hoistsails · 3 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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hoistsails · 3 years
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𝐌𝐘  𝐀𝐑𝐓: the  hook  kids .
I’ve  been  wanting  to  draw  these  three  for  a  while  now  but  couldn’t  figure  out  exactly  how  or  what  i  wanted  to  do  with  them  until  just  before  xmas.  I  also  thought  giving  them  each  a  different  shade  of  a  signature  red  was  a  cool  way  to  connect  them  together.  Anyways!  Happy  New  Years  you  two!!  It’s  been  a  blast  building  on  these  three’s  dynamics  and  I  look  forward  to  developing  them  even  more  in  the  future!
@hoistsails        |        @calithal        |        @tiderider ​
only  those  tagged  can  reblog,  thank  you !
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hoistsails · 3 years
might fuck around and try out critical role rp
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hoistsails · 3 years
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yo this anime filter is a fucking VIBE
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hoistsails · 3 years
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bess being completely enamored with magic
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hoistsails · 3 years
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surface pressure // jessica darrow (encanto)
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hoistsails · 3 years
(  JAMES HOOK  -  severedleft​  )
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❝      ( … )        the   apple   never   falls   far   from   the   tree.      ❞
@hoistsails​ ,       💬
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          her stomach turns at the very thought .   it sickens her ,   because she knows deep down  ...  she cannot hide nor deny that she lays awake at night ,   wondering if what he says is true .   she was cursed with rage ,   after all .      “   don’t .   i am nothing like you .   ”
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hoistsails · 3 years
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MADDISON JAIZANI as Bess Marvin Nancy Drew, The Gambit of the Tangled Souls (s03e07)
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hoistsails · 3 years
what   part   of   this   haunted   house   are   you   ?
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YOUR   RESULT   :  the   mirror
What do you see today? Better yet, what don’t you see today? Probably the same as yesterday, right? Everything at once and nothing at all. You know the face looking back at you enough to know that it is not your own, whatever that means. You’ve learned by now that your face is irrelevant, one that takes a backseat to the ones that come to you every day, asking you to show them lies. You don’t, of course, you are an amalgamation of all the faces looking back at you, a reflection of themselves. There is nothing but truth in that. Don’t take it too personally, then, when they scream in your face and take off running. You show them what they show you: who they are. It’s something you can relate to, isn’t it? Not being able to confront yourself face-to-face.
tagged   by   :   like ten different people on god, i love you all tagging   :   YOU !!!
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hoistsails · 3 years
(  SOREN  -  faetaels​  )
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Time  had  turned  harriet’s  presence  into  a  comfort,  the  sort  where  soren  didn’t  always  think  before  he  spoke  because  he  felt  safe  following  his  impulses,  but  a  line  was  crossed  the  night  before  with  the  presentation  of  a  fact  he’d  considered  obvious. If  harriet  had  shown  the  slightest  of  unease,  he  was  prepared  to  minimize  the  meaning  and  explain  all  of  it  away  through  the  veil  of  sex,  but  it  was  necessary  because  she  reciprocated,  and  wasn’t  that  the  strangest  thing?
“being  able  to  do  something  isn’t  the  same  as  needing  to  do  something.”  the  only  thing  soren  didn’t  want  to  do  was  make  harriet  run,  but  he  didn’t  feel  concerned  about  that  as  he  dragged  fingers  through  harriet’s  hair  again,  wry  amusement  coating  his  voice. “i  think  this  might  not  just  be  friends  with  benefits  anymore.”  likely  hadn’t  been  for  a  while,  but  soren  spent  too  much  time  pretending  he  was  immune  to  feelings  to  know  when  it  happened  that  harriet  became  someone  important,  someone  he  wanted  an  excuse  to  see. “now  the  question  is… what  do  we  want  it  to  be?”
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          “   i know .   but you don’t have to talk about it if you aren’t comfortable .   i  ...  i know it’s hard for you .   ”     harriet is acutely aware of the feelings that may be holding soren back in many ways ;   to lose someone so close to him and torture himself for years ,   hemming and hawing over whether he deserves to even be happy after losing her .   she isn’t here to take anyone’s place ,   or remove anyone from the past  ...  she just feels so strongly for him and she doesn’t want to let him go .   she wants him to stay .
          “   i think you’re right .   ”     harriet tilts her head so she can rest her chin down upon his chest ,   so she can properly look him in the eyes .   her fingers begin to dance and trace shapes along his skin ,   from his chest down to his waist .   she sighs and presses a kiss down on his shoulder ,   deep and gentle ,   before pulling away and reaching up to caress the side of his face .     “   i want whatever you are willing to give me .   ”
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hoistsails · 3 years
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halsey, i would leave me if i could / unknown / kelly clarkson, because of you / into the badlands (2015) / alanis morissette, flinch / joan tierney, interview with the machine woman / bruce springsteen, long time comin’ / peter pan (2003) / lia marie johnson, dna / rupi kaur, milk and honey /  benjamin alire sáenz, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe
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hoistsails · 3 years
Anonymously describe my muse’s aesthetic! Talk about sights, smells, textures, tastes or sounds you associate with them.
