honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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landscape with fruit rot and millipede - richard siken
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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So… Are we going to talk about this?
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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Your name is James Buchanan Barnes.
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
This is a big, giant list of Youtube tutorials that will teach you all the basic life skills you need to know in order to be a functional adult. There are a lot of important skills that aren’t included in this list, but this should be enough of a basic guide to get you started and prevent you from making a total mess of yourself. Happy adulting! Household Skills:
How to unclog a toilet without a plunger
How to fix a blown fuse
How to fix a leaky faucet 
How to clean soap scum from your tub and shower
How to escape from a house fire
How to make a budget and stick to it
How to sharpen a knife
How to clean a self-cleaning oven
How to clean red wine stains from carpet
How to clean blood stains from fabric
How to clean grease stains from fabric
How to do a load of laundry
How to iron your clothes
How to test your smoke detectors
Cooking Skills:
How to tell if produce is ripe
How to know if food is expired 
How to properly sanitize a kitchen
How to cook an egg
How to make rice
How to make pasta
How to put out a kitchen grease fire safely
How to use a gas stove
How to use a convection oven
How to cook meat safely
How to use a stand mixer
How to use kitchen knives properly
How to make mashed potatoes
How to make grilled cheese sandwiches 
Health Skills:
How to stop bleeding
How to treat a burn 
How to do CPR (on an adult)
How to do CPR (on a child)
How to do CPR (on a baby)
How to help someone who is choking
How to save yourself if you are choking alone
How to read a nutrition label
How to treat frostbite
How to recognize when someone is having a stroke
How to maintain a healthy sleep schedule
Mental Health Skills:
How to calm down during a panic attack
How to help someone who is suicidal 
How to meditate 
How to stop self-harming
How to recognize problem drinking
How to choose a therapist
How to deal with disappointment
How to cope with grief
How to raise your self-esteem
Relationship and Social Skills:
How to apologize
How to cope with a breakup 
How to accept criticism 
How to deal with bullying 
How to argue in a healthy way
How to ask someone out
How to break up with someone
How to recognize an abusive relationship
How to rekindle a damaged friendship
How to speak in public
Job Hunting Skills:
How to tie a tie
How to write a resume
How to write a cover letter
How to dress for a job interview (for women/femmes)
How to dress for a job interview (for men/masculines)
How to properly shake hands
How to nail a job interview
Other Skills:
How to sew on a button 
How to hammer a nail
How to change your oil
How to put gas in your car
How to jump-start a car
How to pick a good password
How to back up your files
How to write a cheque
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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at least they’re stuck together. 
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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How heavy is Bucky’s new arm???
so last time I was drawing Bucky I had some thoughts and they turned into research and this info sheet - somehow… y’all better find this useful or uhm… interesting…? please?
Don’t @ me if the math is incredibly wrong
(long Image description under the cut)
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
I think it’s sad the Clint/Bucky dynamic never made it onto the screen. They’re the origin of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s idiots to friends dynamic:
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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I’m not a killer anymore.
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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James Buchanan Barnes: confused since the 1940s
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
any mcu (Tony centric) fic recs? xoxo
I wasn’t too sure if you were looking for any specific pairing or time period within the MCU, so I’ve sorted this list out into a few different pairings, and for stevetony’s case, uhhh several different ~eras~
This is mostly stevetony though. With some pepperony, irondad spiderson, and various other pairings sprinkled in. Under the cut, because this got ridiculously long.
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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Forever Home(40872 words) by 27dragons, tisfan Chapters: 14/24 Fandom:The Avengers (Marvel Movies),Marvel Cinematic Universe,The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom Rating: Explicit Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Paranormal, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Stalker, Magic, Curses, collar and leash, but not in a sexy way, overly attached girlfriend syndrome, Kidnapping, Science Fair, Semi-Public Nudity, also not in a sexy way, Embarrassing Situations, Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex
Summary: Tony’s got a company to innovate for, a caffeine habit, and a particularly persistent stalker. He thought getting a big dog might discourage the stalker. He got Bucky, and so much more than he ever bargained for.
Bucky killed the wrong man, and now he’s got a year to prove that he’s changed his ways before the werewolf curse consumes his soul as well as his body. He was just looking for a way to get through the year. He wasn’t counting on Tony.
So I really really really wanted to post this when complete but I have no self control so first page… Watch out for the next page, there’s gonna be male presenting nipples but can i get them done and perky before the 17th?? preview:
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
Top 5 Favorite Time Travel Fics You’re Prepared To Defend To Death
Full disclosure, I absolutely adore the time travel trope. I have yet to meet a fandom where I didn’t enjoy it and the MCU is no exception. Especially since – let’s face it – it’s not like there’s a lack of issues that need fixing. Nor is it out of the realm of possibilities, in-universe-wise. I do my best to avoid spoilers, but that isn’t completely possible.
Here are, in no particular order, my favorite gems of the lot:
#1: If You Had This Time Again by dls
Tony Stark closed his eyes in a wrecked Siberian bunker and woke up on a demolished New York street. Four years earlier.
There are many, many reasons why I adore this fic and I promise it’s not just because I have a huge weakness for long stories (which, by the way, dls has my utmost respect for writing so much so well, seriously and their posting schedule is something I can only dream off). The changes Tony inevitably causes, big and small, immediate and over time, are wonderfully done.  But I think my favorite part is the way the author takes time to develop Tony’s relationships. The way Tony builds his family this time (in true Tony fashion both accidentally and on purpose) and particularly his friendship with Pepper are things I cherish.
