homeprovements-blog · 5 years
Bathroom Renovations in Johannesburg on a Budget: The Ultimate Money Saving Guide
Renovation of a bathroom is quite important as it adds to the resale value of your property. But it is quite costly as well. Before you go in for bathroom renovations Johannesburg, you should work out your budget. You must also know how much you can spend so that you don’t over-capitalize your property. Homeowners will have their own reason for remodeling the design as well as the budget of the project. You will have to work out on the cost of materials, fixtures, fittings, labor, plumbing, tiling, and electric work. It is ideal to get the quote from various tilers, electricians, and plumbers on how much they will charge for their services. In case, you are planning to alter the shape or size of the bathroom, you should get in touch with building contractor and get their quote on how much the bathroom renovation Johannesburg will cost.
Before hiring the contractor, you should get quotes from different contractors and compare their cost. You can also have a word of mouth opinion from your contractor’s previous clients. You can call them up and check about their work. If you by mistake hire a bad contractor, your job will be ruined and will cost you more. You should also be able to set up emergency funds so that you can meet any urgent financial need during the renovation process. So, whatever may be the case, you can save money on bathroom renovation Johannesburg which can be spent on little luxuries. Let’s see how you can save money.
• You can save money when you go for the renovation of your bathroom by retaining its original layout as well as floor plan and only making changes in tiles, fittings, and fixtures.
• You can go for little luxuries as well as unique additions that will provide your bathroom with the right ambiance. Most of the bathrooms are small and you can go for less expensive tiles rather than for the expensive mosaic tiles. Select the expensive vanity countertops that will give your bathroom a stylish and aesthetic look.
• You can replace your shower curtain with a glass shower screen which will give a contemporary look. Go for the more water-efficient model of shower rose.
• Don’t go for any last-minute changes which will go overboard on your budget. Always stick to what you planned in the first instance.
• When you shop around you will get to know how the prices vary from one shop to another and select the best price that is available. If you do it online, then you will save your time, cost, sourcing, shopping, etc.
Thus, you should take into account all the above before you actually start your bathroom renovation work.
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homeprovements-blog · 5 years
How to spot a quality painting contractors in Johannesburg?
Getting your house painted is a major job. But if it is done well, then it will provide you with the much needed ambiance for your home. That’s where you should take the help of Painting Contractors Johannesburg. However, before finalizing, you need to do thorough research and have to consider several factors. Lets’ see here about it.
1.   First of all, you can ask about the painting contractor from your friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. You can also check the online directories and web forums to find the best Painting Contractors Johannesburg. Then you should check about the number of years they have been in the business. Some painters will disappear after a few years or provide you with slipshod work. Don’t hesitate to take prior job references. Read the testimonials on their website. Ask them to provide you with the contact numbers of their previous clients. You must ask about their work, cleanliness, communication, timeliness, etc. Only if you are satisfied then you should hire them.
2.   You should check whether they will be paid on hourly basis or for the entire work. Whatever may be the payment method, ensure that the work is excellent. Next, you should check what kind of contract your contractor is offering to sign. From this you will understand, that they will be organized and complete your work well. You should ensure that there are not sub-contractors involved. Some Painting Contractors Johannesburg will provide the work to sub-contractors and it will be difficult for you to get the exact work you want to get it done. Also, avoid those contractors who ask for initial deposit money to begin the work. There is a possibility that they might not complete the work and might pack up within a day or two.
3.   Next thing you have to check is the communication. You should see how well he communicates to you. Is he hesitating in answering you or does not pay attention will tell you that he is not a good contractor. You should also check whether their employees are skillful. Only those who are highly skilled and have hands-on experience will do a proper job.
4.   Another important thing to be checked is for the worker’s compensation insurance. In case, the workers are injured while performing their work, they need to be compensated so you should ensure that they have worker’s compensation insurance. Other liability insurance is not enough. If they are not covered, then any serious issues will put you only in trouble. You must also check whether they will provide a warranty on their services. Only professional contractors will provide a warranty.
