homestink-classfart · 2 years
The Seer
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The seer is a passive class, and the counterpart to the mage. It's mainly concerned with knowing about it's aspect. Knowing the truth is not without it's drawbacks. Sometimes the truth is awful and the seer has a bit of a tantrum. Their knowledge is used mainly to assist others, and so the seer functions as a guide class. Toting a bunch of useless assholes along for an entire session as "the guy who knows shit." Their knowledge is just as vital to success as it is to shenanigans.
The seer's Journey: It should be noted that the following aspect sections are only baseline roles of these seers. Seers start their session with a poor comprehension of their aspect. Their journey is learning about their aspect, which comes relatively naturally to them. Their main challenge is overcoming the inherent struggle that comes with vast knowledge of their aspect. This presents itself in two ways. 1- The seer must not allow understanding of their aspect's negative consequences/qualities to overwhelm them. 2- Just knowing shit is not enough to make a difference, you have to use what you know to help others, and to take action yourself.*
*As is true of every class this journey is HEAVILY dependent on the nature of the session, and the players in it. I will not be covering the individual journey for each aspect because it can get a little complex! If you have questions about how a specific aspect defines the journey of this class send me an ask, I'll be happy to go over it in greater detail.
The Seer of Space
Description: No other player is as adept at perceiving the universe as the seer of space, except for maybe players with eyes. Jokes aside the seer of space is a class that sees shit, their expertise is vast perception beyond the comprehension of other players. Peering into the dustiest corners of the universe just to see what's there. A fully realized seer of space does what any good guide does and steers their co:players through physical space, big whoop.
Behaviour/personality: the seer of space is a rather intelligent person, at least they might consider themselves so. The seer of space is very patient, highly dedicated to the art of "wait and see" (haha.) After all, they have no way of controlling when things happen, so they'll just have to be patient for when something of remarkable interest comes along. This person is also pretty complacent, and is content just to watch things unfold. They likely have a very very visual interest such as mazes or physical puzzles (like those stupid metal rings you can't separate,) even art appreciation- as space is an aspect very concerned with art and depth. They're possibly exceptionally good at eyeballing measurements, and picturing objects in their mind.
In a session/powers: The seer of space is a bit unique, they have no power to see into the future the way that other seers can observe the paths their an aspect may take. As consolation nothing gets buy them, overwhelmingly perceptive the seer of space finds themself seeing more and more things they have absolutely no business seeing as they ascend their echeladder. They are the authority of where something or someone is at any given moment. Upon reaching God tier the seer of space is like a human/troll crystal ball. They can see what is going on right now ANYWHERE. Other planets, into the veil, other universes, dream bubbles, you fucking name it. They can see the world around them as though they were in a 2d platformer. Looking on from an almost outside perspective, and peering past their own line of sight. Better hope they're not a skeeve or they'll see you shat your hello kitty underwear.
Roles: Guide/Informant/ectobiologist, Likely Moon: Prospit
The Seer of Time
Description: The seer of time looks into the future lol. What the fuck did you think it would be? The seer of time works like an oracle. Weaving absurd prophecy and gazing into the future all misty eyed. ALSO a key facet of this player that gets left out ALL the time I mean you have NO idea is their ability to see into the past. They observe timelines and have this terrifying ability to predict natural disasters, maybe they worked on the writing team for The Simpsons
Behaviour/Personality: The seer of time is perhaps a history buff, or they have great interest in the past in general. They are also a little impatient perhaps, eager to see what comes next be it in a book, movie, or real life. They're decision makers who have very specific goals in mind. They have an irritating tendency to plan for every possible outcome. Even more irritating is their pension for doing stupid shit just to see what happens, or more accurately to see if their prediction was right about the consequences of aforementioned stupid shit. The seer of time might also place great faith in things like tarot cards or other similar methods of fortune telling. They have a knack for this and whatever bullshit they predict actually has some chance of transpiring. This player is the kind of person who thinks for a solid minute about what the play is in a strategy game. They don't bother trying to outplay their opponent because they can't read fucking minds, they're content with making a choice that they predict will suit their interests.
