hollandsplanet ยท 1 year
omg hii tumblr, i've missed u !!
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hollandsplanet ยท 2 years
๐“๐ˆ๐‹๐‹ ๐ƒ๐„๐€๐“๐‡ ๐’๐„๐๐„๐‘๐€๐“๐„๐’ ๐”๐’
one shot -ย TILL DEATH SEPERATES US @-hollandsplanet on instagram @-hollandsplanet on tumblr โ‹† date: 23-04-22 โ‹†
#summary: Nikki hates the holiday Halloween. As it is the day after the holiday they still go for a walk at midnight, collecting the candies Jackson, her boyfriend likes so much. As much as she wanted to stay at home, she can't say no to a cutie like that. Going on the walk, the pair go past a school. It turns out to be Jackson's old school and he wants to say hi to his teachers. The couple goes inside and suddenly it turns out to be an abandoned place.
#wc:ย 1.4k
#genre:ย reader x boyfriend
#an:ย this was supposed to be an english assignment: writing a ghost story but I like how it turned out so now I'm posting it on here! <3 also, i'll tell my grade the moment I get them back, just for the curious type's under you ;)
It was a normal Friday night. I was cuddling with my boyfriend, Jackson as we were watching a movie, a horror movie to be specific. Today's date was the 1st of November, one day after Halloween, and let me tell you, I really hate that holiday. So many scary things for nongood. And believe me, Jackson knows how much I hate getting scared but still, here we are, watching a horror movie the day after Halloween.
"OMG did you see how she killed him, that was so awesome!" Jackson said as if he enjoyed it. To be really honest, he looked like a psychopath which scared me a bit.
I didn't see it because I was pressing my face against his chest. I liked how he held me like that but I was still annoyed at the fact that he chose a scary movie even though he knows that I don't like them!
"Alright darling, let's go for a walk. I wanna go get some more candies from the streets." He stated. "But, it's like two hours until midnight," I told him, not wanting to go outside at the moment, and definitely not since we just watched that awful movie.
"Come on darling, it'll be just fine. Also, I'm staying at your side no matter what, I'll always be there." He smiled, pressing me against his chest, which made me feel more comfortable. "Alright," I sighed, getting my coat.
We were currently walking down the streets, holding hands as I watched the full moon.
We walked past a few houses when we suddenly saw a big building appear on the horizon, there was a lot of mist which made it hard to see.
"Nikki, look! That's my old school!" Jackson said, pointing at the creepy building. "Yeah let's not go in there, it looks like it's haunted." I was creeped out. "Come on Nikki! I wanna say hello to my old teachers." He told me, pouting his lips. I was still not convinced that it was a good idea to go in there.
"Like I told you earlier Nikki, I'm here, I won't go anywhere. I swear to you, I'll stay with youย till death separates us." He told me. "Fine," I answered as we made our way inside the creepy building, our hands still connected.
It didn't even take us three minutes to go around the big black gate as we made it to the building in front of us. We we're currently on the playground of the school when I suddenly heard some noise. "Di- did you hear that?" I asked Jackson, getting closer to him. "It's just an owl, look." He pointed to the big tree standing in the middle of the playing area. And, fortunately he was right, it was just a little innocent owl.
"Phew." I sighed, losing my grip around his arms. "Come on, let's go inside." He said to me as he slightly runned inside the building. "Jackson! Wait on me!" I shouted, being to afraid to get inside just yet. But since he was inside already I had no other choice. I rather be inside the terrifying construction with him then alone in this dark place.
I made my way inside the school's property as well, hoping to find my boyfriend. But, without any success. "Jackson! Where are you?" I yelled, hoping he would hear me. As I kept shouting I got more and more inside the school. One second led to another and before I knew it, I got lost. It took some time before I realized something. Jackson asked me to say hello to some old teacher, why would there be any teachers still at school at this time of the day? It just doesn't make any sense.