So, check for all of the above before hiring the Painting Contractors Johannesburg.
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homeprovements-blog · 5 years
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homeprovements-blog · 5 years
Tips on How to Find Professional Waterproofing Contractors in Johannesburg
Don’t wait for irreversible property damage before you consider hiring waterproofing contractors in Johannesburg. All too many homeowners wait until it’s too late before doing something about the wet and damp conditions of their basement, garage, or some other often-neglected part of the house, to the detriment of their foundation and the contents of the room. The result is even more costs not only in repairs but also in replacing damaged furnishings and belongings. Worse still, some properties may be irreplaceable or have great sentimental value to the family, such as heirlooms and other such memorabilia. Just the same, finding the right waterproofing contractors Johannesburg is crucial to ensure the quality of work to be done on your property. Here are some tips to help you find the right people to hire for waterproofing:
1. Look for contractors with the right experience. Take a look at their years of service as well as the types of services that they offer. The best companies are those with extensive experience in dealing with different kinds of waterproofing situations and can provide you with the right solutions for your specific problem.
2. Shop around. Do enough research about several contractors in the area. Going for the first company you see isn’t necessarily the best approach to finding the best contractor to hire. Look into their background and history as well as their reputation in providing quality service to their previous clients.
3. Ask for a fair estimate. It is important to ask for a quote for any kind of service you require. If possible, ask for a breakdown of costs so you can gauge whether or not their asking price is worth its value.
Waterproofing problems at home are not just detrimental to the properties, but to your family’s health. A damp space can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can negatively affect the air quality in your home. This is only one of the many reasons why you should make finding the right waterproofing contractors Johannesburg seriously.
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homeprovements-blog · 5 years
Give Your Home a New Life by Hiring Professional House Painters
While water is a lifeline for humans, they can cause as much destruction as possible to your ceilings, wooden frames, bathrooms and much more, if not tightly guarded. , therefore, is one of the most strongly recommended solutions for a home which is protected from all the menace that water can bring. Here are some of the reasons why waterproofing is required.
·Water that seeps inside the crevices and small cracks can in due time set dampness and decay This dampness can slowly cause rot to set in, both in the ceiling and wooden frames on the window or doors A musty and bad smell can start emanating from the room, making living conditions undesirable Mould, rot and other such infectious growth can develop, causing serious health concerns
 Water can get accumulated in the gutter and other areas, thereby flooding up the home and surrounding That is why, waterproofing is an essential project to take up with, before the rainy seasons or as yearly maintenance work. The work involved in safeguarding your home from water involves several steps, depending upon the requirements.
Waterproofing contractors in Johannesburg, for example, look deeply into the crevices, small crevices on the roof or the gutter for any possible water retention scenarios during the rainy season. Such places are where the water causes maximum risk by seeping into your homes and staying put without the sun’s rays reaching up to dry them naturally.
Hence, the basic waterproofing involves cleaning up gutters and other smaller openings from where the water can flow freely and without any interruption. Not stopping with them, the crevices on roof and ceilings, and the cracks on walls are also examined for possible water seepage and put a stop to it by rectifying them before the onslaught.
So, get your home ready for the monsoons this year. Call the best specialist around to ensure you and your home is completely immune to the disastrous effects of water.
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homeprovements-blog · 5 years
Located in Johannesburg, SA, Homeprovements has been providing quality building renovation and restoration services for more than 30 years, helping the clients to meet their needs. Homeprovements have been delivering building solution services according to your specific needs with services like home alterations, bathroom renovations, timber & wood restoration, kitchen renovation, painting contractors, waterproofing solutions, restoration of existing swimming pools and new pools etc.
Contact Details
Business Name: Homeprovements
Contact Person: Dave Jackson
Designation: Owner
Address: 19 Randpark Ridge, Randburg
Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2194  South Africa.