In a session/powers: The seer of time doesn't actually do a lot of time travel. Why would they need to? They have already seen into the future. They obviously do what needs to be done to preserve the alpha timeline, but further than that they enjoy just looking, seeing the remarkable fuck-ups that lead to doomed timelines. Many of the things they do, the do quite literally because they saw themselves do it in the future and just have to fulfill their destiny so to speak, this can be immensely powerful and can be used to advise players along the right path for a session. In fact it might be all they fucking do, stop their stupid friends from fucking up. Otherwise they do the most asinine shit just because "they saw themselves do it." Whether they actually did or not doesn't really matter, maybe they're just fucking with you. A god tier seer of time would be able too see aaaaaallll the futures, all of them. As well as all the pasts, perhaps making them a bit of an exposition machine. Additionally as a sort of addendum, time being associated with death, they have this uncanny fucking thing they do where they tell you the place, time, and cause of your death. What the fuck. For example- you, yes YOU are going to die in the DeForest, Wisconsin Kwik Trip on September 13'th 2032. Cause of death: Too many PRICES and VALUES.
Roles: Guide/insufferable oracle, Likely Moon: Derse
The Seer of Breath
Description: This player is the pathfinder, but also a startlingly intuitive person. The seer of breath "sees" spirit and freedom. A little abstract, but undoubtedly useful. As a breath player they're a bit detached, likely to guide you to freedom and nothing else. Liberation with a side of fuckall. They lead you to your freedom as a bit of a formality before seeking their own.
Behaviour/Personality: The Seer of breath is driven and have a vision to their life and by god they're going to follow it. Rarely at a loss as to what to do next they always have an idea of what path to take, even if it's a shit idea. It's not always helpful because it typically is for themself. A class dedicated to guiding others mixed with such a personal aspect makes for a bit of an oddball. The seer of breath is immensely practical and skilled at seeing a good course of action in a great many situations. They have an intuition for sudden change. Even if they don't know what it will be, if this seer is warning you of upheaval best listen because, like a sudden breeze, might knock you off your feet. The seer of breath's hobbies may have to do with fortune telling, but they don't really have a whole lot of faith in it, after all everything can change, nothing's set in stone!
In a session/powers: The seer of breath is a scout, they steer people to their path. They know what the spirit wants, they know where their spirit wants to go. They'll encourage you to follow your heart in this insufferably optimistic way. They place a lot of faith in you to make the right decisions because "I know you will! Whatever is natural buddy!" When they're worried you might not take the most appropriate course they offer insight about your own drive, and how to best go about trusting yourself. Though they are prone to offer more specific guidance as well from their font of wisdom. They are these leaders who have visions of freedom, who cares how far away they are! They know how people can best adapt and change to fit a situation, if a disaster is approaching you can rely on them for useless, nonspecific "gut-feelings" about it. Then shit hits the fan and you'll wish you had listened. A god tier seer of breath would know what to do literally all the time. Unexpected trouble wouldn't phase them as they'll immediately see what to do to keep moving forward, and you're free to follow.
Roles: Pathfinder/Guide to freedom, Likely Moon: Prospit
The Seer of Blood
Description: they're a matchmaker- not because they have a passion for shipping, but because they have an ability to see potential relationships between people on a level others cannot. Their master over their aspect involves knowing of relationships yes, but also of understanding the qualities and intricacies of them. This seer also can see their alternate selves, and perhaps even the alternate selves of other players. They don't serve as a guide in the traditional sense of guiding players through the session, but instead guiding them through their personal relationships.
Behaviour/personality: Earnest and passionate this seer is rooted in reality. Unfortunately sometimes the reality that they know is batshit insane. Surprisingly however they give rather good advice when you ask for it, be careful not to let them ramble. They are very much a people person, and pride themselves on being able to manage others. After all, the relationships between themself and their friends is a bond too. They're charismatic and socially intelligent, so much so they might manage to convince you that their life isn't a bit of a disaster. This player is the person you and your friend both text at the same time to try to get advice on a conflict, and they love it. They might be a little gossipy, or they might loathe gossip! It depends on what's best for their friends. The seer of blood also has a passion for social scenes, almost more interested in the social scene itself that the thing that brings it together in the first place. They may also enjoy "people watching," it stimulates the part of their brain dedicated to uncovering things about people and their friendships.
In a session/powers: Blood players make for good leaders, and this player also makes a good friend. They facilitate inner conflict between players and guide them to forging bonds. Encouraging new relationships to blossom, and old ones to be forged on terms to suit the times they're struggling in. The sessions that these players are in generally do not need someone to tell them where to go, it may be clear what to do from the beginning, or another player might know how to guide the session. Instead this player keeps the players from killing each other long enough to pursue their goals. If they're successful even the most unpredictable players would struggle succeed in sabotaging the session, but ultimately there is nothing they can do beyond pushing their friends to march forward. A god tier seer of blood has unprecedented knowledge of relationships, but not just the ones they can see. Also relationships that don't exist, and used to exist, relationships that have yet to exist. How they effect one another, and how they effect the world and how the world effect them.
