home-series-snail · 3 years
Sorry for no news for some days. Our prof were giving many assignments, and so it will largely affect my progress on this work. I'd still work on saturday and sunday at the very least, or on my free time. Sorry for the bad news😞
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Elements scene is on the board!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Hello guys! I'm back!
Not going for hardcore for now, but I've done tweaking some jobs and characters.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
I was dead drop
Sorry! For I don't know what, my body has been dropping out. I'm constantly sleeping over. I'll get a hold for the moment and take my time back for the loss. Still today, I'm writing some, even if it's just about 100 words. I guess it's better than no writings.
In the meantime, I'll add some lore and such on the excel to figure the rest.
Good luck to all of us!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Daily dose of ChoiceScipt
I've added some elements codes as previous post. It will be random for the moment.
No stories progress for today. Thank you!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Spoiler Alert !!!
So I will cover some of the game essentials, even if it's not on the game or the forum, yet.
So, spoiler alert!
Okay, so, we already have the Job on the game system. I've also added some elements for each job, so we can play with different systems offered by the game. First off, there are a total of 10 different elements. Four of them are basic elements: fire, water, air, and earth, the rest are yet to be told.
Second, the elements you get are random. You won't have the freedom to pick your element. So I will ask, before next month update. Do you like it random or choose an able element?
Third, either it's random or chooses able. The first job you will choose, highly represent the elements you will get. For example, there are 7 jobs that are already shown in the game forum (swordsman, archer, mage, etc.) Swordsmen won't have the freedom to get their magic or elements when choosing the job. But, for Mage, you can get magic and elements.
So for jobs like Mage, you can get magic and elements. That's why I want to know if it's better random or choose able for the elements. What do you guys think?
I highly appreciate it if you comment your thoughts on this. Thank you!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
But, I do bad writing all the time ;) Help ME!
"Bad writing" is important too. Even if your writing isn't where you want it to be, it is valid and it has a lot of worth. Bad writing is better than no writing, and it paves the way for better writing.
Even if you think your writing is bad, it has a lot of value and meaning! It's not wasted effort and it's still something you painstakingly created. Writing badly isn't a negative thing; it's a good thing and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day off
How you guys playing so far? It's not much for now, but the series are planned for at least 3 to 4 years ahead. So bear with me in those coming years.
Also I'm taking the day off, good day for everyone, thank you all.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
It's 20th September already! The Demo WIP of Home: Let's Go Back has been updated.
One character has officially got added; the name's Leo. He's one annoying and cheerful person who loves to make friends around the world. He's a strong adventurer from the Muraz family!
The family bug has also been fixed. All the updates about were Leo! Check the forum or play the demo!
Game forum! Play the Demo!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -1 (2/2)
Almost ready, still fixing some code problems. Stay tuned!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -1 (1/2)
Moving in some of the updates, less than halfway done. Also correcting non-working codes or wrong ones. It will be done by the day, I hope.
Tomorrow's the update!
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Not gonna make it
I'm sorry, but the after job scene will not make it for the next update. That will go for next month. Really sorry 😭
Now I'm going to move all the things that can go for tomorrow's update.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -2 (2/2)
I'm still figuring out what to put after the scene, I've pre add some before, but it's not enough. I'll write more tomorrow. I'm really sleepy now 😪
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -2 (1/2)
Finally, the guy's line is done, at least before the after job scene.
I'm going to take some sleep for now and get back in at least 6 hours.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -3 (2/2)
I'm really sorry, today's schedule kinda messed up. I was going out for 9 hours, needed to rest for a couple of hours, and here I'm going to continue. So I'll work more now, on supposedly day -2.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -3 (1/2)
Got in a bit of traffic. I need to do something first, I'll get you guys the daily updates in a couple of hours. For now, still working on this one guy, nearly done (80%).
Still positive today we can get the after job scene in a work.
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home-series-snail · 3 years
Day -4
Sorry for the late posts, I took a nap and end up waking 2 hours later than my schedule.
Alright, the guy's line is almost done (70-80%). I'm positive that tomorrow we can have a scene after the job's writing. Three days closing in, I hope we can make it on time.
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