honedtalent · 2 years
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@honedtalent​ asked: ❛ how badly do you want me? ❜ (for the new verse)
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     They’d been carrying this little secret for a couple of weeks now, and the thrill had continued to build and grow from that one accidental picture. Alice had gone so far as to assign a custom tune for his number - primarily a way to give herself a warning to not check her phone in public or around company. Only it ended up as a clear cut example of a Pavlovian response because every single time she heard that particular chime, a flutter of excitement would take over her stomach.
By their own choice, they had not revealed anything about themselves, not even their names, resorting to playful monikers and terms of endearment as needed. It was all about having harmless fun and being honest with how much they are attracted to each other with zero strings attached.
The arrival of early evening came with either the expectation of getting a text or picture from him or the excitement of being the first one to send something in. But a few days prior, Alice had broken from their little end of the day routine by sending a picture in the early morning, asking his opinion on her lingerie choice. Needless to say, every since then, any time was game. And as it turned out, they both had a bit of a competitive nature, often aiming to rile the other when they were least expecting it.
Granted, she’d been terrible the previous evening. He had very kindly let her know he would be unable to take part in their little game. And she’d returned that kindness by posting enough for the both of them, sending him pictures taken in the comfort and intimacy of her bed well into the night despite the two of them having an early morning the next day.
Waking up even before the skies lit up posed a challenge to actually getting out of bed. The memory of the reason why she felt extra tired quickly returned to the forefront of her mind and Alice bit down on her lower lip to keep from smiling wickedly to herself, knowing she would be facing her handsome stranger’s retribution later that day.
She’d finished brushing her teeth and was mentally picking her outfit for the day when a familiar chime cut clean through her every thought. More than quickly, she grabbed her phone and inhaled sharply when she saw a video attachment. With her pulse drumming in her ears, Alice sat down by the edge of the bathtub and opened their chat. From the preview, he was also in the bathroom, sculpted chest bare, muscular thighs spread. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she took in a deep breath and hit play.
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honedtalent · 2 years
i diagnose you with hot. 
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rockstar hot. you're wanted. by crowds of people. a heart-throb, who people hang posters of in their room and tell their friends is "so dreamy." you may not even be a celebrity, you could just be the star of your school. but what you and rockstars have in common is that your entire routine is very well-rehearsed, and you know exactly the right words, the right looks, to draw people's attention. you're a performance, you're an act, a hyperbolized version of a human being that others can get lost in. it's so easy for people to crush on you because they don't realize they don't know anything about you. you're an archetype, a character for others to project onto, and damn if it isn't a fun role to play.
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honedtalent · 2 years
why didn’t he double check? stupid mistake. a dangerous one for a public figure. his face isn’t showing. no one can tell it’s him, right? hardly an unwarranted fear when his followers are on the proactive side as far as fanbases go. have been since before he went pro. what kind of repercussions would his image face if it came out that he was out there sending mirror nudes to strangers? new message. brain screeches to a stop at the edge of panic, not knowing whether the response will bring him back or push him off.
it’s a picture. a similar sort of picture. and a cordial, charming message that does more than let him off the hook. a small sense of relief registers somewhere in his mind. small because his attention is wholly consumed by how stunning she is. even outside of the obvious. the composition of the picture, the lighting, her rose golden hair framing her. it all compliments her sultry curves and he cannot look away.
what he should do is count his blessings and end it here... yet. the situation is too tempting. the anonymity of it an exciting twist topped by how lovely she seems to be all around. feels compelled to at least try. if it doesn’t work, they can forget all about it.
[ text ] i wasn’t expecting to get something back. let alone something this gorgeous [ text ] if i tip the scales again, will i get more?
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@honedtalent​ asked: his body is proof of his hard work. muscles shaped by exhaustive training. sees himself with a measured eye, watchful of bruises and swelling. of course, he also cuts a very, very attractive figure, and it leads to a selfie being taken by the mirror as he’s freshly out of the shower. dating hasn’t crossed his mind in years, but he’s no stranger to having fun. there is a folded paper with a phone number in his jacket pocket, to which he sends the picture as an invitation to his hotel room. excitement plummets when he realizes one of the digits is wrong. further as the picture is successfully delivered. fuck. how do i even explain this?
