▲: The trumpets blared from the orchestra, announcing her Highness as she entered the masque. Dressed in bright blue and pale grey ball gown, a small golden crown atop her head. Tonight was yet.. Another night dedicated to finding her a Prince to sweep her off her feet. She’d rather be anywhere else, but she couldn’t show it infront of all her lovely guests! Stepping down the stairs, she melds into the crowd, charismatic and slightly nervous. She greets those reaching for her hand to strike up a dance with the Princess of the Crocker Kingdom. She quickly declines and heads for the far wall. Violins and Cellos striking up traditional dances, and although the grand ball was for her, she stayed close to the wall and although tempted, denied most offers from the noble men of her own kingdom. [[KingdomStuck. Anyone welcome! Any Pairing welcome also.
▼: (( genderbents okay? ))
▲: [[ Yep!
▼: (( okay give me a minute here. ))
▲: [[ Take all the time you need, dear.
▼: Kanren yawned quietly, leaning against the wall, only a few steps away from the lovely Princess Jane. Of course, many, if not all, the men in the kingdom fancied her, and wished for her hand in marriage. Kanren himself couldn't help admitting he was one of the many, but he shivered, hating to be categorized in such a way. As the music droned on, he walked, and did a double take, to see the Princess so securely calm and placed at the far wall. Before he could decide what to do, an accidental push from behind caused him to stumble forward, and fall very close and against the Princess. He stood away quickly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so imposing . . ." of course he forgot to acknowledge the fact that she was Her Highness, and mentally scolded himself. Stupid Maryam, can't you think? "I tripped . . . please forgive me."
▲: Jane started with a soft jump and looked up at him, "Oh my.. Yes, I forgive you, kind sir." She said with a small curtsy. "One can only be hopeful to maintain footing in this throng of lovely dancers, can one not?" She asked, looking out to the crowd a little. Her face calmly set and her hands held just above her waist. Her skin was pale although the dress didnt make it look so, her collarbones and neck accented highly by the blue and her shortly cut black hair.
▼: His jade eyes widened slightly. He was up close to the Princess -- he hadn't been this close to her before. He always ravished her beauty from afar --- it was quite more stunning up close. The dress did her justice, as did her lovely lucid eyes . . . Maryam, she said something to you! A voice reminded. Thinking on his feet, he gave a soft smile. "Thank you, you're too kind. Of course, you are completely right. . . I suppose not being a good dancer myself, I couldn't exactly meld within the crowd. . ." . . . .and now she thinks you're a big awkward nerd. Great going, Kanren.
▲: Jane beamed at him, nodding furiously. "I deny to dance when I can! Im afraid if ones too tall or too short or too quick I may step on them with my shoe! Or even my own dress.. " She informed him, bright eyes watching his face. Someone who knew some of her trouble! Atlast. They all showed so much confidence she only felt wary to dance.
▼: Good lord, that smile melted him. He felt like he could die right now, but then again, why give the Princess a heartache? He returned the smile again, this one being stronger than the first. "It is refreshing to see someone who shares a similar problem." he said honestly, then said quickly, "I'm afraid I didn't introduce myself- I hope it doesn't stop you from regarding me kindly. I am Kanren Maryam," he gave a polite bow, looking with earnest jade eyes into Jane's own bright blue orbs.
▲: Jane followed his bow with a well practiced curtsy. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Kanren." She could feel her heart beating in her chest. What did that mean? She looked into his jade eyes, and found subtle purity. It stirred a tingle in her spine. What did that mean? Consarn it all!
▼: "Please, you are too kind," he reassured, and it was true. At this rate, he was glad his jelly legs haven't given out on him. "I understand that the Queen arranged this occasion. She has been doing so for a while now . . ." he bit his lip. "I wonder why? Maybe to have fun, but I can tell there's a better reason behind it." To be honest, Kanren wasn't aware that the Queen was trying to get her daughter swept off her feet by a Prince. "Oh, I sound rather nosy. I apologize in advance," he was always apologizing, or at least, in front of people he liked.
▲: Jane shook her head slowly, careful of her glimmering crown. "No.. Fun of course is always a good reason and to be social with the kingdom.. Its mostly been for me to find.. Well, someone." she blushed a little and turned, covering her mouth with embarassment. "Pardon, thats a secret. Im afraid if more knew, I would be struck as desperate and have each one coming to call without a ball to attend!" She shook her head. "I would much dislike that, sir."
▼: Wow, Kanren, really? You just /had/ to ruin the moment like that, didn't you? "Oh, I see. That would explain --" before he could continue, another man had approached Jane, apparently asking her to dance. So that's why she was over here, avoiding the dance. He didn't blame her, because she did say she'd rather not dance. But if the Queen was fruitful in her attempts . . . Jane probably would find a beloved. A small frown and quiver of lip found their way to Kanren's features. Of course, whoever this person would be . . . he would be better than Kanren ever was. Sighing, he held his arm, looking down, and defeated, probably assuming Jane went to dance with the man, or at least left to find more interesting company.
▲: Jane shook her head slowly, denying the sir with kind words and gesturing to Kanren, happening to inform him that her next dance had already been occupied and she was taking none in advance. "Forgive me, I seem to have made a small kerfuffle for both of us." She smiled at him, "You wouldnt mind a dance, would you?" She asked, blushing a little. She felt bad that she'd used him as a reason to not dance with the other man. This would be one that atleast didnt ask HER, which she enjoyed.
▼: As she spoke, he gave a slight recoil, he didn't realize she'd come back for him. "No, it's perfectly fine . . . you are always busy, and I--" suddenly, the second sentence she uttered registered. She. Was. Asking. HIM. To Dance!! The Princess, Her Highness! Her Royal Majesty! His eyes widened, as if in disbelief, but his smile lit up, and a happy gleam showed in his jade eyes. "I'd be honored." Holding his hand out, waiting for her to take it. Although before he mentioned he wasn't a good dancer, for the Princess, he'd do his best.
▲: Jane giggled at him, shaking her head a little. "It is quite my honor.. And forgive me if I step on you." She smiled up at him, "I trust you." She took his hand, hers gently cupping into his, two sizes smaller and waited to be led. She didnt need a big showy dancer, she liked that he wasnt good. It left room to improve and talk.. to enjoy each others company more than focus on footwork to impress.
▼: A genuine laugh escaped his lips. "I'm sure that won't happen -- and even if it does, I suppose I must apologize if /I/ step on /you/, in advance." Taking her hand, which was petite compared to his, he turned the slightest shade of pink, and led her gently towards the floor. People parted for them, for obvious reasons, and all stared in envy. He began to lead the dance as the cellos played the next string, and Kanren started up the conversation with the first twirl. "You dance wonderfully, I'm afraid my feet will not have the pleasure of being stepped on," he joked lightly, never wanting to offend her.
▼: (( brb ))
▲: Sighing, she spun and curled back to him. " The pleasure? Sir youre being too kind. These heels are monsters in pretty coverings." She whispered to him with a soft giggle, her hands reaching around his shoulder, and hand in his. She beamed at him, simply enjoying herself. "Its not so bad, once you have the confidence to know you arent expected to be magnificent in the first place."
▲: [[ mk!
▼: At first, the closeness made Kanren a bit nervous, but he soon found himself melding with Princess Jane too well. "Well may I say you tame them very well~" he teasingly said, laughing a bit at his own foolishness. Hearing her say that, he nodded. He agreed with her so much. "Yes, I agree." another spin, and his eyes fluttered a bit, as he admired the way she spun, like a star in orbit. The song ended, and as the new one began, his eyes scanned the room for a brief moment -- and saw the Queen observing him dancing with Jane. Trying to shrug it off, he kept dancing. But then-- BAM! He steps on her foot. Before he could mutter a sorry, another accidental push from another dancing couple, and the most awkward of all awkward happens. He falls, forcing her to fall, and happens to land on top of her. As this happens, his jade hues widen in a state of fear, and his heart runs faster than any living thing could.
▲: Jane gives out a sharp yelp and her crown clatters to the floor. "Ow.. My head.. Oh.. Oh Kanren.." She flushes and covers her face. "Please hurry.. Get up before anyone sees.." It was already too late. The crowd had grown a great deal to gawk at them and the orchestra was reduced to just cellos slowly playing their strings. Guards were beginning to push through the crowd to help their Princess.
▼: Kanren's lips felt dry, his throat unable to speak. As his lips parted, to try to elicit any form of apology, he could already feel multiple arms pull him away from Jane, and multiple voices hiss out insults and accusations. "Attacking the princess!" "Vulgar man, he is." "What if the guards hadn't shown up . . .?" "The embarrassment could last the ages!" Staring at the flushed and pretty Jane, he said out a flustered apology, but the Guards formed a sort of barricade. "We think it best you leave. We wouldn't want any more attacks on Her Majesty, Jane." His jade hues widened, and as he looked around, most expressions were shocked, confused, disgusted, and a few sleazy faces were impressed. Worst, or maybe best, he couldn't see what Jane was feeling. All he could see was the fabric of her gown on the floor, she was still probably registering what had happened. Standing up, and uttering a final Sorry, he left abruptly, leaving behind his beloved and all who witnessed the most awkwardest moment possible.
▲: Jane hardly got any time in before he had been gone. She stood with the help of a guard and huffed, running out of a side door and into the main part of the castle. She'd finally found someone decent enough to dance with and talk with. And everyone had to assume he was such a bad guy! He wasnt.. She knew it was an accident, and that was all that mattered. She walked out through the back, empty as most were catering to the party. And wandered in the lush garden. Jane sighed, glad to know her mother would let her free from the ball for now. If only Kanren hadnt left..
▼: (( Forgive me -- brb again. ))
▲: [[ Its quite alright!
▼: Kanren didn't really look to see which door he exited. Instead of ending up in the entrance hall, he found himself in the courtyard outside. The gardens were in view, and thought that perhaps the proper exit would be near that place. As he walked, past the hedges and roses, he swore he heard a swish of satin, a dejected sigh, the familiarity of the Princess that he so loved. Of course, as fate had it, he turned the wrong way and went completely out of her sight. Sighing, he sat down near the water fountain, looking disdainfully at the ground, cursing himself.
▼: (( back ))
▲: She pushed her skirts aside and stared at the water. "Why cant I enjoy just one dance?" She whimpered to herself, bunching her dress in her hands. "Oh.. Oh drat.." She cursed, dabbing her wrist to her face as a tear streamed down. "It wasnt anything.. It wasnt anything.." She repeated to herself. For such a sought after princess, she was fragile. She didnt want to get close to them, only to fear them using her, which they would tend to try.
▼: Hearing the soft murmurs of a voice, Kanren stood up, and looked over the hedge. No one there. He swears he has the worst luck. Instinctively, he brought himself back down, and started wandering. He'll admit, he was lost. It was bigger than he originally thought it was. His jade eyes darted, and as he turned, he found himself surrounded by lucidly colored roses. Kanren then saw what he was looking for. Princess Jane, turned away, looking quite dejected. "Jane?" he called her name out.
▲: She started and looked up at him, her crown in her hands and she stood up, dusting off her gown and turning from him, "Kanren.. Oh goodness.. Give me a moment to look presentable again." She sniffled quietly, rubbing her eyes with her wrists, not wanting to fuss up her gloves with her makeup. Soft grumbles came from her as it was quite difficult to manage. " I didnt expect everything to go so.. so wrong.. Im sorry.."
▲: [[ brb
▼: Kanren walked up to her, wiping a few stray tears off her face. It was an instinct, he was always such a . . . caring, almost parental, some would say, person to others. "You're always beautiful to me," he admitted, although he felt it was unconditional. "I'm the one who should apologize. If I wasn't so clumsy," he didn't finish, and bit his lip. Before he decided whether it was a good enough decision or not, he immediately wrapped his lanky arms around the Princess. As he registered what he's doing, and who he's doing it to, he lets go. "I'm sorry, I seem so imposing, I suppose you do have a right to reprimand me," his voice was dry.
