homosuccs-blog · 6 years
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(part 2) [im x, rar is 4]
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homosuccs-blog · 6 years
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I headcanon Link as a person with selective mutism that uses ASL/drawings/or even other things to communicate with the people of hyrule. But no matter where he goes they understand him because he is kind and a good person! Sometimes we have to be reminded its okay to struggle being different, but there will always be people around us that accept us and show us kindness we never knew we needed! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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homosuccs-blog · 6 years
Leelah Alcorn’s blog was deleted and posts about her are being removed. Don’t stop spreading this. Reblog everything you can, post everything you can. 
These are her pictures
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here are some of her drawings
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this is her note
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Don’t let this die.
Not this.
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homosuccs-blog · 6 years
-edds gonna be voiced by his brother george
-jamie tords va might voice tom
-6ish episodes are fully written
-one is fan service (answers questions we have abt the universe, characters)
-tord isnt coming back, if he does it would be for 1 episode so he has a final goodbye episode, but thats not comfirmed
-ellsworld is coming back
-toms no eyes and monster will be explained (they cant use tomskas idea for legal issues but they tried to incorporate it)
-there will be another wtfuture episode
-there will be an episode where mark and eduardo mourn jon. a serious episode about dealing with greif
-there will be another saloonitics type episode which takes place in scotland
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homosuccs-blog · 6 years
hfdjsf this is toda 
guys make sure to rblog this as much as you can, it’s important
My story.
ok so since lou shared their story with frost, i’m gonna share mine. (all of this happened early 2017 (march) - late 2017 (September)
so i had made a discord, and shared it on my deviantart, because i really wanted to meet new people and make new friends. a girl (not sharing her name for privacy reasons) invited me to a server, so i said sure. When i got onto there, everything seemed fine and friendly. I had mentioned something about superjail in my intro and thats probably the first time frost spoke with me. After a while, i determined “hey hes pretty cool. everyone in the server is just being a dick to him.”. Looking back then, I wish I knew better.
I got into this show called popee the performer and thats when we started talking. ALOT. We started to become friends and then suddenly he asked me out. And I don’t know why, but I said yes.
That was the biggest mistake of my life.
Trigger warning: There’s gonna be some pretty dark stuff here. Please view with caution.
It was ok. For a week or so. Then it went all to hell. He yelled at me for just simply asking if he was ok because he wasn’t really responding with anything other then “i’m shit” and “i’m trash.” and i worry very easily and didn’t want him to be upset or anything. But he just snapped at me and I was pretty shocked but I forgave him. Two weeks in frost and the girl I was talking about got into a argument, and then frost made me pick sides. I guess I felt bad for him because I sided with him, but a few hours later i realized how much bullshit it was, then messaged her telling her I don’t care what frost says, I’m staying in contact with her. Frost finds out and instead of confronting me about it asking  “why are you talking with her again?” he decides to go onto another fucking account and scare the living shit out of me. He started talking errly and creepy, saying my dead name and eventually said my full name (which i only shared with him and two other people mind you), and it made me so fucking scared to even sleep. I had to talk with someone else to calm down. Then, instead of giving a proper apology, he told me “I like seeing people suffer and hurt.What did you expect?”. We kind of talked things out and I forgave him and we continued dating.
Then, ok this is the really dark stuff. Things took a really quick turn.
He started asking me VERY sexual questions and pressured me into asking them to him as well. Then that somehow morphed into us doing these little..uh “sessions” where he would basically dominate over me and I would do sexual demands for him. “now elliott, whats so bad about that?” almost every single time, I didn’t consent. Most of the time I was at school too, which made it even worst. He eventually asked me to send him nudes, telling me “We’re both children, it won’t be child porn.” Which is so obviously bullshit.  
Then June 8th. Oh boy June 8th. I was talking about killing myself. Not to get attention or anything, because I really didn’t feel worth anything. I wanted to escape from this life. How does he react? Says he stabbed himself, then breaks up with me, and proceeds to go into a public server and tell people to go dm me. I have extremely bad generalized anxiety and social anxiety, and hate it when random people I don’t know dm me, and it scared the living shit out of me. He dmed me on his old discord account apologized, begging me to get back with him. And for some reason I still said yes.