[ text ] i’m so sorry! i swear i’m not a creep sending unsolicited pictures! just an idiot who typed the wrong number
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     Being contacted by an unknown number is more or less common for her. Alice has a policy of not taking calls if she doesn’t feel like it, but she checks all messages just in case a colleague passed her information along. Tapping the notification, she nearly drops her phone because of the dewy, sculpted muscles suddenly plastered on her screen. And while the shock is still very much there, she can’t deny how gorgeous whoever this is just happens to be. An actual written message soon follows, providing an explanation that has her chuckling. 
Having been in the process of undressing, Alice finds herself taken by a curious thrill. This is a complete stranger who’s already admitted to and apologized for doing something quite embarrassing while showing her a lot of him. So what’s the harm in being a little daring?
In front of her standing mirror wearing nothing but her lingerie, she finds the perfect angle that more or less matches his in how it keeps most of her face out of frame and snaps a few selfies, sending her favorite back his way before she has time to think twice about it.
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[ text ] no worries! we’re even now
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honedtalent · 3 years
     She catches sight of it just before looking away. The utter shock on his face. Was he unaware of it? Did she not even register as someone who could be anything other than a friend? It makes her head dip forward as well. But before she can fully fall into a downwards spiral of her own insecurities, his hands are cupping her face and bringing her gaze back up to meet his. The sudden seriousness nearly startles her, even more than his shock had. 
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Alice doesn’t know what to expect from this. For a second there he looks almost frantic, and it makes her nervous. Until she notices how nervous he is too. How his touch softens. And when he says it, it’s her turn to look absolutely shocked. Is this… really happening? Is she dreaming right now? No. She can feel the warmth of his hands, and their longing, hesitant expectation. Whereas her chest felt so painfully constricted moments before, it now feels too light, her heart soaring at the apparently much belated realization that he’d been struggling with the exact same feelings and doubts.
“I…” A stinging sensation starts taking over her eyes, tiny tears prickling at the corners. Gosh, she hasn’t cried in years. But this is different. This is relief and unbridled joy. So she doesn’t mind it all that much. A small smile tips her lips, timid and still a little doubtful. Is it okay for her to accept this? For her to be this happy? Either way, he’s taken the chance for them, so it’s only fair that she reply in kind.
“Yes, please…” 
he doesn’t breathe for what feels like a century. he can’t breathe. he’s never know fear like this - the awful thought of never knowing what could have been, or even worse, losing what they already have. willpower keeps his hands from trembling, too scared that a wrong move might push her to say no. he sees the shock and wants to kick himself. had seen her insecurities when they first met. confirmed them throughout, even accidentally found the root of a few. but while he’d supported her as a friend, he wants to be more than friends. he could have - should have done so much more to make her feel wanted.
then he sees the tears. all the air is forced out of his lungs. until he realizes it’s a good thing. a boyish grin breaks out across his face before she herself starts smiling at him. and when she asks for it... asks for him to please, kiss her, he once again decides that she definitely does not have any sense of danger. and he might just take advantage of it from now on.
happiness fills his chest. confidence returns to his touch. anchoring his hands to the sides of her neck, fingers sinking into her golden hair, he takes in a shaky breath and gently angles her head. brushing the tip of his nose to hers, he stares into her eyes as he leans in, waiting until the very last second to let them fall closed right as their lips touch. he sighs and hums into the kiss despite himself, overwhelmed by every wonderful sensation that comes with it. if this is what it feels like to kiss someone you’re madly in love with, how is he supposed to stop?
the solution is simple: he doesn’t. keeps steadily going in for more, smiling because she follows his lead with just as much urgency. finds himself lightheaded once he finally pulls away - just enough to be able to breathe - but most pleasantly so. and even as he’s working on getting air back into his lungs, he can’t seem to stop gently brushing his lips to hers in tiny, fleeting kisses. funny how it took acknowledging one small thing: i want to be closer to you, for the most important sentiment to so easily reveal itself. those three words are there. sitting impatiently at the tip of his tongue. he can’t be too greedy too quickly. instead, he’ll enjoy the utter bliss of this perfect moment as it is.
