hollie-and-jussie · 3 years
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
Rainy Day Regression Activities!
It’s raining hard right now where I live, so I thought I’d give you guys a list of things to do on a rainy day!
• Color! Get out your coloring books and some crayons, markers, or colored pencils, and color away! You can even print out coloring pages. If you don’t want to color, you can draw or doodle!
• Watch movies! If your power is still on, you can try watching TV! Put on a good old Disney movie - my personal favorites are Lilo and Stitch, Inside Out, Frozen, Moana, Brave, Finding Nemo, and Tangled!
• Splash in the puddles! If your caregiver/parent(s) let you, you can go outside and play in the rain! Be sure to have a coat on, so you don’t get too cold. Make mud pies, stomp the puddles or dance in the rain - and then, when you come inside, you can take a warm bath to get nice and clean again!
• Make cloud dough! I love making cloud dough. It’s so fun to play with! You’ll only need 2 ingredients - corn starch and conditioner. Put 2/3 of a cup of corn starch in a bowl, and add 1/3 of a cup of conditioner. Mix it up and knead it until it becomes a cool dough! You can even add food coloring and/or essential oils, if you want!
• Play games! Try Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Twister, Heads Up, Guess Who, Headbanz, or another game with your caregiver, sibling(s), parent(s), or whoever else is in the house with you. Keep track of the score, or just play for fun - you choose!
• Bake! With adult supervision, try making cookies, or another yummy recipe. Here is a link to a lot of awesome cupcake recipes that you could try! The best part about this activity is that when you’re done, you get to eat it!
Got any more ideas? Feel free to add them!
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
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yummy babie food !!!
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
Easy Breakfast Recipes for Kiddos
Fruity Pebble French Toast
3-Ingredient Pop Tart Hearts
Donut Apples
Celery Snails and Caterpillars
Unicorn Toast
3-Ingredient Vegan Pancakes
Banana Pops
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
little witches
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🔮 being a witch doesn’t make you any less of a regressor
🔮 your craft and regression can be mixed
🔮it is okay to cope with your craft and use it as a way of healing
🔮 you are still a witch when you are regressed
🔮 you can still perform your craft when regressed
🔮 it is okay if witchcraft comes naturally to your regression; and you are more witchy when regressed
🔮 it is okay if you separate your craft from your regression entirely; it doesn’t make you any less of a witch or regressor
🔮 it’s okay if your craft is only for when you’re not regressed
🔮 your beliefs are good and valid
🔮 your craft is wonderful and amazing
🔮 you are magical and beautiful
you are the cutest little witch. 🌟
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
Being the main CG for yourself sometimes means
Printing out coloring pages for yourself
Taking that time to sew a patch onto that backpack you love
Drinking actual water
Still paying attention to your bedtime even when you don't feel like it
Buckling down and doing some work to feed yourself
Reorganizing so little you can find everything where they hang out
Scrubbing out your sippy cups
Boiling your pacis
Doing the laundry
Being the adult.
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
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Fun pretend games for regressors!!
1. Play doctor to your stuffies or dolls
2. Have one of your dolls open a vet clinic for your stuffies or animal toys
3. Use small toys to make a “store” for your stuffies/dolls (and maybe you) to “shop” at! You can even draw and make your own “money”!
4. Have a stuffie Olympics! Make obstacle courses and have your stuffies compete for medals (which you could make of course!)
5. Open a doll salon! Brush your dolls hair and braid it! Pick them out new outfits! Make them feel pretty and pampered!
6. Pretend you’re a royal or aristocrat ruler! What laws would you make? What would your royal clothes look like? Pick yourself out a royal outfit from your closet and make a crown! Maybe even use a blanket as a cape!
7. Make a blanket tent in your room and pretend you’re camping !
8. Pretend you’re on a safari or going to a zoo and all your stuffies are there! What animal is each of them? How many facts do you know about the animal they are?
9. Pretend you’re a fashion designer! What kind of clothes do you want to design? Maybe draw them!
10. Put on a fashion show with your dolls or stuffies or yourself! Pretend you’re a runway model!
11. Have a pretend tea party with your toys or stuffies!
12. Pretend you’re a pop star! Sing your heart out! Make up dances to the lyrics of your favorite songs! Make up your own lyrics!
13. Pretend you’re a teacher and your dolls/toys are students! What will you teach them?
14. Pretend you’re a world famous chef! Draw or make with play dough the foods you come up with as a chef!
I hope you liked these little starter ideas!
