy, and a focus on emotional depth.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius - emphasizes themes of adventure, exploration, optimism, and a focus on expanding one's horizons through knowledge and experience.
Capricorn/Capricorn - emphasizes themes of ambition, discipline, responsibility, and a focus on achieving long-term goals through hard work and perseverance.
Aquarius/Aquarius - highlights themes of innovation, individuality, eccentricity, and a focus on progress and social change.
Pisces/Pisces - emphasizes creativity, compassion, and spiritual awareness.
Sign that Sextile
Aries/Gemini - emphasizes quick thinking, adaptability, and a desire for new experiences
Taurus/Cancer - emphasizes the importance of security and comfort in life.
Gemini/Leo - emphasizes communication, self-expression, and creativity.
Cancer/Virgo - emphasizes the need for emotional security and stability to create a practical, efficient, and nurturing environment.
Leo/Libra - emphasizes the need to balance self-expression and harmony in relationships.
Virgo/Scorpio - brings a focus on analysis and depth, leading to a drive for self-improvement and transformation.
Libra/Sagittarius - combines the urge for harmony and balance with the desire for expansion and exploration.
Scorpio/Capricorn - highlights the need to balance emotional intensity and power with practicality and responsibility.
Sagittarius/Aquarius - emphasizes a focus on individuality and personal freedom within a social context.
Capricorn/Pisces - emphasizes the balance between practicality and spirituality in achieving one's goals.
Aquarius/Aries - emphasizes a need for individuality and progressive action in pursuing one's goals.
Pisces/Taurus - is about balancing practicality and creativity in order to bring about tangible and meaningful results.
Sign that Square
Aries/Cancer - represents a dynamic tension between the assertive, independent energy of Aries and the nurturing, emotionally sensitive energy of Cancer.
Cancer/Libra - emphasizes finding balance between emotional needs and interpersonal relationships.
Libra/Capricorn - emphasizes finding balance between relationships and ambition, and learning to prioritize responsibilities while maintaining harmony with others.
Capricorn/Aries - emphasizes the tension between ambition and action.
Taurus/Leo - emphasizes the balance between material stability and creative self-expression.
Leo/Scorpio - highlights the tension between the desire for recognition and the need for personal transformation.
Scorpio/Aquarius - emphasizes the tension and integration between deep emotional intensity and the need for intellectual detachment and individuality.
Aquarius/Taurus - emphasizes the tension between unconventional, innovative ideas and practical, reliable approaches.
Gemini/Virgo - emphasizes the practicality of communication and the ability to analyze and synthesize information by yourself.
Virgo/Sagittarius - highlights the balance between attention to detail and the bigger picture perspective.
Sagittarius/Pisces - emphasizes the connection between faith and spirituality in both an expansive and mystical way.
Pisces/Gemini - emphasizes the need to balance intuition and logic.
Sign that Trine
Aries/Leo - is an explosive and dynamic combination that encourages bold self-expression and a desire for attention and recognition.
Leo/Sagittarius - signifies a strong desire for self-expression and a passionate pursuit of one's beliefs and ideals.
Sagittarius/Aries - can be summed up as a combination of fiery independence, adventurous spirit, and a desire to explore and expand one's horizons.
Taurus/Virgo - indicates a practical and hardworking approach to life with a focus on material stability and a desire for perfection in all of life.
Virgo/Capricorn - emphasizes the practical application of skills, hard work, and attention to detail in achieving long-term goals.
Capricorn/Taurus - emphasizes the practical and material of life, encouraging stability and persistence in pursuing financial and career goals.
Gemini/Libra - emphasizes communication and harmonious relationships.
Libra/Aquarius - involves a strong desire for balance, justice and fairness in society, as well as the need for intellectual stimulation and unconventional social connections.
Aquarius/Gemini - brings a dynamic and intellectual energy that stimulates communication, innovation and originality.
Cancer/Scorpio - brings intense emotional depth and psychic sensitivity to the forefront of one's experience.
Scorpio/Pisces - can bring intense emotions and powerful intuition, making it good for deep inner work and spiritual exploration.
Pisces/Cancer - highlights emotional depth and sensitivity, nurturing and empathy.
Sign that Oppose
Aries/Libra - highlights the need to balance independence with cooperation and to find harmony between personal desires and the needs of others.
Taurus/Scorpio - creates a dynamic tension between the desire for having everything for yourself or being free of anything that can give you problems.
Gemini/Sagittarius - is characterized by a tension between the desire of a little bit of everything or everything of a little bit.
Cancer/Capricorn - is the fight between what your inner child wants and your super-ego order.
Leo/Aquarius - highlight what your rights and duties are.
Virgo/Pisces - is a fight between being perfect or complete.
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Houses Aspects
Houses that Conjunct
1st house/1st house - emphasis on self-expression, identity, and personal power, potentially leading to an increased sense of confidence and self-awareness.
2nd house/2nd house - emphasis on material possessions, resources, and values, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of one's relationship with money and financial stability.
3rd house/3rd house - emphasis on communication, learning, and mental activity, potentially leading to heightened intellectual curiosity and a strong desire for knowledge.
4th house/4th house - emphasis on emotional, familial, and domestic energies, potentially leading to a strong sense of rootedness and emotional security.
5th house/5th house - emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and pleasure-seeking energies, potentially leading to an increased desire for fun and enjoyment in life.
6th house/6th house - emphasis on health, work, and service-related activities, potentially leading to a heightened sense of responsibility and a focus on practical matters.
7th house/7th house - emphasis on partnership, harmony, and balance-seeking energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for meaningful connections and relationships with others.
8th house/8th house - emphasis on transformation, shared resources, and intimate connections, potentially leading to a heightened awareness of deep emotional and psychological patterns in oneself and others.
9th house/9th house - emphasis on expansive, philosophical, and travel-seeking energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for adventure and a deeper understanding of the world and one's place in it.
10th house/10th house - emphasis on career, ambition, and public image-related energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for recognition and success in one's professional life.
11th house/11th house - emphasis on social, community, and friendship-oriented energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for camaraderie and a sense of belonging in a larger group or organization.
12th house/12th house - emphasis on spiritual, subconscious, and hidden energies, potentially leading to a heightened awareness of the inner self and a strong desire for solitude and introspection.
Houses that Sextile
1st house/3rd house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between self-expression and communication, potentially leading to a strong ability to articulate oneself and a desire to explore new intellectual pursuits.
2nd house/ 4th house - signifies harmonious connection between material possessions and emotional security, potentially leading to a strong sense of comfort and stability in one's home environment.
3rd house/ 5th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between communication and creativity, potentially leading to a strong ability to express oneself artistically and a desire to share one's ideas with others.
4th house/ 6th house - signifies a harmonious connection between emotional security and practical responsibilities, potentially leading to a strong ability to balance self-care with work and service-related activities.
5th house/7th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between creative self-expression and partnership, potentially leading to a strong desire for romance and a tendency to seek out relationships with those who share similar creative interests.
6th house/8th house - signifies a harmonious connection between practical work-related activities and transformative, psychological energies, potentially leading to a strong ability to facilitate change in oneself and others through service-oriented work.
7th house/ 9th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between partnership and higher learning, potentially leading to a strong desire for connections who share similar intellectual and philosophical interests.
8th house/10th house - signifies a harmonious connection between deep transformation and professional ambitions, potentially leading to a strong ability to use one's personal power and resources to achieve success in one's career.
9th house/11th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between higher learning and social connection, potentially leading to a strong desire to connect with like-minded individuals and expand one's intellectual horizons through group activities or networking.
10th house/12th house - signifies a harmonious connection between professional ambitions and spiritual exploration, potentially leading to a strong ability to incorporate one's spiritual values into one's career and public image.
11th house/1st house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between social connection and personal identity, potentially leading to a strong desire to express oneself within a larger community or group and a sense of belonging.
12th house/2nd house - signifies a harmonious connection between spiritual pursuits and material possessions, potentially leading to a strong ability to find value in non-materialistic experiences and incorporate spiritual practices into one's daily life.
Houses that Square
1st house/4th house - indicates a strong challenge between one's sense of self-identity, self-expression, and personal style with their family roots and upbringing.
4th house/7th house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for emotional security and stability within their family life and their need for harmony and balance in their partnerships and relationships.
7th house/10th house - indicates challenges and conflicts between one's need for harmonious relationships and their ambition, career goals, and public image.
10th house/1st house - indicates conflicts between one's public image, career goals, and social status with their personal identity, self-expression, and independence.
2nd house/5th house - indicates conflicts between one's personal values, material possessions, and financial security with their creative self-expression, hobbies, and romantic pursuits.
5th house/8th house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for creative self-expression, romance, and pleasure with their need for intimacy, shared resources, and transformational experiences.
8th house/11th house - indicates conflicts between one's need for intimacy, shared resources, and transformative experiences with their desire for social change, group involvement, and future-oriented goals.
11th house/2nd house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for social change, group involvement, and future-oriented goals with their personal values, material possessions, and financial security.