Roles: Leader/ Facilitator, Likely moon: Derse/Prospit
Seer of Light
Description: The seer of light knows... knowledge? They are actual bonafide fortune tellers. They peer down the paths that may be taken and gently nudge their players in the correct direction. When you're lost the seer of light can show you the way, so long as they're not lost too. Unearthing the dustiest tomes and compiling knowledge like an insane person. The guide abilities of this player do not originate from intuition, but their enormous collection of knowledge crammed into their brain.
Behaviour/Personality: The seer of light is an intellectual. When it comes to being smart about things, they are simply the best there is. This person may have some interest in fortune telling, and they might also be interested in trivia. If not they likely have a great deal of complex interests that they understand thoroughly. A fussy fussy know it all, things must be perfect. Or perhaps elegant. The tenacity with which they share their knowledge is simultaneously unbelievably forceful, and maddeningly coy. The seer of light knows what they know, and know how to apply that knowledge to solve problems. There is nothing discreet about this player, in fact they quite enjoy showmanship even if they deny it.
In a session/powers: This player is an excellent guide even before ascending to the god tiers. They're happy to use what they know to help other players. They have tunnel vision for the path of success. learning things is part of the fun to life. Being plunged into a session suddenly unearths an enormous amount of lore and previously undiscovered things that they can gleefully observe and understand. They almost always happen across information key to success, information that a session couldn't live without. A god tier Seer of light would find themselves knowing things that they never even learned. An apt guide, they seek to steer a session down the most fortuitous path. Orchestrating vast schemes, and putting forth great effort to ensure that they're carried out to the letter.
Roles: Guide, likely moon: Derse
Seer of Void
Description: anyone can be a seer of void!!! even you! All you have to do is to shut your eyes! Isn't that cool? The seer of void is actually not one of those class/aspect combos that make almost no fucking sense. They're the keepers of secrets, not theirs though. Unlike many other seers they aren't really guides in the traditional sense. However they do assist their players. Keeping secrets and knowing the unknowable. If they do their job right the other players don't even know they're helping.
Behavior/Personality: This player is nosy, but they're also very discreet about their nosiness. They know a lot of secrets, of the world and of other people. They have an excellent nose for deceit and falsehood, though they're not the type to call out a liar. Instead they might suggest casually not to trust the reality that is understood completely. They know the truth and that's enough for them. As a result they're a bit distanced from other players, but don't think for a moment they're not watching over you. They have quite the pension for mystery, or perhaps puzzles. They are SO into shit like wordle you have no idea. Though sometimes the mystery itself is more satisfying to them than the answer. They're frustratingly vague and cryptic, though there's something to be understood from their riddles.
In a session/powers: The seer of void makes everything a lot more difficult than it needs to be, which is actually not true at all! They function as a guide like other seers but they're not guiding their session to anything specific. They might encourage trial and error, as a server player. Forcing their client to try to interface with the machines pre-entry instead of brainstorming with them. Once they think they know it they'll encourage their client to think outside the box. "Perhaps there's another way to access the item on the pre-punched card" instead of "use these machines to find a way to way to get to that item." as just an example. As the session progresses they continue to guide their co-players merely by insinuating that their current path might not be the right one. Maddeningly cryptic, and frighteningly accurate. A god tier seer of void has their powers of insight ramped up to 1,000. They can't be lied to, well you CAN technically lie to them, they'll just know the truth right away. Not that they'll go around telling everyone. It's their business to know secrets and ascending to god tier may have even granted them some insight into forbidden knowledge of the universe, what may have been written on those pages that were torn out and destroyed so long ago.
Roles:guide/oracle, likely moon: Prospit
Seer of Mind
Description: This motherfucker knows what you're thinking. And they know what you'll do now that you know that they know what you're thinking. Mind games are just that to them, games. The human/troll psyche is their playground and they're flailing about on the absurdly dangerous plastic pony rooted to the ground with only a rusty spring.
Behavior/personality: The mind bound is a very rational person. The people they get to know rapidly realize just how smart they are, and just how good they are at reading minds. Not reading minds in a traditional sense, but they do an excellent job of recognizing and predicting behavioral patterns of people. Especially people they know. What they do with this information is up to them. Maybe one day they'll just fuck with you, and maybe the next they'll be serious and give you some help. Choices choices choices, they like to spin these hypothetical situations, or stories with weighted choices weather intentional or not. They take great pleasure in watching people flail about in their made up worlds, feeling a little read by the seer. They can definitely be hurtful, pointing out insecurities and flaws, but they have no inherent leaning toward cruelty.
