homrastray · 10 years
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Why this
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  Eric stood before Lake Gevi clad in only his swim trucks and inner tube held up with both hands around his waist. He stared nervously at the water for a long moment and then tested the waters by dipping a single toe in. He shuddered.
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"It's cold.."
But the sun that bore down mercilessly at his back was even hotter. He was a little nervous given that he couldn't swim all that well. Eric gripped the inner tube tightly, closed his eyes and jumped in!! Except only half of his body had submerged thanks to the inner tube keeping him afloat. He tried paddling with his arms and legs only to find he didn't get very far. He sighed and let the inner tube and waves carry him out further and further into the water.
"This. . . isn't as fun as I thought it would be."
He drifted aimlessly for a while until he'd realized he was so far out he'd put a great distance between himself and the other swimmers. In fact he could spot a boat from a short length away. Time to go back, he thought as he tried to paddle his way back and but the waves seemed stronger than he was and he was carried even further out. He panicked. He shouldn't have gone off on his own after all. 
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  "I have to hit shore at some point. . ."
He decided to wait it out. The waves calmed and the wind that carried them stilled and he stopped drifting completely. Now he was stranded in the middle of the lake far from others and moving didn't seem to work.
". . . God, if I die. . Don't let them find the food I hid under the couch at Homra." ❞
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homrastray · 10 years
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  Eric shook his head. It was true that he was in a hurry but he wasn't of mind to dump an injured bird on a stranger. Actually that seemed like something he would have done had it not been for the fact he did in fact work at a place for animals. It wasn't exactly an animal hospital but it wouldn't be out of place there. The blonde pulled himself up to his feet and carefully held out his arms to the female.
He wasn't going to dump it on her but it would be convenient if she would hold it for a moment. Eric waited until she accepted the bird all the while reminding her to be careful. As soon as the bird was safely taken into her hands, Eric made a flicking motion with his finger for her to follow him and he led her into the Petite Menagerie store. 
He left her by the door and quickly disappeared into the back to pull on his work shirt, a regular polo shirt with is name tag attached to the front breast pocket. He hurried out to meet with the girl and struggled to remember something. He wasn't sure what it was yet. The blonde once more motioned for her to follow him and he stopped abruptly in the bird section and pulled out a bird cage.
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"We can leave it in here to rest up. I don't think anyone'll complain. But.. I can't keep watch over it during my shift.." ❞
Hirondelle Blessés
Tsubame had been on her way home when she had noticed the blonde bending over something. Curiously approaching the stranger, she noticed the injured sparrow held delicately in palm of his hand. Pink orbs filled with sympathy as she took in the birds injured state. “It looks like its wing is broken.” The poor thing, it would be a while before it would be able to fly in the open skies again, but at least it was still alive even if it was twitching in pain right now.
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Despite his somewhat scary appearance, she was a little surprised to see how kind hearted he was, since most people would have just left the small bird and carried on without bothering to spare a second glance. Noticing the male checking his watch, Tsubame wondered if he was late for something. “Uhm, if you’re in a hurry somewhere, I don’t mind looking after it until it gets better.” Gesturing to the swallow, she gave him a small smile.
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homrastray · 10 years
❝ He kept his eyes trained on her as he blinked. 
"Oh. The Pet Shop." 
He'd almost forgotten about that place though it was more so from having a bad case of nerves. Eric didn't do well around strangers so the entire time his first day he'd kept his eyes strained to the floor and repeatedly ran into everything. He did enjoy playing with the animal's there. 
"OK.... Chie."
There was a slight pause as he repeated her name out loud.
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Maybe she'd already gotten his name if she worked at the same pet shop but he repeated it all the same. The blonde nodded his head in agreement and moved slowly down the aisle leaving the mess he'd created behind and headed for the nearest line. The way she spoke about the meat skewers with such enthusiasm elicited a low rumble from his stomach to which he attempted soothing by rubbing tenderly at.  
At the first open lane they approached, Eric eagerly jumped at and dropped his bag of chips onto the belt to be whisked away to the cashier. He quickly handed over the cash that he had folded in his pockets and slipped the change back inside and waited for Chie to pay for hers with a betrayed look of excitement.
"How many can I get?"
If he had it his way he was liable to grab five all for himself. ❞
sтяαηgεя | Eric & Chie
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homrastray · 10 years
❝ That had gone a lot smoother than Eric had anticipated Now that he was out of the fire so to speak, he sauntered off down the aisle and away from the scene to head for the line. He wasn't a crook, despite how he may have acted before when he pinned the blame entirely on someone else. The blonde jumped right into line and held the bag of chips close to his chest as he eyed the people walking around him with disinterest.
 Whatever the reason the lines were moving at a turtle's pace. He opened the bag of chips and began eating until his eyes spied the blonde from before.
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He had no idea if he'd been spotted or not. He didn't really care to make a show that he'd saw him so he shrugged, keeping his blue eyes trained on him.❞
└{start} Wait, what? Did Yukine just get blamed for what this person did? 