▼: (( okay. ))
0 notes
▼: wwoww wwhat
▼: sollux i knoww your a dumbass but is this really neccasarry
▼: wwhat the hell
▼: and you look different too
▼: squinting
▼: then wwho
▼: bitch wwho the fuck are you
▲: M1TUN4
▲: 1M 5ORRY
▼: haha mit
▼: thats a bitch name
▼: cronus
▼: oh that guy
▲: Y02U1 ID1OTAZ N33D T9 G3T TH3 B33S D01N F04 GR01NDF
▼: wwoww wwhat
▼: speak troll man
▲: G0D 0F 4SSSSS
▼: evven i knoww thats not howw you hit on someone
▼: buy me some dinner at least
▼: im in a seafood mood
▲: Y0U D1NN3R RTUAD L9KE 7N44444
▲: ;)
▼: i
▼: wwhat
▲: Y0UR3 N99K 5UCK1NG D1NN3R 1FS4 74743 L1K3 7UN444444
▼: all i could understand is tuna
▼: but yes
▼: sure
▼: i wwould lovve some tuna
▼: rude
▼: i just wwanted some tuna bitch
▲: Y0R3 G355NGTA 5OM2
▲: 1 W4S GUNN4 G2V3 1T T0 Y0U
▲: M08TH 70 BUL3Y3
▼: hey wwoah there casanovva
▲: Y0U KN011 T
▼: thats no wway to treat a lady
▲: Y0UR3 N05 A 7A4DY
▼: gentleman
▲: 7UL4 2S A L4DY
▲: SH3 A F11111111N3 B1TCH
▼: no she a bitch
▼: exactly
▲: 1TR1ED
▼: now make me a sammich
▼: tuna
▲: 0K G1V3 M3 Y9R3333 L3GS
▼: wwhat wwhy
▲: TH4TS TH3 BR34D
▼: but
▼: i
▲: N0 SHH
▲: 0NLY H0T J4MM1NG N91S
▼: cant silence me sorry
▼: theres nothing to sting with bro
▼: at least not from you
▼: if youll call it that
▲: Y3S 1 C44LL 1T TH4T
▼: ivve seen bigger stingers on a bee
▲: H4V3 Y0U 3V3R S3333333N A B3333333
▲: D0UC32 AHJN
▼: dont matter
▼: small as fuck
▲: Y3S Y0U 4R333
▲: T1NY F1SH
▼: more like a wwhale
▲: 0NLY G3T SHR93VL3D 9J1 N W4T3R
▼: moby dick
▼: get it
▼: its a joke
▲: N0T AB0U3T Y90U
▼: oh wow
▼: mean
▼: so mean
▼: i lost my quirk
▼: look what you doing
▼: see
▼: this
▲: 1 D0NT L`1K E V0LENCA
▼: im just going to take your helmet and skateboard now
▲: 1M 5ORRY
▲: D0NT 7UL4 W1LL G3T M4D 4T M3
▼: ollies out
▼: mine noww bitch
0 notes
▼: 4MPOR4S
▼: D34L W1TH 1T
0 notes
▼: There were several things Dave Strider was well aware of when he walked into the club. One was that the place was obviously run by a group of mobsters. Chicago was known for that sort of thing, and where else would all the booze come from? Two, he knew he would have a hard time impressing whoever the boss was with his saxophone, but he was determined, and if he got shot, well, it was one less abnormally pale kid. If he succeeded, he could play his jazz no problem. And finally, he was pretty sure that more than half of the patrons around him could kill him without a second thought. (Prohibition/1920's!stuck! Anyone welcome!)
▲: In the back alone at a table on a highriser seemingly hidden from average view, but the stage could clearly see it. The boss was sitting, hand propping his head up as he ordered a fresh drink and some hors' devours, something to make this night seem so uninteresting. Peace was held so far in the mob, business was booming as per usual, cops were kept snuffed out of the loop and the right people were involved to make his hits clean and unnoticed. A dark clothed man came up and whispered something, and suddenly the sharp blue eyes of the young boss were glued to the young pale kid.
▼: With a final deep breath, Dave took one step inside, then two. He looked around, trying to judge which direction was the safest, toward the bar, or toward the stage. He had sent a telegram saying he would be there with his instrument, but he hadn't received a reply. A rational person would have moved on and found a different bar, but Dave Strider knew that this place was the best to get your name out. A lot of political allies had darker intentions and frequented shadier parts of the city. The blond held his breath a moment, and headed for the stage, finally making his decision.
▲: The boss was like a hawk, watching the saxophonist's every move. Before Dave himself could decide, the same dark clothed man walked on stage, "For your entertainment and ours, the uprising star, Strider!" He called into the old town mic, the crowd calmly clapped at first, then gradually cheered him on with empathy and drunken influence. Hidden away, he smirked. A new soul to sap, to get rich, and to test.
▼: Dave's breath caught in his throat, but he recovered quickly and nodded toward the man in the suit. He climbed up onto the old stage and adjusted the small tinted lenses that were perched on his nose. Even indoors he wore them. The blond took a moment to unpack his saxophone and wet the reed, before taking a deep breath and leaping into a tune. He swayed with his music, his eyes half closed behind his shades, and nearly forgot the crowd.
▲: The crowd took to it, the flappers easing the men onto the dance floor, calming the storm of mobsters Dave had so feared at first. They were tantalized by the smooth swaying Jazz, and lured in by the ladies so scantily clothed. Even the boss was tapping his foot. The permanent pianist quickly joined in his tune, the older woman grinning and listening intently to Dave's sound, keeping a back pulse and hip notes in tune and together with him.
▼: When Dave finally stopped, he lowered his instrument and took a long breath before looking around, trying to gauge the impact on the crowd. He was actually surprised by the number of dancers and the sounds of enthusiasm. It was encouraging. All he could do now was hope that he had impressed the boss of the establishment, whomever that happened to be.
▲: The crowd roared and applauded for him, even the pianist giving him soft claps with her long fingers. The boss was standing on his riser, eyes still locked on. He slowly raised his hand and moved it in a circular motion before returning to his seat. He wanted an encore.
▼: A part of the pale kid couldn't believe it. He smiled a little and bowed a fraction of an inch before lifting his saxophone for another tune. He glanced at the pianist before choosing a more upbeat melody, urging the dancers into more of a swing. He grinned around his mouthpiece before closing his eyes and getting lost into the music.
▲: The girls screamed and twirled their beaded flashy skirts around the dance floor. The men catcalled loudly over the music and the murmurs of the chattering crowd. The pianist grinned and tiptapped away with him, happily playing his tunes for their audience. The boss relaxed, closing his eyes just to listen and zone out the uproarous crowd. He calls over another suited man, whispering something, and with a last look at Dave, departed into a back room.
▼: With one final, wavering note, Dave finished his encore and bowed to the crowd. He couldn't help but show the grin on his face. He felt successful, and accomplished. The fear he had felt earlier had all but melted away and he was certain that in no time at all, he could make a name for himself.
▲: The flappers and waitresses calmed the men into their seats, cooking up fresh dinner and serving them. The pianist grinned at Dave, then played a soft, low bar-room melody. The dark suited man the boss had spoke to moved next to Dave as the lights dimmed on him. "The boss wishes to meet with you in the Red Room." He looked serious, dark eyes glinting as he nodded to Dave and began leading the way, exiting through a darkened door off the stage.
▼: "Red Room?" Dave murmured as he picked up his saxophone case and followed the man in the suit. He chewed his lower lip nervously and looked around as they walked. The fear from before suddenly returned with crushing force and settled uncomfortably in his stomach.
▲: "Dont make me repeat myself. We know you're new. The boss has an interest in you. Don't question it or you could be the fresh hunk of meat hanging from the cattleracks." He grunted, gruff and short. He led Dave into a thin narrow hallway that opened to the highriser floor, then straight pass the boss's table to a dark door with a red knob. "Good luck." He said, motioning to the door for Dave and moving aside.
▼: Dave's brows furrowed together and he took a deep breath. "Yeah, okay, thanks," he mumbled as he glanced at the red knob. If the boss had taken interest, maybe it meant he would get a job as a jazz player. Or maybe something else. He had heard of pansy clubs. They were all the rage in New York. Maybe this boss wanted him to be some male version of a flapper girl, and please patrons. He swallowed thickly and shoved the thought from his head before reaching forward and opening the door.
▲: He sat in the corner of a round lush red booth covered in velvet, two drinks on the central table and a soft trail of smoke lining from him to the door. "Come in, Strider." He said, snuffing out the cigarette with a smooth exhale of curling grey whisps. "That was some performance out there." He continued, slowly clapping.He had black slacks, black suspenders, black bowtie and a dark blue dress shirt. "Wouldnt you say?"
▼: "I thought it went rather well," Dave replied stiffly. It took all of his concentration to hide the fact that he sounded Southern. He knew that some Yankees still held prejudice against Southerners, and he didn't want it to ruin his chances. "I'm rather fond of that second song. I don't know if you heard it sir."
▲: "Egbert. Call me Egbert, no. Call me John." He smiled wide, offering a friendly hand to shake towards Dave. "I'm rather fond of your music, it's been too long since Nanna Crocker's played with a true grin. I've had a few try, but none as successful as you." He had a distinct cut to his words, not quite a stereotypical Yankee. "And I can tell you're from the south, no northerner's quite that good at soulful music, see. If I were to play there'd be no feeling, no pep in my step; But you've got all that. You've got the heart where it needs to be."
▼: Dave stiffened a moment, then relaxed as he shook John's hand. "Thank you sir... There was a group of men from one of the local churches back home that taught me to play sax," he said, his voice only twanging slightly with his Texan drawl. "They said I had the tongue for jazz, so I thought I'd give it a try. People said Chicago was the place to come."
▲: John nodded, giving a firm shakr. "No, thank you. You came to me at the perfect time, my right hand man just got offed by the next mob over, I'm sure you've heard. Sad story, not much you can do when a fella is that old though. You certainly have a toungue for something, and that something is breathing through that sax to play up those fine tunes." He motioned Dave forward, "Come sit with me and tell me about yourself, I like to know some before I hire or not."
▼: Dave moved forward when the other indicated, and hesitantly sat down in the seat offered to him. "Well sir, what was it exactly you wanted to know?" he asked. "Things like where I come from, who I am? Or other things? I didn't finish school, so if that's what you're lookin' for, you're out of luck sir," he said.
▲: John waved his hand, taking a swig of fresh alcoholic beverage no. 1. "About yourself, things you want to share. Call it an interview of the heart." He grinned, chuckling a little, "I skipped through school, the teachers werent exactly expecting a kid with my level."
▼: The blond glanced up toward the ceiling, thinking things over that the other might consider important. "Well sir, I'm from Texas. Houston, specifically. I used to live with a brother, but he ran off one day and I haven't really heard from him since. So I packed up my things, sold the house, and came north."
▲: He nodded, "Hmm, too bad. I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up once you get your name out there." He frowned a little, balancing his elbows on the edge of the table. His eyes still watched Dave, sharp as a sniper. "How was it like growing up?"
▼: He shrugged a bit. "Alright I suppose. Went to church on Sundays and worked at an old general store for as long as the man there would take me. Got a quarter a week by the time I left!" Dave said rather proudly. "People were pretty nice in the neighbourhood where I grew up. A lot of resentment left over from the war I guess, but most of those folks is dying off. Are dying off," he corrected.
▲: John nodded, contemplating and closing his eyes, then gave a soft hum. "It seems then, You've just landed yourself a much better paying job. 5 a week for playing as many songs you think you can manage in a night, and thats for starters kid. I dont think you'd get a much better offer anywhere else." He smiled, laying a hand on the table and watching for his reaction.
▼: Dave gaped at the man, at Mister Egbert, for a long time, almost in shock. "Five dollars?" he gasped. "Oh! Thank you sir!" he exclaimed brightly. "I'll play my heart out every night! I'll write music if I have to!" He nearly stood up in his excitement, but tried to contain it to save face in front of John.