3rd house/6h house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for intellectual stimulation, communication, and short-term goals with their daily routine, work environment, and health habits.
6th house/9th house - indicates conflicts between one's daily routine, work environment, and health habits with their beliefs, higher education, and spiritual or philosophical pursuits.
9th house/12th house - indicate conflicts between one's beliefs, higher education, and spiritual or philosophical pursuits with their unconscious patterns, spiritual transcendence, and self-sabotage tendencies.
12th house/ 3rd house - conflicts between one's unconscious patterns, spiritual transcendence, and self-sabotage tendencies with their desire for intellectual stimulation, communication, and short-term goals.
Houses that Trine
1st house/5th house - the individual's personal identity and sense of self are intertwined with their ability to creatively express themselves and enjoy leisurely activities.
5th house/9th house - the individual explores new horizons through creative pursuits, where artistic and playful expression is intertwined with a desire for philosophical and intellectual expansion.
9th house/1st house - the individual's personal growth and expansion through the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, where the individual's sense of self is intertwined with their philosophical and spiritual beliefs.
2nd house/6th house - the individual focuses on practicality and productivity, where the individual's financial and material stability is intertwined with their work ethic and ability to provide service to others.
6th house/10th house - the individual career and professional success through hard work and dedication, where the individual's daily routines and work ethic are intertwined with their ambitions and aspirations for success in the public sphere.
10th house/2nd house - the individual financial success and stability through a fulfilling career, where the individual's professional aspirations and public image are intertwined with their ability to generate income and accumulate material possessions.
3rd house/7th house - the individual's ability to express themselves and gather information is intertwined with their relationships with others, particularly in one-on-one interactions.
7th house/11th house - the individual's ability to engage in harmonious relationships is intertwined with their aspirations for social and community involvement.
11th house/3rd house - the individual's ideas and communication skills are intertwined with their aspirations for involvement in groups and organizations.
4th house/8th house - the individual's sense of security and roots are intertwined with their ability to delve into the mysteries of life and navigate transformative experiences.
8th house/12th house - the individual's ability to face their fears and embrace the unknown is intertwined with their spiritual and psychological growth.
12th house/4th house - the individual's innermost feelings and psychological well-being are intertwined with their need for seclusion and introspection.
Houses that Oppose
1st house/7th house - the individual's sense of self is intertwined with their ability to form partnerships and engage in one-on-one interactions with others.
2nd house/8th house - the individual's ability to accumulate wealth and possessions is intertwined with their capacity to navigate intense psychological and emotional experiences.
3rd house/9th house - the individual's ability to gather information and exchange ideas is intertwined with their philosophical and spiritual growth.
4th house/10th house - the individual's sense of security and home life is intertwined with their public image and career goals.
5th house/11th house - the individual's ability to manifest their unique talents and interests is intertwined with their aspirations for involvement in groups and organizations.
6th house/12th house - the individual's daily work routines and health habits are intertwined with their need for seclusion and introspection.
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astrologyexplained on tumblr
[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.
[30] Iapetite on deviantart
[31] wildfireresources on deviantart
4K notes · View notes
hoejism · 2 years
𖥻 símbolos invisíveis:
⌦ nome invisível: ( ؘ ) ( ִֶָ ) ( ً )
⌦ tirar o "traduzir bio": ( ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏)͏
⌦ pra centralizar a bio: (⠀⠀)
13K notes · View notes
hoejism · 2 years
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20K notes · View notes
hoejism · 2 years
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Welcome to My NOTION template! This isn’t 100% finished yet but I really wanted to release this today because truthfully I want to start using it. These images don’t include all of the features, either. I left some of them out.
If you want to tip me, check the discord <3
Let’s get the first thing out of the way. I made a discord here for this. It will be primarily used to hold one another accountable and promote good things in eachothers lives. However, it will double as a way to receive DIRECT feedback and suggestions.
HERE’S THE LINK ! Please let me know if it doesn’t work
My next step in plans is:
A complete workout / gym tracker
Meal Planner
“Kitchen” hub
Fridge & Pantry tracker (to avoid food waste)
Savings tracker
business expense tracker
taxes calculator hub
moving hub 
investment hub
mood tracker
For now, this notion includes:
Flip clock widget
Moon phase widget
New years day countdown
Multiple photo insert areas
Reminders list
Weekly goals overview
Time/task section for when you have a schedule or routine to maintain
Quote section
Pre-planned spotify playlist section (using the embed tool)
Complete navigation section
No zero days tracker
Weekly task list
Monthly goal list
Yearly goal list
Month by month toggle list
Important dates list
Second Planner toggle list
Two photo insert sections
Navigation section
Regulars Tracker
Small schedule table
Business expenses tracker (COMING SOON/INCOMPLETE)
Income tracker
To do list
Upcoming meetings/dates list
Multiple image areas
Quick Links
To do list
Exam dates list
Wishlist central
Table database
Inner work Journal
___ Of the day Journal
I feel Icky Checklist
Mental Health goals
Mental health reminders
Resources list
847 notes · View notes
hoejism · 2 years
— IM TAKING A BREAK 💬 i don’t know how long it’ll last, maybe a few days i’m not sure, i need time to work on myself and my mental health for a bit, aswell as continue to grow so i can come back a better person for myself but also for everyone who’s ever supported me on this blog.
my extent of knowledge on this issue is my fault due to my privileges as a white person from a majority white town and my ignorance, i’m working on learning more and being more mindful because as mentioned, it’s a google search away and i should’ve done my research before ever answering any questions regarding the subject to begin with. i know how important a topic it is which is why i tried to use my platform to educate aswell as learning myself but i’ve learned that it wasn’t the right move, and instead looked like i was using poc kind of like a knowledge source as such. i’m more educated now even though i know i still have so much to learn and will definitely keep trying to be better, and i have every intention of learning more as i go forward, i’m sorry for the way i acted and the hurt and disappointment i caused, it was my own ignorance regarding fake tan that caused everything but i’m willing to learn, starting by reflecting on my own actions and learning better with a topic that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
the ORIGINAL DISCUSSION from saturday night has now been linked above and tagged under ains.satday where you can go and read my original replies and the first original ask here (it kept not showing up in the tag) incase you haven’t already, since i know they got a little lost with other asks, which is totally fine. there was a comment brought up that i was ‘oppressing poc voices’ by not replying to asks therefore below ive linked the only unanswered asks from the discourse that night, these are the only ones i have that werent answered because it was 2am and i went to bed. i tried my best to get to them all, but i simply couldn’t do it because i was so tired from work and i’d already stayed up later than i intended.
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i’m here to properly apologise to everyone, i understand that i still have a lot to learn, i could learn for years and still never be able to understand how it truly feels to live as a poc because i’m not, but i’m trying and i’m willing to learn and be better. i would also like to reiterate that i don’t think i deserve any praise for answering asks with respect and open-mindedness because that should be the norm, it is the bare minimum to approach such an important topic with respect and understanding and that’s what i tried to do, especially when there’s countless poc in my ask box talking about their struggles to help educate me, when they have no obligation to do that for me at all. although i will admit my response with the first ask when only part of the sentence included “you can unfollow” is out of context, i’ll admit that it was wrong. i simply meant that if they were uncomfortable they can unfollow my instagram account, but i still had every intention of considering their feelings and being more mindful, but i should still never have brushed it off as an intention misunderstanding and i still should’ve never reacted the way i did.
with all this in mind, i just wanted to say that although i was completely in the wrong. i don’t think any of it warranted death threats in my inbox. i was and still am doing my best to listen and learn from my mistakes and remain open minded about this, which again i know isn’t praise worthy because it is the bare minimum i should be doing, but i also don’t deserve to be told numerous times that i should kill myself, they’re harmful and the sheer amount i received was what caused my mental health to waver in the first place, i’ve said it before this blog is my safe space, nobody should ever be made to feel like the world would be better off if they were dead.
i’ve also linked a few helpful articles i’ve read regarding the fake tan discussion here and here <3 i will most likely be on this blog from time to time, i may even queue a post if i get to writing it, but i won’t reply to asks. i find a lot of comfort in reading and writing fanfics but if you have to contact me, i’ll be available through dm’s or discord. again, i’m sorry.
387 notes · View notes
hoejism · 2 years
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Hey, let's talk about anons like this, because I know some people haven't been in a position to see the patterns these play out in on broader scale and may indeed not spot the trap.
And it is a trap.
An ask like this has several purposes.
First, it uses social justice language in passive aggressive and manipulative ways to try to coerce a behavior. In this case, the desired behavior is usually for the recipent to participate in community shunning and/or harrassment. The language above is intended to put the recipient on the defensive where, in the haste to disassociate themself from the Bad Thing, they quickly disassociate themself from the bad person, often with no particular fact checking or evidence.
The message is also intended to create a sense of being surveilled and judged by an unknown amount of people with unknown amount of social power and an unknown amount of relevance to your life.
