home-more-not-less · 10 years
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The Truth.
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
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Love is all we need
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
Exactly what the world needs
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I spotted this man in Clarke Quay yesterday, and for a good few minutes, I was positive he wasn’t moving at all. When he finally gave a budge and woke up, I walked up to him and asked if he wanted to eat anything. His face broke into a smile, and we went down to a coffee shop, where I had someone’s help in the translation. "Uncle, why were you sleeping outside?" "No home, so I sleep under the stars. Good wind, no one disturb - then can already."
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
It works the same as the holidays. If you buy someone a gift card, you show that you couldn't be bothered with the effort of a meaningful gift. You're already at the store to by a gift card, why not buy something that they need? If you walk by someone with outstretch palms, giving them a dollar may or may not actually help them. If they have tattered shoes, ripped pants, then do something for them that they may not do for themselves. Even though money is what they want, asking their shoe size may be a more thoughtful idea. Goodwill. Ross. TJ Maxx. You don't have to spend $100, or even $20, to make it count.
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
Greed plays a big part in the problems we are seeing
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The wealthy gave less, while the poor gave more Researchers take a closer look at America’s charitable giving habits and find some surprising results.
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
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In late November of 2013 I met Scott Sutton, a homeless man living in the streets of NYC and panhandling in Union Square. It turns out he was a former photographer and darkroom manager at Archive Photos, who had fallen on hard times following the death of his wife. 
Over the last few months Marvi Lacar and I have been building up a relationship with Scott and been in contact with his long-lost family and former friends and colleagues. It has been a long process to help Scott prepare for a life out of the streets. Its been his reality for too long. Recently his family have successfully set up a legal guardianship program for Scott in New York. 
After posting an image of Scott and his story last year, I was amazed at the outpouring and offers of support from the photography community. His family, Marvi, and I now feel that all the preparations have been made to assure that Scott’s transition out of the streets will go as smoothly as possible. 
We asking our community to help one of our own. Please help by donating through this site and/or helping us spread Scott’s story - https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/n2k4/sheltering-scott 
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
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This should be a top news story.
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
Glen "Pops" Freeman- A wonderful soul that I've had to the pleasure of listening to in downtown Seattle. "I wrote a song every day this year, 366 because I was feeling pretty good" He told me. Armed only with a water jug with a sharpie self portrait on the front, his originality shines. He is neither pushy, or overbearing, only asking if you have a second of time for him. He doesn't ask for money, he just wants to sing, with donations obviously welcome. This video was not taken by me, but it is a reminder of my experience with this genuine artist.
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
There is a certain complexity surrounding the expression of our individual image, and discovering individuality among the constant noise around us. It is impossible to live without accessing the ability to cloak the intricate moments of our lives. Showing our true stripes is no longer a necessity, but rather a weakness, and deceptive natures are necessary to survive in this deceitful world we've created. Truth is impossible to grasp, only close versions still exist. Straining ourselves to find who we are, only to find that our true selves are not obvious, but instead translucent. Continually hiding behind shades of ourselves. We are untested, and unproven as individuals, instead only established as conformed shells constructed as a blueprint of proper disposition. The architects of these designs are unknown. The single sure deduction is that self creation can only be found in the strong wills of the most unique of individuals. Constantly required to bare our masks, concrete against our faces in fear of letting our soul escape our eyes. Individuality is but a lost ruin, with any indication of existence being depleted from the time it's been concealed. Time progresses, the opening for self creation fades, and actuality turns to probability, probability to possibility, and possibility to complete and utter absence of personal characteristics. The mask we are given is portrayed in layers, each one with it's own fictitious story. Constantly playing the part in a fabricated carnival, this everlasting Mardi Gras, losing the components that form the existence beneath it all. In this life we have to make a choice, through our own volition. The decision to let life melt our layers one at a time, slowly pushing us towards our inevitable end; Or, to rush the process and be the first one to the finish line. To, or to not, smell the roses will forever be a question without an answer. Why is it necessary to conform to what is expected, when happiness will truly come through irregularity, and individuality. Choose your path, but bear in mind the pattern of characteristics expressed by the one who hides their eyes, in contrast to that unique individual who no longer fears to open them.
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
Circular Thoughts
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
Ralph Emerson
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
For under $4.00 per blanket
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
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home-more-not-less · 10 years
The idea of this blog is to raise awareness to the misconception that people who are struggling in life, are lost causes. Yes, there are charities, and organizations designed to help the less fortunate, but individual effort can progress things a lot faster.
Money is not everything, giving can be universal, and whether it's a blanket, a hat, or food, individuals can impact the world. In fact, giving money to people asking for money often does not work. You never know where it goes, and no, I am not only speaking about the people standing on the corner holding up signs. Charity organizations, or non-profits, are able to dictate where money is spent. The man, or woman, that you drive by every day, begging for help, may never receive any assistance from one of these charities.
If an individual, instead, gives directly to these people, they know that it is going to a place that needs immediate impact. Charities are wonderful in their own way. They tackle the hardest hit areas, mostly giving and setting up help in large cities that have an incredible number of people needing help. What about your town? Do you think it receives help? If not, then it is up to you and your community to do what you can. Asking them to move on, isn't going to be effective, and instead makes their situation worse. If they had somewhere else to go, do you think they'd be standing there still? In some cases, maybe, but in most, they just need a little compassion.
"They'll just buy booze."- Then give them water to quench their thirst.
"They'll just buy drugs."- Then give them food to satisfy their appetite.
Giving up on them is easy, helping is hard.
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