I was trying to get what was happening right now as I suddenly heared a sound coming from right behind me. I quickly turned around, hoping it was Jackson. Because he surely has some explanation to do. "Jackson? That you?" I asked, no answer. "Come on, it's not funny anymore. We both know how easily I get scared and especially the day after Halloween, right after we watch a horror movie." I roll my eyes.
"Wait a second." I think out loud. "Wait, it all makes sense, now that I think about it. Why would you bring me to an abandoned school, the day after halloween and right after we watched such a horrifying movie when you know better then anyone how scared out I always get. And why would you run into the building just to hide from me." I ask myself, knowing he could hear me.
"You- you planned all this the whole time already. You knew we we're going to watch a movie and you knew it was your time to pick one, you choose a horror movie on purpose as you knew I would agree to come to you to this horrific place and you knew it was my worst nightmare to die in a place like this one." I speak up as tears start rolling down my cheek.
"You- YOU BASTARD!" I screamed. Suddenly I hear some laughing around me. It getting louder and louder by the minute. It spreads itself by the minute as I turn in circles, trying to figure out where the laughing comes from. About three minutes the laughing keeps getting worse when suddenly it stops.
"It took you long enough, darling." I could hear his voice coming closer by the word. I quickly grabbed a metal that was laying on the ground next to me. I held it right in front of me, defending myself. "Don't you think you will get away with this, I texted Andrea and Kylie they will call the cops and they will arrive here any minute by now." I told him, trying to hide my fear from him.
And again laughing is the only thing I could hear. But this time it's different. This time, it's coming straight from him. "Darling, I don't think you get it." He speaks up. Suddenly a pitch black grim is standing not even 50 feet away from me.
"I've been planning this for months now." He told me. "Wait, it's- it's you, isn't it? The globster, it's you." Realization hitting on me. I could taste my own tears by now. "Finally!" He stated. His voice was darker, he- he didn't sound like the nice and sweet Jackson anymore. No, he sounded like a monster. "Normally the girls would've guessed a long time by now. But no, of couse you would take seven months over it- SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS NIKKI!" He yelled at me as all I could do was cry and whimper at every word he screamed.
"I couldn't stand any more time with you anymore. So I thought to do it myself this time." He told me. "I- I don't get it? The other day you told me that you don't get how people could do that to their loved ones when all this time it was you? How could you do that to other human beings?" I cried out, being the one who yelled this time. "YOU'RE A MONSTER JACKSON! YOUR A FUCKING-" and that was it. My last sentence in this life.
I couldn't even finish my phrase as the last thing I could hear was a gun shooting its fire. I fell on the ground. The only thing I could hear was one long sound. My vision was blurry. And the moment I wanted to close my eyes, some colours appeared in the blur. "Suck it darling."
It wasn't Jackson that I saw, it was a monster, a monster that sounded just like him. A monster with the exact same eyes. A monster with the exact same ears and hair. A monster that once called himself my boyfriend. A monster that will do the exact same thing to many other girls and nobody will ever stop him.
A monster called Jackson Jones.
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
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Tom Holland on Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #13
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
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I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.
- The Song Of Achilles, Madeline Miller
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
update on me lolz
i'm currently really bussy updating my " ๐Œ๐„๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’ เญจเญง ๐“๐Ž๐Œ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ " book and it's insane how much work it is. still in my exam period tho, wish me luck xoxo
list of my examsโ†“
dutch โˆš
chemistry โˆš
geography โˆš
biology โˆš
frensh โˆš
history โˆš
english (today) โˆš
physics X
maths X
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐„๐‚๐‘๐„๐“ | ๐“๐‡
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summary: You're a very known actresse and very secretly dating the one and only Tom Holland himself. No one except your family and very close ones knows about this relationship of yours. But while you descided to start a live and someone asked to do a prank on your dog, Tom accidentaly reveals your relationship in front of the whole 700 thousand vieuwers.
wc: 1.7k
genre: tom x actresse
"Anddd we're in the air! welcome everyone to another very lazy live on my chanel, starring myself!" I said as soon as the loading iconย disappeared. It's one of this typical boring sunday and i don't know what to do so started an instagram live since i don't do that this much.