Notice that these asks are usually framed as if they are coming from a follower or potential follower, someone who is addressing you personally and who cares about your opinion and who your blog has an effect on. However this is usually.... very much not the case. If you've ever had the misfortune to watch a gossip campaign from like this from the outside, you will very quickly notice that messages like this get sent in mass batches to dozens and dozens of strangers. (You can often turn these up with a tumblr search, if you look.)
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The sender does not know you and probably does not follow you. They have a person they don't like (possibly for their stated reason and possibly not), and they are going through the reblogs of a post from that blog and mass messaging *everyone* with a form letter. They will not see your response and they will probably never even see your blog again.
Which brings us to the second goal of whisper campaigns like this:
Notice that I blacked out the names above? That's because when the recipient answers anonymous asks like this, they provide a platform for the opinion on their blog. An anonymous message like this that gets posted doesn't just spread gossip and apply pressure to the recipient, it is spread to the recipient's entire community.
The *goal* is to get access to your community. The *goal* is to use you as a soapbox.
Is the information accurate? Did anyone check? Does the anon have an ulterior social motive? BIG SHRUG
If you go into the comments on one of these whisper campaigns you will see that *most people never bother to check.*
They assume good faith from a follower, they're off balance defending themselves, and they jump straight to conciliation.
It's a really, really effective form of social manipulation, and really really commonly misused.
76K notes · View notes
hoejism · 2 years
these rp accs act NOTHING like the characters 💀
0 notes
hoejism · 2 years
MMA fighter Toji cannot stop thinking about the cute innocent journalist that came to interview him.
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✵ MMA!Toji fushiguro x virgin!reader
✵ tags: blood, nudity, age gap, nsfw, m!masturbation, MDNI (18+) size kink, corruption kink, fingering, f!oral receiving, penetrative s*x, jealousy, pussy slapping, cock worship, virginity loss, cum slut, tit worship, biting, spitting, very mild watersports, reader with a major praise kink, aftercare, soft!toji, brat taming, slight spanking, shower s*x
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Toji Fushiguro, also known to some, as the strongest man alive. At least in the MMA world. Unlike other fighters, Toji was the definition of no emotions—cold hearted. He never held back. And I mean never. The man went hard during fights and practice. He usually had to be warned by the referee because of his senseless beating after an opponent has forfeited. Toji only stopped because it would result in a DQ if he didn’t. Yet besides the lists of warnings on his record, the man was still the top fighter.
That’s how you ended up in front of the gym doors. A notepad and pen in hand, as well as voice recorder. You were tasked with handling this seasons MMA fight in the paper. You worked for a company that had very few hands, they decided to load onto you more work since you told them you can handle it. Needing this job to raise you up the latter. So you took on multiple projects and luckily you’ve gotten them all done. Thus you took the task of handling this which mainly surround everyone’s favorite fighter, Toji Fushiguro.
You researched plenty before todays interview. Learning about the history of MMA. Researching other players that have fought against Toji Fushiguro. Yet, it still did not prepare you for the scene you stepped into.
Blood was splattered on the mat, your eyes catching the gruesome scene of Toji bashing into some poor man’s face as three men shouted and struggled to pull Toji off. The man stood, shrugging off the three.
“All fucking talk,” Toji spat, downing his water. “Fuckin brat, couldn’t get a single punch in.” That’s when his eyes drifted to the girl, standing at the entrance. His eyes squinting. “What did I say about bringing fans into the gym?” His voice echoed.
Your eyes went wide by the sudden attention. Your heart was pounding. You’d watched videos all week in preparation. There were very few of Toji Fushiguro talking to press, most were of videos which consisted of his MMA fights, cursing at the media, or the scandalous headlines of the new women that’d leave his penthouse building every morning.
“Who brought this little girl here?” Toji huffed, annoyed.
“I’m here—“ you were quickly interrupted by an older man, Toji’s coach, jogging up.
“This is the journalist from the Tokyo Metropolitan Post,” the manager said. Smiling at you. “Ms. L/n?”
“Yes,” you nodded, thanking god that the manager came before Mr. Fushiguro could bash your face in.
Your hands were holding you notepad tightly as the manager spoke to Toji alone. You stood to the side awkwardly distracting yourself. Acting like you couldn’t hear Toji’s protests, saying he never agreed to this interview in the first place.
“Kid,” a gruff voice brought you back, spinning around to see the man glaring at you. You tried not to look anxious, concealing it with an awkward cough. “We’ll have the interview in the locker room.”
You shuffled after Toji as he led you into the locker room. The door shutting loudly behind you.
“It’s nice to meet you, Fushiguro-san,” you quickly say, trying to ease your nerves by talking. You looked up when you didn’t hear a reply, only to see the large man pulling off his shirt.
“I’m drenched in sweat. The interview is only a voice recording, so it’s fine if I quickly shower as you ask questions?” His question is a little late considering he already had his shirt off.
“I-It’s…” you cleared your throat. “It’s fine, Fushiguro-san,” you pushed a stray hair back, before turning around to give the fighter some privacy.
Toji quirked a brow when he saw the journalist turn her back. It was understandable, yet he found it amusing nonetheless. This journalist was pretty young, yet she seemed stubborn. He could see the slight pink dusting her ears and after that all he could think about was that she’s probably inexperienced. She’s much smaller compared to him. He could lift her up easily. Probably bruise easily too…
“You can start the questions. I don’t like interviews so you have until I finish changing,” Toji said, grabbing a towel as he covered his front, taking your cue to turn back around. Your face went pink at the sight of the fully naked man. Your eyes immediately fell down to your notepad, your heart beating a bit louder in your ears. Thankfully he covered his lower half or you might have lost consciousness.
“Get on with it,” he said, going over to turn the shower on.
“Uh oh y-yes sir,” you quickly stammer, not even realizing you’d said sir. However the fighter definitely caught it. His eyes looking up. Sir. He couldn’t stop the small tug in the corner of his lips. How cute.
You opened your notepad and began the recording. “Could you please introduce yourself?” Your cheeks were pink at the stupid standard question.
“Toji Fushiguro…MMA fighter…you better start asking better questions, doll,” Toji said dropping his towel and getting into the shower.
Your fist clenched. You’ve never conducted an interview in such circumstances. This was no way to treat an interview and your blood was boiling at how embarrassed you felt. And how little respect Fushiguro-San was showing you.
“How did you get into the sport?” You tried to ask questions. However the more questions you asked the less and less he felt like answering.
“Pass.” “I don’t know.” “Next.”
You were growing impatient. This interview was going absolutely nowhere.
“Fushiguro-san you agreed to this interview, I expect to have some clear answers or at least a sentence response. These short replies or one word answers are useless,” you spoke clearly, trying your best to stay calm. You enjoyed working at the post, in fact, you took pride in being a journalist, and you’ve dealt with unresponsive people. Yet this man felt a bit more intimidating, considering his track record.
“How old are you, sweetheart?” Your ears perked up at the sudden question. For the past five or so minutes, Toji was skipping your questions. Now he’s suddenly asking you in return. It’s not fair. Yet…
“Twenty,” you replied.
“Still in school?” He followed up. You felt defeated. Was the interview that bad? You’d done interviews prior to this one, but considering the situation, you were a little off your game. Did he ask how old you were because of how incapable you seem?
“Last year of university,” you answer. “Nevermind that, if you could answer my previous questions—“
“Hmm,” his voice echoed, as he suddenly pushed the curtain back, yours eyes went wide as you watched the buff man step out of the shower. Water droplets cascading down his perfectly sculpted body. His muscles rippling with each step he took. His veins protruding on his arms as he pushed his wet hair back. Your eyes couldn’t stop but follow the water that flowed down his chest, past the veins and the hairs the led you down to—
“So you’re a baby,” his voice knocked you out.
“Excuse me?” Your voice had a slight edge which made Toji smile. The attitude is cute.
“What experience do you even have?” Your face flushed when you realized he definitely caught you staring. Your lips parted slightly, your mind drifting to the unbelievably large length that hung between his legs. The hairs that were well groomed and led down to him. You didn’t need someone to point it out because you could already feel how hot your cheeks were. Toji dried his body, the towel moving across his shoulders, underarms, chest, lower stomach—
“I’m not a baby,” you stammer. “I’ve worked for the post for almost a year, and I have prior experience as well,” you defend yourself.
“Such as?” Toji taunted, making you feel insecure. You wouldn’t allow that.
“Well I’ve had two internships and my stories have gotten published in the…” your words seem to slur. As your breath hitched when he dried off his length, this was your first time seeing one in real life. You were mesmerized by his entire physique. Is this the standard…no…he’s definitely above average.
Toji held in his laughter, he was barely doing anything. The amount of times he’s showered while in meetings, or walked out naked, were too many to count. Yet he’s never had someone react like this. She wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that she was staring. Her face is completely flushed just by looking at his soft cock that hung lazily between his legs. She’s so cute.
“Well if that’s all the questions you have for me…” Toji grabbed his boxers, your brows knit together.
“But, you barely answered any of my questions,” you eventually snapped back to reality. Your face burned as you looked up to see Toji smiling down at you. You couldn’t bare to admit to what you were looking at and decided to pretend you weren’t thinking of his cock. uh it was so big…why did the first time you see a dick have to be now, and attached to this man of all.