In a session/powers: This player is just as concerned with the progression of the session as they are with the players' progression through the session. Very important to understand that this includes the seer of mind themself too! Understanding other's minds is one thing, understanding your own is entirely different. As this player progresses through the session their abilities of inference and prediction are elevated. They begin to see outcomes, not as possibilities but as facts. It's the mental process of themself and the people around them that leads to these facts. As long as a thought occurs to a player, in some timeline they act upon this thought, however unlikely. Choices being made is a given, even if that choice is to not make a choice. A god tier seer of mind knows the minds of the players and the choices they think to make. and based on the choice that's made, they know the outcome AND the next array of choices that then are brought to fruition as a result of the first choice.
Roles: mastermind/planner, likely moon: Prospit
Seer of Heart
Description: The seer of heart knows who they are. They know who you are. This player is a reliable bastion to fall back to when you're at a loss, they have all their shit figured out and also probably have a good idea how to guide you to a similar place.
Behavior/personality: The seer of heart is a highly introspective person. Their identity is of upmost importance to them. They are constantly pondering their inner world and coming to conclusions about themselves. These people however are also good gauges of the souls of others, even if they won't really consider it unless prompted. They know the motivations and aspirations of their friends. What makes this player unique is their comprehension of their limits. They know just how far they can go without breaking both physically and mentally. They know what defines themself and they always trust themself to stay true to who they are.
In a session/powers: The seer of heart is a relatively piss-poor guide as far as seers go. They do their own thing. This seer stays true to themself and their own ideals, there's no mystery to who these people are. They wear their heart on their sleeve so to speak Though, should another player be involved in that story, say romantically, they'd be along for the ride. These players are steady, and even if they don't have the situation under control it doesn't get to them. They're remarkable people to confide in because they understand what your troubles are, just as they know how to present themselves to make you comfortable. What is important to remember is that the seer of heart is not gifted with traditional seer foresight. They understand the souls of people, their true identities. The god tier seer guides those who are lost within themselves to the truth that the seer of heart has known all along, who these people are.
Roles: Personal Therapist/shoulder to cry on, Likely moon: Prospit/Derse
Seer of Life
Description: Life is an aspect associated care and compassion, but also growth and drive. The seer of life has a great deal of understanding of how to soothe and care for others and themself. But don't mistake them for a useless support. They're also inclined to encourage growth, show people how to move forward even in situations where it seems like a barrier is impassible.
Behaviour/personality: The seer of life is a person who knows to put people first. They're caring and posses a quality other life players can sometimes lack, actually knowing how to care for someone. They might have passion as a doctor or nurse, but they also might just be a person who knows how to care for your spirit. They're a mom friend, or perhaps their sage advice is more fatherly in nature. It's their duty to pick you up and dust you of, and send you on your way with a bit of helpful advice. This is a person with a lot of wisdom. their knowledge of life doesn't come without experience, and as a result adversity just doesn't phase them. Shit happens, and all you can do is keep on living. When things are grim the seer of life knows just what to do to overcome it. They don't really push you forward as much as they show you the way to overcome an important obstacle and how to grow from it. Sometimes you need to deal with a lot of strife to grow as a person and the seer of life knows that! As an extension the seer of life also knows when to let a sleeping dog lie. you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, they understand better than most that some people have to take their own paths to grow as a person.
In a session/powers: As the group's seer, it's this players duty to guide other players using their knowledge of their aspect. This can be difficult for everybody because sometimes, "that's life." This player understands the life force of players and might even be the only person who knows that a kiss is required to revive dead players. But they also serve as mentors. Especially for players who go through a lot. They can help them sure, but their assistance won't be topping your health off every time you're hurt. It will more likely be advice, and meaningful encouragement. A god tier seer of life will help If you have taken a huge mental or physical blow. the seer's hand on your shoulder won't knit your wounds together per se, but they will guide you through adversity with patience and kindness. They are sort of the ultimate cheerleader for mental and physical altercations. Other seers will help you strategize, the seer of life will help you grow to meet the challenge.
Roles: Parental friend/impromptu leader/pep talk generator, likely moon: Prospit
The Seer of Doom
Description: The seer of doom is often misrepresented as the guy who tells you that you're going to die. The seer of doom is the guy who tells you that it is the nature of the universe for all things to die. Similar, but importantly different. Doom concerns order, rules, and futility. They have a concrete understanding of the forces that bring suffering. And the consequences of that suffering.