🌷🌷 The mods! 🌷🌷
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
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The Davidsonian, Davidson, North Carolina, October 9, 1924
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
🎀🍪Self Care Checklist🍪🎀
🍭Have you ate today? yes [ ] no [ ]
If no, please eat!<3
🍪Have you taken your meds? yes [ ] no [ ]
if no, please make sure you do, it’s important! <3
🍩Have you had enough sleep (8 hours) ? yes [ ] no [ ]
if no, please make sure to take a nap today!
🍰 Have you smiled today? yes [ ] no [ ]
if no, you should! it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile!<3
🍬Have you laughed today? yes [ ] no [ ]
if no, I hope you get attacked by the tickle monster! laughter is good for you <3
🍦Have you gotten some fresh air today? yes [ ] no [ ]
if no, you should, it helps relax you, even for just 10 minutes!<3
☕Have you had 8 glasses of water today? yes [ ] no [ ]
if not, you should go drink some!<3
🍭Have you showered / Brushed your teeth today? yes [ ] no [ ]
if no, go take a warm shower and relax <3 also brush your teeth, all the sweets are hard on them c: <3
                             🍬If you’re feeling sad🍬
🍭Watch your favorite movie / TV show!<3
🍩Listen to Happy Music!
🍪Draw or Color!
🍨Drink warm tea <3
🍫Take a Bubble Bath!
🍁Stomp on crunchy leaves!
🎃Make Cookies / Brownies / a Cake!
🎆Play with animals!
🍦Message me!<3 I’ll be here for you!<3
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
things to do for ur caregiver
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💞 take some selfies with your stuffies!!
💖 send your caregiver a text saying you miss them / how much you love them
💕 write your caregiver a love letter!
💗 draw them a picture of you two together
💓 draw them their favorite animal
💝 take your medicine / get ready for bed / eat something healthy and tell them all the good things you did to make them proud
💞 put on your favorite outfit and do a cute modeling shoot with them!
💖 tell them how great they are and how happy you are that y’all are together
💕 get them a cute gift (if you can) if not, make one!
💗 cuddle with them and kiss all over their face
💓 be yourself
💝 let them know they are doing a good job
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
Things I Want
🌷nose kisses
🌷new stuffies
🌷a puppy or a kitty
🌷disney marathons
🌷chocolate milk
🌷your undivided attention
🌷to be pushed on the swings
🌷just any sweets really
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
How to regress on your own
🧸Play with your stuffies, talk to them!
🧸Write with your less dominant hand.
🧸Watch kids cartoons
🧸Colour in
🧸Draw something for a friend or your cg!
🧸Repeatly say bubbles in an angry voice
🧸Listen to your favourite music that makes you feel smol!
🧸Watch your favourite smol movies
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
little space coping skills!⭐️
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1. put a warm drink in a bottle and snuggle up in bed
2. watch a little show
3. put a yummy drink in your sippy cup or other favorite cup and drink it while doing another activity listed
4. hug all of your stuffies
5. color!!!
6. talk to your caregiver
7. take a bubble bath
8. take a nap with your paci
9. listen to little space music
10. blow bubbles
11. cry on your stuffie’s shoulder
12.wear something comfortable - pajamas, fuzzy socks, etc.
13. express yourself by painting or finger painting
14. journal - in an agere journal or other journal
15. make a list of everything that makes you happy
16. watch a Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks/etc. movie
17. talk to a little friend - or make one!
18. play around with your hair
19. read a kids’ chapter book
20. draw a happy picture
21. dance around to your favorite music
22. treat yourself to a moderate amount of a favorite food or sweet
23. pet or play with your pet
24. play your favorite video game
25. find a fun craft to make and make it
26. prepare and eat a fun little snack
27. make a blanket fort
28. be gentle with yourself; speak kindly to yourself
29. play with play doh, silly putty, or slime
30. remind yourself that it’ll be okay!
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
Kiddo self love exercise!
Here is a self love exercise for you kiddos! If you do this please reblog /like! And maybe share your responses if you feel comfy! 💕
Okay kiddos, answer these questions as honestly and positively as you can!! (When it says “I” it means you!!)
“I am awesome because….”
“My favorite thing about myself is…”
“Write three positive statements about myself”
“I am loveable because…”
“I am strong because…”
“I am brave because…”
“I am a good kid becuase….”
Have fun giving yourself some love! 💕💖this could even be an entry in a regression journal!
- mod FoxKit 🦊
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
💕LITTLE things i like but never say i like💕
💕being told when it’s bedtime
💕being called “baby” or being told that i’m “just a baby”
💕when random people tell me i’m adorable and act like a kid
💕when rULES ARE ENFORCED! even when i’m whining and being a brat!