“You still got the interview, doll,” Toji pushed his wet hair back. Your eyes squinting in annoyance, making the fighter’s lips curl into a smirk. As he stepped towards you, his boxers now covering his huge length. Yet you still caught a glimpse of the hairs that stuck out. He leaned down, his lips ghosting yours as your eyes fluttered and your core tightened. He smelled so good. His breath was so warm. However the warmth disappeared, until you felt it against your ear. Toji hadn’t realized the heat emitting from your body. Until his hand ghosted over your neck. Fingers tickling your collarbones as he fixed your lopsided necklace. Knuckles grazing the tops of your breasts as he straightened out the figure on your sternum.
“You’re burning up, sweetheart,” his light chuckle went straight down your body. “I wonder how drenched you are?” You could feel his smile, your face was on fire, as you felt his thumb brush over your collarbones, your chest rising and falling like the wind got knocked out of you.
“Fushiguro-san!” You pushed his chest back, face bright red, hands shaking. How embarrassing! Your thighs were squeezing together to stop the pulsing of your core. You could already feel your panties stick to you because of how much you were leaking.
Toji smiled, watching you try to collect your thoughts and feeling your small hands against his torso. How adorable.
“I…you…can’t say things…like that,” you replied. “It’s unprofessional,” you stuttered. Toji had to contain himself. Unprofessional. Keeping your eyes on the ground, not realizing your hands were still on his bare abs until you felt a warm hand cover yours, a thumb gently stroking the inside of your wrist. You lost all thoughts, only watching as the large man bent to his knees, and brought your wrist to his lips, giving a sloppy kiss on the vein, sending a shiver through your body.
“But it’s fun,” he smiled, making your face burn, smoke steaming off your skin as Toji’s breath warmed your wrist. His lips were wet, the scar on the side brushing your burning skin. Toji couldn’t understand why he was doing this. He found your reactions to be the most adorable thing ever. Your confused face, your lips partially open, your thighs squeezed together.
A knock on the door suddenly had you back to reality, snapping to your feet, however your position had you stumbling from the bench behind you as it knocked the back of your knees, sending you falling forwards. Toji immediately catching you. He stifled a laugh as he held your waist steady, your face just inches from his , when you let out the smallest, cutest, and softest moan.
His brow quirked. You had somehow gotten yourself to fall on him and have his thigh slated between your legs. Core directly on him. Skirt pushing up your thighs as you unconsciously squeezed your thighs together, accidentally rubbing your soaked panties on him, making you bite your lips, but Toji heard the slight whimper.
“My my, you are quite the tease. Soaked straight through, and now rubbing yourself on me,” Toji teased, your face beyond red, as you struggled to push off the fighter. He released you, smiling when he saw the drenched pink panties as you stood up. His eyes under your skirt had you crying from embarrassment. Quickly pulling your skirt down. Toji pouted as to help you, but you only scurried further away, face completely red.
“I…interviewisoverThankyouverymuchfushiguro-san,” you felt like you were going to burst. Your lips parting as your eyes avoided the fighter as you quickly exited the locker room.
Toji stood up. A sigh escaping his lips. “virgins,” he mumbled to himself. Yet there is a glint in his eyes. Her stuttering. The blushing. Her curiosity. Toji laughed to himself seeing the large print in his boxers. “What a cute thing.”
Hell. Now he had to take care of this. Toji was beyond pent up. He’d quickly gotten himself off once you’d left. How could he not. You’d been kind enough to leave some of your juices on his thigh. Though he had enough pre-cum from your little fall, the moment he wiped your juices on his cock, he couldn’t stop himself from cumming. Yet why was he hard again.
His face was sweaty as he pounded into the nameless women. Groaning as he pushed her into the mattress, his head tilting back as he remembered your gaze on him. The way your brows knit together when he didn’t answer your questions. So adorable—Toji clenched his jaw as he felt his cock twitch as he only pounded harder. Nothing was getting him there. when he pulled out he was still stiff as a rock.
“Still hard baby,” the women on his mattress moaned as she rubbed her pussy for Toji, before her hand wrapped around his cock. The second women leaning over and lapping up Toji’s fat cock.
Toji rubbed his face in frustration. It’s almost been a full week. He’s been worked up since the moment he met you. He wanted to caress your face, kiss your cheeks. He wanted to see what you’d look like with tears in your eyes and bruised up. Tell him more about yourself. For fucks sake he didn’t even remember your name until he asked his manager a couple nights ago.
“Honey, you’re so big, love your cock,” the women beneath Toji lapped at his cock before deep throating it as the other women licked his balls. Toji was growing more frustrated the wetter his cock got. This was not helping at all. He groaned as he felt his cock stir. Grabbing the women’s head as he fucked her face, until he was releasing his warm cum down her throat. He groaned, annoyed when he looked down to see someone that wasn’t her.
“Fuck off,” Toji snapped, getting off the bed and telling the women to leave. He turned on the water, stepping into the cold shower. Unable to understand his own thoughts as he leaned his head against the shower wall, water cascading down his muscles.
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“I can’t,” your teeth clenched. You wanted off this story. You couldn’t continue with it and the interview gave you absolutely nothing.
“You’re the one that agreed to the story, unless someone else is ready to forfeit and exchange stories then you’re stuck with this one,” your boss said. You cursed yourself for agreeing to this shit story. With the shit game. And the shitty ass fighter. You sat in front of your desk, a blank document open.
Your mind wandered off to what you’d experienced. Never had anything more embarrassing happened before. How could you be so unprofessional? How could you get so worked up over some jerk face smug asshole. Your fist clenched. Remembering the way his fingers grazed your collarbones, the subtle touches along your breasts. The stupid ass pet names that made your stomach flutter.
It was the most humbling experience of your life. After that interview, returning to your apartment. Going straight to your room, ignoring your roommates who were watching a movie. Eyes filled with tears as you fell on your bed, frustrated you had such an experience and your pussy still fluttering at the thought. Fuck me! You cursed indulging your arousal just to get it over with. Yet when you couldn’t find a satisfactory relief, you cried even more. How embarrassing! Your mind wandering to his large rough hands, how would they feel?
The week went on with you begging to get a new story and your boss declining you. Then it was you in lectures staring off and fushiguro-san popping in your mind. Get out of my head!
“If the interview didn’t go well. Just ask for another one. Athletes don’t like talking about their private lives, but they seem a bit more open to say a few things after winning a game,” your co-worker said as she sat across from you. Your eyes lit up, that’s perfect. Yes! You’ll go to the fight tomorrow and you’ll just ask him questions in public. If he wins the game, and a bunch of journalist surround him, he’s going to answer some so you’ll just hide there and ask questions. Plus you’ll be able to snap some pictures which your boss wanted.
That’s how you ended up here. You had your notepad, pen, camera, and recorder. You made the smart decision to wear pants this time, not even risking a thing this time around. You will not indulge him or embarrass yourself. Professional. Yes professional… all profes…
Your stomach turned as you stood beside the other journalists, watching the first fighter get called up. Yet you felt your body heat up when you heard his name. Your eyes immediately gravitating towards the door as you watched him make his way. The stadium was full as they cheered for the man. His brows were knit together, his jaw was clenched. He looked worked up.
You subconsciously crossed your legs, squeezing them together as the fight began. Your heart was pounding as you watched him fight. Watching videos is nothing compared to seeing him fight live. The commotion from the audience, the clapping, the snapping of cameras. Your eyes could not leave his form.
Your fingers continued to snap shots of the man. Your heart was hammering in your ears as you felt your stomach churn with each punch Toji took. It scared you how unfazed he was taking several punches before getting his chance to plow into his opponent. You weren’t sensitive to blood or violence, but you cringed witnessing the man get hurt.
Toji grunted as he sat in his corner. Chugging some water as he mentally prep—
His breath hitched, the water sliding down from his chin, running down his chest. The familiar golden glint of the necklace. His eyes immediately locked on her. He brushed off the slight rise in his heart beat, and the sudden jittery feeling in his stomach.
Your cheeks went pink when your eyes met. Your grip tightening on your precious camera. The stadium fell silent, only able to hear your breathing as Toji gave a small smirk, before he stood back up for the final round. You couldn’t concentrate, only able to gaslight yourself into thinking that you didn’t make eye contact and he probably saw something behind you.
The moment Toji knocked out his opponent with a harsh jab to his jaw, the match was over. The stadium bursted into applause and shouting as the journalists crowded the ring. You immediately followed suit, this was your chance for him to answer questions in the craze.
Sports channels had cameras all up in Toji’s face. His brow ticked, but nonetheless he answered standard questions after a win. “Glad to be here” “it was a good fight” blah blah
“Do you have anyone to thank?!” The sports man laughed holding the mic out for Toji, the camera pointed at him. Toji felt like he imagined you in the audience. Maybe he was just projecting his own delusions. His thoughts of you somehow creeping in during the fight. But why did he still reply, “just a cute journalist.”