After a while I couldn’t take it. I needed to get away from him. I went off discord and deactivated my deviantart and everything was calm. For about a day. Then he dms me on instagram saying “he missed me so much” and such. Which I would’ve been fine with if he didn’t decide to say ‘my wrist hurts like hell. guess that was a waste of time.” making me feel like absolute shit and feeling like a terrible person for even going off.
He then left for a month. We hadn’t spoke to each other and I got worried sick. When he decides to contact me? Not to my face. Anonymously. On a question asking website. What did he ask?
“Do you still love me?”
That absolutely fucking crushed me and made me feel like shit. My best friend saw that I was hurting then I talked about it with them, they told me he was abusive and I needed to get away from him. Guess what? I get too scared to tell him I’m breaking up with him because he’s a fucking abuser, what if he just abused me more for trying to get out. So I block him on deviantart.  He sends a friend to note me asking whats wrong and (notice the pattern? i’m a complete dumbass.) I say I’ll unblock him. Guess I wasn’t fast enough because he decided to go into my account and changed everything to make it quote on quote “Less depressing”
Last full conversation we had I ended up crying for a hour in a half. That isn’t normal. He told me that I shouldn’t hate my life and should stop complaining all the time. I have depression and I’m trying to get over it and get help. Him telling me to suck it up didn’t really help.
Then we cut off contact with him calling me a asshole and a guiltripper (ironic since he’s those things but ok.
My story doesn’t end there.
Recently I went to a psychiatrist and I told her all about frost and my abusive relationship. She had me answer questions. And I got diagnosed with something
I have ptsd. I have ptsd from dating him and all of the things he did to me. I’m currently going to dbt in order to find coping mechanisms and to help with my trauma.
I’m spreading this because no one deserves to be hurt by him. No one, and I’m so sorry if he’s hurt you in any shape or form, I truly am. You didn’t deserve it. If you dealt with him, you are strong.
If you ever wanna talk about anything with him, please dm me. I’ll try to be there even though I don’t check tumblr as often as I should.
That’s my story with frost. My own personal experience with him. I have a entire document typed up of shit he did while we were in contact. If you wanna read it, ask, because I will give it to you. I’m saying all of this because I’ve been silent for way too long and need to speak out about this. Please for the love of all things dear be careful.
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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man im, proud of this
dA info:
god im so sorry for not uploading lately, i've been working my ass off to get my grades up so i didn't have to take semester tests, and i finally got it up, so im thankfully free. I promise, my second year in highschool, i'll have much more art put up as well. I'll most likely be posting more next january due to christmas stuff, so my bad if i leave for a bit. I've been way too stressed lately, so thank you guys so much for putting up with me. I love you all so much. Thank you.