"Let's wait on some more people before i'll answer this weird new question button thingy." I smiled at the camera of my phone while placing it on the kitchen counter.
Suddenly my cute little baby dog appeared in the living so i thought that this would be a good introduction to all my fans."Well, see who we have here! Come here buddy!" I tapped my legs for Chanell to come sit on it, and being the brave dog she is she immediately did as told and jumped in my arms.
"Everyone, meet Chanell, my baby dog!" I smiled whileย lifting the lightbrown dog so that everyone could see here a bit better. "I do call her a baby dog but as you all can see, she can maybe loose some of this bubbly cute and softย fat of hers." I told, playing with the bit fat of her coat. And before I knew it a little sound escaped her mouth. "No, i'm kidding, Chanell your just perfect, but your quite old, not gonna lie." I laughed, petting and kissing her skin.
"Alright, let's start with those questions." I begun, starting to click on all the random things that were click-abale. "Sooo, first question. Ready, set, go!" And that's when I really fast clicked on the right button, letting a question pop on the screen.
"First question, 'what's your most recent movie?' oohh, I really recently dropped a new movie called 'Red Notice' starring The Rock, Ryan Reynolds and myself. The movie came out a bit over the two weeks ago. Y'all should definetely check it out, it's worth to see, no kidding." I answered as soon as the question came in, promoting my own movie a bit, i mean, it's still my won account so why not?
"Let's move on to the next question. Let's see. 'How did you start with your actreer career?' Well, that's one really good question. I actually found this website called backstage.com and started with that, so that's how i came here. I gotta be honest, not everyone who applies on that site gets the chance to star in many big movies, it's really almost only small movies, so don't get your highs up and be strict for yourself." I explained, knowing that a few who will try that will blame me for not become popular themself.
And that's how I spend a bit of my afternoon, answering questions while playing with Chanell. "Alright guys last question, i'm getting tired here." I said as soon as a yawn escaped my mouth. "It's currenly 9:56 in the night here in LA and i'm live for-" I stopped trying to find the time of being live already. "1 hour and 37 minutes, that's quite a lot if your asking me." I said, getting ready to answer the very last question.
"Already, here we go, the last one before i'll jump in my cozy and warm bed." I told, after yet another yawn escaped my lips. 'Please, please please, answer my question! I litteraly love you!! So my question is: Do a prank on Chanell that your fainting or something and watch her reaction.' I read on the little device while smiling and nodding before getting up to do as asked.
"Let's do this. Whoever you are your a genius, I fucking love you." I said, getting ready to do the act. "Alright so i know that if i'll faint, she's just gonna think that i'm lying down so i'll litteraly fall down and hurt myself so it would look more real." I told the front camera right before I bumped into the table.
"Ow that actually hurted." I sighed while pretending to fall down really hard and wait for Chanell to react. And she succesfulled dowing what i thought she would, springing on me while barking around but then, something happened i totaally forgot about. I suddenly heared shouting and footsteps running downstairs.
"y/n!? babe are you okay?? y/n, was that you? oh my god what happened?!" The shouting came closer and closer and right at the moment i wanted to try and stop it it was already too late..
"Stay th-" I tried but that's when he came in the frame, that was it, the whole world just watched Tom Holland calling me babe. "Tom I'm fine." I said but saw the confusing in his face not only because i just fell but also because i usually never call him by his first name. "Wha- but what was that sound than?" he asked, clearly still confused.
"Remember when i told you i was going live and asked for you not to disturb for, you know?" i asked, trying to point at the live which was still going on btw, with my eyes. "Yes? But it's been 2 hours already, isn't that more than enough time? And can i let you remember that i fucking miss my girl?" he tried to make a point, clearly still not getting mine.
"Urghh babeee!" I sighed, getting up and walking towards my phone while trying to explain it to him. "I was about to end the live when someone asked me one last question, praking Chanell and pretending like i was hurt to see her reaction." I said and as soon as i arrived at my phone i turned it so that he could see himself on the device. "Now, say hi to uhh, let's see, 781 thousand fucking people." I sarcasticly said smiling to him.