▲: John nodded, "Five whole dollars." He smiled at seeing the boy so happy. "Now though, I have a personal favor to ask. " He said, his face staying in his same calm serious but kindhearted expression.
▼: An if. A catch. Dave should have known. He took a deep breath and nodded, sitting forward slightly. "Yes sir?" he murmured.
▲: "You're basically going to be my trainee. My literal right hand man. I know you know of my *other* business arrangements." He said, looking down, "It can come with some more bonuses, protection, and whatever else you deem necessary."
▼: Dave stiffened slightly. Working for the mob. He knew it would pay well. But he also knew it was dangerous. And illegal. He mulled the thought over in his mind, and considered the consequences for turning down John. "Alright," he finally agreed, his voice slow.
▲: John smiled, "Thank you.. Uhm, Good. You're welcome to leave or I can call some girls in if you're into that thing." He offered, relaxing back against the cushioned fabric of the booth.
▼: "Uh, no girls sir," Dave said stiffly, as he stood, shifting his weight back and forth awkwardly. "That won't be necessary." He stooped down and picked up his saxophone case, avoiding looking at the boss in the booth.
▲: John nodded, chuckling warmly. "I;m the same way. Have a good night. Boxcars willl escort you to wherever youre staying. Hopefully its a good one, and if not, you only need to call." He grinned, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and striking one up with a slow drag.
▼: Dave bit his lip again and nodded his goodbye. He hoped to God that the heat on his face hadn't spread into a blush quite yet. "Thank you sir," he said once more before hurrying toward the door. Once in the hallway, he exhaled a breath he hadn't realised he was holding and nearly collapsed to the floor.
▲: The doorman, the gruff dark suited man from before, looked him up and down. "Boss's new boy hm?" He sneered, "Dont get too excited now, you still have a lot to learn, pup." He muttered, walking from the darkness of the hallway to beside him. "Where's your hotel or apartment?" He asked, "I'll have to have Droog and Deuce run recon on the neighborhood if its out of local residencies."
▼: "I, uh," Dave started. He cleared his throat. "I'm staying at the train station. I mean, I'm staying at the hotel NEXT to the train station," he said quickly. "It's not that far. I can walk, it won't be a problem," he said as he took off his sunglasses and folded them up, sliding them into his breast pocket.
▲: Boxcars scoffed, "You really are new to this town huh? Crowbar'd shoot you dead for even walking into this joint. AND he's close to that side of town." He shook his head, "Pups. Cmon, we'll go in my car." He snarked, then was taken aback. John had caught up with a slight pant to his breath, "Let me. " He said, Boxcars looking shocked and surprised then stumbling, "Uh.uh.. Okay. See ya pup." He waved, "I'll be on recon." He said and hurried out. John smiled at Dave, "I decided I'd rather check your accomadations myself to be sure they would be up to par."
▼: Dave's stomach nearly fell out of his body. "That.. wont' be necessary sir," he said in a rush. "They're rather modest, but I can manage right now. After a few weeks on the job I can get a real place and--" He cut himself off and cleared his throat. "I don't have accommodations yet," he finally admitted, sighing a bit.
▲: John chuckled, "Thats no problem. Slick, man the club. Snowman, you're up baby." He said, then waved at the barman. "Goodnight." He says, a tall dark southern woman stepping to the stage in a long flowing irridescant gown to sing with Nanna Crocker's playing. " You can stay at my place until you can get yourself on your feet here." He smiled, "I insist."
▼: The blond kid blinked in surprise. "But you hardly know me sir!" he said. "I mean, I'm honoured and that's mighty kind of you, but I don't want to impose on you." He shifted his weight and gripped tighter at his saxophone case.
▲: John shook his head, looping his hand strongly over Dave's forearm. "Oh come on, dont be shy. Im going to make you a rising star after all. You have a long gig tomorrow, an important one since some secret bigwigs are gunna be here, you have to impress them just as much as you impressed me. My mansion is countryside, and well isolated so you can practice all you like." He grinned, "Now dont make me say it again, come on."
▼: Dave swallowed a hard lump in his throat and nodded stiffly. There really was no denying the man. Even if he had really wanted to, Dave wasn't sure he could. John had an odd sort of charisma about him, one that was slightly terrifying and yet good humoured. It was dangerous, Dave decided. But he simply followed the boss anyway.
▲: John smiled, tugging him on to the outside, letting loose of his arm finally. He leaped into a sleek deep blue colored roadster, one of the newest and most expensive cars on the market these days. "Hop in." He said, adjusting his spectacles and revving up the car. Behind them, a black car slid to a stop in the alleyway, Boxcars inside.
▼: Dave looked over the vehicle, clearly impressed. He had only been inside of automobiles a handful of times, and they had never been sleek or new models. He glanced toward the alley before sliding into the passenger seat and leaning back, looking around at the interior.
▲: John chuckled, "Surprised? Its a little bit flashy, but it gets the job done." He said, pulling into the street and down the road as Boxcars followed in the black car. It was the dead of night, a mysterious time of night.
▼: "I've never been in this type of car," Dave said as he clutched at the side panel of the door. "We never had a car growing up, couldn't afford it.." He exhaled and tried to relax some. They were completely safe, he told himself.
▲: John chuckled, "Well you havent been missing out on much, I promise you. Its safer and quieter than a bus. Hm. I suppose then I'll have to assign someone to be your driver. Give me a few days on that? Til then I dont mind driving you here or there." He smiled, pulling down off the highway to the outskirts, the buildings growing distant and farther apart.
▼: "I don't have anywhere to go in the city apart from where you tell me," Dave reminded him. "I don't have a place to stay here, and it's not like I've got family or a girl somewhere." He trailed off, thinking he was talking too much. He didn't want to annoy the boss.
▲: John huffed a little, "We can fix that. Or you can join me on a few business trips? When youre not working for your cash, that is. A lady would be lucky to have a lad like you." He complimented, giving Dave a glance before continuing down the road, boxcars turning off and leaving them be.
▼: Dave shrugged a little. "I'm not interested in a girl," he admitted. "I've never really been one to keep one around. And I'd be honoured to go out with you sir. Especially if I'm to learn the ropes, so to speak..."
▲: John nodded, "I can respect that. I find life a bit to... Busy for a girl. They like to fuss, especially here in Chicago." He muttered off, "Theres a few ropes you might have to grasp at for yourself, but I can teach you the main ones."
▼: ((Dave's heart IS going doki doki. Poor fella)) The blond shrugged a bit. "I'm young," he said. "I learn fast." He leaned sideways a bit, to look out the front window better. "Wow.. is that your place?" he asked, nodding toward the manor they were approaching.
▲: [[ DOKI.
▲: John chuckled, "Nice isnt it? I had the balcony tailored to almost fit that Romeo and Romeo look huh? Oh darn, I mean Romeo and Juliet. I was never good at english, math is my subject and always has been." He brushed it off casually, pulling in the dirt road and turning off the car.
▼: "I'm awful at math," Dave said slowly. He had caught the gaff, but chose to ignore it. Things were probably safer that way. "I'm more... a hands on sort of guy. I like my music, but I'm no good in critical thinking. Or heavy lifting. Too skinny," he snorted.
▲: John scoffed, "No way? A strong man like you? I couldnt believe that for a second. Even Deuce can do heavy lifting. You just need some yankee in you." He teased lightly, stepping out of the car and moving towards the double door with a vaulted porch, a window sparkling infront of the inner glass chandelier on the front hallway of the house.
▼: "You going to volunteer?" Dave said before he could stop himself. Once the words were out of his mouth, his eyes widened and his cheeks lit up. He swallowed and hoped that John wouldn't catch the Freudian slip.
▲: He gave a sly grin, the blue eyes gazing into Dave's. "Maybe later, we'll see who gets the lucky shot." He murmured, loosening his collar and taking off his bowtie, settling his folded jacket into the side closet. "Make yourself comfortable, Watch for the rugs. Theyre persian." he said, walking briskly out of sight.
▼: Dave stared after him as John disappeared. Had the man just said what he thought he said? Or had Dave imagined it? He shook himself and walked forward slowly, looking around, his face incredibly warm. After a moment, he set down his saxophone and sank onto a plush couch.
▲: A maid walked into the room, in a typical outfit, bending slightly, "Snack or drink, monsieur?" She murmurs, looking at him with wide curious eyes. John was still gone at this point, having left Dave for something or other in the massive mansion; though the clicks of his shoes on the marble staircase clattered quietly in the distance.
▼: The blond looked up and blinked at the maid. "Uh. What do you have ma'am?" he asked, automatically standing up when he realised a woman had entered the room. He had always been taught to be kind to women, no matter where he was.
▲: She bit her lip a bit, "Crackers, pigs in a blanket, the grey stuff is delicious, or so chef says.." She murmurs, she had a soft french accent, but otherwise seemed right at home there. Her eyes darted over him, curious as to this strange accent and dress, along with his new box.
▼: "I think I'd just like some juice if you have it ma'am," Dave replied with a pleasant smile. He nodded his head a little and glanced nervously around the room. "Do you know where J--Mister Egbert went? He didn't really tell me where to go..."
▲: She giggled softly, "I will fetch you some, monseiur. Uh. . Master Egbert must have gone to his quarters? He usually takes hot bathes just when he gets home; He has such stress at work." She murmurs, smiling to Dave with a small curtsy before taking her plate with her to fetch some different small glasses of juice.
▼: Dave sat back down when she left the room and fidgeted awkwardly in his seat. He looked around, taking in all the luxurious details, before flipping open his saxophone case and pulling it out. He wet a reed and screwed it on before starting to play a slow tune. It wasn't jazz, like before, but something softer.
▲: He couldnt even have heard his steps as John entered, standing just behind Dave with a smile on his face, he rested his hand on the wood frame of the plush couch. "Simply beautiful." He murmured, emotions pulled into the melody Dave was playing.
▼: He never heard John coming. And there was no way for him to know how long the boss had been standing behind him. But when Dave heard his voice, he dropped his saxophone, and the only thing that saved it from being bent or broken on the floor was the neckstrap, which tugged painfully. "Ah! John! I mean Mister Egbert! I mean Boss!" he gasped as he spun around.
▲: John chuckled, his mouth covering his lips a little. "You seem so surprised. Remember, its just John. Play. Relax, Its not like I'm anyone of consequence." He murmured, stepping back and sliding into a smooth oak standup grand piano. He trailed his fingers skillfully over the keys with a pause, waiting for Dave.
▼: Dave stared at him a long time before nodding and taking the saxophone back into his hands. He took a deep breath and slid the mouthpiece between his teeth to begin playing again. The same smooth melody filled the room, and his eyes drifted closed as he played.
▲: Unlike the old lady's playing, Johns tunes clashed in a good way with Dave's challenging him for melodic power even though he kept to the same smooth and heartswooning melody Dave started with. He kept what he'd played to heart, throwing in some rhythms Dave had played earlier in his first song.
▼: As the other musician started playing, Dave was surprised at first. Then, when he was being challenged for melodic dominance, he grinned and fought back. He sped up his tune, changed the key occasionally, and weaved in and out of John's notes. He turned around to face the pianist, his eyes fixed on him.
▲: The pianist was grinning, his bright eyes lit up as his fingers danced practicedly over the keys, then bashed out a harsh but thrilling upbeat chorus line, with his left hand pressing in staccato low notes. "Sounding good, Dave." He smiled, glancing over at the other.
▼: Dave nodded his head slowly, still playing. After several more minutes, he finally conceded and bowed out of their musical duel. He was panting slightly, and shaking his fingers. "You didn't tell me you could play as well," he said breathlessly.
▲: John was breathless himself, stretching out his carpals. "You never asked." He murmured, smiling at the other, "Although i do admit Im a bit rusty, I havent adlibbed like that in ages." He sighed, resting back on the stool.
▼: "You call that rusty?" Dave gasped. "Why do you even need me at the club!" he groaned. "I've been practicing every day for weeks and you still beat me," he laughed as he flopped back down on the couch.
