holos-prim · 4 months
You know, sometimes I wonder if Holos like, doesn’t always read facial expressions well. And literally had to take a class to get an inkling of how they work, but try as she might her brain doesn’t 100% catch on.
It would led to many a fun miscommunication.
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holos-prim · 6 months
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“Well if that’s the case and you ever want more knightly company, feel free to stop by the K.o.C fortress sometime. The more the merrier!” The gold and red femme said with a grin as she did a half-curtsy in return.
“Oh hello there! Are you a knight as well?”
Not only was he indeed a knight, though proclaimed, but one already showcasing himself knee bent down and a deepest helm bow for his glorious introduction.
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"Aye, your sight sees true. I am Silverblade," or so he remembered, "Ally to my kind and to those of the innocence."
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holos-prim · 6 months
Rules and Regs:
1. No god-modding:
Don't know what that means? Here's a handy dandy chart that explains it!
It you plan to do giant changes to the plot or cause damage to my muse, discuss it with me beforehand.
2. Mun does not equal muse:
A character may say or do something that I wouldn't do or say or believe in real life.
3. Shipping:
Holos is straight, and despite existing for around 11 million years since the time of The Original Thirteen Primes- she’s inexperienced in the art of courtship as she’s never dated anyone. (Being the spawn of The Fallen tends to kill off any romantic interests of would-be suitors).
Each romantic relationship is considered its own AU as she prefers exclusive relationships. I'm okay with minor suggestive jokes and all that in the asks, provided that the sender is of age.
4. Do you do Nsft stuff?:
Nope! The most you'll get is a fade to black scenario. I won't rp it. But I'm fine with casual stuff like kissing or handholding or stuff like that if our muses are dating.
5. Oc and multiverse friendly!:
Not sure what prompt to use? A portal gone wrong or just a message via comms should do the trick.
No need to ask to rp! Just send a casual ask with a prompt of some kind!
This blog is multiverse friendly! No need to be part of one universe or fandom to rp.
6. Magic anons:
I will choose which ones I wanna do out of the ones y'all send, I might even hoard some for later on a rainy day. Keep nsft out of those.
7. I'm a Semi-selective rp'er:
I'll rp with almost anyone, but I have the right to say if I don't vibe with it. If you harass people or ignore the rules, I won't be for that and I would totally like- not intact with you or your muse. No jerks or drama allowed.
(my brain can't properly process the passage of time due to a processing disorder so feel free to send me a message to remind me that I need to reply to a ask or a thread.)
You don't have to match length or have proper Oscar worthy writing here:
I'm severely dyslexic myself and have trouble with spelling and grammar. As long as it's generally readable and we both understand what our muses are saying and doing, I won't mind.
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holos-prim · 6 months
Rules and Regs | Muse Info | Main Blog | Tags
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holos-prim · 6 months
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             Wʜᴇɴ TWO ᴡᴏʀʟᴅs ᴄᴏʟʟɪᴅᴇ﹐ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴊᴜsᴛ SHINES ~ ✧
                                                                Sᴛᴇʀʟɪɴɢ/Sɪʟᴠᴇʀʙʟᴀᴅᴇ | Rᴜʟᴇs | Cᴀʀʀᴅ 
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holos-prim · 6 months
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Hunt & Roskell oak leaf and acorn tiara, c. 1855.
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holos-prim · 7 months
That question caught Holos off guard for a moment. Most people didn’t bother to ask her about Onyx-children related history, and the few that did often accused her of making her answers up and got cross with her for not going along with ‘all predacons were evil and cannibalistic monsters’ theory that most modern mecha like to insist was truth.
“Um yesss…?” The gold and red knight answered hesitantly as she shifted in her seat, uncertain if he would get upset at her claim.
“Anythin’ from pottery to dwellings to tapestries. Even the occasional spear. Why ya ask?”
From @holos-prim
The gold and red femme glanced up from her rune translation work and at the large and regal looking being.
She had been pretending to not notice him staring at her the past several days as she did tasks at the desk that Shockwave had assigned her, but found it increasingly difficult to keep up the charade.
