Hello. This will be a brief summary of the recent situation regarding HollowHemlocks. Proof and original posts are linked.
An artist going by serenity was recently outed for allegedly attempting to groom a 16 year old. Serenity is 22. It's also important to note that Serenity made ship art of a character freshly 18 & an adult much older then them. As well as just, literal rape porn. Robbie, the main writer, upon this being brought to them and their mod teams attention, they claimed that "Rev never said they were uncomfortable." Robbie also stated "you cannot tell if it is grooming", despite the fact that the screenshots clearly show Serenity being inappropriate with a child. Whether or not the victim stated they were uncomfortable, Serenity venting, calling them "kitten", etc. are up to the adult to know not to act like that around a child.
Unfortunately, this is not the first instance of predatory behavior being allowed in HH communities. The co-writer of HollowHemlocks, Nick, has admitted to being in erotic torture roleplays with a 12 year old at the age of 15. When this was brought up with Robbie, Robbie lied and said those things never had happened. Despite of the fact Nick admitted to this in a tweet. This is not predatory behavior, but Nick also has a serious history of racism (n word usage, defending colonialism). Robbie associates with him regardless of this.
Some may call this post "cancellation", but that is not the goal of this post or the victims post. I'm making this post to make sure the minors in this community stay safe. Robbie is PROVABLY willing to cover the ass of predators for the sake of their own self image, and their co-writer is one.
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