"Wait, what- your still live?" he asked, in a pretty shocked tone. "Yes love, I am still live." I sighed but a giggle came out, by just seeing his face, he knew so hard how fucked up this was. "Shit. I'm so sorry darling, i-i really didn't know, i can go back upstairs now, if you want that." He asked, feeling really guilty.
"No, it happened already, nothing to change about it now. And i'm sleepy, alright by guys, hope y'all are happy now let's pretend we all saw nothing, yeah?" I laughed at the camera before tom joined me with waving at the phone and i stopped the live.
"Your so silly sometimes." I giggled, shaking my head down. "I'm really sorry sweetheart, but it's been 9 months already, they would've known any moment anyways." he explained, trying to see the good side of it, who really wasn't there. "It doesn't matter already, i'm kinda happy it happened, now we don't need to hide anymore. Now, let's really go to bed, i'm really tired and i have quite a few intervieuws tomorrow." I yawned, making my way to my lovely boyfriend.
As soon as i go to him, he opened his arms so i could cuddle up to him and he would kiss my forehead before picking me up and bringing me upstairs, to our bedroom. I soon enough felt the warm bedsheets, that's when a smile came into my face because of the cuteness of this boy. He wrapped me into the bed and came into it himself before cuddling up to me with his warm body.
And that's when he kissed my lips and whispered a last "I'm truly sorry princces, now goodnight, i love you."
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"So, y/n welcome to NMBS! We're so honoured to have you here with us today, whatย  a pleasure." The intervieuwer welcomed me as soon as I took my place and the shouting and clapping of the audience stopped. "No, it's my pleasure to be here tonight, really, thank you for having me." I smiled while looking through the audience to spot a few little girls, waving to them.
"Ahahaha, alright y/n so, i think we both know what all this people are are dying to ask you about." The presentator talked again, forcing a smile on his lips. "I uhm- i do have my thoughts yes." I tried to laugh over it, thinking back to the accident of yesterday night.
"Well, so, we of course do need a confirmation since what happened yesterday. Here, i'm officially asking you, y/n y/ln, is Tom Holland your actual boyfriend?" The presentator asked me on a really serious tone and the audience went quite in just a second. "Jeez, not so serious man but, yes, me and Tom are officially dating." And that's when everyone broke out. Everyone stood up and started to yell and shout, even some people who worked there.
"Why are y'all so chaotic? I thought it was clear since yesterday already?" I laughed trying to sound clear enought through all the yells. "Alright everyone, calm down, calm down now, we gotta listern to y/n here. But you know y/n, it's really not that easy to get that sort of information out of celebrities." The man smiled through his micro, clearly happy and proud that he got this information.
"Well, I love to not think of me as an celebrity. If any of you would get in a relationship you would also tell the first person to see so why not telling you all?" I smiled, trying to explain it. "So your telling me your just started seeing each other?" The presentator asked, sounding confused.
"No, no, not at all, we've actually been together for 9 months already." I tried to correct myself. "9 months? Wow, that's a long time already, congrats." We're the presentator last words before he clapped and the audience got along and i whispered a thank you.
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐Œ๐„๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’ เญจเญง ๐“๐Ž๐Œ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ
CAST (01/02)
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๐–๐„๐‹๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐„ ๐“๐Ž
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐€๐’๐“ ๐Ž๐…
-originally posted on wattpad (saraslqssi)
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๐€๐ƒ๐‘๐ˆ๐€๐๐€ ๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ๐€
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐ˆ๐€ ๐‚๐€๐’๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐˜,
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐ˆ๐€ ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐ˆ๐„ ๐‘๐„๐„๐๐’ ๐‚๐€๐’๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐˜, a fabulous 23 years old actresse, played by you. This girl already had many big roles in the film world but with the latest big news of her and actor Tom Holland's relationship the internet has gotten wild.