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honedtalent · 4 years
Comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against your authentic self.
Iyanla Vanzant  (via quotemadness)
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honedtalent · 4 years
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honedtalent · 4 years
    Alice is not ready for him to lean in close like that, much less with that look in his eyes. Like she’s something precious. She can’t bring herself to look away from it, even as his hand draws closer and closer in what feels like slow motion. The first brush of his fingertips seems to set off sparks just beneath her burning skin. A crease appears between her brows, tugging them slightly upwards into what she feels must be a pleading expression. Pleading for what? For more? Less? She doesn’t know herself.
Having his large, beautiful hand fitting against the curve of her face almost draws a shuddering breath from her, and she can’t keep from leaning into his gentle touch despite her best effort. To be held with such care. How long has it been? How long since she let someone close enough to be able to do so? And for it to be him out of everyone?
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Gosh, she must look like a mess right now. So much so that his concern is probably valid. Or is he teasing her? Her heart is beating so hard inside her chest that it hurts. How can something that feels this wonderful be so painful at the same time? “I-I’m fine, senpai.” She reassures him weakly, swallowing down a whimper at the way he plays with her hair and waving away his concern.
“You…” It takes more self-control than she has to pull away from his hand. And it’s funny how it feels both courageous and cowardly on her part to say something that will break her heart now to keep it from breaking even harder further down the line. “shouldn’t do this sort of thing, Oikawa-senpai.” She tells him seriously, gaze falling away from his as her hands find purchase in one another beneath the table. “I know we’re friends, but… any other girl would have misunderstood.”
oh, sakura-chan... she really has no sense of danger, does she? not for the one she probably should feel, nor for the one she causes. you can’t just look at a man like that. with something that close to adoration in your eyes. he will never not be respectful, of everyone but especially her and her limits. he is also careful and has a plan - one he’s already deviating from. but he is still just a man, and she makes him weak in ways he never knew were possible. ways he is surprisingly okay with.
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getting to touch her like this. caress her flushed skin. admire all her little reactions from this close. it makes all the agonizing and overthinking worth it. until she pulls away. there’s a distinctive note to the tone of her voice that gives him a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. you shouldn’t do this. his hand freezes in place, chest suddenly feeling tight. why? why can’t he? had he been reading her wrong this whole time? is she going to reject him before he even has a chance to actually make his case? no. not make his case. profess his feelings.
but his panic stops just as abruptly as it began. what? misunderstood? oh. it’s the opposite... she doesn’t think he is being serious. and it hurts just a tiny bit to see. but he has more important things to worry about. forget about the plan. he needs to say something now. and be crystal clear. if he doesn’t correct this immediately, he might never be able to get through to her.
so he steels himself and brings his other hand to firmly hold her beautiful face in both them. she has no choice but to look at him straight on. “sakura-chan. you’re not misunderstanding.” and she’s certainly not any other girl. “i’ve been-” swallows in dry, touch growing gentler from where it’d been desperate as he runs his thumbs over her reddened cheeks. “wanting to kiss you for a long time now.” his own face feels unbearably hot, and it takes all of him to keep from leaning in closer to draw her into it. “may i..?” 
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honedtalent · 4 years
→ what is your animal crossing villager personality? ←
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My, my! You are very charming and captivating. You have no trouble making friends and you leave a positive impression on others. People sense that you are dependable and righteous - you make a brilliant leader. You're playful and enjoy friendly boasting, but you also give out compliments freely and generously. It's amazing that you are so independent, but sometimes you keep others at arms length. You need to remind yourself that it's okay to rely on other people's help and support - your loved ones WANT to be there for you!!
tagged by: @shrapnelsong​
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honedtalent · 4 years
We often want it so badly that we ruin it before it begins. Overthinking. Fantasizing. Imagining. Expecting. Worrying. Doubting. Just let it naturally evolve.