That made him absolutely pissed. However, he decided to let it fly for now. He’d find the guy later and reprimand him for it. For now, he was probably going to get a scolding, probably would have to pay a hefty fine for damages, and fix the entire display, something that would take a while.
After going through all of the technical things, Yukine was now off to find the boy. Judging by the time frame and the lines in the supermarket today, unless the person had shoplifted, he would still be in the check out line. 
"…..Huh? He just….. disappeared….."
But the boy was nowhere to be found. At least, from Yukine’s perspective.
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  As Eric slowly sauntered off, head and shoulders drooped, he considered opening the bag he held right then and there. Food always worked wonders on picking up his mood. He raised the bag, hands poised to tear it apart but stopped to look back towards the girl as she spoke. He blinked at her.
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'Oh.' He thought, wondering if she had picked up on it. His shoulders squared and he stood by, nodding at her offer. He no longer looked sulky but there really wasn't much change to his expression other than a sort of spacey look as he regarded her silently.
"Meat skewers..."
There was a little more light in his eyes now. Meat skewers sounded really good. The thought made him almost drool as he reflected on her words.
"Huh? Help people..?"
With their pets? Eric blinked at the girl quizzically for a long while. Neither one had registered in his mind despite having just gotten a job at Petite Menagerie. His thoughts were completely filled with the taste of meat skewers. ❞
As the employee left, Chie let out the breath she had been holding in. “Whew! A job well done, huh?”  
When she looked over her shoulder at Eric, he was…sulking? Did she say anything wrong…? Oh. The way she worded her excuse must have set him off. She did have a tendency to run her mouth off at times, saying things without meaning it, and the telltale pang of guilt meant she had to say something to right it.
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"I-I didn’t meant that about you! I think you’re a pretty useful member of society, especially since you helped me get this bag of chips and everything! And you help people with their pets!" A nervous chuckle. Way to go, Chie. But at least now she placed an identity on him. "Um, do you wanna hang out…? I’m getting meat skewers after this. My treat?"
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  ". . ."
Paused in a dark alley stood the blonde as he stared, transfixed on a certain bird that lay against the ground, twitching. The bird, a swallow, must have flown straight into the wall and gotten itself hurt. It was a wonder it wasn't killed.
The blonde crept to his knees and gently picked up the bird, exmaining it forlornly. It was still alive but Eric got the feeling it was in a lot of pain. No wonder, crashing straight into a wall would probably hurt anyone - human's included. His shift at the Petite Menagerie was creeping ever closer to his clock in time but he couldn't abandon the poor thing. Perhaps a certain red head had rubbed off on him.
Eric looked up as footsteps slowly happened upon him, a shadow covering him as he looked up at the girl who had wandered in curiously. He regarded her silently for a moment and picked up on a little sympathy from her. He looked back down to stare at the bird.
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"It's hurt."  ❞
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  Eric shot her a narrowed look. Not only did she seem way obvious but that comment hit a sore spot. It was obvious to the both of them he was the one that knocked it over and while he knew she was trying to help out he couldn't help but feel that was directed at him. The person on staff eyed them suspiciously but sighed, apparently leaving to grab something or someone for help.
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With that obstacle out of the way, Eric hung his head and sulked. Ice blue eyes regarded the bag of chips in his hand silently and he turned to walk away before that person could return. ❞
Chie felt a tinge of confusion seeing the boy acting so shy- it was kind of endearing, though, and different from his initial disposition. For a moment she thought he was going to start putting the bags back onto the shelves but, to her further puzzlement, he only regarded each one rather carefully before picking one out, no doubt deciding it was from a top shelf. How he managed to do that she had no idea- and what difference did it make? Weren’t they all the same anyway…?
She was about to suggest putting these back was the right thing to do when a voice interrupted her and before she knew what was happening, Eric had scurried to stand behind her, totally not looking suspicious at all or anything. “Huh? Wha-”  
She blinked, assessing the situation for a second before finally catching up.
"Oh…oh. Y-yeah!” she addressed the bewildered employee, shaking a  hand holding a popsicle nonchalantly. “Some kid probably bumped into it, or something! You know how kids are these days, always running into things and getting into trouble! Not very useful members of society if you ask me!”
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She was easily not one of the most convincing people around, but hopefully the disgruntled employee would buy into it. 
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  Now feeling that the bag of chips had been lifted out of his grasp, Eric blushed as he was thanked. He reached over his shoulder for his hood to pull it over his head in a fit of shyness and tugged it so it fell partway over his eyes. He hadn't yet realized that this person was familiar in his initial panic and moreso now that he could hardly look at her.
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"No.. It's fine."
Eric had no intentions whatsoever to clean up the mess. He knelt down to snatch up a bag for himself after carefully considering which of those that lay there were top shelf only, how he was deducing this was a mystery. The blonde chanced a peek at her from under his hood.
"What happened here?"
A voice from behind him startled him into spinning around to stare right at one of the uniformed employees of the supermarket. As they assessed the situation, the staff's eyes fell upon the two and Eric shuffled backwards to stand behind Chie.
". . . It was like this when I got here."