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๐“๐Ž๐Œ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ ๐—”๐—ฆ ๐‡๐ˆ๐Œ๐’๐„๐‹๐…
๐“๐‡๐Ž๐Œ๐€๐’ ๐’๐“๐€๐๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ is a 25 years old actor, lives in london but stays most of the times in LA. He's famous for his well known roll as Peter Parker in Spider-man Homecoming, Spider-man Far From Home and Spider-man No Way Home. Some people also see him as the famous actress Zendaya Coleman's ex or Olivia Cassidy's current boyfriend.
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๐Œ๐€๐ƒ๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐ ๐๐„๐„๐‘ ๐—”๐—ฆ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐’๐„๐‹๐…
๐Œ๐€๐ƒ๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐ ๐„๐‹๐‹๐„ ๐๐„๐„๐‘, a 24 years old amazing singer. With her songs, baby and reckless the girl scored a pretty good amount of views. A lot of fans also think that the singer has something going on with tiktok star Nick Austin.We also do know that a lot of boys are trying to get in her dm but as she mentioned in a recent intervieuw she isn't recently looking for a relationship, the girl got it high.
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๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐ˆ๐€ ๐‘๐Ž๐ƒ๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐Ž ๐—”๐—ฆ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐’๐„๐‹๐…
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐ˆ๐€ ๐ˆ๐’๐€๐๐„๐‹ ๐‘๐Ž๐ƒ๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐Ž, a 23 years old singer. With her fantastic album Sour the girl got the newest highs within a month. This girl may come from now where but she definitely got the real hype going on. And with this beauty face the fans can't seem to stand still as well.
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๐‚๐‡๐€๐‘๐‹๐ˆ ๐ƒ'๐€๐Œ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐Ž ๐—”๐—ฆ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐’๐„๐‹๐…
๐‚๐‡๐€๐‘๐‹๐ˆ ๐†๐‘๐€๐‚๐„ ๐ƒ'๐€๐Œ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐Ž, an 22 years old tiktok star. With over the 125 million followers and 9 billion likes on tiktok she's worlds famoust influencer at time. As some of you know, she's dating famous tiktok star Chase Hudson. The 22 year old also has a family show going on on the television.
table of contents
CAST (01/02)
CAST (02/02)
part 01
part 02
part 03
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐Œ๐„๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’ เญจเญง ๐“๐Ž๐Œ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ
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after a horrible accident the 18 years old Olivia got pregnant but, without a father? who's the father and what happened the day of the accident? she doesn't remember but soon enough will find out..
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table of contents
CAST (01/02)
CAST (02/02)
part 01
part 02
part 03
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ เผŠ ๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐
part 02
the hollands
wc: 1K
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Tom Holland's pov
I finally arrived home, walking trough the double doors while nodding at the guard who opened the doors for me. I slightly, climbing the stairs up but soon enough my mood changed when my cute little Tessa ran on me. I placed my bag on the ground, opening my arms for the cute brown bean to spring in my arms.
"Tess!" I laughed while cuddling up on her. "She missed you a lot, such as me." I heard a voice speaking up. I looked up to be meten with my own brother. "Harry, I missed you too man." I smiled at him while letting go of Tess and standing up to hug my brother.
"Where's Harrison?" He asked as soon as we got out of the hug. "He's following, Jess is being irritated again." I rolled my eyes while hearing some shuffles coming our way. "I heard that, Holland." The females voice spoke while I just shook my head, making my way to my bedroom.
I heard Jess talking to Harry about Haz's proposal to her and Harry being happy for her, before I just scoffed and entered my room.
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I entered the big meeting room on the other side of the house, just to hear everyone shut down the second I get in. I love how they're so afraid of me to even talk. I quietly scoff and make my way to my chair, being aware of all the eyes on me, waiting for me to speak up.
I place my bag on the table as soon as I arrive at the head spot of the table. I calmly open the bag, taking out some paper, loving the silence that is going on right now. Soon, I start the projector, seeing her face on the big screen.