▲: John chuckled, "Ive been playing piano since I was two and Im practically a mathematical genius and the head of a favorable company. I can afford to let new, better talent rise to the top." He smiled at Dave, his eyes lingering a little before he slid out, closing the piano. "Just a moment please, I need to make a call." He murmured.
▲: Jade strode back in and smiled at Dave, "You play very well, dont let Master Egbert get you down, he will help you!" She grinned, giggling a little. "Juice?" She asked, offering a few different assortments balanced on a tray.
▼: Dave nodded and shifted on the couch, putting his saxophone away. He licked his lips a bit and glanced around the room again, trying to calm the heart that threatened to beat out of his chest. When the maid returned, he stood up and smiled at her. "I know he wants to help! I'm very grateful to him for giving me a job and letting me stay here!" he said as he plucked a glass from the tray. "Thank you ma'am."
▲: She curtsied once more, "Youre welcome, monseiur." She giggled, " My name is Jade, Master Egbert took care of my immigration papers into America." She explained, "He is truly a kind man, with a pure heart." She sighed, then giggled, "He is always kind to us, as Im sure he will be with you."
▼: Dave nodded again and gave her a kind smile. "He seems like a nice man," he said. "I think I'll like him a lot." He sat down slowly on the couch, sipping at his juice. "Does he do a lot of business from home?"
▲: She bit her lip, "I am not sure, I dont know much of his business, I dont get to leave the property often except to see family, school or grocery shopping. My job and life is here. " She chuckled, "But when I go, the people know of him with a smile on their faces. He is a good man." She looked up, "He comes, I should help Jake with dinner." She curtsied and waved her fingers as she left.
▼: He waved goodbye at her before standing up to greet John when he returned. He took a deep breath and subconsciously smoothed his shirt and hair.
▲: John waved, "Well guess what? I just got us tickets to the local opera house, what'd ya know?" He smiled, "Would you like to go with me? Its a box seat, no one will mind us." He offered, almost beaming with glee. "Of course, it is also doubled as a business consultation with a dealer. So seriousness is still key." He said, his hands proud on his hips.
▲: [[ OKay I have to go for a bit? BUT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH IM CRY.
▲: [[ Just like incase it loses connection because my internet sucks, i'm hero-save-me on forums.
▼: ((Okay! I'm Kioni on the forums!))
▼: Dave smiled sheepishly. "I've never been to the opera sir," he said in a low voice. "I'm quite sure I wouldn't know how to act at all... But I can act serious. All business, I promise." He paused a moment. "I don't think I have anything to wear... Nothing suiting an opera..."
▲: John grinned, "Perfect! Absolutely perfect. You'll fit right in, dont you worry about that. Come up to my suite, perhaps you can fit into one of my retired suits, still new of course." He chuckled, leading him on.
0 notes
▲: hey there, are you new to the neighborhood?
▼: yes i just moved here!
▼: what is your name?
▲: im john! its nice to meet you rose.
▼: john is a nice name
▼: do you like to read?
▲: sometimes, i like movies a lot better!
▲: theyre like BOOM and WOW
▼: movies are okay but i dont know
▼: did you see the harry potter movie?
▲: ugh no! ghostbusters is where its at.
▲: have you not seen that one?
▼: no i have not but i like books better
▲: oh...
▲: so what do you want to do?
▲: i have a swing set!
▼: the harry potter books are really good and i read the phi...philosophers stone all by myself!
▼: swings are fun
▲: you did?
▲: thats like my booster seat.
▲: thats really nuts, you must be in what high school?
▼: no!
▼: i am in elementary
▼: only mean teenagers go to high school
▲: wow! do you think you'll go to my school too?
▼: maybe@
▼: i hope so because i didnt like my old school
▼: nobody wanted to be my friends cause they thought i was weird
▼: i think its because i always was reading at recess
▼: but books are fun!
▲: maybe you could let me borrow one?
▲: dad only keeps cookbooks and bakes yummy cakes!
▲: but i cant cook or anything yet
▲: im barely 6..
▼: when is your birthday john?
▲: april 13!
▲: when is yours?
▼: it is december 4th
▼: i think i am older than you
▲: you are, didnt you say earlier youre 6 1/2?
▲: [[ these two are going to give me diabetes i swear. kadjgn
▼: [[Thank god I have the homestuck calender to check rose's birthday]]
▼: yes thats right!
▲: [[ I couldve told you :3 Dave's birthday is mine. lol.
▲: yeah, youre older than me! but i'll catch up i swear
▼: but that just means you get to be a kid longer so dont feel bad
▲: it does?
▼: yes!
▼: i think
▼: because when i turn 13 you will still be 12 and a kid
▲: oh.
▲: can i give you some of my kidness?
▲: so you dont have to be a mean teenager.
▼: its okay that wont happen for....
▼: 6 and a half years!
▲: still. i would be sad if you stopped being my friend just because of it!
▼: but then you would be a mean teenager too in a few months
▼: then we would be friends again
▼: i like having friends
▼: my first friend was my kitty jaspers but he died
▲: oh no!
▲: im sorry rose
▲: ill be your friend okay?
▲: no
▲: we'll be best friends!!
▼: thank you john
▼: promise me you wont die
▲: heehee, thats weird! i wont die. my nanna is really old when she died, dad said she was like 80 or something! thats like.. a bajillion years away!
▼: okay cause i was very sad when jaspers died
▼: sometimes i play pretend because i miss him a lot
▲: well uh, i could be your pretend jaspers now!
▲: meow meow meow!
▲: so dont be sad?
▼: hehe... john! thats really nice of you but im ok
▼: i did what mommy said and stayed strong and im over it now
▲: thats good! i havent ever had a cat though, dad says nanna wouldnt have liked it and itd mess up his toys
▼: cats are a lot of fun
▼: they are really cute and are very interesting
▲: i bet, did your mom ever get you a new cat?
▼: no she wanted to because she likes them but i said it wouldnt be the same
▼: jaspers was the best cat and he cant be replaced
▲: thats so cute! im sorry he died though
▼: its okay im a big girl and dont cry about sad things
▲: wow...
▲: even i cry sometimes..
▲: i uh mean!!
▲: im a tough boy, i dont ever cry!
▼: haha... john its okay!
▼: you are younger so youre allowed to cry
▲: but im a boy, they need to be manly and tough and support their ladies@
▲: !
▼: thats not true
▼: i dont have a daddy but mommy is ok
▼: she doesnt need support
▲: i dont think they need support. nanna didnt,
▲: dad just says to be helpful and conserderate of them
▼: sometimes the girls support the boys and that is ok!
▲: and sometimes boys support boys, thats okay too!
▲: my daddy is the best.
▼: i bet he is nice because his son is nice
▲: oh! thank you.
▼: youre welcome
▲: ibet your mommy is nice too. but i think you might be even nicer!
▼: ((ack my battery is about to die if i disappear its cause i didnt find the charger in time))
▲: [[ OHJ NO
0 notes
▼: [[Colonystuck? I guess that’s what you’d call this. Basically, trolls colonize Earth and are patronized for being aliens and such. NSFW is preferred, play any male character.]] She had done it again, Aradia had fallen asleep at the little desk in what could hardly be considered an apartment. There were two rooms, the living room/kitchenette/bedroom, and the closet of a bathroom. But it was okay, she was pretty okay with living there. At the moment, she was working on her resume in hopes that her next interview would go smoother than the others. If there hadn’t been a lot of noise all of a sudden, she wouldn’t have woken up. And if she hadn’t woken up, she wouldn’t have grown curious. It was an unfortunate chain of events that ended in her peeking blearily out into the hallway, her hair disheveled and her form droopy with sleep.
▲: A tall, broadshouldered male troll groaned in the hallway, he had a bottle of strong acohol in one hand and his ripped shirt in the other. He struggled to get up, blubbering about something or other being missing. Stolen even. He sat up against the wall and took a long drink and crushed the bottle in his lone hand. Ignoring the shattered peices but pressing them cleanly into the paper bag. He had had enough of the distreatment and distemper shown to them for being 'aliens' they werent that fucking different. They had souls and minds and deserved respect. "Why would they take her away.. She was so young.." He whispered blearily through sad, heartbroken eyes. Staring at the walls ahead, then heard Aradia's door perk open, cursing at himself and stumbling over his hefty limbs to stand and move back into his own apartment.
▼: Aradia could see him standing there, what had that sound been? It sounded like something glass breaking but she just saw him holding a paper bag there. She tentatively moved out into the hallway, comforting wasn't her strong suit but it kind of seemed like he really needed it. He looked positively heartbroken and for whatever reason she just couldn't stand it. Her long strides brought her to him in a few less steps than her legs would've normally carried her. He was standing, was he already trying to get away? Maybe she shouldn't bother him. But she was already there, her fingers barely brushing comfortingly over his arm, what had happened to his shirt? There were questions buzzing all through her mind as the smell of alcohol hit her senses.
▲: He hissed and drew back from her touch, a dark blue fading over his cheeks. He felt such shame. Having to look to another lowblood for comfort for loosing his .. He frowned and hung his head. "Sorry, il be in my room. di'nt mean to 'sturb anyone.." He murmured, he had the body of a well built man, just enough muscles to be qualified as a normal muscular man and not a raging body builder. He did eventually need to fit into a suit after all, and in this position of being looked down upon? How on earth could he expect anyone to respect him enough to tailor the suit for him.
▼: Aradia drew her hand back as she heard the hiss emanating from his mouth and noticed the dark blue beginning to linger on his cheeks. It was because she was of such a low blood color, that was how she viewed it at least. He slurred an apology and she wasn't sure if she was actually going to let him retreat. Sure, she was short but she wasn't extremely petite like some of the other girls. She knew how to hold her own even if her strength was nowhere near as great as his own. "Please, I think you need some help. What happened? If you don't mind me asking." she looked at him, hoping for some kind of clue as to what had him so upset.
▲: His knees quaivered and he rested himself uneasily against the wall, his dark navy eyes swimming. "They took her.. the vile humans.. think they own everything.." He grumbled and clenched his fist around the paper bag, only the soft ripping of the paper was heard, and a drip. "She was barely 6 sweeps.. Barely even starting in this world.." He mumbled, rambling on, tossing his shirt inside the cracked open door to his right. The door handle was torn out of it and on the floor just inside, where there were more than a few destroyed objects. His apartment perhaps? He ran a hand through his straight nightblack hair. His horn and even his teeth were broken in a few places, he felt it accurate to describe his mood. He could hardly stand it. She was like his little perfect sister, his best friend in an astonishing sense.. and ripped from him in less than an hour.
0 notes
▼: Karkat stepped quietly through the wreckage in the alley, trying not to step on anything loud. It had been a week since the explosion and subsequent quarantine of the city, and already everything had gone to hell. The gangs ran the city, and he was not interested in them finding him. Not that he would want to be around anyone anyways, plague was rampant, and that wasn’t any better than getting shot. In fact, it was probably much worse. Thankfully, his tattered gray cloths helped him blend in slightly in the darkness. However, this didn’t stop him from being incredibly paranoid. Taking another step through the alleyway, he heard a crunch behind him. Terrified, he whirled around to see what was there.
▲: Kanaya stared at him wide-eyed. A familiar face, in this wreckage? She didnt believe it until he turned around that it could actually be him. The plague didnt get him, the bomb didnt get him, and none of the gangs had gotten him yet. "Karkat?" She asked, a smile growing on her face. Her long red skirt was torn and so was her shirt. Some how she'd gotten caught in some fight or other. A gang fight. Luckily only with knives and luckily, not getting involved too much.
▼: Karkat couldn't believe his eyes. Not only was it not some gangster here to shoot him and take everything he had, it was a friend! Putting away the knife he had drawn, he smiled for the first time in a long time, at the only friendly face he had seen for forever. Relieved that she hadn't died, Karkat hugged Kanaya, exclaiming, "You have no idea how fucking happy I am to see you right now!"
▲: Kanaya grinned, hugging him back tightly, "Me too!! God this world has gone mad, could you believe to the insanities this place has excelled to in such a short time?" She sighed with exasperation. She could only imagine what he had gone through to get this far.