Fuck. You cursed. The amount of journalist and cameraman were unimaginable. You were pushed all the way to the back, not even able to stick a hand through to get your recorder in.
Your jaw clenched when you noticed the crew escorting Toji back to the locker-rooms. Cameramen we’re not allowed, however journalists had free range. Immediately following them down the Hall until you noticed them all crowding around an open door. Apologizing as you tried to squeeze yourself through, just need my recorder to get—
“Ah,” a small yelped escaped your lips as your legs tripped on someone’s foot, the sudden crowd having accidentally shoved you forward, as you landed on your knees. You sat up, cursing quietly as you quickly checked to make sure there were no damages to your precious new camera. A sigh of relief escaping once it gave you a beautiful clean sparkle.
“journalist-chan,” A voice spoke, your head looking up, immediately being met with the dark green orbs. Your cheeks flushed immediately, the man was getting stitched and patched as journalists bombarded him with questions that only had him clenching his jaw. But then you came and fell right into his sight.
“f-fushiguro-san,” you cursed yourself for stuttering. But how could you not. The last time you saw this man was when you had the most embarrassing experience of your fucking life! “I’m just…here to get questions. Since you were no help last time.”
“Same attitude as ever, I see,” Toji remarked, “like acting like a brat?” He pushed the medics hand away from his face as he told him he’s fine. Your brows furrowed as you watched Toji grab his sweater, zipping it up before grabbing his bag ready to leave.
“Wait, can’t you at least answer one question,” you cursed yourself for being the unprofessional one now. How could you talk to an athlete like—
“I’ll answer your stupid ass questions, just not in this fuckin’ place,” Toji grumbled as he grabbed your arm pulling you to your feet as he made his way out the locker room, the crew escorting him.
You had no time to reply, only following the older man as his hand slipped down to your own, leading you down the hallway as journalists followed and shouted for answers. You kept a careful hand on your camera afraid it’ll be damaged in the bustle as the other unconsciously squeezed Toji’s as you tried to keep up with his fast paced. Toji looked over his shoulder, making sure you were really here. Your eyes looking up meeting his, only to make him give you a small smile. Kill me now. You cursed, heart immediately popping out of your chest and slamming right back in.
Toji sighed once he was sat in his car. His chest rising and falling. It was quite a night, and then he was bombarded by all those people. Now he had to entertain you. You awkwardly sat beside him, hands hugging your camera.
“You can just answer like two questions, fushiguro-san—“
“Drop the fushiguro-san,” Toji grumbled. “Toji is fine.” Your cheeks went pink.
“Um, t-to…” you couldn’t, it didn’t feel right. “I mean you don’t have to answer all my questions, I don’t want to bother you—“
“You’re no bother,” Toji looked at you from the corner of his eye. You weren’t even looking at him. Only fidgeting with your camera in your lap. Your ears were a light pink, your eyes fluttering around as you tried to think. “We’re here anyways, if you don’t mind coming in, I’ll answer your questions.”
“Okay,” You cursed again. He had you playing right into his fingers. His hand brushed your hair from your shoulder, your head turning in his direction as he let his fingers subtly graze your skin.
“We’re here fushiguro-san,” the driver informed. Your eyes were ripped from Toji’s, once you noticed the paparazzi that surround his building. Oh for fucks sake—
“Stay close,” Toji broke your thoughts, placing a baseball cap on your head and opening the door. The paparazzi immediately swarmed the car as Toji and some building security escorted him through the crowd. You kept your hand in Toji’s, letting him lead you, however, the crowd seemed to look past you as another journalist. I mean you are. But not realizing your hand in Toji’s, someone accidentally had a hold on your camera strap pulling you back.
A yelp escaped your lips, before your hand immediately left Toji as you turned back around, watching your camera crash onto the floor and get stomped on by the crowd. No! Fuck fuck fuck! Your eyes brimmed with tears as you fell trying to see the damage—it’s destroyed. Broken to bits. You cursed yourself for not buying the three year lease for damages.
“Oi!” Toji cursed when you got eaten by the crowd. Fucking kid. He turned pushing the annoying ass cameras from his face before he found you getting shoved and kicked on the ground. “What’re you—“ another paparazzi accidentally stumbled into you as they tried to push past. Toji felt his blood boil, aggressively shoving them back, before his arm hooked around your waist, hoisting you off the ground as he carried you quickly into the building. “What’s wrong with you? I asked for one fuckin thing…” Toji’s voice trailed off when he looked at the tears that swelled in your eyes and the corpse of your camera in your hands. “Christ.”
“I saved up so much for it,” you mumbled, biting the inside of your cheek as you tried to hold on your tears. The camera was worth a lot! You cherished it, and you’ve only had it for a month! Toji led you to the elevator as you mindlessly followed him, complaining and whining.
“Okay I get it,” Toji groaned walking into the large penthouse, dropping his things down and kicking his shoes off. You wiped your tears noticing the tired strides Toji took to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and chugging it, before wincing. You awkwardly walked in, putting the broken camera down by your shoes, at least the sd card was fine, you thought. Also pushing the cap off.
“You’re still bleeding,” you mumbled, pointing to your temple. Toji brushed it off, but you felt guilty for putting him through more stress with your own problems. So you asked him where the first aid kit was. The large kit was now open on the coffee table as Toji sat on the couch, letting you patch up the stitches that he didn’t let the medic cover up.
Carefully wiping the blood, and spraying it for germs, before placing a bandage on it. Toji could not take his eyes off you. As much as you tried to avoid his eyes, you could feel his piercing gaze on you, immediately warming up your body. Toji hummed once you patched up his chest, his hand roaming up your waist, before slipping under your shirt to feel the warm skin.
“Toji-san,” you mumbled, Toji felt his blood rush down at the cute way you said his name. His fingers mindlessly rubbed your waist as he looked up at you.
“Ask me your questions,” he said, for some reason, he wanted to know what you would look like when you were happy. Only having seen the frustrated and annoyed side which he found to be absolutely adorable and funny.
Your eyes lit up, grabbing the recorder from your back pocket and hitting play. The questions were already in your head as you fired them one after the other. A thrilling blush beginning to form as Toji finally answered them. Though he still brushed past some, he still chose some that he was comfortable answering. Toji licked his lips as he leaned against the couch, answering a question. Your heart was hammering on your chest, he looked so good like this. His eyes were half lidded, the cuts on his face and chest, only seemed to increase his attractiveness.
“Anymore questions for me, sweetheart?” Toji looked up, your lips were parted, the same pink blush he always imagined was bright and apparent. Toji quirked a teasing brow, subconsciously spreading his legs wider for you, as if he knew you’d take that other step and close the distance.
He hummed having your lips push against his. He smiled widely, feeling your inexperienced lips try to get some satisfaction from him. How cute. His hand immediately grabbing her waist and pulling her into his lap, he took hold of her jaw and lead the kiss. Kissing her beautiful lips, until she parted them, allowing his tongue to enter, pushing against her. His hand wandering under her shirt, until it rested under her breast, finger pushing under the bra—
“Wait—“ you broke the kiss, your chest was heaving as your thoughts were jumbled. Your eyes darted between his as he gently caressed your cheek, his tongue licking your lips as he had your mind falling back to him. It was all him. You just wanted him. “I’ve never—“
“I think that’s pretty obvious, doll,” Toji cut you off, your face catching on fire, sending the man cackling. “You’re burning up and I’ve only kissed you, I’ve barely even touched you. Can feel your pussy pulsing through your pants.” H-how embarrassing! Your eyes were wide, and cheeks flaring hot.
“What?!” You shrieked, only for Toji to cut you off with his lips. If your lips taste this good, he wonders how good your pussy tastes. You tried your best to keep up with him, pulling your shirt over your head tossing it aside. His lips began to leave sloppy kisses down your neck. Your fingers tangling in the back of his head as his hand trailed up your spine, making you arch into him before he unclasped your bra. Your nipples already perked up as he smiled at them. Your legs squeezed around him, biting your lip when he brushed his lips against the buds.
“So cute,” he said, flicking his tongue on the hard nipples, salvia coating the skin as you bet your lip. His eyes looked up at you, catching you off guard. Your lips parting in surprise only to see his lips tug up. His hand wide digging into the flesh of your waist as he kissed and sucked your tits. Your eyes were dazed, whimpering oh so quietly, it sounded like a lullaby. Toji was getting too excited. A blank canvas. You had no experience at all, especially after that kiss. The thought of his hand being the first to touch you, he’ll make sure it’s the only one too.
“toji-san,” you yelped feeling him lift you up. Your arms wrapping around his shoulder as he caught your lips with his own. Your mind ignoring wherever he was taking you, and allowed yourself to get lost in him. His hand slipping into your pants to grip your ass as he sucked on your neck.
The next thing you know, your pants were on the ground and he was laying you down on the large bed, before his lips were back on yours. Your legs rubbed together, worked up over the heat and pulsing. Toji groaned at the way you were squirming.
