Reasons I desperately want the Voltron/Korra people to make a Percy Jackson cartoon:
They wouldn’t have to do anything but animate it because the dialogue is already perfectly written
You can slap an educational label on it for the parents, but it’s way too entertaining for kids to care
There’s more than enough material for 5+ seasons, and no end in sight
There’s a huge built in fanbase 
Animation means no terrible live action effects
IMAGINE THE MERCHANDISING OH MY GOSH like just imagine the Argo II Lego set!! and CHB shirts at Hot Topic and Festus on everything
They clearly know how to capture/choreograph water-based fight sequences (Also imagine Jason, Leo, and Hazel air/fire/earth bending)
As far as I know, Fox still holds the adaptation rights. Meaning, they could probably contract the animation studio to make the show and then air it one of their networks 
Seeing Rick go from, “Movie? What movie?” to “Lol yeah, I wrote that.”
Representation. Like a cartoon made with kids with ADHD and dyslexia in mind? Yes please. Main characters of all different races/backgrounds? Gotchu. Gays? Doesn’t get gayer than Greek mythology. 
People loudly and proudly supporting team Greek or team Roman 
Also people sporting their Godly parent like a Hogwarts house
The very first Percabeth kiss breaking the internet. 
Nico Di Angelo breaking the internet. 
Characters dying onscreen and it being traumatizing but necessary
Getting to see whats going on at both camps simultaneously and filling in some of the gaps
Kids getting to grow up with Percy in a completely new way
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Just a rant
Raising teenagers is hard! My daughter broke up with her first boyfriend a couple weeks ago and regrets it. He totally deserved it, and she was way to nice about it in my opinion. But because the families are all friends she sees this kid all the time. Multiple times a week. They are polite and get along. Sometimes they even flirt. This boy is no where near ready for a relationship. At all. And honestly neither is my kid. It was too much for them both. But they seem to be drawn to one another and it's driving me crazy. I want my daughter to know and have healthy relationships but they aren't capable of that right now.
It is so frustrating as a mom to see they care about one another but aren't good for one another right now. Maybe in a few years when they grow up some, but not now. Thankfully my kid does see that but it doesn't change how she feels or that she s hurting right now because they said they would be friends and he's not capable of that either.
I hate to see her hurt but I know it's just the first of many heart breaks for her.
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Offerings for the Dead
Most people are reblogging an ask I answered long ago about offerings to give to the dead. It’s long overdue, but I’ve finally typed it up into an actual cohesive post.
~ Herbs ~ 
Lavender, for peace in passing on
Thyme, to give peace to those who have died from violence
Apple, a common Irish symbol for the dead, which I often give to my ancestors 
Pomegranates, myth of Persephone and all that
Rosemary, for remembrance
Myrrh, commonly used in necromancy, also used to give off good vibes
Chervil, often used in rituals for the dead
Mugwort, usually used to aid divination and communication with the dead. I also give it as an offering
Bay, same as mugwort (my mentality is that these herbs will help “send” the offerings to the dead)
Lemonbalm, for peace and healing
Wormwood, to strengthen the communication with the dead, as well as healing and revenge
Frankincense, a traditional herb (usually incense) to honor the dead
~ Flowers ~ 
Calendula, for blessings and eternal love
Rose petals (or the flower) for love and healing
Marigolds, perfect for ancestor worship (as well as spirit work salves and tea)
Lilies, for a sense of security and togetherness; ideal for children
Orchids, for balanced emotions and adoration; ideal for former lovers
Daisies, also ideal for former lovers and lost family members
Tulips, to spread happiness
Dandelions, ideal for connecting with certain spirits (especially when drunk as a tea)
~ Liquids ~
Water, a traditional offering for the dead, often left out for passing spirits
Wine or other alcohol
Juice, namely pomegranate or beet
Oils, such as olive oil, pomegranate oil, coconut, almond, vinegar
~ Other ~
Stones or crystals
Tobacco (I also know some people who use cigarette smoke or ashes)
Grains, traditionally brown bread
Candles, namely dark colored or earth-toned
Cleaning up graveyards, placing offerings on graves and speaking to them also makes a great offering
Song and music
Anything personal to the person you’re sending the offering to
~ What to do with the Offerings ~
Burn herbs or flowers (safely) with a written message to “send” the offering to the soul
Leave coins, flowers or herbs on the grave
Pour liquid into the earth, or leave them out in a bowl
Leave offerings out as a “standing offering” for the dead who pass through (idea from @arachnospooky)
This is SO overdue I’m so sorry but I hope it helps!! 
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The boy
My daughter met a boy. Granted she has known a lot of boys through her life from her brothers and school and sports. But this boy is special. He's the boy you WANT your daughter to meet. A gentleman, in every since of the word so far. He sat through something she loves, listened to her try to teach him about it with a grin on his face, then started to complain about the game with her.
He told her next time I am taking you to see something I love so I can see the excitement on your face with something I love.