Phone: 0836550056
Hours Of Operation: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
Year of Establishment:1987
No. Of Employees: 12
Website: https://www.homeprovements.co.za/
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homeprovements-blog · 6 years
How to Find the Right Waterproofing Contractor?
Maintaining the structural integrity of your home is a job best left to experts. So when major dilemmas like flooding and water leakage happen, always seek help from professional waterproofing contractors in Johannesburg.
The right waterproofing contractor will help you identify threats or potential problems so that they can be resolved before they get worse and costlier to fix in the future. Companies offering this service are everywhere in town; they even have their own websites and social media pages, so they can reach more clients. But with so many waterproofing contractors in Johannesburg to choose from, how can you make sure that you are choosing the most reliable one?
Check their licenses and insurance
Reliable waterproofing contractors are licensed and insured, proving that they are operating legally. Their licenses also guarantee that they adhere to the highest industry practices and standards.  
Opt for a contractor with the most experience
It is better to choose a company that has been in the business for decades than a company that has just started. Their longevity can only mean that they are really good at what they do. These companies also tend to provide better customer service, which is why they have loyal clients who are happy to recommend them.
Know what type of services they offer
There are many types of water leakage issues, each one requiring specific repair techniques. Some companies only offer one type of service; thus, they can’t address all the water leakage issues of your home. What you need is a company that offers a full range of waterproofing services—one that can fix all the problems at once to save you time and money.  
Call their references
These are the best people to talk about a prospective contactor’s credibility and reputation. Take time to call their references and ask them if they are satisfied with the contractor's performance.
Letting an inexperienced waterproofing contractor in Johannesburg fix the water leakage issues in your home can potentially put your property in danger. Termite and mold problems may arise or persist. Electrical wirings and outlets may cause serious harm because they are exposed to water or moisture. By carefully choosing your contractor, all these problems can be avoided. You get the best value for money and you preserve the structural integrity of your home.
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homeprovements-blog · 6 years
Renovate Your Swimming Pool by Hiring Professionals
If you are thinking about sprucing up your pool and giving your backyard a makeover, then it’s time to hire professionals who offer pool renovations in Randburg. You need experts who know what they are doing. Here’s why.
 1. A pool renovation is more complicated than you think
Even if you are a veteran weekend warrior with a long list of successful do-it-yourself projects under your belt, you'll find pool renovations to be beyond your capabilities. Trying to do this project on your own will only lead to frustration and added expenses as you make mistakes that can be (very) costly. Pool professionals can save you time and money. Experts who offer pool renovations in Randburg and other parts of Johannesburg can get the job done quickly and do everything right the first time.
 2. Pool professionals can detect pool issues
 Some pool issues cannot be prevented even if you keep up with maintenance. Making the mistake of renovating your pool without addressing underlying issues can cause a long-term damage. The job of pool professionals is to not only make your pool look better but also to ensure that everything is working as they should. They will inspect for pool leaks, replace filters, and repair pumps if needed.
 3. They can install new equipment properly
If you want to replace your old equipment with new and energy-efficient alternatives, let your pool professional handle the job. And if you need help picking the right equipment that matches your needs, you can also ask for their recommendations.
 4. They can do the job better
 No matter how good you think you are, pool professionals can do a better job. They are well-experienced and can anticipate any issues before they arise. Whether you need pool resurfacing, leak repair, or simply want an upgrade, you can count on them to do the project properly.
 Letting professionals handle your pool renovation in Randburg is not only more practical—it’s also more prudent. Need to find a reliable home improvement contractor? Consider looking online. Search for a company that specializes in home renovations and has been providing such services for many years to a long list of satisfied clients in Johannesburg and beyond. If you are also renovating your pool deck or outdoor deck, then opt for a company that offers these services, too. This is a great way to save on renovation expenses and have your entire pool area upgraded quickly and efficiently.
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