hogwartsahome-rp · 11 years
I guess there's no harm in this.
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☑ - I want to RP  ✾ - I want to RP smut ♥  - I want to RP a relationship  ☄ - I want to RP an AU ❂ - I want to RP angst 
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hogwartsahome-rp · 11 years
Alexander sat on the bench at the local park. It was a break from all the teaching at Hogwarts. The cold winter breeze made him feel slightly more relaxed, like the breeze was asking him to stay just for a little longer. He watched as a single snowflake landed on the tip of a frosty grass blade, more snowflakes fell to the ground and Alexander stared at the grass, tilting his head slightly. Soon enough, he wasn't able to see anything but the grass. Alexander felt a presence beside him on the bench, but continued to stare at the grass as tiny snowflakes dropped down onto it, not thinking that the person beside him would even want to talk.
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hogwartsahome-rp · 11 years
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Julia Evan Richardson | FC: Ariana Grande | 15 | Student
Since birth, Julia's parents have known that Julia was going to be accepted into Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And, just so that she was prepared, she researched Hogwarts and read about it, so that when she got accepted, she would already know a few things before she had gotten there. The day she got her letter of approval from Hogwarts, she was ecstatic, it was the happiest she had ever been. She was slightly nervous about the sorting hat procedure, but she was finally placed in Hufflepuff, like her mother was. She quickly began to make friends, and soon enough, she was the most popular girl in her house. Her first few years skipped past like a heartbeat, leaving nothing but a blur. Each year that she moved, she welcomed each and every new Hufflepuff member, making sure that they were able to become comfortable. In her fourth year, she earned the Hufflepuff house 50 points for her kindness throughout the years. She Julia was claimed to be a nerd, but honestly, she was just being kind. It was in her nature. This year, Julia took a strong interest in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but it didn't last very long. Julia's favourite lesson is now Transfiguration, and to this day, it still is.
Andy Wood, Three Months.
Relationship Status:
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hogwartsahome-rp · 11 years
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Jacob Sanders | FC: Devon Bostick | 16 |Student
Jacob was born into a family full of Witches and Wizards. Ever since he was old enough to understand, he was always excited for when he turned 11 and would be able to go to Hogwarts. Although his letter came late, he managed to get his things together and arrive at Platform 9 ¾ safely. He very easily made friends, most of which were girls, since he was a very attractive young man, nobody could say that he wasn't, because everybody was in love with him. Jacob was anxious when it came to the sorting hat, he really did not want to go into Slytherin. He didn't want to change into what most of the pupils in Slytherin were. Rude, unkind, and always showing off. Thankfully, Jacob was put into Griffindor. And in the third year, received the Seeker place in Quidditch. Soon enough, it was time for the Yule Ball. Jacob chose to go alone, since he didn't want to cause coflict between the few girls that would drool over him. And that leads up to now, his fifth year at Hogwarts. So far, things are looking great for Jacob. Will anything change this year?
Relationship Status:
Single (obviously).
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hogwartsahome-rp · 11 years
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Alexander William | FC: Gerard Way | 28 | Teacher/Professor in Care of Magical Teachers
House (Past):
Everybody knows that Alexander William was born into a Muggle Family. Everyone. Well, everyone that goes to Hogwarts, that is. Alexander was born and raised in a small town, and went by the name Alex. When he got that oh-so-important letter from Hogwarts, his parents were extremely mad at him. They were full of envy, but still allowed him to go. Alex was very anxious about which house he would get put in. He finally got put into Slytherin, but he wasn't like the others. Most Slytherins were black hearted and cold. Alex wasn't like that. He was kind and caring, unlike the others. His years at Hogwarts rolled on quickly. His favourite classes were Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts, as he was deeply interested in Magical Creatures and how to fight off the Dark Arts. When his time had come to leave Hogwarts, Alex was very sad, but still kept in touch with his long-term friends. He bought a house in Godric's Hollow and lived there for a while, until he was offered a job in Care of Magical Creatures in Hogwarts. Gladly, he accepted, and he had never been happier in hi life. 
Ginny Weasley; Two Months.
Relationship Status:
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