Behaviour/Personality: The seer of doom might be a bit apathetic, but not nearly as much of a downer as you might expect. Pragmatic and calm, the seer of doom knows all good things come to an end. They're not much of a problem solver, but they are a guide nonetheless. A good listener the seer of doom has an intuitive understanding of suffering of others. They have excellent pattern recognizing abilities, and are very familiar with what rules exist and why, even if they're not GOOD reasons. They're a little pessimistic, and by a little, I mean they are vastly pessimistic. Yet for someone so convinced that the world will end in fiery death they're pretty calm about it.
In a session/powers: The seer of doom is THE player who warns you that things aren't going to go the way you think it will. As a consequence they are not too attached to the idea of success. And when things have cone completely fucking pear shaped they know that the only thing left to do is let go. Asking the seer of doom about things you don't know is not as futile as you think. They aren't vast fonts of knowledge the way other seers are, but they do have a complete understanding of the rules that govern fate. They can give you a vague understanding of how a plan might go based on the natural order of the universe. A god tier seer of doom knows all ends. They recognize and identify all the harbingers of death and failure. When all is lost, and things look grim, it is the seer of doom who leads their allies through the murky sludge of fate.
Roles: voice of reason/token pessimist, Likely moon: Derse
Seer of Rage
Description: Rage players are off the fucking shits. The seer of rage is an expert when it comes to uh, being pissed off. This is a more abstract role so bear with me. Rage is the aspect of chaos, it is primarily concerned with immense passion, conviction, tenacity, and reality. The seer of rage understands these primal emotions on a personal level.
Behavior/personality: The seer of rage exhibits a bit of a strange attitude toward life. They are natural skeptics. They know what's real, and when something appears to challenge that perception they resist, and thrash against it. This person is likely very closed off, not necessarily as combative and standoffish as they could possibly be. They're the type to immediately shut down an idea they don't like or goes against their ideals. This can be frustrating because, their perception of the world is constantly being fashioned and re-fashioned . As a result their ideals are also likely to change. On a more sociable level, they're very in tune with their emotions, and the emotions of others. Especially emotions associated with frustration and resistance. They have an intuitive understanding of their friends insecurities and frustrations, what they do with that information is entirely up to them.
In a session/powers: Seer's are guides, they are adept at steering players forward. The seer of rage is actually a pretty reliable ally, proving to be a soldier forging onward through tumultuous waves of chaos. The seer of rage knows that madness and frustration are no state for the players of a session, they may assist players in navigating the labyrinth of their own emotions, or even to redirect their rage in a more constructive manner. The only way to truly circumvent chaos and tragedy is to ride it out. When shit goes haywire the Seers or rage can't do much to balm your confusion. They can show you the way to hide against the proverbial rocks to avoid the crashing tide of chaos.
Roles: Anger management/emergency leader, likely moon: Prospit
The Seer of Hope
Description: This person is the optimist to end all optimists. Seriously there's not a situation thy can't find the bright side to. Nothing is over until it's over and the seer of hope will be there to help sessions push onward to success, even when all seems lost. It's this player's duty to understand other player's convictions and to give them something to fight for.
Behaviour/personality: The seer of hope knows their friends. They know what makes them tick! These players have a deep understanding of dreams and aspirations. They might be avid role-players, with deep and complex characters and worlds in their minds. The seer of hope is prone to encouraging their close friends to follow their dreams, with an expertly crafted pep talk to get them going. They are people with infectious and unrelenting optimism. The annoying sort that you can't even argue with and turns out to completely right.
In a session/powers: The seer of hope is a bastion of light in uncertain times. They have the upmost faith that things will turn out okay. Their power of belief is not infectious in it's own right, instead they guide whole sessions by reminding them that there is still hope. There's always hope. If there's a chance, however small, the seer of hope knows it and won't let people hear the end of it. Most importantly the seer of hope is highly attuned to their friends goals, they can rouse passion for success in even the most pessimistic players. They speak the language of success for every person they meet. A god tier seer of hope is not a guide to great fortune or huge success. They're a guide to the next day. The seer of hope restores faith in even the most hopeless of players. They show the way through strife and adversity does not have to be wrought with sorrow.
Roles: Leader/token optimist, likely moon: Prospit/Derse
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homestink-classfart · 2 years
First things first.
This is what, the 4,000th classpect blog to shit on tumblr's stupid dashboard but who cares. We're not doing it for the fame, We're doing it to make it happen. I'll be going over all what, 144 class and aspect combos here? unlike other blogs that do the exact same thing but worse, I will be dividing the big chunks into the classes. I'll go over all of the classes individually in their own dedicated posts, instead of each aspect. There is a lot of nuance to this decision that I'm sure is going over your head but that's okay. You're probably better off for not having really understood Homestuck anyway, which is why you're probably fucking here in the first place.
I'm gonna pin this if this hellsite has a feature for that
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