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hoistsails · 3 years
(  SOREN - faetaels​  )
starter for @hoistsails​
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fingers  carding  through  dark  strands  of  untied  hair,  soren’s  other  hand  was  entwined  with  harriet’s  on  his  chest,  thumb  tracing  the  soft  center  of  her  palm  and  feeling  the  callouses  on  her  skin. the  others  were  gone  from  the  train  car  and  were  under  strict  instructions  not  to  return  until  the  next  day,  so  there  wasn’t  any  reason  for  harriet  to  rush  away  on  his  part,  although  she  might  soon  want  to. Feelings  weren’t  soren’s  strong  suit  and  they  weren’t  something  either  of  them  talked  about,  but  the  slip  up  earlier  proved  that  they  needed  to,  a  thought  that  spun  through  soren’s  head  for  a  third  time  before  he  drew  in  a  steadying  breath,  chest  rising  beneath  harriet’s  head. “do  we  need  to  talk  about  earlier?”  he  murmured,  turning  his  head  so  that  his  lips  brushed  her  hair. “about  what  it  means?”
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          feelings have always been an anomaly to harriet .   not one for opening up ,   and not one for letting someone in ,   she had never had someone who does not work for her just  ...  openly confess devotion to her .   their relationship had been what it always had been for years now ,   and somewhere along the way ,   something had shifted .   they would spend the night in each other’s bed ,   but instead of dressing and leaving ,   they began to talk .   they began to sleep through the night and leave the next morning .   sometimes they only  talked and never touched at all .   and god ,   she is terrified ,   but being with him is the easiest thing she has done for years .
          humming softly ,   she leans deep into soren’s touch ,   seeking the feeling of his fingers in her hair again .   warm brown eyes open and peer up into his face ,   inspecting the look on his face ,   trying to decipher what is going through his mind .     “   we can .   not if you don’t want to .   ”
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hoistsails · 3 years
(  HARRY  -  songeurame​  )
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   “you wound me, etti. to think that i would steal from a couple of children–” as though it wasn’t a regular occurrence. he shoved another squid snack into his mouth. “we made a deal for them, thank you very much.”
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          “   wounding ,   to accuse you of something you’ve done multiple times before ?   get some thicker skin ,   lad .   ”     quick as a whip ,   she reaches out and snatches the bag right out of her brother’s hands .     “   make a deal with me then :   you’ll get these back when you find the twins .   deal ?   ”
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hoistsails · 3 years
—–    @cecaelian​​ said :         ❛ I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so well. ❜
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         it feels like a slap across the face that had been a long-time coming .   a punch to the gut ,   a dagger to her throat ;   she feels like she’s been backed into a corner ,   forced to listen to words that make her sick to her stomach ,   words that make her want to put a hole in the wall .   words that have never been spoken in reference to her ,   or anything she has ever done in her life ,   but the same kinds of words that she will freely give to the people she cares for .   is this what it feels like to be on the receiving end ?     it burns .
         harriet visibly stiffens at uma’s words ,   lips curled into a troubled frown as she deliberately takes a step away .   she opens her mouth to speak ,   but chokes on the words she wishes she could say .   i don’t deserve it ,   please don’t say that ,   you don’t understand ,   i have failed .
          she can’t say anything ,   in the end .   she presses her lips together in a thin line ,   and won’t meet uma’s gaze ,   even if her life depended on it .   she doesn’t dare look back at the other .   not when her eyes have welled up like this .   she can’t look back ,   or she may simply break into pieces .
not accepting !
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hoistsails · 3 years
(  HARRY  -  @tiderider​  )
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          harry had worried at first when he had heard from harriet and realized the state that she had been in. further had been the anger when she had told him about a man that had been fool enough to put his hands on her, and while he knew that harriet, even drunk, was more than capable of defending herself, it hadn’t stopped harry from tracking the man down all the same. as he boarded the fancy, waving to mariam as he did. harry slipped his hook into his belt where it could hang unseen beneath his coat and raised several bottles of acid green, necks held between his fingers.    “    i’m  your  only  brother.    ”    harry said with a slightly raised brow.
    he popped the cap off of one of the bottles with his teeth and handed it to her, pocketing the cap before doing the same to a bottle of his own.    “    you  celebrating  something  or  was  drinking  just  a  whim  tonight ?    ”
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          harriet spies how he conceals his hook beneath his coat ,   and a warmth spreads in her chest that she knows has nothing to do with the alcohol she’s consumed tonight .   she doesn’t address it ,   doesn’t acknowledge it ,   just reaches up and excitedly beckons for him to hand a bottle to her .   she takes hold of the bottle by the neck ,   swirling the liquid inside and watching the acid green slosh slightly against the inside of the glass ,   before taking a generous swig .     “   with james’ track record ,   it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if you weren’t .   but you’re the only one i want around .   ”
          she takes another sip and relishes in the way the drink sears all the way down her throat ;   the burn is almost soothing to her ,   a fire strong enough to combat the fire that lives in her chest ,   where her pride turns on a spit .     “   mmm ,   can’t remember .   probably just a whim .   sammy and domi are asleep now .   ”
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hoistsails · 3 years
(  WENDY  -  darlingflight​  )
     “   right.   “   she rocked nervously upon her heels,   uncomfortable.   wendy didn’t blame her for not wanting anything to do with her.   but …   “   i just wanted to say that this.   all of this.   “   she gestured vaguely to the air,   because how could she sum up everything that was so horribly wrong?    “   i didn’t know about it.   and i wouldn’t have wanted it.   “
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          “   does it matter if you did or didn’t know ?   or whether or not your agreed ?   ”     though it is faint ,   the resemblance she bears of her father is there ;   it is there in the arch of her brows ,   the shape and curve of her lips ,   the waves in her dark hair .   deep down inside ,   she wonders if she’s being too harsh .   but it’s hard to feel guilty when she knows next to nothing about the woman called wendy darling .     “   it still happened .   your feelings won’t change it .   ”
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