💕when mommy says my name. ever. in any context! i just love her voice gah!!
💕the phrase “don’t make me punish you” mygoodness! that makes me feel so smal !!
💕naps. naps are good.
💕being told i’m “being fussy”
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hollie-and-jussie · 5 years
SFW Resource List for Caregivers
Here are some resources for the Caregivers out there with Age Regressers to care for!
Caretaking: How-to/Tips/Ideas/Advice
Bed Time Routine
Loving-Kindness Practice
Get Rid of Playroom Clutter
Internet Safety
Sleep Tips
20 Alternatives to Punishment
The Seven Intelligences 
Controlling Kid Clutter
Building a Firm Foundation for Education
Quirky Discipline Rules
101 Affirmations for Kiddos
Hygge Oath
Kiddos Learn what they Live
Journalling with Kiddos
Accommodating Imaginary Friends
Social and Emotional Development
Keep your Kiddo busy while you cook
CDC Positive Caretaking tips
Improve Kiddo Behavior
5 Important Values
50 Ways to be a fantastic Caretaker
Caretaking Tips
Kiddos with ADD/ADHD
10 Tips for Better Behavior
Kiddos with Anxiety
Inspiring Play
Printables: Worksheets/Charts/Activities
Reading and Spelling Worksheets
Free Educational Worksheets
Memory Match Printable
Dr. Seuss Printable Bookmarks
Printable Activities
Free Printables
Portable Activity Kit
Printable Grocery List
Printable Responsibility Book
Planes & Fire Rescue Activity Sheets
Printable List
Free Worksheets
Worksheet List
Jump Start Worksheets
KidZone Worksheets
Worksheets for Kiddos
Kids Pages Worksheets
All Kids Network Worksheets
Kiddos Learning Station
Handwriting Practice Worksheets
Printable Charts
Charts for Kiddos
Stickers and Charts
Recipes: Edible Crafts/Lunch/Snack ideas
Have the Kiddos Help
Kiddo Recipe Lists
Teeth Friendly Drink Recipes
Pink Princess Sprinkle Popcorn
Golden Graham Squares
Goldfish ‘Carrots’
Cute Food for Kiddos
Healthy Edible Craft Ideas
Chocolate Covered S’mores on a Stick
Fun Shaped Sandwiches
Bento Lunch Ideas
New Twists on Old Recipes
Cheese Platters
Peanut Butter and Jelly ‘Gem’ Sandwiches
15 Kiddo Recipes to make Together
20 Healthy Snacks
Sandwich-free lunch ideas
Adorable Edible Craft Ideas
16 Recipes Kiddos will Love
Bear themed Snacks
24 Creative Breakfast Ideas
27 Weeknight Dinners
Cupcake Recipes
10 Refreshing Drink Recipes
Very Berry Popsicles
Things to Do with the Kiddo(s): Activities/Crafts/Experiments
Template Maker
Rock Candy Experiment
40 DIY Gifts for Kiddos
Indoor Activities for Kiddos
Hungry Caterpillar Craft
10 Cool Science Experiments
Rain Cloud in a Jar
40 Indoor Activities and Crafts
20 DIY Science Projects
Hand Print Trees
40 Activities to do with your Kiddo(s)
Homemade Soap Crayons
DIY Rainbow Cloud Wall Flag
Build a Monster Kit
Homemade Stickers
Busy Bee Crafts
Quiet Boxes
Outdoor Activities
Water Gun Art
Creative Pretend Play Props and Ideas
DIY Slime
Homemade Slime
6 Fun Science Experiments
Over 50 Music Activities
Frozen Gelatin Fossil Excavation
Crafts and Activities
Small World Play
Play Recipes
10 Easy Craft Ideas
10 Ocean Activities
Color Sorting Activity
Fairy Garden Ideas
Hundreds of Activities
10 Paper Crafts
Bubble Recipe
Over 25 Rainbow Crafts
20 Paper Plate Crafts
Beach Themed Activities
Toilet Roll Mermaid Craft
Hand Print Crafts
Fruit Loop Lip Polish
Sand and Plaster Beach Molds
Rainbow Rice Sensory Activity
Dramatic Play
Humor: Jokes/Pranks
50 Funny Jokes for Kiddos
17 Pranks to play on Kiddos
31 Pranks Kiddos will fall for
40 Pranks to play on Kiddos
Kiddo Jokes
20 Silly Jokes
Jokes and Riddles
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