▼: Releasing her, Karkat looked her over. A little ragged, but who wasn't these days."Do you have any idea where anyone else is?" He asked her, hoping desperately that she had good news.
▲: She shook her head briskly, "All I know is that Equius and Nepeta skipped town. Out in nowhere's land." She explained, looking him over, not too rough. A little nervous though, which she would totally expect. Its a dangerous game, Life. Especially now.
▼: He sighed dissapointedly. He assumed that was the answer he would get, but a piece of him believed it would be something else. But there was no time for sitting around, thinking about possibly dead friends. There was important work to do. "I'm really fuckin happy I found you, Kanaya, but it won't mean anything if we don't find a place to hide. You have a weapon?"
▲: She grinned, backtracking a little and pulled out an electric powered chainsaw. "If you call this baby a weapon, I do." She said, luckily, she already had it and a months worth of power on hand when everything went south. Shes hardly used it since, since just being there could scare off most foes. "Come with me, I know where the gangs dont go." She said, settling her saw on her hip and offering him her hand.
▼: Karkat took it, happy to finally find some more firepower, and even more thrilled to find a possible safe zone. Drawing his knife for insurance, he followed her out of the alleyway, sitll making sure to make as little noise as possible, even with the intimidating shape of a chainsaw on Kanaya's hip.
▲: Kanaya grinned, glancing around and heading towards the outskirts of town. And into an old abandoned warehouse. "Here.. Its free of the plague, and free of the gangs." She said, relaxing a little and smiling at the old empty spanse with old empty crates and broken wood and cracked brick.
▼: Grinning widely at the inside of the building, Karkat was incredibly happy just to be able to be inside without fear of someone attacking the building he was in. But it didn't mean that he was safe, not yet. He could see that there weren't many supplies here, and they would still need food. He looked at Kanaya, asking "How much food and water do you have?"
▲: Kanaya sighed, "Not a whole lot. I go out once in a while to try and recover some. I have a working stove upstairs, so I boil all the water to purify it." She explained, moving over to a makeshift tinier room in the corner made of barrels, crates and wood planks. She walked over and set her chainsaw beside it, "Make yourself at home."
▼: Sitting down on a nearby crate, Karkat looked at the ground, trying to think of a way that he could make this situation easier. "I can't help but think there's a way we can end all this FUCKING STUPID chaos!" he roared, not content with just sitting there, quietly scrounging for food, being miserable. "There has to be another way. Don't you think there are others who survived, people strong enough to help us? Strong enough to make it so we don't have to worry about having enough food to survive the winter, or stupid shit liek that?!" He slammed his fist against the wall.
▲: Kanaya sighed, sitting down next to him and wrapping her arms around him. "Calm down... Theres nothing we can do right now, ok? Even if it was possible, we cant find it right now." She whispered, burying her face in his shoulder. "Im just glad to have a friendly face for once."
▼: He shook his head slowly, forgetting his quest for escape for now. "I guess you're right. There's no reason to be mad." He draped his arm around Kanaya. "I should be happy. A kind face, a place to store food, a roof over my head! What more could a man need?"
▲: Kanaya sighed, "I know.. Just.. Maybe next time I go out, I might find someone who actually can.." She said, leaning back up again. "It could be a matter of days or even years, if one of us gets infected..... Then atleast we both know of this place." She said, eyes gazing at the floor. So much chaos.. So many unknown or dead..
▼: He hugged her again, then looked her in the eyes with as serious an expression as he could muster. "Listen, neither of us is going to get infected. We're smart, we can survive. And if we get some weapons and some friends, who knows, maybe we could make our own gang." He smiled. "One that's a bit less homicidal, maybe."
▲: She smiled and gazed back into his eyes. "You know thats a little crazy, but just crazy enough it might work." She replied, and thought a moment, "Well, I could go out right now and try and find someone decent. Maybe even with extra supplies." She offered, raising her eyebrows
▼: He leaned back, closing his eyes, exhausted. "Maybe not today. I'm tired as hell, and I don't like the idea of you going out alone." He opened one eye, then awkwardly muttered "Not that, uh, you can't handle yourself. It's just that, I'd like... well, you know."
▲: Kanaya smiled and giggled a little, "Listen, I can go out alone. Hide in the lean-to if you get tired, I managed to find some nice mats and pillowtops to keep in there, its like my little birds nest." She said, picking up her saw. "I'll be back after a while okay?" She said, walking towards the side door of the Warehouse
▼: Nodding slowly, he closed his eye again, defeatedly replying "If you have to. Just be careful, ok?" He opened both of his eyes for a short moment, saying clearly "You're the only friend I have right now."
▲: She smiled, "I know. Im not going to let you down." She waved a little and walked out, slinking down an alleyway and off into the distance. she had someone in mind.
▼: Getting up, he walked over to the lean to, flopping down on the makeshift bed and falling asleep immediately. He was tired, and angry, but also, a little bit happy. He didn't feel paranoid going to sleep this time.
▲: Hours later, she slunk in and set her chainsaw and another crate down, slinking in and laying down in the corner, curling up and instantly falling asleep. She didnt want to explain how much she failed, but atleast she wasnt sick.
▼: After the many hours of sleep he dearly needed, Karkat rolled over, opening his eyes to see Kanaya in the corner. Curious as to why she was back alone, but not wanting to wake her, he tried to carefully leave the lean-to, but as he was leaving he tripped, falling hard on the ground. "JEGUS FUCK!"
▲: She stirred a little and blinked through sleepy eyes, "Karkat?" She muttered, sitting up and winced. Oh shit. It was worse than she thought. Blood seeped through her torn clothes and down her side. She covered it with her hand, "Uh, I found more food." She said, trying to cover her wound.
▼: Noticing her trying to hide some, Karkat gave her a concerned look. "Kanaya? What's wrong?" He leaned in, trying to remove her hand.
▲: She winced and hissed through her teeth, moving her hand to show the exposed cut along her hip. "I tried to recruit a safe friend from one of the gangs.. Didnt work well." She murmured, looking away and closing her eyes. "I also dont have any clean bandages.. So it basically has.. Just ... " She trailed off, her face growing sadder and sadder by the minute.
▼: His eyes grew wide. He knew he shouldn't have let her go out alone. This was all his fault! Dammit! If she died, he didn't... Well, better not to think about that. "It's ok, Kanaya, you'll be alright. We'll get you some bandages, and... and..." He looked around the room desperately, trying to think of a plan. "You'll be ok."
▲: Kanaya smiled at him sadly, "Thanks for trying.." She murmured, " I know its probably unlikely, but atleast You have a safe place now." She said. "Theres more food and water... Its clean.. I checked." She offered, then thought, "I should probably get outside.. If.. " She stopped her sentence there, trying to move around him.
▼: He stopped her, determined not to let her go until he knew it was too late for her. "NO! YOU ARE NOT FUCKING LEAVING!" His old, stupid anger returned. A relic from before the blast, when he could afford to be childish and pissed off and just pretend to hate everyone. This time, though, it wasn't petty. He couldn't bear to be alone again. He knew what that was like, thinking all your friends were dead, and it was horrible. Giving Kanaya a look of determined rage, he muttered. "I'm not letting you go. Not until... not until I know that you won't survive."
0 notes
▼: The bureau is not a place one simply visits. It is a place where the creations that a person puts their whole heart into are given a soul and a purpose. Every idea is different just like every being that lives in the bureau, though they all have one purpose. That is to serve. Whether it’s to work under someone directly, to be sent into war, or even simply to keep one company, the workers of the bureau can do it all. The Empress sends whom she sees fit to those who come searching for aid, though what should be known is the Empress doesn’t do this for the benefit of others, only to help her herself. Dave Strider is one of the many creations of the bureau, standing in line along with others. And just like them he isn’t normal. Massive crow-like wings are folded behind his back, blond hair swept to one side, contracted red eyes staring into nothing. From knee down his skin his black and scaled like a crows, the same applying from his elbow down. The garbs he wears are of fine material, his shirt the same crimson colour of his eyes, the symbol of the bureau resting on his left breast pocket, the shorts being beige, ending just above his knees. When his turn comes to be presented his eyes snap up to meet the buyers and he sweeps down in somewhat of a mocking bow, one arm straightened out behind him, the other tucked close. “May I be of service to you?” he asks, just like the many before him. All creations want to be bought, supposedly they are meant to please those who buy them, but their deeper debt to the Empress is to spy on and assassinate the targets that come. A few scars are littered on his body from the last time he was bought off, Dave hoping that the small flaws won’t make a difference on whether he’s being sold or not. He needs this mission; if he doesn’t prove to be useful to the Empress soon then he’s done for. Lets hope he can make a better impression on this buyer then the last. [ Fantasystuck AU, currently looking for a John, Dirk, Jake, Sollux or Gamzee. Paragraph-style please. ]
▲: A big smile beamed from the front row, and sheepishly raised his arm. "I'll take this one!" He said, a fine suit on. He was new to the area and thought it would be nice to be a buyer. He was rather lonely at home and truthfully, this was the first shown to actually catch his eye. Would help trim the trees rather nicely! And hopefully had a good appetite, he always cooked too much food at home. Which was far away, maybe he could fly with those midnight wings? It would be so much easier to get groceries! Other than that, he was quite the countryman, he had a light tan on his cheeks and a few scuffs on his otherwise pristine green suit.
▼: The silence is broken once someone calls out, giving Dave the satisfactory of knowing he's been bought off once again, he isn't sure for how much, or what for, but the stay in a foreign household never lasts long. Getting information quickly and efficiently was nothing new to him and with several houses before now on his record so the procedure was easy by now. He straightens back up and takes his leave off stage, being led out of the main square of the bureau, to one of the more secluded part by one of the Empresses workers, another one going to collect the money from whoever decided to buy him and lead him over to Dave.
▲: John walked eagerly after the Worker and paid good money, enough to make the worker a little surprised. He'd been saving quite a lot for a good cause, and this seemed like the perfect one! He waited nervously, he hadnt done this before or really been educated much on proper procedure. He waited patiently to see his new friend, or atleast, hopefully new friend. He wasnt one to bully or anything. A little quirky meek kid in all honesty.
▲: [[ brb
▲: [[ I have returned :3
▼: Soon enough the second worker arrives with the man, someone fairly rich if they were buying from the bureau and possibly someone of importance if they were a target. He stands tall and proud, making an attempt to smile, which turns into more of a smirk. Naturally he would behave, Dave has seen what happens to the ones who try and escape, and he rather not risk it trying to make a getaway, he's lived with no troubles for a long time, though that has never make the workers any less suspicious of his cocky demeanour. "Hello, master." He tips his head down in a small nod, watching as the workers made their way back to the crowd, watching as more people looked up at the remaining crowd of bureau creations standing in the middle of the plaza.
▲: John grinned and chuckled, "Hello, Friend." He retorted, and instantly took to examining him. He had no reservations about personal space and had taken up Dave's arm, feeling the birdlike appendage with awe and admiration. "So interesting.." He then dropped it and walked around the boy to examine his back and those wings that just caught his eye with the glare on each little black feather. "Truly amazing.." He murmured, tenderly reaching a hand to touch just one, just lightly.
▼: Friend? From the way the man circled around him giving no formalities, or personal space for that matter, made him seem like the type who was only looking for the simple things. That would make it all the easier for Dave. He stand still as his arm is taken, letting it drop back to his side limply while the man circled around to his back. More or less to humour him Dave spreads his wings to full span, practically inviting him to touch them. "Not everyday you'll get to see wings like these up close." Perhaps he was being too free with his words, he wasn't supposed to speak unless told to, but this guy didn't seem like he would be very uptight.
▲: John gave a very open 'wow' and gently pressed his fingers into the soft feathers, he'd handled a few birds before, his Dad had even given him a crash coarse in falconry, even though it didnt go well. "Id say that is true indeed." He murmured, still awestruck at the span, the glossy feathers. Even the little nicks in the flight feathers. "Can you really fly with these?" He asked almost innocently, ducking under the long feathers to face his new friend.
