holyfirethings · 8 years
Hi. The name's Dean. It was crystal clear for me that I liked boys more than girls. And it was my brother Sam who pointed that out for me. Pretty obvious actually, since the only period in school that I adore is PE, in the shower where all the chiseled abs gather and that's when people figured out that I was gay, which made it surprisingly easy to come out. No one really cared, well... except for this super religious girl who wouldn't stop lecturing me about how one gender was for the opposite gender and stuff, and I said, "If God really hates us, then why did he bring us into this world?" She was speechless, and walked away as if her whole life was a lie. Anyways, My coming out helped me release this itchy fear that rested inside me when I realised I have a thing for boys. And now, happily attached to a boy called Cas. My love for him was automatic, not because of the looks (although he does look hot) but of his humour which consisted of vines and video games, that I both coincidentally adore. Then the rest was history, the only 'History' that I would take a test for. The night we met was also the night we got tangled on the bed. His cock was as perfect as the rest of him. It was a challenge to take in 8.5 inches without feeling like your ass is gonna rip. But I took it very well for a virgin. And I lowered my hopes at that time thinking it was just another a one-night stand. But I knew better to know that I make wrong conclusions from time to time, he stayed. I thought I wouldn't dare to look for big bulges or abs as long as he's with me. And who knew? That was yet another wrong conclusion...
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holyfirethings · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdTW8TQvEKc)
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holyfirethings · 9 years
oh boy.....:(
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There was just so much pain in this scene and I give it to Jen and Colin who deserve so much for putting so much into these moments! (5x11)
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holyfirethings · 9 years
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holyfirethings · 9 years
prank or trying to nail him......:p....like animal......
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Jensen pranking Jared on set.
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holyfirethings · 9 years
my fucking goodneeeeeeeeesssss............:o
About Jared’s recent FB pic. He’s wearing two rings. One small gold one and one larger silver one. 
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Jared has two rings he frequently wears. His actual wedding ring (#1) and a ring he got on April 2012 (#2)
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The two rings in this photo are clearly not this ring. On Sunday (Denver Con 2015) he was wearing ring his #2. 
The two rings he’s wearing in this facebook picture are Jensen’s. Jensen has three things. At Denver Con he was wearing ring #2.
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And Jared is very clearly wearing Jensen’s second and third ring. 
The slightly smaller gold band and the bigger silver one. 
Jared’s FB post: 
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Jensen’s rings:
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Jared Padalecki is one clever boy :) Sneakily wearing his hubbies rings….
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holyfirethings · 9 years
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holyfirethings · 9 years
And his mother’s name is Mary as well........
My Headcannon: Sam is Jesus
I know this may sound dumb at first, but I’ve got tons of evidence.
1) He fucking looks like Jesus-I mean COME ON 2) His mother’s name is Mary 3) Jesus was human but had special abilities to, for example, heal. Sound familiar? 4) Sam has always been the more religious and accepting one. 5) In “Baby” he has a vision given to him by (thought to be God) and the thing is in the form of John-his dad. GOD’S SON JESUS. 6) He’s the kind one 7) Sam’s whole “baby story” was a huge part of the plot. His infant hood was very different and special.