“Is there somethin’ I can help you with sir?” She finally inquired.
Predaking wasn’t leering, if that’s what the femme was assuming. A few days ago, Shockwave held a brief conversation with him, explaining to not bother her work, before heading off to his lab. Not surprised by the cold shoulder, he simply decided to watch from afar.
There wasn’t really a way to be subtle with his minor observations without being overbearing when Predaking’s rather tall, towering even Megatron by a few. So when her vocalizer interrupts the silence of the room and awknowleges his presence, he perks up suddenly.
He slinks over to the desk, his optics collecting details of the femme, and her work so far.
“Only in giving information. Who are you? I haven’t seen you around before, and your scent certainly doesn’t seem familiar so what are you doing here for Shockwave?” He leans against the desk, shooting questions that sounded a bit accusatory of her intentions.
He could be genuinely curious and simply doesn’t know how to reel back his tone. Lately, interactions outside of his missions has left him somewhat inexperienced in engaging with other bots properly, unless they were superiors.
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holos-prim · 7 months
It was an ornately decorated little golden bauble, various swirling embossed lines decorating its shiny and mirror-like surface.
Holos bit her tone and resisted the urge to scold her new acquaintance for grabbing a potentially delicate artifact without asking a professional, quickly remembering the fact that she was a glorified prisoner.
“Either a relic of power or useful information from the ancients probably.” Holos said with a shrug.
“He isn’t entirely sure what exactly he has in that vault of his because he can’t read primal vernacular.”
From @holos-prim
The gold and red femme glanced up from her rune translation work and at the large and regal looking being.
She had been pretending to not notice him staring at her the past several days as she did tasks at the desk that Shockwave had assigned her, but found it increasingly difficult to keep up the charade.
“Is there somethin’ I can help you with sir?” She finally inquired.
Predaking wasn’t leering, if that’s what the femme was assuming. A few days ago, Shockwave held a brief conversation with him, explaining to not bother her work, before heading off to his lab. Not surprised by the cold shoulder, he simply decided to watch from afar.
There wasn’t really a way to be subtle with his minor observations without being overbearing when Predaking’s rather tall, towering even Megatron by a few. So when her vocalizer interrupts the silence of the room and awknowleges his presence, he perks up suddenly.
He slinks over to the desk, his optics collecting details of the femme, and her work so far.
“Only in giving information. Who are you? I haven’t seen you around before, and your scent certainly doesn’t seem familiar so what are you doing here for Shockwave?” He leans against the desk, shooting questions that sounded a bit accusatory of her intentions.
He could be genuinely curious and simply doesn’t know how to reel back his tone. Lately, interactions outside of his missions has left him somewhat inexperienced in engaging with other bots properly, unless they were superiors.
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holos-prim · 7 months
“As if I’d actually make it that far. As for your other question- not much.” Holos admitted.
“Two datapads/tablets that turned out to be ancient restaurant menus, a vase that mentions a legend of two of the original thirteen primes gettin’ drunk for the first time, and a weird round doohickey… that I still don’t know what it does. It’s looks to have a combination lock of some sort.”
From @holos-prim
The gold and red femme glanced up from her rune translation work and at the large and regal looking being.
She had been pretending to not notice him staring at her the past several days as she did tasks at the desk that Shockwave had assigned her, but found it increasingly difficult to keep up the charade.
“Is there somethin’ I can help you with sir?” She finally inquired.
Predaking wasn’t leering, if that’s what the femme was assuming. A few days ago, Shockwave held a brief conversation with him, explaining to not bother her work, before heading off to his lab. Not surprised by the cold shoulder, he simply decided to watch from afar.
There wasn’t really a way to be subtle with his minor observations without being overbearing when Predaking’s rather tall, towering even Megatron by a few. So when her vocalizer interrupts the silence of the room and awknowleges his presence, he perks up suddenly.
He slinks over to the desk, his optics collecting details of the femme, and her work so far.
