honestlyshifting · 2 years
What’s your main DR and how do you stay motivated? I have trouble with staying motivated a lot sadly.. loved your post btw !
hi! Thank you for your question and I am more than grateful to be able to answer it! :))
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Feeling unmotivated
It's totally normal and fine to feel unmotivated, espacially when your journey takes a lot of time. I do catch myself feeling unmotivated sometimes too, but that's okay!
It's just our nature and as long as you don't give up completely, breaks are necessary. Like, there is nothing that you just always feel motivated for. (but if there is, I am kinda jeleaous of you ;))
I do breaks all the time, sometimes, I just feel very comfortable in my current reality, so that I do not have the urge to shift.
Often I also just script, knowing that I don't intend on shifting there or something like that...
But how do I keep myself motivated?
If I feel very unmotivated, I am also not really doing anything against it because forcing it on yourself just builds up a toxic realtionship between you and shifting. You may see it as something you have to force yourself to or maybe even worse.
I rarely try to make myself motivated anyway, it just comes naturallly.
For example, when I'm in the cinema and I get a random thought about how I could watch that exact same movie with my DR S/O in the cinema. That just really motivates me.
I was shopping recently and a similar thought came to my head.
"I could go shopping rn with my DR S/O and I'm certain it would be so much fun"
It's the little things that matter, everything will feel like it does in this reality. Everything smells the same. Isn't it exciting?
My Main DR
My main DR is my StrayKids DR, which I already mentioned in my previous post.
If you want to know more abt it, feel free to ask me anything :))
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I hope I could help you a bit!
That's it for today. Stay hydrated and take care of yourself. You deserve it.
Love you,
Lena <3
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honestlyshifting · 2 years
my introduction ✧˖°
I am Lena and I am a shifter. I am trying to shift since about winter 2021, I want to share my storys and experience with you!
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First off, I'd like to start with the reason I decided to start shifting.
I have no Idea what you guys are into and what your main DR is, but for me, a Kpop group called StrayKids really gave me the last push!
>I got to know the whole concept of shifting earlier tho and I really ate that whole early shifttok missinformation up T-T<
Well, but there I was, sitting in my bed at 2AM and reading anything known about shifting, watching videos, googling etc. I was veryy dediacted to shifting as soon as possible. But.. there was a small problem.. how tf do I script?
Maybe you are also strugling to find somewhere to put your scripts, but don't worry, I've tried almost all of the possible things.
Right off the bat: It does not matter at all where you put your script, it can be your imagination, on an app on your phone, laptop, notebook.. there is no limit at all. Besides, you don't even have to script, it's not neccessary.
But if you are like me, who has the need to write everything down to feel safe, I'd recommend making one. Also, in my opinion they are very fun to do!
So here are a few apps/sites whatever that I recommend:
Notion is such a lifesaver!
Even though it may seem weird to use at first, you will get used to it, and once you do, you're able to make such beautiful and practical scripts! :)
This app really just gives you everything and anything to help you develop and make a good script
10/10 as soon as you get used to it
Google Slides
I mean, it's not bad?
If you're like really good at making Google Slides look pretty and stuff, go for it!
I am not good at that type of stuff
Also it was a bit annoying that I always had to get my laptop to log in and stuff
7/10 quite inpractical, put if you're creative go for it!
As a person who likes to visualise a lot, this was a BIG no for me
Like, I am a person, I change my scripts soo often and it's just annoying to always change stuff abt it
I always had to search a long time for the right things
Also, it was a LOT of work ;(
4/10, tf was that. I'd only recommend it, if you have a simple script and don't intend to add lot's of pics etc.
Notes App on Phone
I had an Android phone back then, a Samsung to be exact
and oh boy.. it was a mess
pictures ended up somewhere else, texts just got vanished...
I hated it
I don't know about other phones. I never tried it but I think that it is easier on Apple devices? At least I've seen more people use it
2/10 ...
if you have any other questions, ask them! I'd be more than happy to be able to help :))
Have a good day,
your Lena ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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