holyfoxcrusade · 3 years
Someone needs to dress as an Orthodox Jew and stand with a huge magnifying glass near the Capitol trying to focus the sunlight into a beam on Congress.
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holyfoxcrusade · 3 years
Hey don’t get me wrong I voted for President Biden. But before we applaud too much, lets see how he does with the issues that run deep in the country, that have taken decades to bring us to where we are. Campaign finance reform, a militarized police, Racism, a failed war on drugs/and for profit penal system, pharmaceutical over prescription, governing social media so that slander and libel laws are enforced, a REAL plan to provide a means of support for citizens in an age of automation and off shoring, where more and more people fight for fewer and fewer good jobs, an in general national mind think that defaults to making war on a problem to solve it, a glorification of violence by those who provide media of all sorts under the excuse “ it’s what the people want”, and last but certainly not least, an economic system centered around the concept of for profit, that increasing tilts towards those who own capital, ie, less than 10% of the population. Fix these issues, and America will change paths, back towards who we once were, a working nation, too busy building a life and enjoying it to be distracted by negativity, free from need, substance abuse, with confidence in a future in part supported by both affordable health care and a secure retirement. Just chewing around the edges of these issues won’t change our direction.
Make no mistake, it’s not all on Uncle Joe’s shoulders, it’s OUR responsibility as much as his, lets see if we are up to the tasks...
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holyfoxcrusade · 3 years
While I agree with the concept, the Senate is not going to find Trump guilty. There SHOULD be thorough investigations of the Trump presidency, including his family, Cabinet, and appointees. Action SHOULD be taken at the State level, and Federal level that does not involve Congress, against any and all including Trump. But Congress still has many republicans who thirst for power, they do not wish to govern, they wish to rule, their wealthy patrons will not tolerate a repudiation of Trumps policies that they have profited from.
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Trump should be nullified on every level.
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holyfoxcrusade · 3 years
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holyfoxcrusade · 3 years
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
While I agree with this in part, that part that calls out that the people who control everything are the root of many failings in this country. I do believe we need to stop immigration, both illegal and legal. Why?, we are on the verge of a revolution unlike any we have seen before, that is the automation and AI revolution, which does not allow humans to move from one career to another, because it does away with MAN hours. The old saying, there will be new jobs or, there will always be job is over with this new revolution. Already you see the harbingers, even the service industries are collapsing, COVID has only accelerated it, retail jobs being lost to Amazon, Bezos wanting drones to deliver, and robots to pick gods in the warehouses, Uber wanting autonomous cars. You can’t make a living and raise a family put them through college on Door Dash...Yang knows this, but his $1000 per month per citizen is woefully inadequate, and if you allow more people into the country, and they have children, where does all the money come from to support these people, let alone the citizens already here when there are not enough jobs that pay enough to earn a real living? Automation replaces labor, AI will replace management and service, AI will design, AI will control robotics, AI will troubleshoot and eventually manufacture and repair robots and automation, one HUMAN will be able to do the job of 10 or 100 with AI’s assistance, there will not be enough jobs in the future, so why let anymore people in? Their misery there, will only be their misery here.. Crime will rise here even without immigration, out of despair people will fall back on religion and intolerance, we are already seeing this. So again, while the 1 % are lying to us, the world they are creating and we are accepting, will only be worse with more people in the country.
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We need immigrants. We need their brainpower and labor. We need their differences to maintain our melting pot of humanity.
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
You’re not wrong, but, CNN is also propaganda, not the old CNN, but, the one we have now is.
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
BOTH political party machines in this country are corrupt, not saying Trump isn’t bad by any stadndard, he is, am also not saying McConnell isn’t also corrupt by any standard, they aren’t the only ones, it’s a long list, but don’t kid yourself, the Democrats are corrupt too, and will pursue their own agendas at the expense of the People.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the wild graft, fraud and foreign investment we saw in the NRA mirrors the Republican Party at large.”
— https://halfwaypost.com (via halfwaypost)
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
While I agree with this, I see this differently. Big Money now controls the vast majority of local, state and federal legislatures and judiciary governing institutions, this wasn’t as true in the past. The only thing Big Money now fears is an armed citizenry, they played on that to get in the position they now are. If Trump is re-elected, don’t be surprised if he promotes gun control, the rich will be allowed access, but the common man will face new restrictions. If Biden is elected, and the Democrats gain the Senate, they will push through new gun control for the same reasoning, they will make it a priority as their wealthy donors will expect it.
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
 Both rifles pictured are for hunting deer, or more importantly for self defense. Why would I need an AR 15 SEMI automatic rifle, because some one who might intend to do me harm may have one. And, the government has FULLY automatic rifles. For those who say the 2nd Amendment only covers muskets, the musket was the state of the art firearm of the day, anyone was allowed to own one, citizens were also permitted to purchase cannon. If police can taser, authorize Ketamine injection, tear gas against the Geneva Convention, shoot people in the eye with rubber bullets, shoot people in the back, and the military has machine guns, drones, missiles, and nukes, I don’t think it unfair that “ We the People” own SEMI automatic rifles of any kind. 
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#GunReform #AssaultWeaponsBan
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
Well said, and, unfortunately greed, the power that greed buys, and the media have sewn the the wind of self-destruction, and now America shall reap the whirlwind.
“If you, like Tucker Carlson, think it’s okay for a 17-year-old to drive to a different state with an illegal gun to commit pre-meditated murder against protesters in a community in which he does not belong in order to role-play white supremacy against protesters calling for racial equality immediately following a horrifyingly unnecessary extra-judicial police murder of a citizen with inalienable Constitutional rights to be tried in a court of law for any alleged crime by a jury of his peers, and then for that 17-year-old murderer to be unharassed by the police even as bystanders are shouting out that he just killed the dead people down the street… you don’t actually care about freedom or the Constitution, and you’re not pro-life, pro-cop, Christian, or an American worthy of the legacy or history of the country you claim to love.”
— https://halfwaypost.com
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
NOT so small percentage...
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
You just have to define “we”. “We” the rich got richer, “We” the People, got hosed.
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Another Trump accomplishment: worst GDP quarterly decline. Ever.
"We are going to win so much, you're going to be sick and tired of winning."
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
It also provides for behind closed doors changes made to Social Security and Medicare, that from the “sensible” Republican, Mitt Romney, now I remember why I didn’t vote for him as President...Let’s see what the DNC does with that issue...
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Dead on arrival.
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
I have a question about masks, my company requires them, and is very strict that they must cover both nose and mouth, myself and other employees have tried various masks, and after 8 to 10 hours many of us, especially the older workers complain of shortness of breath, light headedness and nausea. At what point do we risk a persons health by forcing them to wear a mask in this manner for such a long time? I have noticed if I move the mask to slightly below my nose I almost instantly feel better, but out company threatens to send us home without pay if we don’t wear the masks in compliance, so, where is the study on the effect of wearing a face mask that is not hospital quality day after day?
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
“When capitalism goes too far”, that’s the point, the era we live in is defined by capitalism having no boundaries, brought to you by both the GOP and the DNC, but, mostly the GOP.  
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When capitalism goes too far
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holyfoxcrusade · 4 years
The virus/lockdown showed we are in late stage capitalism, the levels on return on investment have been set too high, corporate bonuses based on quarterly profits lead to short sighted management, automation has replaced man hours to the point of devaluing them, or to put it even more simply, NOTHING is more important than profit.. NOTHING.
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Ingest and process this truth.
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