0 notes
▼: The Egbert name was quickly becoming one of the best known in the industry. Between his peculiar charm, endearingly off beat sense of humor and winning, albeit toothy, smile, it was no surprise the young musician was scaling the rungs to the ladder of fame as quickly as he was. With fame though, according to his agent, came obligations. His fans were one of those, but John had never had any problem handling them, whether it be dishing out autographs or providing them a glimpse at his personal life, and thus sating their invasive curiosities, via interviews. Keeping the music coming was another, and that too was no real obstacle, as he lived and breathed through his piano. Third came his image; rubbing elbows with celebrities, said his ever trustworthy agent, was key. In fact, the man had gone so far as to insist that a relationship was just what John needed to really get to the top. While the young man himself had protested, an arrangement was made so that he, and another (currently unknown) big name would, through a staged relationship, help the other on their rise to fame. And so there he was, that brisk evening, awaiting the appearance of his soon-to-be partner (business partner, that was) outside one of the city's premier coffee houses.
▲: She walked right by him and waited outside of the coffee shop. She was a concerto cellist star, as well as a rising actress. She shivered in her large black overcoat. Harley wasnt all that hip, and didnt keep up very much with the media besides her own image, which her agent nagged constantly about. She rather wished she could just return to being a wellknown cellist and solo once in a while and relax. However, that would never work out after her smash movie roles. She pulled out her rather casual phone, sliding along for her supposed dates number, calling.
▼: He payed no mind to the young woman waiting. The agent hadn't been so kind as to provide him with a picture, nor any form of description at all really. The only thing he had to go by was a name, and one he only knew vaguely from his early days of attempting to write a more classically themed music. He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone vibrated in his pocket, reaching to grasp it. Having not noticed the woman only a few feet away with her own phone out, he pressed the device to his ear, clearing his throat before offering an awkward "Hello?".
▲: She gave a soft warm giggle, "Hello! I am supposed to be meeting you tonight. And well, its rather cold outside! I was curious if you had made it to the arranged location?" God she sounded so Professional. She had to drop that. Or not, whatever. Its not like this famous guy would actually really fall for her, she had her cello and her dog and a well paying job and thats all she really needed. Relationships were a big hassle in this business and if not a real one, a staged one is best.
▼: There was an odd echo when she spoke. Almost as if he was hearing her from two different angles and...Ah. His own laughter rose in his throat and, while he kept the phone to his ear, he turned to face the cellist who he'd been standing next to all this time. "I have! And I've been here for a while, actually. Looking for you." It was then that he snapped his phone shut, striding casually as he could over to the woman and offering a smile that's sincerity was somewhat eaten away by nerves. "Jade Harley, right?"
▲: Gaping at her phone for a moment, as it rang loudly with the tone of a Hang Up, she turned at the sound of his voice. "Yes, and I assume Youre John Egbert?" She asked, a small smile on her face. Her fingers were shaking, he was actually quite handsome... And there went her phone! Slipped right through her fingers like her professional attitude towards this whole scenario. "Oh c'mon.." She grumbled, bending over to pick it up with careful consideration of her just a little above the knee length dress. Although she had leggings on, she despised her skirt raising too much. Too much to give for the Paparazzi.
▼: It was probably rude, but it couldn't be helped. Another laugh left him when she dropped her phone, even as he bent down to help her pick it up. That left them both crouched down near the cold sidewalk, two hands reaching for the fallen device, colliding somewhere in the center. He coughed awkwardly, a flush painting over his cheekbones as he withdrew his hand to give her room to grab the phone. "John, yeah. That's me. It's, ah, a pleasure to meet you, really!" He straightened, smoothing a hand nervously over the front of his shirt where it had scrunched up in his bend.
▲: Her hand was still shaking, trembling with nerves. She was never good at Dating. Even just meeting another with a remote idea of that extent. Her time was spent mostly with her dog, her cello and her grandfather while he was alive. She picked up the phone and put it away, smoothing her dress. "Its a pleasure to meet you too." She smiled calmly, her hands the only thing nervous. "Shouldnt we head inside? Its getting really cold out here.. " She trailed off, taking a step towards the door.
▼: If he noticed the shaking of her hands, he didn't show it. His smile relaxed slightly in response to her own. Her words had his head dipping in a quick nod. "Oh, right! Yeah, we should probably definitely do that. It is a little chilly, huh?" He made sure to get to the door before Jade did, holding it open for her politely. "Have you ever been here before?" It wasn't really to his tastes, personally. It was a little...much. But this was where he had been told to go and, as usual, he went.
▲: She laughed lightheartedly, walking inside, giving him a quick thank you for holding the door for her. She took a deep breath in, it was a nice coffee smell. "I like smaller places usually, and a little closer. I actually know a little bakery down the street thats quieter and smaller, with some delicious snacks too." She offered, pulling her coat collar closer around her neck, her hair curled and waved down her back. "Its still very nice in here though." She continued, not knowing if he liked this place or not.
▲: [[ Are you still there? I swear I love you right now omg aksdjnakjgnkn. <>
0 notes
▲: It's been a very boring day, truly. Carmine has been stuck inside the hive while Dolorosa had decided to go find something for the both of them. It was now raining as the small boy sits by the window looking out. That's when he heard something crash. The troll got up and followed slowly to the sound. Seeing something he had thought was scary he ran into his mother's room and hid. Soon crying, he had never been so scared in his life. Carmine then heard it come closer and looked to see, it was you.((Carmine is Signless, and also only 3 sweeps.)) ▼: A raggedy oliveblooded troll stood in the doorway, olive blood covering her left side. She gave a soft mewl before she had to lean on the doorway, her eyes round and pleading. She was too afraid and in shock to talk. She had just barely escaped being crushed by a tree that had fallen down a few yards away. Soaked to the bone, and alone, she stood there and waited for them to either attack or take her in. ▲: Carmine's eyes widen and he came out of his hiding spot, staring at the girl in front of him."You look like you have a boo boo...Come inside," He told her, going to the hygiene block to find a first aid kit. Once getting it, he grabbed the girl's hand and lead to to the hygiene block also." What happened??" He asked softly, he had been very scared, and well nervous, he's never talked to a girl outside of his mother of course. ▼: She stumbled after him, her hip was deeply cut with some kind of wire and so was her left arm. She didnt speak but stared at him, curious of this strange troll so kind. The hive was neat, much neater than her own. Which was basically a naturally carved cave into the side of a hill. She didnt really know what to say.. It had been a terrible accident overrall, and almost being crushed by the tree was no help either. ▲: "How does Rosa do this," the 3 sweep year old muttered to himself, getting out gauze, disinfectant, and such." You can talk to me, if you want, I don't bite, see?" He showed her his teeth, they weren't as sharp as most trolls, if anything, he was pretty different then most trolls. He was smiling now, as he picked up the disinfectant."This will sting a bit, okay?" ▼: At first, she giggled at him showing her his dull teeth. She sniffed and took a step back, her eyes zeroed in on the disinfectant. However afterwards she froze and closed her eyes, turning from it. Basically surrendering herself to this strange troll. She'd never met a troll like him, then again, she hadnt met many trolls either. ▲: Carmine liked her laughs," You sound really cute, you should really try talking more," He complimented her, putting some disinfectant on the wound and looking up at her." I really haven't met other trolls before, Momma says I should stay inside, and how it's dangerous because there's these older trolls who are big fat meanies," he was giggling himself now, mostly because he found it quite a hilarious statement. ▼: Hissing at the sting, she bit her lip and turned away. There was a lot of blood on her side, the wounds had been open for quite a while, and she'd lost a lot of blood. Trying to focus, she nodded, listening to him speak to her. "Meanies.." She repeated, her voice quiet and soft. ▲: He didn't like when others were in pain and tried his best to shoosh her and well, did what he was best at, apologizing." Yeah, big meanies, they hurt others because they think they better! ▲: ((Fuck.)) ▲: He didn't like when others were in pain and tried his best to shoosh her and well, did what he was best at, apologizing." Yeah, big meanies, they hurt others because they think they're better!" Carmine sighed and got some gauze, not sure how to use it."Uh..." ▼: She sniffled a little, green tears welling in her light eyes, slowly dripping over her grey cheeks. She just waited for him to do whatever, she was too numb, in too much pain right now. She couldnt handle all that had happened and this sweet boy in one day. ▲: Carmine started to wrap her wound up in the gauze." Please don't cry, if you cry, it'll make me cry, because I don't like seeing everyone I care about cry either," He told her finishing the wrapping and liking the handy work he'd done."How's that?" ▼: She just sniffled and looked down at her feet, rubbing the tears off of her face. She had nothing left... What did it really matter if she was patched up or not? She had nothing.. No lusus, and likely Highbloods who wanted her dead for messing up their trap. ▲: "...Are you okay?" He asked, oh god Carmine was going to cry now." I'm sorry if I did something wrong, here, do you want some milkbeast milk??Or something?? It makes me feel good when I feel sad," Carmine would do anything to help this girl smile and such. ▼: She nodded slowly, just standing there and crying. She wobbled a little, but didnt fall over. Her vision was so very blurry now. She glanced around and then just slid to the floor, sitting there against the wall. It hurt to curl up so she sat flat. "Why did you help me..." She whispered quietly. ▲: "Well, because you needed help," It was a simple answer really, er well, for Carmine. Why else? He shrugged, and went to get some milkbeast milk, and once poured two glasses, came back, and gave her a glass, taking a sip of his, getting a milk mustache. ▼: She watched him and felt totally alone while he was gone. He made her feel different than being around anyone else, even her lusus. Why was he so different? She tried to reach with her left arm but winced and took the milk with her right instead, taking a careful sip and then chugging the whole glass, sighing with a milkstache herself. ▲: Carmine looked at his, he didn't want to ruin his supper so hey, why not give her the rest? He held out his glass, and wiped his mouth to get rid of the milk mustache. Giggling once he saw she had one." You want mine? Momma doesn't want me to well, not eat my supper, so you can have it!" ▼: She smiled and took it swiftly, guzzling it down. She purred afterward, and stopped crying. Milk usually made her feel a lot better for some reason, but she could rarely have it. She glanced over the health kit and motioned for it, still having a milkstache. ▲: Giving her the first aid kit, he smiled brightly." You look silly," He said, with a small giggle and shrugged." I dunno when Momma will be home, hey! Maybe you can live with us, my momma isn't usually this late though..." ▼: She ignored him for a moment, digging into the bandages and tightening it around her arm, biting it and tucking it in. She stood up then and eyed him. "Hunters." She murmured, looking serious. "Killed my momma. We should stay hidden." She said fully, staring at him calmly. ▲: "Hidden? We're in the middle of nowhere it would seem like, we don't have to worry," He responded, and shrugged. " I'm Carmine by the way, what's your name?" ▼: She just blinked, "Nemalia. Just call me Nem, Okay?" She said and looked around some more. "I only came from a few miles south. Even though my Momma and I were far from our home, we.. still.. " She trailed off and shook her damp hair. ▲: "Don't worry Nem! We'll be fine, I promise, if they come, I'll protect you and momma," Smiling at her, he got up and put the glasses in the sink." Nem, I like your name, really!" ▼: She smiled and followed him around, a bit slowly. "Thank you, I like yours.. Also." She murmured and her eyes flashed to the outside, another crash happened and she froze, her eyes wide with fear. It was probably Just another tree breaking though. ▲: He continued to walk, yeah, he was scared himself, but he had to show the girl he was manly, for uh well, 3 sweep year old." So what do you wanna do? We could play hide and seek, or watch a movie, or something, though, I don't know how to put int the movies and, well, I'm not the best at hide and seek," ▼: She shook her head. She was still in a decent amount of shock. She slowly sidestepped until she was practically behind him.. And she sneezed, like a little squeak of a sneeze. She was still pretty soaked. ▲: "Bless you," He told her, and then looked at her closely." Oh! you need to dry off! Why hadn't you told me silly?" He said, letting her follow until he was in front of a closet and pulled out a big fluffy towel." Here!" ▼: She smiled and pulled it around her, rubbing her hair and body dry with her right arm, using the dampness to start to clean off the olive stains of blood. "Thank you.. Carmine." She murmured, still towel drying herself. ▲: Carmine simply nodded, fixed his hood, and smiled again." I could really use a nap right about now.." He mumbled, rubbing his eye, and yawning. He was only 3 sweeps, he'd want a nap more then anything right about now. ▼: She nodded, "Where is safe?" She asked softly, wanting a nap herself. She wasnt sure if she could sleep well without her big mommas fur warming her, but she would try., ▲: "My momma's room, that's safe!" Carmine replied, walking towards it. Rubbing his eyes and such, golly he was one tired little boy. ▼: She trailed after him, then once they were in the room, glanced around and lay on the floor, closing her eyes and resting on her right side. Very quickly was she asleep, used to sleeping on hard surfaces and was really very very tired. ▲: Carmine stared at her and shrugged, he knew he'd probably end up getting nightmares, but this girl could use some protection from a knight! Or well, he'd call himself one at least. He laid down beside her and smiled, soon himself drifting off into a deep slumber. ▼: While sleeping, the little troll curled closer to him, her breathing soft and almost like a quiet purr. Her body was fairly warm so close to his ▲: Carmine did too end up snuggling closer to the little girl, mumbling a couple times in his sleep. Trying his best to get closer to the warmth. ▼: She actually slept well close to him, for an odd reason. It was strange, but she paid no attention to it. She was young enough to where it didnt matter that much. TIME SKIPPPPP ▼: Nem burst into the door, a large antler beast being dragged behind her, "Carmine!! Carmine I caught a big one!" She called in, careful not to get the beasts green blood on their stuff, knowing the Dolorosa would make her scrub it to perfection. It had been 3 more sweeps and Nem had stayed there, due to the Dolorosa's sweet heart and her own tolerance. She warmed up to the small family of trolls quickly, especially with a local herd of Milkbeasts. ▲: Carmine was just in the middle of a public speaking hivework letter Dolorosa had assigned him, but hearing his Disciple, as he liked to call her, or well Nem, had captured something he turned around, and smiled softly." We'll be feasting like highbloods tonight, it would seem," Chuckling at his own joke and looking at his assignment." Do you want help with that? Or do you got it all under control?" he asked, well mostly because he cared for her. ▼: Nem giggled, " Of course I got it! Just can you get the good knife for me? Ive got a lot of its blood all over! it was quite a mess." She asked, her voice vibrant now, compared to before when it was practically a whisper. She often hunted and explored, finding comfortable places to write and write and write. She even took to writing small memoirs near where she had made kills in honor of them. ▲: Smiling at her he gave her the knife she would need and looked over his work. Ugh, he wasn't as good of a writer as Nem, though, he didn't know what he'd write about so much, ah! That was it, he started writing down things about the blood colors and such, hopefully Dolorosa would like it. He liked the way it sounded at least, maybe he could show Nem. ▼: Nem was outside, happily skinning and cleaning her kill. She wondered what Carmine was working on, but paid more attention to the kill, they would need it for food! Good, yummy, delicious food the Dolorosa or even herself would cook for Carmine.. Whoa there, that was a bit affectionate! Oh poo, why not? He really did save her life from dying of sickness and her wounds all those sweeps ago. 