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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heyeyeyey oh look its a mary sue eddsword oc
no im joking i love  him,,
okay well anyway here’s some dA info:
yOO aNOTHER REFF HUNNS sorry this took so long >:( i had a little breakdown today because the school decided to fucking block discord on chromebooks >:(((( okay im done ranting anyway; info!! first of all- wHISKEY IS AN OC U BAKAS no i dont ship him with any ew chars because drama will start or smth, also he's Tom's adoptive 'mom'. Whiskey is trans, mtf. biologically male tho, pff, he's girly anyway, know how i said Edd was a Sprite? here you go. vwv im probably gonna redraw tom's ref though cause jesus it's so bad??? fasgf lmao anyway basic info; DETAILS: Name: Edd Gourdon. Height: 4'6" Relatives: N/A Age: 20/21 Current Situation: Edd is more of a magics character, he isn't one to fight much, like a mage in a way. more of healing/forcefields/etc  etc. he's like,, really small lmao, his actual Sprite form is the small lil' Edd you see in the middle oofy. Edd is a sprite,[a being who can tell the difference between a mortal and a Nightmare], yet with Tord, he can't tell a thing about him. He has a theory, but doesn't fully know, due to the rank of Tord himself. Edd casually wears a hoodie with a heart on it, i'll make his other design later. His wings are not connected to his back, magic holds them in place. also edd likes sum1 :^O *anime moa-gasp.* u dont have to read this, it was in the tord ref lmao; Some Nightmare backstories/facts: Nightmares are formed when a person's fear, hatred, sadness and guilt overwhelm them. Nightmares are attracted to negative feelings, and when they sense one shred of doubts, they cling onto you and follow your every movement and try to convince you about something bad. At some point, they give in and they are consumed by the darkness, and the loop goes on. Nightmares can disguise themselves as others to trick them, or trigger a flashback or memory to possibly get them to start to regret something or get mad or sad. Also, Nightmares are pretty fucking creepy. I suck at drawing creepy stuff, but i'mma try my best to make ya'll shit yer pants. djasf i cant thinkkk rnnnn shit for people who didnt read it there lol the little gold  rings around Edd's arms/ears/legs are what keep his magic rushing through his body, like a magical force basically if he looses them he dies but shrugs :) anyway, info about wHIsKEY; DETAILS: Name: Whiskey, aka "momma" or "mom". Height: 5'6" Relatives:Tom[Thomas],Enn.R, etc. Age:25 Current Situation: Caretaker of Thomas Redge, watcher of Edd and Matt. He usually follows along with the crew, unless with his boyfriend. He has no specified species, Paradise-colored hair, silver hoop earring, pure hot pink eyes, sweater. He's tall, lanky, etc. A pretty nice gay- guy. guy. He's partly Swedish, but more English than Swedish. but uh, yeah i don got much to say pfft ask questions please !! if needed!! also, Tim will be in this.  and maybe Pay- idk okay ask questions if i didnt go over anything important :^) ily all and gnight EDIT: the only reason why this is in the 'oc' folder is because whiskey is an oc, edd isnt
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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hi oh look he’s edgy and my style keeps changing
yay for me
dA info: 
hey it's your home skillet here :^) sorry this took so long jesusdsagSFB i honestly hate his design but i'm also proud of it lmao if you can't tell tord's eyes are silver with a tanish eye white also ignore the monster doodles those are for a different time period basically an au in an au but mm who's that hot blacc fellow at the bottom :^)) i feel like my anatomy is getting slightly better but also worse lmao since my anatomy for the tom ref was fucking gROSS oh gOD im probably gonna redo at some point pffftp anyway, here's the details DETAILS: Name: Tord Larsston. Height: 6'0" Relatives: Todd Age: 23 or 24 Current Situation: Most of his activities are hidden or will be shown in the story, but so far all you know/need to know is that he is a Nightmare. He's friends with Matt, not so much Tom and Edd. His only weapon is his rifle {i'll draw the design at some point} his hair is tied back in a ponytail, etc etc. Tom still keeps a watchful eye on him, as goes for Edd. As said before, Edd is a Sprite, {a being who can tell the difference between a human and a Nightmare.} Although in this situation, Edd doesn't know that Tord is a Nightmare. More secrets n stuff will be revealed in the next ref, as for the story/comic as well. Tord, because im so f ucking original lol, betrayed Tom and the others awhile back. The thing is, Tom, Edd and Matt don't remember a thing about it. They were brainwashed by someone. : ) Some Nightmare backstories/facts: Nightmares are formed when a person's fear, hatred, sadness and guilt overwhelm them. Nightmares are attracted to negative feelings, and when they sense one shred of doubts, they cling onto you and follow your every movement and try to convince you about something bad. At some point, they give in and they are consumed by the darkness, and the loop goes on. Nightmares can disguise themselves as others to trick them, or trigger a flashback or memory to possibly get them to start to regret something or get mad or sad. Also, Nightmares are pretty fucking creepy. I suck at drawing creepy stuff, but i'mma try my best to make ya'll shit yer pants. djasf i cant thinkkk rnnnn shit okay well, im still thinking about this so, ill try to add more to this when i can actually think eee please comment if you have any!! questions, kay? i love it when you all comment aaaa vwv <3 btw im naming one of the alaskan huskies Jupiter, and one of the other Oliver >:^)) okay ther u go huns bye ily all vuv
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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dsafsaf some art i did when i was kinda stressed?? im fine now though vwvwvw i hope u all are having a nice break if you are!!