"Alright, I got you all here today to speak about this girl. I think we all are aware of who she is. We got this new mission to finally go on with the y'n case. This will be one of the only mission that I'll be doing myself. Y'n came back home from a mission a few hours ago. I got men, spying her at the Wilsons right now. Tomorrow she will be attempting to be a waiter at this club called 'Mogaro', why she will do this isn't clear at the moment. But we think it has something to do with me." I spoke, feeling every single men's eye on me.
I slightly smirked looking at the woman on my screen, knowing this all can finally begin. We've been preparing the y'n case for 6 months already, we've been watching her for years and here we are, tomorrow's finally the day we've been counting to.
"I want you all to stand by my side and do exactly what I say, the whole time your with me. We'll be going to the bar around 9 pm and make sure you are not late, or else this'll be your last time standing next to me." I smirked, looking at my laptop before giving Harrison the signal to talk.
He nodded before standing up as well while I listened to what he had to say. "So like Mister Holland just said, we'll be at the same bar and no, we ain't going there for the fun but we'll finally take a hold of Mister Wilson's daughter. If one of you even dare to do what's not told, I'll be ready to knock the shit out of you. Got that?" He asked while everyone nodded.
I gotta admit, Harrison is pretty good at what he's doing, but the only thing that's missing is he's weakness, he does has a heart and he shows it way to soon, which can't be the case, anytime.
"Tomorrow, everyone is standing downstairs at 7 pm, you'll stand in alphabetical order and don't even dare to move into another direction. As soon as mister Holland comes downstairs we'll be going to the trainings hall right away. You all are going to train your last moves and as soon as we're done you get your position. And remember, this is not a kind of game. Don't get distracted by anything, or anyone." Haz told them, mumbling the last part. And I think we all know why.
"After you'll get your position, you all will take a van, there will be a number on each van and you'll get your number later when you'll be leaving this room. Don't be late because if you'll be, we won't hesitate to send you away anytime. Well be leaving to the bar at 9 and when we arrive each of you will get on your position. We're gonna get in that bar and just pretend to be going out, act as natural as you can. Some of you will be staying in the van and don't forget your microphone. We'll be leaving right after, no question further." I took over while switching some sentences with Harrison, as soon as she told the last sentence, he sat down right away, nodding to me that he was done.
I nodded as well while giving each man a piece of paper. "What I just gave you, is the information we have of each one of you. As you can see, we know a lot. I don't think you want a lot of people to know this kind of information, so let this be a warning. If you mess up, everyone will know everything about you, even the Wilson's and I know that a few of you aren't exactly good friends with them." I told my man, going around, handing Harrison a paper as well but he's being just blanc. I knew that he knew to say nothing about is, so we just shut up about it.
"You may leave now." I told while closing my laptop and the projector. As soon as I did that everyone was out already. I followed to the door, closing the lights while making my way upstairs to my bedroom.
Tomorrow will be a long day.
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part 01
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ เผŠ ๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐
part 01
the meeting
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"Good job y'n." Josh, my assistant told me as soon as I arrived outside. "Thank you, Josh." I smiled dropping my focused face and entering the black rolls royce.
I soon sat down while he closed my door and got to the drivers place, ready to bring me home, finally. It was a shitty week and I couldn't wait to finally see Z back. Although this was one of the only times I worked alone and not with Z, I still missed her.
As soon as I felt the car ride I told Josh to close the window in between us so he won't hear my conversation with Z. I mean yes, Josh was a nice guy after all and I did know him for almost my whole life, I still wanted some privacy. This is probably also why I'm actually this nice to him, because I normally am not.
"Sure thing y'n." He replied before pressing the black button so the black mirror went up. I soon called Z and waited a few seconds before I heard her voice. "Hello m'lady." She smiled as soon as she picked up.
"Guess what?" I grinned, looking at my nails seeing some left over blood on them. "You knocked the shit out of him." She guessed acting like it was the most normal thing to do this times. "Better, I killed him." I told her, my grin growing even bigger.
"You what?!" She coughed as she couldn't believe what I just told her. "You killed Jones?" She gasped as I just nodded, soon realized she couldn't see me before answering with a simple "yes."