0 notes
▼: Walking through Central Park, you first notice the rhythmic sound of a guitar. Walking towards the sound of the instrument, you see a large crowd. In the midst of the crowd, you catch a glimpse of someone you know, dancing and swaying to the strum of the guitar. It's Feferi Peixes, always one to get the crowd moving. As you approach, you see her dancing with the others: spinning young children, twirling with young men, she seems comfortable in the lively atmosphere. Seeing you standing at the outskirts of the crowd, she smiles at you and waves in greeting. ((4Chords/humanstuck; Eridan, Gamzee, and Karkat preferred, but most of the characters are fine!))
▲: You grinned, it was always a pleasure to see her. Ever since the very first time.. You never would get used to her gorgeous, beaming smile and optimistiv behavior. It always brightened your day just to glance at your pictures of her. Which a few you snapped now, and had snapped while she was dancing amongst the crowd of people, all smiles and joy and movement. Your camera was deluxe, so none of this blurry movement business occured. Clear, crisp, beautiful. He waved back, then pushed up his dark framed glasses.
▼: She didn't know why she was surprised to see his camera. It was like an extra limb for him, she rarely saw him without it. She grinned, slipping her way out of the crowd. "Eridan!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing towards him. "Hey! What are you doing here?" she asked as she reached him, tucking a flyaway tuft of hair behind her ear. "It's been a little while, huh?"
▲: He chuckled and watched as she approached, getting a little nervous. He usually was when she was around. So breathtaking, so beautiful... Keep Cool ampora, Cool. Suave. "It sure has, Its nice to see you lookin lovely as ever." He said, snapping a few more photos of close range. He took photos of almost everything he could get close to.
▼: She giggled. "Oh, stop!" she waved him off. "I see you've got your camera, a usual. Get any..." she paused, striking a ridiculous pose and making a fishy face at him. "...good pictures?" she finished, breaking down into laughter. "Sorry, sorry. But really, how have been doing? We should catch up, or something!"
▲: Eridan grinned, making sure to catch her fishy pose. "Every one is good, I never drop my level of quality for a quick pic." He nodded and glanced around the park square. Catching sight of a lovely indoor cafe that had great scenery. "How about we catch some coffee? The place is nice and cool. " He asked, "Id love to hear about your adventures."
▼: Hearing the camera snap, she grew frantic, laughing and panicking simultaneously. "Eridan! No! Delete that, oh my gosh!" she protested, moving to grab at his camera. She nearly forgot about it, though, as he mentioned the café. "Coffee sounds great," she said, relaxing. "I don't know if I'd call what I've been doing 'adventures,' but I wouldn't mind chatting."
▲: He was tall and well muscular, not very big but had enough on him. He held his precious baby out of her reach, laughing nervously. "Hey hey, that picture was great alright?" He said and slipped around her towards the Cafe, walking backwards and nodding towards it. "Chatting, adventuring, its all close in some way or other. I'll buy, okay?"
▼: "No, I bet I looked ridiculous! Like all those girls in Facebook!" she whined, following him reluctantly. "Please?" she begged, folding her fingers together like she was praying. She gave him puppy dog eyes, straightening up as they kept walking, her bent posture uncomfortable. "Oh, no, you don't have to!" she shook her hand, catching up with him. She wouldn't touch his camera, okay, maybe she'd scroll through the memory and delete that picture, but that was it...
▲: He chuckled, "If youre so set on thinking that picture was ridiculous, Ill let you see it and delete it if you still want to." He walked on, opening the door to the quiet cafe for her. "It would be my honor." He said, waiting patiently for her to enter. He wanted to treat her well. It had been a long time and well, it hadnt been that great. She made up for it. Being there.. Being still so joyful and filled with LIFE and a HOPE he could only dream of.
▼: Nodding she consented. "Yeah... That'd be nice..." she said with a soft smiling, entering and waiting for him. She just couldn't believe how long it had been. A few months? Maybe longer. It wasn't as if they lived far away, either. They both lived within a few blocks of one another. She stood off the side, glancing at the menu. Oh, wow. This menu was insane.
▲: He closed the door and stood beside her, easily glancing through the menu and stepping up to order. A simple iced caramel frappe. Somehow that was on the board, he looked to Feferi. "anything you like, its on me." He commented, waiting for her to order.
▼: She nodded, a little flustered by the menu. Well, she liked mochas, and it was kind of hot out, so something iced? She frowned, focusing. Iced mocha it was, then. She stepped up beside him. "I always forget how many different kinds of coffee they can make," she grinned.
▲: Eridan nodded, "Theres quite a lot of flavors and mixtures to think of. I once had a caramel frappe in the carribbean too, and it tasted much different than the ones here. " He commented, paying for the drinks and having them call his name when they were ready. He gently reached and took her hand, leading her to a side table and sitting down with a sigh.
▼: She shrugged. "Different beans, maybe?" she offered. It was the only reason she could think of, anyways. She followed him, a little surprised when he took her hand. She plunked down though, forgetting it completely when he sighed. "Something wrong?" she asked, leaning forward, an expression of genuine concern on her face.
▲: He shrugged, "Perhaps, they grow naturally in various areas around the world, so Id imagine they'd have different levels of ripeness or whatever." He smiled a little at her worry, it was nice to see someone who cared enough to even ask. "No, everythings really good right now. Im off of my Uncle's bloody cruiseline and studying photography here again."
▼: "You were on a cruise?" she asked, a little excited. She hadn't been on a cruise in ages, not since well before she'd left home. "That's great, though! Where are you studying?" she asked, resting an elbow on the table and resting her chin on it.
▲: He shrugged, "Just a college around here. I take classes once or twice a week and then work a little job on the off days. Nothing too big." He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, my uncle dragged me on as a last minute crew member. Little to say I was a bit overwhelmed at first but it was alright." He continued, it was great.. She was actually interested!
▼: "That's a pretty nice set-up! I'm hoping to start going to class again soon, too," she smiled. She listened to him. "I don't know... That sounds pretty neat! Getting to work on an oceanliner. The ocean's a pretty neat place, even if you're on a giant luxury ship, working instead of playing!"
▲: He ran a hand through his hair, naturally curvy and wavy, a light color too. A bit seawashed but it was still good looking. "We had a bit of storms and my uncle is a rather gruff man. however, it really was as enjoyable as could be." He chuckled, "Who knows? Maybe I could take another trip with a friend on one sometime. As a guest, not crew." He shrugged, "What are ou going to be studdying?"
▼: She grinned, pleased with that. "Well, good! See, it wasn't all that bad!" she nodded happily, leaning back. She pulled her braid -an effort to keep her mass of hair under control- over her shoulder, messing with it absentmindedly as he spoke. "Oh, that'd be fun, huh? Not having to work like you did before?" she smiled, patting her braid and letting it drape across her front. "Hm... I'm not certain on this, but I've been thinning about marine biology. First I've gotta get my AA, though."
▲: Eridan smiled, leaning closer. "Im sure you'd be great at that. " He liked hearing about her, she was just wonderful. The few times theyd met.. Well, he's been quite a puppydog for her. He was never good with romance, so being her friend was the best he could do.
▼: She grinned. "Thanks! I really hope it works out, I'd love to be able to go out, solve problems, figure out the mysteries of the deep. You know, all that dumb, cliché stuff," she said, sheepish. Eridan had always been easy to talk to, for whatever reason. She could tell him things she could hardly even think about telling her other friends.
▲: Eridan nodded, "Im sure you will, shoot, maybe Ill have the lucky opportunity to help with that, since I have a total marinecraft license and all." He said, shrugging a little, "But anyway, would you like to see the picture?"
▼: "Really? Oh, that's something I should probably work on getting..." she trailed off, thinking quietly for a moment. She snapped out of it, immediately nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, please!" she said.
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▼: HO.
▲: Oh Hell No
▲: You Did Not Just Try To Call Me Out
▲: You Pestilent Horn Grinder.
▲: Atleast This Ass Can Get Some Nook
▲: Unlike You
▲: Yes
▲: I Indeed Went There Karkitty
▲: Oh Wait
▲: I Should Say Karpussy
▲: No
▲: All The Trolls And Humans Lay On You
▲: You Are Just The Worlds Bicycle Then
▲: Atleast Im Not An Easy Ride
▲: It Takes Some Major Swag To Get With This
▲: And The Nook And Bulge Are Always Nice
▲: I Dont Even Wear Pants
▲: Maybe Terezi Has Spread Her Blindness To You
▲: I Know She Hasnt Spread Her Legs For You
▲: In Your Dreams
▲: More Like Sore To Think You Even Touched Her I Bet
▲: Theres No Way That Little Bulge Can Do Anything For Her
▲: Little Bulge
▲: I Bet Gamzee Wouldnt Approve Of That Statement
▲: You Did Your Own Moirail
▲: You Truly Are An Easy Bicycle
▲: Perhaps You Are More Correctly Labeled As A Childs Teeter Totter
▲: Everyones Misused Little Plaything
▲: And Gamzee Is The Prime Example I Assume
0 notes
Hero-Save-Me's Giveaway!! :D
Alrighty So Ya’know those Friendship bracelets that are all threaded? Well I know how to make them! I enjoy making them so I Decided, hell, why not have a Giveaway? :D
1. Must be Following me
2. No more than 1 reblog and 1 like, both count.
3. Must be Comfortable with giving me your address to Mail you the bracelets if you win! 
4. Ill need Approximate Inches for your wrist to help it fit better too!
The winner will receive a bracelet of up to 4 different colors of any pattern. 