if ya want here’s the stuff from dA:
my bad for not posting much i've been dealing with a bunch of issues lately my school life is kinda fucked up right now and i've been having major ass art block but i think im good now jesus ive been so stressed lately, sorry if i worried anyone at all. ill try and get back into posting more.
just note that i am fine now vwv
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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oih g od look at my disgusting old style omgdsg,, okay but here take my WIP AU. it’s the nm!au, aka Nightmare!AU. here’s some of the info i copy+pasted from my dA.
Tom ref sheet for the AU i'm doing. DETAILS: Name:Tom. Height: 6'4" Age: 24 Current situation: Leader of the rival 'gang' for defeating the Nightmares. [Aka, 'demons' ig.] ~ Other details: In the world they're in the whole place has been corrupted with beasts known as "Nightmares". Tom, the leader of their 'gang' ig, fights off them with everyone else. i still need to ref all the others + the nightmares themself once a nightmare has corrupted the being itself, that person will get exceedingly bad dreams, and whatever happens in the dream happens to the actual body of the person. When they attach to your brain and corrupt your dreams, they slowly start to encourage you about bad shit, convince you that 'your friends arent what they seem' or smth Edd is a sprite, aka a small floating fucking fairy thing ig, and he's the only one who can tell the difference between a human and a nightmare Once a nightmare fully takes over your body, it can disguise itself as it. Edit: They had a belief that Tord was a Nightmare, but didn't say anything because they didn't know whether to believe it or not. hinthint he might be edit: matt and edd are still a wip, but so far Thomas lives in the arctic, explaining his usual overcoat, the ref above is his city outfit. he has 6 Alaskan dogs, their names a WIP. For anyone confused, Tom's harpoon is not like the normal one in The End. It's much, much longer. Kinda like a spear,but sharper, and a harpoon. pff. This AU might have TomTord, i haven't decided. It would make more sense, and much, much, mUCH more drama due to the fact Tord b- zipz mouthttt but yeah, i'm still thinking, i really dont want to upset people with ships, but so you know, i dONT INTEND ANY REAL LIFE SHIPPING. i do not ship the actual people, gross. just the charachters, k? k. if anyone would like naming the puppos, go ahead ! comment !!! i already have 65 likes o mg- 72 L IKES NOW W TF AAA TYYYYSSSMM dFDGSFHG ily okay EDIT:im also working on a future version of this bab,, and the others aa, and actually the headcanon monster tom version of him oowoo what a load of hooey right okay well yeah, i actually have the versions of them on ponytown lmao, although nobody ever gets on there with me so eh and the story, me and broccoli-mom have been talking about this au on discord so yeah, im still trying to sum it up and shit i have so much stuff to work on fjdgsjs sorry if i cant draw this guy muchhhh i still cant believe how much love this au has got like o mg,, i already have my first fanart of him from @/daddybites aaa i wont tag anyone unless approved, pffftse so just tell me in the comments if it's okay !! if there are any questions about the au pleaaasee ask !!!! i really need help with ideas, so if it's not too much of a bother, leave a comment for any ideas !! i'll think about them, and give you credit if i get that far !!!! <33 thanks a ton aa!! Etc, etc. if anyone legit makes fanart for this i will scream i really want this AU to become popular tbh
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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god this is old //sweats but here take my second favorite ship
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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hey look it’s sans undertale
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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aa some old tordedd i did i fucking l ove these tWO
this is also my edd from PonyTown oops q wq
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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hihihihi heres some art i did awhile back for someone on dA i honestly l ove th is,,
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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hihi sorry for not being active ill uh p o s t m ore sh it from my dA oops
take this gay little bat vwv i love him
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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a lil design for my new fursona !! <33
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
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I’m still super proud of this om g,,
All of my art is on DA. vwv Slowly posting on here.
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