He is patient with my sweet daughter, wants to ask her parents permission to date her before he asks her. Does nothing to get her in trouble and encourages her to try new things already. I am so excited for these kids, who are so sweet and so perfect together in so many ways.
I never dreamed she would find a good boyfriend the first time out. I had dreaded this time in her life because, like her mom, she likes the rebels and I was so worried she would pick a boy who would hurt her, physically or mentally. But no, she found a rebel who thinks she amazing and will treat her right.
I will forever be grateful for the role fate had in putting them together that day. And the fact that my daughter follows her gut and asked him to dance first.
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Witchcraft + depression =💥
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Depression is a bad beast. I can assure you, I suffer from it. Days on end of feeling numb and unfocused plus zero motivation. It has an impact on every aspect of your life and even the most simple thing can be perceived as a huge obstacle.
If you’re a witch and you struggle with depression you’ve probably felt, at some point in your path, as if giving up your practice was the only option. Magic doesn’t work as it is supposed to, your tarot readings make no sense at all, and you wonder if you haven’t perhaps made the wrong choice in the first place by getting close to witchcraft.
Can you make spells when you’re depressed?
I remember this movie with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock, where the two of them were sisters and witches. They were victim of a spell cast by an ancestor in a moment of profound sorrow that turned into a terrible hex. But it was just a movie. Even though I grew up thinking that witchcraft was something to avoid during periods of intense sadness, there isn’t any rule that prevents you from practicing.
On the contrary, witchcraft can be your safety net. After all, pain is a source of power. When I really feel down, I try my best to connect with my pain and turn it into energy that I can use in my spells.
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Tips for depressed witches
🍃 Before casting a spell, sit in Lotus position and place a crystal in front of you. Lapis Lazuli helps you overcoming your depression state, but don’t forget the calming property of Rose Quartz that can also cleanse the negative energy surrounding you. Visualize your sad thoughts as they leave your mind and flow away, neutralized by the power of the crystals.
🍃 Sun charges you. Open the window, go outside, let the sun rays flood your room or bathe into them. If you Wiccan, say a prayer for the Horned God and thank him for the strength He gives you.
🍃 Take your shoes off and walk barefoot. If you have the chance to go to the beach, dip your feet into the sand. The direct contact with the soil can ground you. Close your eyes, feel the healing energy of earth going through your body, from the sole of your feet ‘til the tips of your fingers.
🍃  Cleanse your surrounding. I usually fill a bowl with water to which I add drops of essential oil and I use the to wash every surface in my room with a cloth. Think of the dust stationed on your shelves as cumulated crumbs of your negative energy. Blow it off from the top of your books, from the corners of your room. Burn some dry lavender when you’ve finished.
🍃 Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile has a relaxing and sedative property. When your brain is overworking and your heart beats faster than it should do, nothing can be more helping than taking a break and drink some tea. Burn a blue candle as you do it.
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Consult professional help
If you have an ongoing mental health disorder, don’t underestimate the power of professional help. Witchcraft can be palliative, but in the end you’ll require medical attentions.
Share your experience with me! How do you deal with your practice during your periods of depression?
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Youth sports rant (you were warned)
I am a mom of kids who play youth sports (under the age of 12) and let me tell you the coaches aren't that bad, the kids usually work their asses off, but these mom's are fucking ridiculous. My son's favorite sport starts soon (American football) it's his last year to play, and we have the biggest team he has ever played with before this year. Practices have not even started yet, signups aren't over yet and already the bullshit starts. One mom doesn't care who works hard and earns a starting position, they should all have one, this parent can't afford to pay but also refuses to show up for fundraisers to help pay for, then you have the dad who kid has played all of 1 season but "My kids the best on the team" when they clearly aren't (My kid isn't either btw). Oh and everyone gets a trophy, even the kid who quit halfway through the season. My kids aren't perfect by any means, however they work their butts off, show up for every practice, game, fundraiser, if coach says hey we need help they show. They give 100% in every practice and game and are heartbroken when they lose, but they know it's part of the game someone wins someone loses. You put the work in, give it your all, and go home knowing you did your best. And no I do not think every kid needs a starting position, that's something you earn at every practice and the coaches know when your trying or if it's just a bad day, trust me. Also have a ceremony, talk about how much they learned this year, who worked hardest, who improved the most, who had a great attitude no matter what, but don't give them a trophy just because a parent paid for it. Life is hard and not everyone wins no matter how hard they work, they need to learn about disappointment and how to deal with it now so it's not devastating later. I won't lie, I hope my kid gets out there and works his Ass off again this year to earn a starting position, I hope they win every game they play (seriously doubt it though), I will cheer them all on no matter what. But come on mom's, it's youth sports, they learn a lot of lessons on and off the field if you will sit down and shut up and leave the drama in your diary. No one is singling out your kid, or ignoring them, and sometimes there are kids just a little better at something than yours is. Suck it up and leave me alone.