Anonymous  (via quotemadness)
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honedtalent · 4 years
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     The way his face lights up into an even bigger smile makes her cheeks burn even hotter. It doesn’t quite feel like he’s just doing it to tease her. The daring thought crosses her mind in a blinding flash: he looks genuinely happy about it. And it sends her heart into a mad dash. Oikawa-senpai couldn’t possibly know that she was obsessed with fairy tales and myths as a kid, right? Or is it an obvious assessment he can make just by looking at her? Either way, him leaning into the whole princess thing does not help her resolve, and when he boldly asks that question…
He’s always been pretty princely on all accounts. His fan club has a lot of threads about it on the forum. And isn’t there something about an actual, sort of official nickname for him as a setter? King? It certainly fits his image nicely. The ruler of the court. But that’s not what he’s asking.
Alice realizes that her memories of the moment are blurry, and it makes her resent her fever - even though it was the fever that allowed for it to happen in the first place. How absurd of her. To be so upset that she couldn’t remember the details of the time when she’d become such a burden that he had to literally carry her in his arms.
The blush spreads all the way up to the tips of her ears and she swallows in dry slightly, unable to hold his gaze for long as she finally responds. “It kinda does…” Alice agrees softly, hands clasped together by her thundering heart. “Doesn’t it?” Tentatively, she looks back up, nearly startling to find that he’d been waiting for their eyes to meet again. Come to think of it, he’s been coming to her rescue for a long time now. He might have been her knight in shining armor from the moment they’d first met.
oops. he knew it would be too much. but he didn’t expect he would enjoy her reaction that much. getting to watch her fair skin turn that charming shade of bright pink. seeing it tinge even the tips of her ears. and for her to agree? that’s pretty much being given permission, right? or is it wishful thinking on his part? he needs to know.
is what he tells himself. and it’s the truth for the most part. he should seek confirmation. and it’s not difficult at all to lean in closer. to give his hands a modicum of reprieve and allow them to finally move forward. sucks in a breath and holds it without meaning to as his fingers reach out to her face, swallowing in dry as his digits brush against her cheek.
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she looks a little different today. lipgloss and mascara, and a hint of shine over her cheekbones. she doesn’t wear makeup to school. could he dare and think this was for him? the girls he’d gone out with in the past were more glamorous for sure. their beauty enhanced by makeup and styling and flaunted at every moment. in comparison to his ex-girlfriend, even sakura-chan’s pretty face might be seen as plain. and yet... she looks nothing short of stunning to his eyes. more than anyone else he’s ever met.
the way her green eyes widen in surprise at his touch before settling into a meaningful look he can’t decipher has his heart skipping a beat. his palm cups her cheek in a gesture that is all affection despite himself. “you feel so warm, sakura-chan...” doesn’t know what kind of face he’s making, but he can hear the smile in his own voice even in his concern. “are you sure you’re not feverish still?” his fingers push a few loose strands of golden hair behind her ear, never losing contact with her heated skin. 
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honedtalent · 4 years
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Haikyuu!! Week 2020: Rule the Court 《Seasons》 “A tall, tall wall looms in front of me. What’s the view on the other side? What does it look like? The view from the top…”
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honedtalent · 4 years
People will kill you over time, and how they’ll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases, like ‘be realistic.’
Dylan Moran  (via quotemadness)
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honedtalent · 4 years
     Her smile widens in reaction to his. This feeling of joy that flutters inside her heart comes so naturally just by being in his presence, but it just makes things harder if she lets herself think about it for even a second more. So she tries not to. At least for the time being. Maybe not the best idea - letting herself have a taste of what she’s been trying to avoid. 
Oikawa-senpai has not only seen her at a low point, he’s watched over her. He is now the person who’s able to see through her the most. He might notice something’s wrong if she tries to hide it. Alice does not lie; rather, she knows how to steer a conversation away from things she does not wish to answer. However, if he were to ask her… she is not confident enough that she would be able to even try to change the subject.
“I’m fine. Promise.” Reassuring him with a smile, she steps out of her boots and sets them neatly next to what looks like his own set of outdoors shoes. As they walk to the living room, she can’t help but admire the sight of him. It’s the first time she’s seen him dressed so casually, and the intimacy of it heightens all the jittery feelings floating about inside her chest. The smell of his perfume instantly brings back the memory of resting against his chest, and she does her best to keep from blushing.