I heard her chuckle, letting my grin grow even wider. "I can't fucking believe you. You're being sent on a mission to beat a fucking secretariat and you just hop by and thought 'why not killing him as well?'" She thought out loud while I nodded again, following it with a "mhm".
"Girl, your insane." She sight while a chuckle escaped her lips again. "Learned from the best, of course." I joked while looking outside, spotting a cute dog. She soon laughed, instantly knowing what I was talking about while trying to prove her point.
"That was one time, and I was drunk. I assume you aren't?" She slightly laughed, bringing me into it as well. "No, but still. He stole so much fucking money and I would like to spent that kind of money to myself and not such a idiot like that." I explained, rolling my eyes, just thinking back at his face.
"y'n, it was only 23k, you could easily get that in one mission, no even better, in 1 single hour you could get 30 fucking grand." She told me, and I just shake my head no. "It's not because I can get it that easily, he needs to steal it from my dad, I think he forgot who we are." I explained, reminding her what our borders were again.
"Alright, you've done what you've done. Next time, I'll be there to stop you just in time cuz I have this slight feeling that if you weren't in a hurry you would've done way more then just killing." Her voice sound troughs the black iPhone I was holding.
"You know me to well for that." Were my last words before she chuckled and hung up.
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After a big city ride we finally arrived in London and I couldn't wait to see everyone again. I stayed a week in Manchester, trying to find this idiot of a Jones. Although the hard part wasn't finding him but trying to find the good time, I'm glad it's all behind me.
The dark car finally came to stand still while I grabbed my things and Josh opened my door. I simply thanked the 70 years old before walking towards the big doors. I could hear Josh pulling the car into the garage and the big black gates closing behind me.
As soon as I got inside Karl, I think his name is welcomed me inside while holding the big door open for me. I went straight to my office, knowing my dad would be busy and Z was outside, ending her meeting with some people.
I went the big white stair up, reaching my office and unlocking it with the code that hung next to the double doors. I soon heard the little noise coming from it before opening one door and getting inside.
I sighed while placing my purse next to the big black desk. I picked up one baby cloth that stood on my desk before I heard a knock on my door. "Can't people leave me alone for one god damn minute." I sigh under my breath before shouting a calm "come in".
I saw one of my dad's men standing in the hall, opening the door, clearly coming straight from my father. I think he was one of this new kids around because he looked really young and gulped as soon as he saw me wiping the blood on my hands with the cloth I just took.
"Speak." I coldly told him, thinking about how he was wasting my time here. "I- uhm, your father send me to tell you, th-that you and miss Coleman are expected for a new meeting in 20 minutes." The young worker told me before I nodded and told him to go away.
I didn't like being mean to people, especially not young new workers but it was what I needed to do, or else I wouldn't be seen as a fearless and cold mafia woman. This was one of the things I had to live with, and I couldn't do anything about it.
After my hands were sort of clean, I took the gun that was hidden in my tights and reloaded it before placing it in my desk and changing into another suit before straightening my hair a bit better since that son of a bitch tried to grab it a few hours ago.
As soon as I was ready I made my way downstairs to the meeting room. I knocked once on the big double doors before a guard opened it and let me in. I saw that almost everyone had took their places already and that I was quite late, but I liked it when people needed to wait on me.
I saw my dad siting in the single chair, at the top of the large table. I nodded when we made eye contact, before walking towards him slightly greeting him with a quiet "father" before taking my place 'next' to him and actually next to Zendaya, seeing her for the first time this week. I slightly smiled at her, which she quietly returned, knowing that we needed to stay serious in this position.
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part 01
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part 03
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ เผŠ ๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐
@/hollandsplanet likes to introduce you to the cast of
"attracted to you" -a tom holland fanfiction
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y/n Wilson, daughter of one of the most fearest mob boss around London. This girl got a lot of fighting skills going on with her. The Hollands, her fathers biggest rival we're watching her work for years.