“Only in giving information. Who are you? I haven’t seen you around before, and your scent certainly doesn’t seem familiar so what are you doing here for Shockwave?” He leans against the desk, shooting questions that sounded a bit accusatory of her intentions.
He could be genuinely curious and simply doesn’t know how to reel back his tone. Lately, interactions outside of his missions has left him somewhat inexperienced in engaging with other bots properly, unless they were superiors.
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holos-prim · 7 months
Holos tilted her helm to one side as she processed the inquiry, letting his E.M. field brush against hers as he rested against the sturdy piece of furniture.
It didn’t necessarily feel prickly or angry to her. Mostly just oozing curiosity, but it still felt like it had a bit of ‘spice’ to it. A bit of prideful territorial protectiveness or dangerousness perhaps? Whatever it was- it made her instinctively and subtly shrink back a bit.
She took in a long, slow deep breath before giving the mech her answer.
“I’m called Holos. I’m translating stuff on relics that’s written in primal vernacular. Megatron… ‘hired’ me for the gig.”
Aka, Megatron had snatched her off the battlefield and threatened her into compliance. It hadn’t been her plan to be sought out by the warlord, but she had learned by now that it was better to roll with the punches.
From @holos-prim
The gold and red femme glanced up from her rune translation work and at the large and regal looking being.
She had been pretending to not notice him staring at her the past several days as she did tasks at the desk that Shockwave had assigned her, but found it increasingly difficult to keep up the charade.
“Is there somethin’ I can help you with sir?” She finally inquired.
Predaking wasn’t leering, if that’s what the femme was assuming. A few days ago, Shockwave held a brief conversation with him, explaining to not bother her work, before heading off to his lab. Not surprised by the cold shoulder, he simply decided to watch from afar.
There wasn’t really a way to be subtle with his minor observations without being overbearing when Predaking’s rather tall, towering even Megatron by a few. So when her vocalizer interrupts the silence of the room and awknowleges his presence, he perks up suddenly.
He slinks over to the desk, his optics collecting details of the femme, and her work so far.
“Only in giving information. Who are you? I haven’t seen you around before, and your scent certainly doesn’t seem familiar so what are you doing here for Shockwave?” He leans against the desk, shooting questions that sounded a bit accusatory of her intentions.
He could be genuinely curious and simply doesn’t know how to reel back his tone. Lately, interactions outside of his missions has left him somewhat inexperienced in engaging with other bots properly, unless they were superiors.
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holos-prim · 9 months
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holos-prim · 1 year
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Oh Holos, you sweet, sweet summer child
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holos-prim · 1 year
“I have a ton of beadin’ supplies? Not sure you’d find it boring like Smokescreen does…” Holos suggested.
Rose stood back, she looked at the small dark vent, there was no way in the pits that she was going to crawl through there. The young warrior shook her head.
“that’s too small. i’m not going in there.”
“Ugh same. I don’t care if Fowler believes a relic is in that goopy mess! Besides, I don’t sense nothin’ down there. I don’t know where he got that info from- but I think it’s bogus.” The gold and red Cybertronian grumbled.
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holos-prim · 1 year
“It keeps the new-sparks from wonderin’ off too far off from the HotSpot before we can get to ‘em.” Holos explained while gesturing to the hologram fence. “It’s almost 100% baby claw proof.”
“….oh.” Well, now she was just embarrassed. Dragonsbane slowly unhooked her digits from the vent grate, and let herself drop back to the ground with a heavy ‘clank’.
“Um….if it’s not dangerous, then…what’s it for?” She asked with a small wince. She already looked stupid, so what was the harm in asking the obvious question now, right?
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holos-prim · 1 year
Send “appease the monster” for a starter where your muse has been left out as a human sacrifice for my muse.
Send “sacrifice” for my muse to be the sacrifice to your muse.
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holos-prim · 1 year
Fun fact!
Holos knows the oldest form of Cybertronian hand-speak.
But none of her Autobot friends with the exception of Wheeljack and Bulkhead bothered to learn it from her.
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holos-prim · 1 year
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Man and his dog with matching hats early 1930′s, Maine.
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