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“Oh. I know you said I didn’t have to thank you anymore, but…” She admits timidly, setting the bento box down on the coffee table and separating the tiers to reveal an assortment of pastries before properly bowing her head. “Thank you so much, Oikawa-senpai. I’m… really glad you were there with me.” This time, she knows there’s no stopping the heat blooming across her cheeks. 
“And sorry for all the trouble. I mean, gosh…” Lowering her head a bit, she presses a hand to her burning cheek. Back then she’d been too out of her mind to worry about it, but once the fog of the fever cleared up, she realized her sleeping on his chest wasn’t the only thing she had to fret over. “you even carried me home.” The receptionist who’d let them into the building had kindly inquired upon her well being the next time she saw her. As well as asked about the charming boy who’d carried her up.
of course she came to give him a thank you gift. if she hadn’t, it would have been the biggest proof of her still being sick. it’s lovely. and impossibly charming in how she apologizes for her own insistence. so much that he can’t bring himself to once again remind her that there’s no need for it. he sees right through her strategy, and willingly falls for it as that last part nearly knows the wind out of him. i’m really glad you were there with me. hearing such a thing... it makes him smile wide. “you’re very welcome.” and thank you for letting me see you blushing so pretty.
only it doesn’t stop there. the blush darkens, which makes him curious. what could have possibly flustered her so? sure, she’d fallen asleep and ended up resting on his chest - an event whose memory he will hold onto as much as he will hope for repeats in the future - but he thought they’d gotten past that already? oh. that. he did do that, didn’t he? he’d been so frantic to get her to a safe place it’d slipped his mind. his smile grows into a grin.
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“i guess i did princess carry you, huh?” chuckles to try and hide his bumbling happiness. “i was taking the princess back to her castle, so it’s fitting if anything.” ignores his racing heart and looks into her beautiful green eyes. “does that make me your knight in shining armor~?” he knows asking it so directly is too much of a tease. but it’s also not a tease at all. he wants it. badly. he wants her to be his princess. doesn’t fall into his plans to phrase it this way. but it’s stronger than him. too perfect of a setup. 
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honedtalent · 4 years
     Getting such a prompt and positive reply has little butterflies fluttering in her stomach, and Alice does her best to keep her smile from growing too big. There is no need to feel nervous when she’s the one who made the suggestion in the first place. Or so she tells herself. Instead of letting the giddiness of getting to see him grow even more, she focuses on the practical things. It’s good that all the pastries won’t go to waste, and she’ll be able to properly thank him for all he’d done.
She’s about to ask when and where he would like to meet. Delivery hours on Saturday are much shorter than week days, so it shouldn’t take too long for the package to arrive. They could always go to their place once he’s signed for it. It’s such a nice day out. The notion of bringing a blanket along pops in her mind. They could make a picnic out of it. But that definitely sounds like a date, and she shakes the thought away.
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Only for him to wipe her mind clean with a suggestion of his own. Go over to his house? It’s far from the first time. But she already knows his parents aren’t home. And this isn’t a study session. Her pulse quickens, a surge of feelings fueling wayward thoughts that she has trouble containing. Being alone with him… given the circumstances and the decision she’s made, it doesn’t sound like a good idea. But the thought of saying no hurts her heart more than all the pretending she’s already doing.
[ text ] if it’s really okay! 
A quick back and forth over the details and she’s heading out. Staring at the mirror in the elevator, she fusses over her hair a bit, trying to distract herself from the way her heart is hammering inside her chest. It’ll be fine. She’ll calm down on the way. But by the time she’s standing in front of his door and ringing the bell, she can hear her heart in her ears. “Oikawa-senpai.” She greets him with a bright smile that blooms across her lips despite herself, overcome by happiness just by seeing him.
counts his heartbeats while he waits. the thumping much faster than he expected. grows even faster when she replies. smiles broadly. there’s no one around to see, but he feels embarrassed all the same. thinks back to all the times iwa, makki and mattsun teased him for it before he’d admitted to himself that he was absolutely smitten. how could he not have noticed it before? not have let himself accept it? he’s wasted too much time.
knowing she’s coming over fills him with nervous excitement. walks around tidying things up. looks down at what he’s wearing and frowns. he can’t go all out. he’s supposed to be just doing nothing at home, waiting for a mindless task. he knows how to dress to impress - be it the girl herself or her parents. and he knows how to dress casual. but how does one casually impress? sticks with the sweatpants because he’s not wearing jeans at home. exchanges his old baggy shirt for something with a much better fit. sprays some of his usual perfume. struggles with not styling his hair for the sake of a more natural look. funny, considering how much effort is involved.
triple checks the ensemble in the mirror. not to toot his own horn, but he looks good. she’s never fawned over him like his fans do... but she does grow adorably red when he comes a little too close. and it gives him hope. he can do this. tells himself that a few more times and waits for her to arrive.