“Stop moving,” he growled, your face turning red as you pouted. “If you stay still, I’ll take care of it.” Toji’s eyes looking down at yours. Your lip quivered, lips parting, only making him brush his thumb on the soft tissue, tugging it down. Your tongue seemed to understand, lulling out for him. “How dirty,” he commented. “Such a little slut.” He rubbed his thumb on your wet tongue, making you whimper, however, you desperately clenched your fist, trying not to squirm.
Toji took his time kissing and teasing you. Slowly moving his face down, his licks sent goosebumps rising through your body. Your lip quivering as you watched him anxiously get closer to where you wanted him most. Toji’s fingers tweaked the side of your panties, before pulling it up, making you whine.
“toji-san!” You bit your lip, as Toji raised a brow, you immediately stopped the squirming.
Toji kissed the wet panties. His lips feeling your soft lips beneath the thin fabric. Smells so good, the panties were already drenched, yet he still drooled and lapped at the resistance, only to tease the little bud underneath. Your teeth tug into your lip, frustrated how much he was teasing, but you still wanted to behave. His eyes staring up at you sent shivers down your spine and a warm pool continue to settle between your legs.
“Awww such a good girl,” toji cooed, absolutely delighted how much your obeying. You lips shook as your fingers held his shoulder. “What’s wrong? Is the problem here?” Toji spoke to you like a baby, you couldn’t even lie and say you hated it, because it only had you clenching your legs together, making the older man smirk. Toji’s finger pressed against the bud, your hips jerking as your fingers dug into his shoulder.
“Do something, please,” you mumbled quietly, embarrassed you had to ask. But Toji rewarded you, ripping off your panties, and taking a wet lap up your folds, tongue running through your soaking slit, as he hummed in approval. The taste coating his lips as he smiled in delight. Your hand immediately fell to your side gripping the sheets. Toji hummed feeling his cock rise, lapping up your stunning pussy.
“Such a sweet little thing,” he moaned, taking another lap. Adoring the way you squirmed and clawed at his shoulders. However he already has his tongue in your hole, before he went up and circled your clit with his tongue, grabbing your hips up closer to his face stimulating your beautiful cunt.
“to-toji-san!” You cried as you felt him bring you closer and closer. He held your firmly against him as he ate your pussy, feeling the way your clenched around nothing and your body writhing up, until you finally started shaking and releasing onto his tongue. Your chest was heaving as Toji pulled back. A trail of salvia and juices connecting his lips to your drenched pussy. “Taste so good, lemme get a better look at this cute little pussy,” He licked his lips as he spread apart your folds fingers spreading around your mess, watching you clench around nothing.
“So cute, came so fast, doll,” Toji praised, immediately noticing the way you clenched and rubbed up into his fingers at the praise. Toji laughed, your face turning red as your hands swung down to your core.
“Don’t look!” You blurted, completely embarrassed to have this man stare and admire your most private area. Toji laughed as he brought a finger to your lips. You unknowingly parted them, letting his middle finger enter your mouth, automatically sucking on the digit before he added his ringer finger. Toji hummed rubbing your inner thigh, encouraging you to continue sucking.
You seemed to forget what you did moment ago, because you were retracting your hands and instead tried to rub up on Toji-san. As you held his wrist sucking on his fingers. Your eyes fluttering gently as your drool ran down his wrist and your chin.
“Christ,” Toji mumbled, “you like acting like a little slut?” The slap to your pussy had your hips bucking and uncontrolled moan escape your lips. Your eyes were wide, surprised by the reaction. However, a light sparked lit in Toji’s eyes. “My little girl just moan when I slapped her filthy pussy?” You shook your head embarrassed. He hummed released his fingers from your lips as your own fingers pulled at your bottom lip, unconsciously squeezing your tits together in suspense. Your legs opened wider, inviting the older man to do as he pleased.
Toji groaned at the sight of you sprawled out in front of him. Arousal stirring inside him as he pushed your legs further apart, his fingers rubbing your pussy, spreading your lips so he can see the view. His fingers closed around your bud, making you whine and buck your hips up. Until a sharp slap had you crying out.
“Such a fucking whore, you wanted me to play with you that’s why you came here, eh?” Toji asked, rubbing your clit again before giving it another slap, your eyes filled with tears.
“No!” You replied, lips quivering, not realizing how much you were enjoying this. How he was doing whatever he wanted with your body and you were just going along for the fun.
“That so? You lying to me?” Toji’s middle finger sank into your pussy, causing your hips to roll into him, lips parting as a gasp slipped. “How drenched were you when you went home?” Toji asked, pumping his finger into you, as his thumb played with the swollen bud. “Did you touch yr’slf as you thought of me?” Your face was getting red the more he pushed for answers. Your heart thumping in your ears, because his fingers felt so good inside you.
“More…want more,” you asked, Toji’s tongue clicked as he pulled his fingers out and gave your pussy another slap, your head thrown back as you cried. “toj-san!”
“Don’t act like a fucking brat,” he snapped, rubbing your clit as he asked again. “Did you think of me when you touched yourself?”
“Yes!” You shouted, toji continued to tease your hole, egging you in. “I…couldn’t cum…it didn’t feel good,” you mumbled. “I was so wet, but I wanted…you,” you couldn’t look at him, the words were too embarrassing. Yet Toji was absolutely stunned, his lips tugging into a wide grin before he plunged two fingers into your hole, pumping them fast. A loud cry ripped from your lips at the sudden stretch.
“Fuck, you’re such a dirty girl,” toji was so proud, you were listening to him and you admitted how much you wanted him. He wanted you to cover his hand with your juices, needing you to stretch some more so he can finally sink his heavy cock into you. Your walls squeezing his fingers as he curled them, leaning down to bite and slobber on your tits. Your hands pulling at his hair as you cried, feeling your orgasm edge closer.
Toji hummed against your tits, as he pulled back, pumping faster, hearing the juices squish around, until your hips were squirming up as you gushed around his fingers. The man smiled, pumping you through your high, as you clawed at his wrists to push him away. Your walls clenching around his fingers, as he pulled them out. Smiling at the mess you’d made. He sucked his digits clean, humming at the sweet liquid, as you tried to catch your breath.
“You’re so adorable, like my fingers?” Toji’s lips ghosted yours, as he rolled his hips between your legs. You feel the outline of his dick rub against you. You hummed, your thoughts still floating as you opened your mouth for the man. Tongue hanging out as Toji hummed kissing your tongue as he ran his along yours before letting his spit could down your tongue. You moaned a bit too loudly as you swallowed leaning up for more. Christ you’re this fucked out just by his tongue and fingers?
“good, uh,” you moaned softly as he rocked his hips between your legs. Your pussy drenching his shorts. You still wanted more? Toji’s tongue swirled with yours as you panted against him. Tits pushing up against his broad chest, feeling his salvia on you squish against him.
“Think you can take my cock, sweetheart?” Toji asked, kissing the corner of your lips as you panted gently. Your lips curled into a little smile as your fingers felt his chest, moving down his abs, careful of the purple bruises.
“Wanna have it,” you spoke, your words just flying out of your lips making Toji chuckle as he brushed your hair to see you smiling at him.
“Greedy little thing a‘ren’t you,” Toji laughed as you smiled, licking his lips he lifted you further up the bed so he could toss his shorts and boxers off. Your lips parting at the sight. Flashbacks of him stepping out of the shower were in your mind for a week, but for some reason it slipped your mind that it’ll obvious be bigger when he’s aroused.
Toji hummed as he stroked his cock, before grabbing your hips and rubbing his cock between your folds, getting him wet. Your eyes were wide at the size. He was thick, the mushroom head leaked pre cum as he rested his heavy cock on your stomach, making you realize how far he’ll reach.
“It’s not…” you couldn’t wrap your head around how this is going to work. “there’s no way it’ll fit,” you blurted, completely stunned as Toji laughed rocking his hips between your folds as he pressed his tip against your bud. Circling it as your legs twitched.
“sure about that?” Toji slappped his cock against your clit, making you moan. “made you cum twice, you’ll be fine,” your eyes were wide as Toji pushed your legs up, spreading you out more before he pushed in. Your jaw went slack, as your nails dug into his shoulders.
“To-san!” Toji hummed as you cried out, he’d only gotten the head in.
“fhuck baby, relax,” Toji’s jaw clenched, your grip was suffocating him. You’re lucky he’s your first, because if this was some stupid ass college kid, he wouldn’t have been able to take care of you. But thankfully you were in toji-san’s care.
“b-but it hurts,” you cried, Toji hummed, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
“I know, you’re doing so well,” Toji sighed, you felt so good. Of course it hurt, it was your first time yes, but then there was his size. He kissed your face, as he rubbed his thumb on your clit, until your lips parted and suddenly you came around him. Toji smiled, taking this moment to push himself further inside.
A scream ripped from you as you felt Toji sink further into you, until he was laughing, and rocking his hips inside you.