He didn't have any intentions of throwing her under the bus but he hoped the semi pleading stare he had pointed at the back of her head was enough to get her to agree with him. ❞
Chie blinked when the boy reached for one of the bags of her revered favorite and offered it to her, shaking it. She didn’t know what to make of his demeanor quite yet, other than the fact that he seemed to be a little kid stuck in the body of a teenager (he was probably older, though), but she reached over anyway and took the bag of chips from him. Food was food, no matter the awkward situation from which it was acquired.
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"Uh, thanks a ton!" She had recovered from her initial dumbness and was back to her sunny self, beaming at the other. Mostly it was because she now had two of her favorite snacks safe in her arms. 
"Do you need help with all of this?" She jerked her head towards the sea of bags surrounding his feet. Now that she had a closer look at him, he seemed quite familiar but she couldn’t place who he was just yet.
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  Eric eyed the girl as she chuckled and he took note of the awkward way in which she did. Her nervousness made him feel a little guilty so he softened his gaze to stare at the pile of bags surrounding him. 
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". . . Oh."
Perhaps he'd been a little too quick to judge and throw icy stares at. Without looking at her, Eric picked up the bag of spicy hot cheeto's that he assumed was one of the ones belonging to the higher shelves and after getting to his feet, he held it out for her.
Eric glanced at her briefly and wagged the bag so she would hurry up and receive it. His demeanor not at all unlike some kid on a playground shyly handing over some object to another kid in order to make nice with. ❞
The heat was oppressive and Chie all but crawled to the nearest supermarket to cool off in the safety of its powerful airconditioners and get a popsicle or two. She was pretty bummed out that with the heat being the way it was, she probably wouldn’t be able to squeeze training into her schedule.
The martial artist had been walking through the chip aisle, looking perfectly content with a popsicle in one hand and on the hunt for a specific variety of chips when a blond guy knocked down a bunch of bags in his valiant effort to reach for one that was obviously out of his range. Chie, being the epitome of  finesse, stopped in her tracks and stared. Realizing he was talking to her with a somewhat intimidating look,  she jolted.
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A nervous chuckle passed through her lips.  ”Uh, I was gonna go for that one too, but I guess it’s a good thing you…got them all down, huh?” 
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homrastray · 10 years
❝  Eric stares at the blonde as he gives him a confusing response, one he's not sure how to reply to so he continues staring at him for a while longer, the cold expression he wore dropping to that of confusion.
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". . ."
He picks himself from off the ground and dusts off his green hoodie without sparing so much as a glance towards the other person's direction.
"You tell me. You're the one staring."
As he says this he moves past the boy just as someone on staff rushes in to assess the situation and throwing quizzical glances from one blonde to the next. Nonchalantly, Eric shrugs and points his thumb at Yukine.
"He did it." ❞
└{start} Just another routine trip to the supermarket, the last thing Yukine thought was that something out of the blue would happen. But as soon as he saw the blonde person trying to reach for a single bag of chips high up on a shelf while shaking it, he knew there was going to be trouble.
And when he saw the shelf start to give in, he screamed “Look out!” but to no avail. The man was buried in a heap of bags. Once the person managed to rummage his way out of the pile, he gave a cold stare in Yukine’s direction.
"Um.. is it… me?"
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homrastray · 10 years
❝ Standing in one of the Pravian supermarkets stands one Eric Surt as he stands on the tip of his toes in an attempt to reach for a bag of chips. Never mind that there are countless more bags within reach. He swats at it with one hand while the other attempts shaking the shelf in an effort to reach that one bag he's eyeing. Finally the man succeeds but in doing so knocks nearly all of the bags from their posts and buries him underneath.
The blonde pushes the bags off of him and sits fuming in one spot over the situation like a child having an internal tantrum in his head. He then looks around to make sure he hadn't been seen nor heard but as he spots someone he's initially alarmed but quickly shrugs it off with a look of indifference. 
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"What?" He almost wants to add if the other has a staring problem but the question is noticeable by the look in his eyes. ❞
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homrastray · 10 years
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Hello, this is Blue again, ex-Kassim. I just.. didn't think I could do Kassim well (I'm so sorry!) so I'm giving this mutt a try. Eric Surt (solt, soult, I don't know GoHands make up your mind!) from [K]. He had absolutely zero screen time in the anime but had a whole chapter to himself in Memories of Red so that means I'll be winging a lot of head canons and such for him!
I have his application in the sidebar if anyone fancies giving it a read but long story short is he had a really rough past but is doing better now. He didn't have parents growing up so he may come off as extremely rude and lacking proper guidance. Oh and yes, he's part of a gang called Homra but you can find him working most days at the pet shop. He prefers sticking close to people he knows/likes (aka them homras)
He's basically like a dog, give him food and he will love you (and wag his imaginary tail at you.). 
Expect a teeny tiny open shortly! And feel free to come at me for plotting!
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homrastray · 10 years
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Ever since my parents died, I was kept as the dog of the group. In return for being fed, I was ordered around and I did anything they wanted me to.
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