Currently Bracelets have been made in representation of an OTP. I have made a Davejohn bracelet for my Matesprit, knightandheir, and a Dirkjake bracelet for my moirail, insanityrunsinthe-family along with others for others.
If this Gets anymore than 50 I will edit it with more information!
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▼: i love you
▲: i hate you
▲: juuuuuuuust kidding :B
▼: dude i just felt my heart break
▼: right in my chest
▲: why?
▼: because i love you
▼: duh
▼: werent you listening egbert?
▲: like seriously?
▲: not joking around?
▲: in a bro way
▲: right?
▼: seriously are you suddenly rezi now
▼: what if its not in a bro way
▼: what if its like
▼: both in a bro way
▼: and not in a bro way
▲: thats cool i guess
▼: like if given the opportunity
▼: i would like date the fuck out of you
▲: you would
▼: but if your not up for that
▼: its cool
▲: date the fuck out of me
▲: so you'd like
▲: date me to the point where i wouldnt want to fuck ever?
▼: its a fucked up expression numbnuts
▼: i mean
▼: i would probably take you out
▼: on the most ironic dates ever
▼: like take you out to shitty movies
▼: and bring you flowers
▼: and kiss your hand goodnight
▼: until you were a swooning blushing dame
▲: oh my god
▲: dave
▲: thats like homosexual isnt it?
▼: i guess
▼: im more bi
▲: oh
▲: that makes everything better
▼: like i said
▼: if your not up for it
▼: thats cool
▲: i just dont know what to say really!
▲: its not like i have anything else like that.
▲: or anyone else like that..
▲: so i mean
▲: i dont know if i am a homosexual?
▲: but i wouldnt really mind finding out
▲: with you
▼: its cool
▼: i could help you out with that
▼: you know being homosexual is more of a label if anything
▼: you dont have to be gay or homosexual
▼: you could be bi, pan, or hell even demisexual
▲: oh
▲: did you not see the punchline?
▲: cmon dave
▲: i know youre not blind behind those shades
▲: right?
▼: dude
▼: im just saying in all seriousness
▼: that if you get confused
▼: im there for ya
▼: you know even if you are just pulling my leg right now
▲: ugh
▲: still nothing? ok fine ill say it again in SIMPLER terms
▲: did you get that one?
▼: wow really?
▼: thats awesome
▲: nope :b
▼: im suddenly not sure of anything anymore
▲: im kidding dave! :B about the nope
▲: i just love pushing your buttons.
▼: oh okay
▼: i kinda got the idea the first time
▼: but you know
▼: i thought you meant in an experimental way
▼: not a serious way
▲: well i do kindof mean it in an experimental way?
▲: but i wouldnt mind if it did go serious. ;B
▼: awesome
▼: so egbert
▼: wanna go to the movies with me?
▲: which movie?
▲: would we see*
▼: i dont know
▼: whatever you want
▼: i mean
▼: i think the avengers is still out
▲: oh sure, why not?
▲: man i wish they had nic cage in there
▲: he wouldve been a great like agent guy in the background at least
▼: i like the guy who plays loki
▼: bro made me watch thor the other day
▼: because apparently he thinks thor is hot
▼: i dont even know where im going with this
▼: loki is cool though
▼: im pretty sure hes the villian
▲: no hes only the god of mischief dave
▲: couldnt possibly be the villian
▼: dude loki is awesome
▼: and your spirit animal
▲: my spirit animal?
▲: because of the mischief?
▲: so i am your god now dave?
▲: kneel before me while i tickle your funny bone grr!
▼: basically yeah
▼: anything i can do down here
▼: you know
▼: while im kneeling
▲: o-oh my GOD
▲: man whoa
▲: whoa
▲: woah nelly
▲: hold your horseshit and tickle a pickle
▼: i didnt say it
▲: im not quite ready for that yet!
▼: you thought it
▼: i could of meant
▼: tying your shoes
▼: i know where your mind lies now egbert
▼: right in the gutter
▼: the smuppet and dildo filled gutter
▲: daaaaaaaave stop
▲: lets just go see that movie ok???
▼: okay
▼: do you want me to pick you up
▼: or like do you want to meet up there
▲: you can come pick me up.
▲: dads not home so id have to walk all the way.
▼: okay
▼: ill pick you up now
▼: later
▲: :B later
▼: ((yo what form do you wanna do this? *this* or "this))
▼: (("this"))
▲: [[ Whichever you prefer! Im pretty good at both.
▲: [[ well decent I wouldnt really say good bluh.
▼: ((i'm cool with either too))
▼: ((also brb for like 1 minute))
▲: [[ Alrighty!
▼: ((back))
▼: ((so lets do *this* because lets face it))
▼: ((paragraphs are long))
▼: ((and its monday))
▼: ((B) ))
▲: [[ Alllllrighty~~
▼: *knocks on door, looking swag as fuck wearing his usual shirt with black skinny jeans*
▼: *because skinny jeans are awesome*
▲: -the door opens and johns in his usual attire, adjusting his shorts.- Dave! - smiles at him with his dorkiest grin-
▼: hey egbert, ready to go? *smiles back, trying to stay cool*
▲: no, I have to lock the door then we can go. - steps out, jingles the keys in the doorlock to lock it and turns to dave- alright now i am!
▼: awesome, to the truck then ma'lady. *ironically bows and leads John to his pick up, opening the door for him and everthing*
▲: -rolls his eyes and follows- youre an ass. you know im not a lady!! - gets into the truck anyway with a pout on his face-
▼: *walks around, jumping into the drivers seat and starting the truck* i know *smirk*
▼: *begins driving*
▲: im sure you do. -rolls eyes and buckles his seatbelt.-
▼: so you want to get something to eat after the movie?
▲: yeah, ill be hungry! anything but cake.
▼: *chuckles* what do you wanna get then? we could go to olive garden or we could just pick up some fast food.
▲: oh olive garden, really? i dont think ive ever actually been there but ive heard things about it.
▼: i always get the same soup because its literally like the best soup ever
▼: theyve got pasta too and awesome breadsticks
▲: oh? sure i guess. -shrugs- seems fine to me.
▼: awesome *arrives at the theatre* so you wanna see it in 3D?
▼: i mean it doesnt really do shit for the movie but
▼: the glasses are sorta cool
▲: -shakes head- no it irritates my glasses too much. but maybe. because then you'd have to take off your shades huh? -smirks-
▼: yeah i hate doing that
▼: well see 2D then, i saw it in 3D last time
▼: *gets out of truck and walks around to the other side*
▼: *opens door for john*
▼: ((its cool))
▲: yeah i know you do! urgh fine. dont you still have to take your shades off for the dark theatre anyway?
▲: - grumbles and gets out, raising his eyebrow at Dave-
▼: yeah i do
▼: do you really want to see my eyes that bad?
▼: *closes door and locks the door*
▲: [[ crap sorry again bluh
▲: -shrugs- well ive never seen them before, so im a little obviously curious about them.
▼: okay ill show them to you
▼: but you have to promise me you wont freak out
▲: i promise I wont freak out?
▲: i seriously promise but why the additional dont freak out?
▲: i mean i just said im curious about them doesnt that suggest that more than likely
▲: there will be some sort of freaking out?
▲: :B
▼: i mean just dont scream and run away
▼: when i was little my shades fell off and an old lady splashed holy water on me
▲: oh
▲: hold on i have to get my holy water.
▲: no im kidding, dave.
▲: i wont scream and run away dude
▲: thats totally un- total bro like.
▲: and we're kindof on a date to?
▲: too*
▼: okay then *flips his shades up revealing his weird red eyes*
▲: -looks entirely shocked but only looks closer, leaning in slightly- theyre naturally like that? no contacts?
▼: no contacts
▼: they are naturally that red
▼: my bro's eyes are orange
▲: -shakily reaches his hand up to touch daves cheek, looking closer with squinted eyes- theyre so cool dude. its unreal!
▼: thanks *the slightest of pink tints to cheeks*
▲: - grins and pats his shoulder- so are we going to go see the movie or stand around here? - laughs lightly and grabs his wrist, starting to pull him towards the theatre-
▼: *flips his shades back on and lets himself be dragged, he then pays for the tickets like a gentleman*
▼: the movie doesnt start for another 10 minutes do you want any popcorn or soda?
▲: -thinks and nods- Id like a soda, yeah. we can get popcorn to share if you want to.
▼: cool, ill go get that. go pick out some seats. *walks over to the concession stand*
▲: -nods and scampers off, wandering into the correct theatre- see you in there!
▼: *gets a large pepsi and tub of popcorn for them to share, pays then makes his way into the theatre*
▲: -sitting in the middle of the almost empty theatre, just watching the commercials.-
▼: *sits next to him, handing him the tub and putting the drink in between them* hey
▲: oh hey -smiles and reaches to grab a few kernels and eats them.- im guessing it went well in the line?
▼: yeah smooth sailing. *takes a sip of the soda*
▲: im excited !! are you excited? - grins at him- are you going to take your shades off during the movie or....? -curiously looking at him-
▼: yeah *flips shades onto the top of his head again before taking another sip*
0 notes
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Hello! These are 1/8” laser cut acrylic , hand-dyed digicrest :) So after months of people asking and messaging me, YUP I’M FINALLY SELLING THESE BABIES. But I’m also going to do a free giveaway of all 9 crests! (Courage, Friendship, Love, Intelligence, Reliability, Serenity, Hope, Light and Kindness)
Reblog for your chance to win
On May 10th I’m going to use a random number generator to pick the winner.
Make sure your ask box is open that day so I can message you
If it isn’t I’m just gonna pick another winner.
Don’t need to be following me, reblogging multiple times will only really annoy your follows, but I guess it’s valid…
I asked around a while ago if people were interested in these and I had pretty enthusiastic responses. But this giveaway is mainly for the people who can’t afford them, I felt so bad when people kept messaging me and asking for them for free or saying how they would definitely buy them if they had money. So here’s my solution, A FREE GIVE AWAY :) So if you can afford them please let other people who can’t, have a chance at winning these. If you want to buy them:
Set of 9 crests = $40
Individual crests= $6
Free shipping to Canada/US, $3 international
First come first serve, paypal required
If you want to order a full set, I suggest you do it asap because I can only make 3 full sets
I won’t be able to make another batch of these until September, and that’s if I decide to make more. We’ll see. So if you’re interested in purchasing, email me your order at [email protected]. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. I will email you back to confirm your order or telling you I don’t have what you want. Or if anyone knows where I can do cheap laser cuts in Toronto, let me know via email Inbox/email me if you have any questions. Good luck guys : ) My current stock is
Crest of Courage = 3
Crest of Friendship = 6
Crest of Love = 5
Crest of Reliability = 5
Crest of Intelligence = 3
Crest of Serenity = 5
Crest of Hope = 4
Crest of Light = 5
Crest of Kindness = 4
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^THIS COULD BE YOU WITH FAT PALMON. GIVE AWAY ENDS MAY 10TH. May the odds be ever in your favour
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Reblogging again because 
Drawings = GOOD
Singing = GOOD.
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Ahh Im still not that much better at drawing Online geez. v~v
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The Sufferer/Signless and The Disciple <3
Now off to watch a movie, possibly. 
Also, a fair amount of portraits will likely be upcoming. Eventually heh.
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