holdsteady · 2 days
“apologist.” “critical.” y’all are doing too much. when my favorite characters do evil reprehensible shit I simply don’t fucking care cause it’s not real
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holdsteady · 2 days
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holdsteady · 2 days
I hope my message finds you well 🍉❤️
I would be very grateful if you could donate to me and my family we can achieve our goal as soon as possible 🥺 💔🇵🇸
I hope anyone can donate even 20$ will make a big difference and reach the goal very soon
If you can't please reblog and share with other maybe anyone can help
Your donation saves an entire family from death
Thank you in advance 🫶
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holdsteady · 2 days
I know I don't shut up about this but frankly not enough people are angry about the 5-day/40 hour workweek (and I am AWARE a lot of people work even more than that). I feel like a lot more people should be absolutely furious that we only really have two days a week and some occasional hours in the evening to socialise, run errands, do chores, or relax.
It's no wonder so many people are profoundly lonely and disconnected from their communities when maintaining a social life in what little free time we have is incredibly difficult. If you have kids, a second job, a very long commute, or other responsibilities, it's nearly impossible.
We literally aren't meant to live like this and I'll never stop being shocked how many people just take it as the natural state of things and don't want to throw a brick through a billionaire's window every time they think of it.
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holdsteady · 2 days
hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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holdsteady · 2 days
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#Moo Deng is literally the cutest menace I have ever seen
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holdsteady · 2 days
One factor that influences the use of the labels “soft science” or “hard science” is gender bias, according to recent research my colleagues and I conducted.
Women’s participation varies across STEM disciplines. While women have nearly reached gender parity in biomedical sciences, they still make up only about 18% of students receiving undergraduate degrees in computer science, for instance.
In a series of experiments, we varied the information study participants read about women’s representation in fields like chemistry, sociology and biomedical sciences. We then asked them to categorize these fields as either a “soft science” or a “hard science.”
Across studies, participants were consistently more likely to describe a discipline as a “soft science” when they’d been led to believe that proportionally more women worked in the field. Moreover, the “soft science” label led people to devalue these fields—describing them as less rigorous, less trustworthy and less deserving of federal research funding.
Continue Reading.
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holdsteady · 2 days
my 5 year plan is to get back my joy
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holdsteady · 2 days
if i was a frog i would always be saying “wow, that’s just ribbeting”
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holdsteady · 2 days
Ha a lélek vándorlásában hiszünk, el kell fogadnunk hogy ha zenészek voltunk, zenészek maradunk akkor is, ha négy lábbal újraszületünk..
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holdsteady · 2 days
california quails they’re unforgettable. small and round, black feather on top.
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holdsteady · 2 days
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snoopy of the day
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holdsteady · 2 days
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holdsteady · 2 days
Canadians: Act now to support guaranteed basic income!
The Canadian government is about to vote on starting the process of instituting a guaranteed basic living wage.
If you are a Canadian resident, please consider contacting your representatives about it! MP Leah Gazan has a tool on her website that makes showing your support easy. Just put your name and postal code into this tool and it will automatically send a message to your MP, the Prime Minister, and several Cabinet Ministers: https://www.leahgazan.ca/glbi_letter_2024#newmode-embed-20407-68031
If you’re Canadian, please show your support! If you aren’t, please share this post so your Canadian followers can see it.
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holdsteady · 2 days
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Bat costume!! 🦇
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holdsteady · 2 days
If you're afab and find yourself thinking stuff like "I wish I had a body like a trans woman," I'm gonna need you to stop and ask yourself what you mean by that. Like reeeeally deeply, introspectively ask yourself. Because your answer probably reveals a lot about your hidden biases towards trans women. Do you want a penis? Great, but not all trans women have those, and it's really weird to try and define a whole group of people by their genitals. Do you want to look more masculine? Because, and I really hope I don't need to say this, viewing/defining trans women as "more masculine women" is super transphobic and fucked up and you need to stop viewing us like that immediately. There are no meaningful universal differences between cis and trans bodies you can define that do not in some way reduce us to our anatomy and/or stereotypes about us. So, instead of comparing yourself to whatever imaginary idea of trans women you have in your head, just be yourself. Explore your body and gender on your own terms, but please, leave us out of it.
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holdsteady · 2 days
once every month with 20k notes: *person so chronically online they've looped* i think we should consider agreeing with the status quo
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