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I'm curious. What do all of you do when everyone wants something from you but is completely oblivious to the fact that you have nothing left to give? I felt like a horrible mom today because I told the kids to set the timer and that I needed 5 minutes of peace and quiet. And they weren't even the issue!!! It just helps them to know I can't answer questions or sign things right now I just need a mental break. I think I need a hot bath, a tall drink, and a nap. In that order please.
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Insomnia sucks
So in learning more about the adhd diagnosis we got i now know that any screen time after about 6pm results in him being up all damn night.
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Cute things about the signs
Aries: When you ask them about their fave thing and they get super excited and lost in detail about how amazing it is to them
Taurus: After teasing for like 50 yrs they go nd love you just to make sure you know it wasn’t a mean tease
Gemini: Watching their reaction when they learn something new like a theory of their fave show/game, new movie releases of their fave trilogy, random cool facts, ect.
Cancer: When u tell them a cheesy joke that makes them laugh until they can’t breathe bc they appreciate U and the way you can make things seem funny
Leo: When u randomly surprise them w/something like a meal, affection, gift, they act so grateful nd are rlly happy you thought about them (but they try too hard to act lowkey about it)
Virgo: How appreciative they get when you remember little things about what they like and don’t like, also just the fact you take small things about them into consideration (especially when u go shopping and get something that reminds u of them)
Libra: When they get lost in telling you stories and they’re using a lot of hand motions and sound effects
Scorpio: When they lowkey roast you about smthing really small but it makes them laugh bc it’s SO small it’s pointless but still hilarious
Sagittarius: How they get pumped about making plans to go places and do things that they’ve been waiting to do for agesssssssss
Capricorn: when they laugh cry over something you said/did because you messed up words or maybe messed up smthing in a “funny” way
Aquarius: when they tell you “look I’m not good at comforting people” nd they give you heartfelt advice followed by awk hug/pat on back then laughing
Pisces: how they do little things for you (like always get you you’re fave drink, send you pics of your fave things, tag u in a certain meme they think would make you laugh)
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Lizzie: I'm not jealous. I just get this weird burning feeling in my chest when I think about Darcy being with somebody else.
Jane: Yeah, that's jealousy.
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List of acceptable magical practices now includes
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Get out, your now welcome here, move the fuck on
Banishing a Spirit
Movie Witches: O, yonder mysterious being, who has graced me with its presence though unwanted…
Real Witches: alright LISTEN UP MOTHERFUCKER–
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You got me started on mine. I have lots of recipes for lotions, soaps and things that use herbs and oils. After making a few with the right intents for the ingredients I am pleased. I made a teacher a headache cream (with the intent that she understood my child better and was more relaxed) and she has been for about a month now
What are your favorite things to put in your grimoire?
Please add pictures of you’d like! I’m about to start on my own, and I’m feeling less than inspired.
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50 Magical Uses for Roses
Roses are one of the most common flowers around. They are widely adored, gifted often and grown in many places.  If you’re anything like us - you might even have too much of them laying around. What to do with all these roses?
Bathe in them to encourage beauty
Carry them to attract love
Add them to a sleep sachet to promote sweet dreams
Make a rose massage bar to encourage love through touch
Make magical rose water
Candy the rose petals to give to a lover
Use them to honor the Goddess Aphrodite
Use them to honor the Goddess Isis
Let them rot in spells to break up couples
Use them to represent the planet Venus
Use them to honor the Virgin Mary
Use them as offerings to spirits of the dead
Use them to represent The Goddess
Use in a spell jar for attracting romance
Use their thorns to curse an ex-lover
Make rose oil
Use them to represent the 5 Wounds of Christ
Use them in dream pillows to cause romantic dreams
Uses yellow roses for spells involving friendship
Substitute them for any flower in a spell
Use them in spells for healing
Use them in glamour spells
Make a glamour-charged rosewater spray
Make magical perfume with their sweet fragrance
Preserve them in candles for love spells
Make a romance-attracting bath melt
Make a Sabbat Rose Garland
Make a Rose Petal Salve
Dry the Petals and make Flameless Rose Lights
Make Rose Potpourri
Use them in a Goddess Glamour bath
Make a love attracting rose and baby oil sugar scrub
Make a rose oil infusion for future spells
Make a charged rose lip balm to bring on kisses
Make a magical tea to encourage sexy times
Preserve them for the altar using borax
Use them in romance divination
Use the petals as altar confetti
Use them to honor Sappho
Burn them and use the ashes to break off ties with ex-lovers
Freeze them in ice bowls for seasonal spells
Apply them to the skin to wear on Sabbats
Use the petals as confetti for celebrations & Sabbats
Make a rose glamour shower steamer
Use the petals to cast circles
Make rose tinctures
Use the stems to make a Brigid’s Cross
Make a sabbat flower crown
Make a rose wreath for your front door to bring on relationships
Propagate the stems for even more roses!
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I made a thing
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So proud of my kido tonight! While at a party for family friends he let a girl teach him how to dance and he asked her and a couple others to dance several Times! Big strides coming from my little man.
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