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“sakura-chan!” she looks lovely. and she does look much better too. “come on in.” steps aside so she can do so and admires the way she fixed her hair, forcing his hands to stay by his side without reaching out. “you’re really okay now, right?” asks just to be sure, holding her gaze and wondering, hoping she’ll let herself be more honest with him. because he wants to do the same.
first things first. she’s the one who asked to meet today. there must be a reason for it. “so, what are we doing today?” asks casually while guiding her further inside. she’s carrying what looks to be a bento box and he can easily guess her intentions, but he wants to hear it from her. wants her to want to spend more time with him. 
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honedtalent · 4 years
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whether it’s your turbulent nature, your flash quick mind, or the air of unknown about you, your undercurrent is the lightning rod. you are somewhat unpredictable, but if we unravelled we’d see you know exactly what you’re doing, but it makes you feel less vulnerable to pretend it wasn’t planned. some people stay back from you, but others would follow you cross country, for the very same reason. they don’t know enough about you. the difference is in who wants to learn more. keep your golden nature, it’s exciting, but don’t be afraid to admit what you know. matshona dhliwayo said “lightning strikes but does not roar” your bite will always be worse than your bark, keep that close to your chest.
tagged by: @shrapnelsong​
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honedtalent · 4 years
     Alice had purposely contacted him last. Her heart has been so erratic lately, if she’d gotten confirmation that they would be seeing each other today before starting to bake, she probably would have been too excited when the time to leave came around. And that might make it easy to let something dangerous slip. She’s not about to take any chances.
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His replies make her smile quietly to herself. Twirling from side to side as she sits on the tall stool by the breakfast counter, she reads his second message again. His concern makes her incredibly happy, but it also threatens to make her greedy for more. She takes a moment to push those notions back down before typing a reply of her own.
[ text ] i’m back at full health! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و  thank you for asking! [ text ] would you like to meet, senpai?
The second message takes her a while longer to send. She doesn’t want to outright say she wants to give him something as a thank you for all he’d done. He’ll surely tell her she doesn’t have to. But not disclosing her reasoning for such a suggestion… makes her stomach feel a bit funny. They’re friends. It’s not uncommon for them to meet outside of school anymore, or even outside of their study sessions.
Maybe it’s how long she’s had to overthink things like the memory of being pressed against his chest. But it feels to her a little bit like she’s asking him on a date, which has her cheeks burning up in no time. Staring at the message in search of anything telling she might have snuck in it without noticing, she quietly worries over how it might have come across to him. 
hearing she’s recovered doesn’t fill him with nearly as much relief as it should. he saw her trying to just power through a fever, after all. has to see for himself that she’s really okay. but he can’t just come out and say that, can he? he wants to. but being that spontaneous goes against his careful nature. and it’s not necessarily included in his plans.
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while he’s mulling it over, she goes and does it for him, making his heart skip a beat. reads the message again, ignoring the extra heat that seems to collect in his face. the unexpectedness of it makes him so happy that his fingers reply before his brain can assess the situation and properly fit it into the grand scheme.
[ text ] sure!
that was way too quick a reply. way too eager too. how embarrassing. yet he doesn’t seem to mind it all that much. racing heart refusing to focus on anything other than the fact that she wants to see him too. oh. but as much as he’s free as in not personally busy, there is still something he has to do.
[ text ] i have to stay home to sign for a package my parents are waiting for, though
a sudden opportunity makes itself available. and now he consciously takes it before giving his mind a chance to overthink it.
[ text ] would you like to come over? 
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honedtalent · 4 years
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happy birthday, tooru! | 07.20
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