“Good girl, taking me all in,” Toji praised you, as your eyes were foggy as you felt so full. Toji hummed as he pushed your leg up his shoulder, only to sink further. A moan escaping your lips as Toji hummed. “feel so good, gonna fuck you just the way you want.” Toji pulled back out, your lips parting at the sudden loss before his hips snapped into you. Your eyes filled with tears.
“Crying over my cock, baby,” Toji cooed as he fucked your pussy as tears ran down your flushed face. Your tits bouncing with each thrust as he planted himself harder, fingers digging into your flesh. His eyes dilating at the small blood at the base of his cock. “fuck me,” he groaned, biting the inside of your thigh that rested on his shoulder. Your throat was dry as you felt yourself drawing closer.
“c-close! ahh please!” You cried, nails leaving marks along his arms as Toji edged you closer until you were bucking you hips up, clenching around him. The fighter was so full, his balls were heavy as they continued to slap the curve of your ass. You could feel the vein of his cock run against your walls as his hair tickled your clit. Toji hummed, licking his lips at the ring at the base of his cock. Hearing your wet cunt as he fucked into you.
“t-toj…san,” your words were slurred, completely fucked out, Toji’s eyes delighting at the sight. Suddenly lifting you off the bed, his knees and feet digging into the mattress as he held you up, fucking up into you. A cry escaped your lips at the overstimulation. His large hand holding the small of your back as the other gripped your thigh.
“look so fucking good, such a fucking angel,” Toji’s praises poured from his lips. This was the first time he’s been so captured by someone. Your hair stuck to your forehead as Toji’s abs tense, your finger grasping his hair as your head leaned back, back arching as he bit your chest. “Perfect fucking pussy, baby. Such a good—uh fuck,” Toji felt his cock twitch, as he felt you clamping around him again.
Your head fell forward as you pulled his hair so his head tilted back to meet yours. Your eyes were completely dazed, his eyes blown, as your lips met his. He felt your falling tears, run down his cheeks as your tongue hanged out as your nails dug deep cumming around him, Toji bit your lip fucking up, until he felt his balls clench, and he was pulling you up, so his cock flew out spraying his hot white cum between your bodies. Toji groaned as he rocked you up and down, cock between your folds as he milked his cum out. Emptying his balls.
“toji-san,” your head rested on his sweaty shoulder, drool slipping from your lips. “was it good…d-did i do good?” Lips parted as you slowly calm down from the high. Toji caressed your back. Smiling as he brought his hand up to cup your cheek, laying you down on the mattress his lips capturing yours. You whining on his lips.
“You were so good for me,” your cheeks were flush. Toji chuckled as he felt your pussy twitch rubbing up at the praise. “Like it when I praise you?” Toji didn’t need to ask, he knew, it couldn’t be more obvious. Yet he enjoyed the way your cheeks lit up.
“I just…” you yawned, as Toji settled beside you. Your voice was a bit hoarse. So toji brushed your lips, as he mumbled he’ll grab a water for you.
Toji grunted as he walked into the kitchen. His body was sore from the fight, and after wrecking you, he felt like he could barely move. However, it was so worth it. Itching his shoulder as he filled a glass of water, he felt the breeze on his body. Taking notice of his wet dick. He should probably wipe you down as well…Toji didn’t bother thinking about how you’re the only person he’d do that for, because you were worth it. Toji made a quick call before grabbing a warm wet towel and returning to the bedroom.
“sweetheart?” Toji kneeled beside you, only to see that you’d knocked out. Understandable, you also had a long day. You mentioned earlier that you’d stayed up the night before working on an essay, and then you had the long night with him. Toji couldn’t help the smile as he parted your legs seeing the mess. How much he wanted to leave you like that. But he pushed the selfish thought, and wiped you clean. Also wiping his cum that sprayed on your stomach and tits.
“toji-san,” you mumbled, a hand reaching for him. You were too tired to open your eyes so Toji finished up tossing the towel aside and pulling you into his chest as you fell back asleep. You were so warm, your body wrapping on top of him, your hands brushed his stomach as your cheek was smooshed against his pec, lips parted. This is a nice way to fall asleep, toji thought, before he too fell asleep.
Toji woke the next morning. The floor to ceiling window covered the side of the room as it overlooked the city. Looking under his arm to see the body tangled in the white sheets , still dozed off. Rubbing his eyes, the man sat up, before he took another look at the girl in his bed. A brow quirked as he saw your bare back facing him as you laid on your stomach, completely sprawled on his large bed, the sheet so tangled around your ass and somehow wrapped aggressively around one leg.
It was almost the afternoon, Toji pushed the cover off his body as he walked to the kitchen, rubbing his face. He answered a couple calls from his manager and some sponsors, before he went through this emails, sipping his coffee. Returning to the room, looking over at you still fast asleep. Drool coming from your lips. The urge to take picture had him snapping two before tossing his phone on the bed and heading to the bathroom.
Toji took his time washing his face, careful of his cuts, brushing his teeth, taking a piss, so on. Then stepping into the shower. His thoughts wandered to you. Rinsing all the sex from his body, he stepped out of the steaming shower drying himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist. That’s when he heard the buzzer. Stepping out of the bathroom.
You stirred awake at the loud noise. Eyes blinking at the bright light, you pressed your face into the soft mattress. Just a few more minutes. The bed is so warm. So much room. Then you heard a low voice in the distance. Suddenly your mind woke up, eyes finally opening to see the large windows, that sprayed daylight into the large ass bedroom. Toji-san! Your mind screamed.
You pushed your body up until you fell back onto the mattress. “Shit” you looked down at your body to see the tangled mess that entrapped you. Grumbling to yourself, as you anxiously untangled your limbs.
“You’re up,” his deep voice catching you off guard, quickly holding the blanket to your chest. Your eyes looking up at the man standing beside the open door, walking further in, a gray towel loose on his hips. Your cheeks turning a shade darker at the bruises from yesterdays fight, along with your own nail marks, reminding you of last night.
“uh, morning…” you spoke, cheeks pink. This was the first time you’ve done this. And the last time! But this is awkward! Toji chuckled, walking over as he handed you the box. Luckily you untangled yourself enough to sit up. Letting the cover drop, resting on your lap as you accepted the box.
Toji sipped his coffee as he let you open the package. His eyes wandering over your exposed skin, the morning light finally highlighting his work from the long night. His pride swelling as the bruising hand marks sparkled around your waist, the bite marks still visible around your neck, and tits. Then the beautiful dark hickies littered across your tits and the rest of your body. My he did a number on you.
“Are you serious!” You shouted, pulling out the camera. Your lip quivered as you felt a sudden rush of happiness. It was the same exact one that broke last night. “My camera,” you hugged the brand new camera. “How’d you get a new one so fast?”
“Does it matter?” Toji asked, you shook your head. The man hummed as he watched you pull out the lense.
“This lense is even better, my old one was just a 16-20mm this is a 16-80mm lense,” you ranted, toji had no clue what the hell that meant. But at least you liked it. His hand reached out to your cheek, causing you to look up at him. Your eyes bright and warm as he brushed your hair off your forehead, patting your head. Your face went red, making the man laugh.
“So it’s good?” Toji confirmed.
“Mhmm,” you smiled, the toothy grin having Toji’s stomach warm up, such a cute little thing you were. His hand holding the back of your head, pulled you to his lips. You hummed in surprise, but allowed the man to part your lips, letting you taste his morning coffee. Your tongue wanting to press against his, making Toji chuckle, his hand running down your side as you leaned further in.
Toji soon pulled away as he stood up. “Let’s grab some breakfast,” Toji said. Your eyes bright, and cute flush dusting your cheeks after the heated kiss. “You can shower if you want,” Toji said, you hummed. Putting the camera to the side, you moved off the bed, only for your legs to buckle. Fuck me, there’s no way.
Toji looked over his shoulder. His brow raised, watching you stand back up, but your hand grabbed at your leg and the other held the bed steadying yourself.
“Need help?” Toji’s teasing voiced hit you straight in the chest. Smug bastard. Your jaw clenched as you looked up at him. How adorable. Toji saw the twitch in your eye.
“No,” you snapped, sucking in a deep breath as you got up taking a step forward. Fuck you really needed to use the bathroom, that’s why it’s harder to walk.
“Really gonna be a brat about this?” Toji said again watching you sweat and struggle.
“It’s your fault,”
“My fault…for doing what you asked?” Toji threw back.
“I—you…” toji loved the way you were getting worked up. “It was my first time! It’s not my fault!”
“Okay, yes yes,” Toji waved you aside turning around to leave. “Whatever you say, gonna act like a brat, then make your own way to the bathroom.”
Your fist tightened around the sheets, your legs struggling to move. Just needa piss then it’ll be fine. You sucked up your two inch pride.
“Toji-san,” you called, eyes cast down in embarrassment. “Please help me.” A smirk tugged on his lips, easily striding over, mug aside, hoisting you up, hands on your ass as your legs wrapped around him, arms around his shoulder.
“Wasnt so hard was it?” He met your eyes as you rolled them, making him give your ass a slap. A yelp surprising you as he smirked up, feeling your pussy press against his abs. “You really are one dirty brat,” he said rubbing your ass cheek as he spread them apart feeling you press against him. Suddenly giving it another slap, making you gasp.