The girl works for her father and needs to work hard for him. He isn't always the easiest one but along with her best colleague and friend Zendaya she seems to get everything under control, although that's what she thought.
"That's because he's a mob boss, he thinks he's the king of England."
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Tom Holland, boss of the other most fearest mob around London. He's been the boss of this mob for almost a year, after replacing his father, the well known Dominic Holland.
The 23 old cold men knows what he's doing and together with his best mate and underboss Harrison he got every thing under control, even the y'n case.
"Oh believe me darling, I can do way more then just that."
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Harrison Osterfield, Tom' best mate and underboss has been in Tom's life since they were 4. The 23 years old men, may has a more open heart than the boss himself but that doesn't mean, he's not good at his job.
In contrast to the boss this lucky men found the love of his life and has a big announcement to make real soon. His life was almost taken away because of the dangerous job this man has, but that doesn't stop him from working with the man he knew for most of his life.
"You have a pretty big mouth for a girl like you."
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Zendaya Coleman, y/n's best colleague and friend always stands next to her. Every time she needs something the bosses daughter can count on her.
Zendaya never fails to impress others, amongst y'n the pair looks like the most badass woman's alive. The girls don't ever cross fear and always seem to get what need, even if that means killing.
"Us, scared? Pfff don't make me laugh. Wait three seconds and you'll shit your pants, asshole."
table of contents
part 01
part 02
part 03
4 notes ยท View notes
hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ เผŠ ๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐
Y/n Wilson, daughter of one of the most fearest mob boss around London. Harold Wilson, killed his own wife and almost his 19 years old daughter. Why? Nobody knows.
Tom Holland, boss of the other fearest mob in London and the Wilson's biggest rival. The 23 years old may just runs the mob at a young age, he still managed to keep it one of the biggest mob's around.
One day, they managed to take her away, in return for something else. But surprisingly enough they don't seem to get it. With her skills she seems to get long enough away. It took all of them by surprise, but they still knew.
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"How is that even possible."
"That's because he's a mob boss, he thinks he's the king of England."
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table of contents
part 01
part 02
part 03
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
started: 10/11/21
last updated: 09/12/21
total works: 6
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the love letter
back home
enemies to lovers
memories (series)
text imagine
wrong number
attracted to you (series)
the love letter
tom x actresse
the secret
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enemies to lovers
text imagine
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the secret
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
saudade | tom holland
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summary โ†  tom put an end to your relationship, cutting off all ties. youโ€™re surprised when he shows up at your door after just a week.
genre โ†  exes to lovers | angst | fluff
warnings โ†  angst galore, crying (like, a lot), fluffy ending
word count โ†  2.3k
a/n โ†  excited to share this fic with yaโ€™ll!! writing so much angst was weirdly therapeutic lmao. this is a little baby fic compared to the wcโ€™s iโ€™ve posted in the past few months :โ€™) a huge thanks to @parkerpeter24โ€‹ for bring a g and beta reading this <3 hope you enjoy!!ย 
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
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the Winter Reading Challenge โ†
as autumnโ€™s sadly drawing to an end, weโ€™re getting ready for cozy winter reads here in the northern hemisphere :) we have a fresh, fun reading challenge for you and we ofc hope you enjoy it as much as our previous challenges; if you live somewhere down under, you can also take a look at our summer reading challenge instead!
-> please reblog this post if youโ€™re participating
-> for each of the prompts, read a book of your choice and cross the prompt out on the above template.
-> post your updates in the form of text posts, bookish photos, or anything else you come up with under the tag #studyblr w/knives reading challenge!
-> the challenge will last from the 1st of december till the 31st of march, but feel free to finish it at your own pace.
! be sure to hide any spoilers under the cut when posting updates/reviews, so people can avoid them if needed :)
as always, if you have any questions, feel free to send them to me or any other member in the taglist below
[transcript of the prompts and taglist under the cut]
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
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Paul Rudd Is PEOPLEโ€™s 2021 Sexiest Man Alive
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hollandsplanet ยท 3 years
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posted on my Instagram @/hollandsplanet <3
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