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holyfirethings · 9 years
Baby Take Me Away(wincest)
'Bad day?' Dean asked. Sam shuffled into their untidy motel room and kicked off his slippers. 'Something like that.' 'Need a cuddle?' Dean asked with a smirk Sam rolled his eyes but fell down next to Dean on his bed. The close proximity of his brother had the usual effect on Dean. He pressed his nose in Sam’s soft honey brown hair by instinct and sniffed deeply. The simple act was intimate and comfortable at the same time. Sam pulled closer to Dean. 'Wanna talk about it?',Dean asked 'Not really,' Sam said. 'Can we just lie here?' 'Sure.' Dean dimmed  the bed lamp. The moon cast a slow and weak light into the room. He could still make out Sam’s silhouette, and he pulled his brother closer still. Holding Sam close was what he needed, and he was sure it was what Sam wanted. But he couldn't stand seeing his brother down. He pulled his free hand across his Sam’s chest and pinched a nipple, hard. The reaction was instant and Sam lifted off the bed. His brother's face transformed in his signature pissed off frown. The scowl always cracked Dean up and that only incensed Sam more. Instead of countering with his own attack,Sam did the one thing he knew would take the wind out of Dean’s sails. Sam leaned over and planted a wet kiss on him. It wasn't a slow or sensual kiss. It was a hot, pissed off get back at you kiss, and the moment Dean got into it, Sam pulled away.     'That's your comeback?'Dean gasped. Sam grinned. 'Works every time.' Dean’s brows pyramided together. He had to get the power back somehow, but he bided his time.There was a time when he used to over power little Sammy but now he is 23 years old an big. After Sam settled back into his lopsided embrace, Dean did to his brother what Sam did for him to help him relax. He ran his hands slowly through Sam’s silky sun shine hair. It only lasted a minute, before he pounced on Sam and crushed him under his weight.But that was when Sammy was 15 or 16  years old.My god he grew up!
That night they lay in each other's arms, but Sam fidgeted. The moon cast fine shadows over the room and the light played across Sam’s perplexed features. Sam licked his bottom lip. 'Are we sick,Dean? Are we evil?'
Dean loved Sam. It was a love like no other. The intensity of it burned his belly leaving a gaping hole there that only his brother could fill. How could a love so intense and so honest be wrong? 'There's nothing wrong with us. Don't you see?' Dean said. 'It's not us, it's the world outside these walls that is sick.' 'We are family,' a familiar voice came from the door.Dean and Sam turned in the voice's direction.Sam pulled himself into Dean more and made himself smaller.Bobby smiled reassuringly at them from the door, but Dean was still not sure how much Bobby had heard or seen. 'I've known for a while,' Bobby said slowly. Sam’s unfocused stare turned questioning and for a second a whisper of the tension that had just escaped him crept back. Yet there was nothing confrontational or threatening in Bobby’s stance. Dean squeezed Sam and forced himself to look at their uncle. 'Why didn't you say anything?' he asked. 'To be honest,' Bobby said, 'I thought it was a phase.' After a short pause, he continued, 'And I wasn't about to take away the love you two had. Or try to. Lord knows you'd both lost enough.'
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holyfirethings · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VHlzNANqMc) Wincest winceeeest wincest.......i totally believe in it.....thet have this connection we can’t deny.... 
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holyfirethings · 9 years
oh god! why can’t anyone see that they are in love....they have always been in love....:’(
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I love him.
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holyfirethings · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D79dJA18KMY) My new Destiel......<3....<3
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holyfirethings · 9 years
It’s hot....I tried to make Sam over powering......He takes the power from here......
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holyfirethings · 9 years
why so serious?
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holyfirethings · 9 years
Don’t you worry Jared, Jen’s got your back......<3.....<3...
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holyfirethings · 9 years
My goodness! even i thought of that....and when Sam gave Lucifer his vessel he was behaving like Jesus or some kind of Messiah not at all Satanic....:o
My Headcannon: Sam is Jesus
I know this may sound dumb at first, but I’ve got tons of evidence.
1) He fucking looks like Jesus-I mean COME ON 2) His mother’s name is Mary 3) Jesus was human but had special abilities to, for example, heal. Sound familiar? 4) Sam has always been the more religious and accepting one. 5) In “Baby” he has a vision given to him by (thought to be God) and the thing is in the form of John-his dad. GOD’S SON JESUS. 6) He’s the kind one 7) Sam’s whole “baby story” was a huge part of the plot. His infant hood was very different and special.
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holyfirethings · 9 years
this just broke y heart into pieces.......<3.....:’(
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AU Meme: Sam loses his memory, and while trying to reconnect with Dean, starts to develop feelings for him.
“You say that you have always looked after me. That you’ve always given me what I’ve wanted, but why is it any different now when the one thing I want is you?”
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