“D-Don’t,” you stuttered, you need to use the bathroom. “I have to go, don’t tease me now,” you said embarrassed. Toji laughed, feeling your pussy pulse against his stomach. Your bottom lip tucked in your mouth as you struggled to contain yourself, only for Toji to give you another slap sending a wave down your body, just in time for Toji to let his towel slip to the floor and step in the shower, letting the hot water hit you both.
“You get worked up too easily,” Toji taunted caressing your lips with his thumb as you pissed. Your tongue lulled out as he smiled, letting you suck on his thumb as you rubbed against him, as he held your ass. “Last night not enough for you?” Toji groaned as he felt your tongue circle the tip of his thumb, before you opened your mouth, finishing your release. “You’ll be the death of me.”
Toji rubbed his leaking tip between your folds, as he attacked your lips. “Gonna take me in, like a good girl, eh?” Toji said, rubbing your ass as you hummed nodding. You were adorable, whining and moaning as if you weren’t asking for it. His finger loosened you up, before he sank you on his cock. Your back arching as you held him close, before he started fucking you into the wall.
“Ah so big,” you squeaked, as your moans bounced off the walls. Your pussy clamped around him as he swallowed your moans. Until you were cumming around him. Toji wanted so badly to pull out and have you get on your knees for him as he came on your face, however, he decided he’d rather teach you that another time. He wanted to lay back and enjoy the scene of you gagging and struggle to fit him in your mouth. So he opted for pulling out and cumming between your bodies. Your fingers delicately holding his cock, as Toji nuzzled his face in your neck as you stroked him for more cum, smiling when you felt the thick length twitch and release a bit more.
You were a little wobbly as Toji set your legs down. Your hands holding his arms until you were steady. Toji didn’t bother to think about how out of the ordinary this is for him. How he actually enjoyed how you washed your hair, or how you were struggling on your tip toes to wash his hair until he kneeled on the floor for you. You laughed as you cleaned his hair, and him not caring that he’d taken a shower ten minutes prior, because at least now he was kissing your stomach and feeling up your thighs as your fingers massaged his scalp.
Don’t ask Toji to explain how much he enjoyed your hands cleaning his body or you speaking to him casually. Because if he was being honest, this was something that felt normal. It felt right. You came into his life so unexpectedly yet you fit into it so perfectly.
Toji Fushiguro, the top MMA fighter, known for his unexpected violence. Is a complete and utter softie for this journalist.
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hoejism · 2 years
d a d d y’ s  p r i n c e s s
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Bestie I’m (s)creaming!!! OF COURSE I’LL WRITE THIS SKDSFNSDJF there’s no fucking way I’ll pass this up
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f!reader x step daddy!fushiguro toji (jjk)
tw: stepcest + nsfw + breeding + corruption + cheating + just pure filthy smut 18+ MINORS DNI
word count: 2.5k
a/n: You wanted hot, I’ll give you extra spicy xoxo Enjoy, you sinners. Hope I did (step)Daddy Toji justice <3 (Also, if you don’t like this/ feel uncomfortable with this, please don’t read it!)
Also available on my AO3: here
Read part 2: sins of an angel out now
buy me a ko-fi?
Fushiguro Toji was not a patient man, not when it came to you. You were a forbidden fruit, simply irresistible and delicious to taste, and he had to have you, one way or another. He knew how wrong it was to stare at his beautiful, 21-year-old stepdaughter, but he couldn’t help himself when you were practically inviting him to ogle at you. The way you wore your shortest shorts, revealing your ass cheeks, and your lowest, tight v-neck shirts threatening to spill out your perfect breasts around the house was too much for him. You didn’t even wear a bra, so he’d always see your perky nipples poke through the fabric. To top it all off, you were killing him with that pure, untainted innocence of yours. It was selfish of you and oh so frustratingly unfair to him.
Keep reading
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hoejism · 2 years
⩇ ⩉ ꐑ 𖣯 ⌕ ᨒ ᯤ ᯅ 𖤘 𖥦 ⏃ % 𓍯 𔗫 𔖲 𓂃 ﹆ ﹅ 𓄼
𓄹 ᭣ ꧞ 𓏲 𓂅 ꣼ ࿓ ࿔ ༄ ⌗ 𓈒 ⊹ 𖥔 ᨵ ꑘ ᜊ ᦒ ଘ ◖ ◗𖠗 ꗃ ٩
ะ ≛ ߸ 𖡡 𝆺𝅥 ꩜ 𖣠 𖦹 ❤︎ ♥︎ 𔘓⁩ ♡ ᥫ᭡ ✶ 𖤐 ★ 𑁍 ꕤ ❑ ❒
،ぬ̳ 🕷♡̷̷ 𖤐˖ ଓ ઇ ઉ 𖧧 𓂃 ִֶָ ♡゙≛ ، ꒦꒷꒷꒦
i!?!!﹗⦂ 𓈃 𓄲 𓄴 𓈀 𓊔 ❝ ❞ 𓍯 𓏲 ᭡ 𓂅 ꊥ
᯽ ◷ ﹆ · જ ◐ ﹅ ᵕ̈ ♡̷̷ ५ତっ𑁍𐑺 ⌗ 𐪔 ୨୧ ‣ › ⌫ ✧
✦⭒ ✓ ✘ 𓈈 ᚙ ⩨ ▚ ஃ 𐐫 𝗈︩︪ ꒰ ꒱ ʚ ɞ “” ⌨︎ ⚠︎ ҂ᴥ •
ა ꕤ # ๑・ ꈊ ⍝ ˒ ・ ⍈ ∞⠀𓈒 ♡̶ 𓂃 𓄷 𖤐 ꒧ ᘒ 〰 𒀭
⩄ :﹫ ᰔᩚ ैེ་✩ ᵕ̈♡˳೫ ೃ● °୭̥ ✩·˚༘ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✧˖*࿐
ᙏ̤̫ ʚ ɞ ʚ♡ ☺︎. യ. ꕤ. ˘͈ᵕ˘͈. ꒰ ꒱ ⩩♡⃗ * ⭔✩̶ ⊹. ᜊ ˚ · ˚
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hoejism · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✧  ; ⠀⠀ S y m b o l s
  ⠀⠀⋆*✩⑅◡̈⃝*        ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥      *⑅୨୧*     ੈ♡˳·˖✶     ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜    ˳೫˚∗     ༊*·˚    
。:°ஐ      ✩⡱     ☆ミ ☆彡     ʚ text here ɞ     ·˚*୨୧ text here ୨୧*˚·    
༚༅༚˳✿˳༚༅༚     ˚₊✩‧₊◜     ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩     ˚ ༘♡*.。˚    ❀      ࿐ ࿔*:・     ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆      ୭̥*ೃ     ୭·࣭࣪̇˖      ࿇  ﻮ  ₰  ∾  ⋄ ⋆  ⌕  ⌗  ❏  ❐  ❑  ❒
✳︎    ✴︎    ✶     ✷     ✸     ✹    ✺     ⍟     ⁕     ❂     ❄︎     ❅     ❆     ❇︎
♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪       ໒꒱.*      ˖♡ - ̗̀ ⇢ ৎ୭      ⁎⁺˳✧༚      ೃ    ✦    ✧    ∗    ❥ ҉ ༄
⋆¸*ೃ☼       ♡.°୭̥ ୨୧      ᵕ̈♡˳೫˚∗     ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅      .⋅ εïз ⋅.      ༻❁༺  
 ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-       ’*•.¸♡ text ♡¸.•*‘            ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚    ꕥ

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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✧  ; ⠀⠀ K a o m o j i s 
૮₍ ˶• ˔ ต ₎აㅤ૮₍。 •.• 。₎ა ㅤ ૮ / / / ก ა. ㅤଘ ꒰ 。 • 𖥦 • 。 ꒱ノ♡
₍ᐢ ๑ • 𖥦 • ๑ ᐢ₎︎ ♡ ㅤ ₍ ๑ • ᴗ • ๑ ₎ㅤ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა(*˘︶˘*).。*♡ㅤ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა.
૮₍ ๑ • ᵜ ก ๑ ₎ა  ꒰⸝⸝◡.◡꒱   ૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎აㅤ૮ ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ აㅤ૮ • ﻌ - ა ㅤ૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ ა
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა ㅤ૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა ㅤ૮₍。 •᎔• 。₎აㅤ ૮₍。´• ˕ •`。₎აㅤ ૮₍ ៸៸ ᵜ ก ₎აㅤ
૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა ㅤ૮ ◜ᵕ◝ ㅅ ა   ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭   ʚ(˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ   (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ) ੭    (੭^ ⑅ ᴗ ⑅^)     ꜀(.  ̫. ꜆)꜄” ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა   ♡ ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
☆⌒(>。<)      - ̗̀ ( ˶'ᵕ'˶) ̖́-       ꒰՞•□⁠•՞꒱      (*⌒-⌒)    ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱   (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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