The main pairing is FrostIron, which isn’t for everyone, but I personally love it and damn if it doesn’t work well in this fic. Their interactions had me on the edge of my seat right from the beginning, wanting more and at the same time knowing that the wait would make it all the sweeter. I could list more things, but I don’t want to spoil anything. I also haven’t read everything yet – for that matter, the fic is incomplete at the moment – because I occasionally lose track of this beauty during stressful times and then go back and re-read everything from the start. So far, I haven’t regretted that a single time and I know I’m going back to this fic again soon.
#2: We’ll Meet Again (Some Sunny Day) by @tangodancer91
Stranded in the past, Toni Stark builds herself a new life, far from superheroes and corporate expectations.
Reading this series is both, the best choice and the greatest mistake I ever made. Mostly because it is wonderfully woven, heartbreaking and -shredding mess of angst – also because it’s incomplete. I’m still waiting for my happy ending here *pouts* 
Seriously though, the series handles the interactions between a post!CW Toni and a 40s-Bucky-and-Steve, the developing relationship between Toni and Bucky, the inevitability of the ever-looming future events ARSIDLSLKSjksadkls!!! This fic just gives me so. many. feels. and I swear Build, Now, a Monument delivered everything I expected after the previous parts, killed what was left of my heart and was so freaking amazing that I had to re-read it despite the pain I knew it was going to cause me. What is it about angst that draws me in like this? I’d seriously like to know.
Anyway, whether the series will be finished or not, I assure you it’s absolutely worth reading. Just– try not to let bitterness and tears swallow you whole while you do that.
#3: Seize Yesterday by DannieU
In 2017 the Earth is about to end. In 1987 Howard Stark might have the answer. The solution seems simple, except Tony has the worst of luck, and he might just be stuck.
In which Tony hates magic, time travel, babysitting amnesiac assassins and being seventeen.
Another favorite of mine. I really enjoyed the plot in this one – and of course the WinterIron. But don’t let the summary fool you, the key words are indeed ‘worst of luck’. Which means that, yes, this another mess of angst and heartbreak. So much angst and heartbreak. I’d say the ending more than makes up for it, but to tell the truth I was still reeling from the emotional rollercoaster and couldn’t properly enjoy it. I also really liked the thing with Natasha (you’ll know what I mean) which I’d never seen done in a fic before (though I’m pretty sure there are others out there, I just haven’t seen them yet.)
Overall, it’s a great fic – and contrary to the first two this one is finished – and I definitely recommend it.
#4: Anew. by @ivivao3 
In death, there was no glory, no redemption, no salvation.
Only darkness and ice—or that’s what Tony thought. He closed his eyes in a Siberian bunker and opened them again on his 41st birthday, with War Machine flying into the distance.
This one is for you IronStrange fans out there! (And I know for a fact that you are out there, guys, denial is futile!) There are two obvious reasons why I remember loving this fic, even though it’s been a while since I’ve read it. One thing is indeed Tony and Stephen. The other is JARVIS. Also seeing Tony say “Go. Save. Yourself.” was incredibly satisfying, therapeutic and honestly couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy (okay, there might be a couple more on the list, but it’s a start!!) 
Anyways, the fic is completed and there’s also a sequel, though that one is still ongoing. Enjoy :)
#5: Veni, Vidi, Amavi by Maedlin
(We came, we saw, we loved.)
Tony’s not the hero type. To suggest otherwise would be outlandish and fantastic, clearly.
Yet somehow, he’s the one that’s responsible for saving the universe. Now, he’s a decade in the past. He’s just revealed to the world he’s Iron Man. Tony finds himself facing dozens of old problems, and as time passes the ripple effect of his presence generates ever more new issues.
All the while, the impending threat of Thanos looms ever-closer.
(Or: how I becomes we and Tony learns that not all burdens must be shouldered alone.)
Truth be told, I might be getting ahead of myself here, since I haven’t actually finished this fic yet. Oops. Still, it’s time travel and also it includes bot feels. (And yes, I’m counting JARVIS as a bot in this scenario, just let me, okay.) I’ve really enjoyed the chapters I’ve read so far, which is really enough to warrant a place on this list *shrug*. The story is also finished and has a still on-going sequel.
Obviously these aren’t the only great time travel fanfics, so if you have a favorite that hasn’t been added, please feel free to join the Top 5 Fanfic Saturday or just add it in a comment/reblog.
Btw what do you think about time travel?
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
Do you know any fics where Tony gets insulted by the team and someone(preferably Bucky) stands up for him? Also bonus points if Bruce, Thor and T’Challa are part of Team Tony.
You’ve got me going back to all those salty post-Civil War fics out there! I’ve separated this list into two categories, ones that I know have specifically Bucky standing up for Tony and others that are more general “Team Tony” or have others standing up for him. Most of these are “not team cap friendly” for obvious reasons. 
Bucky defends Tony:
Gone by nonna
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 57,511
Pairing: Gen (possibllypre T’Challa/Tony or Bucky/Tony)
Completed: Yes
In the final fight scene of Captain America Civil War, Tony’s helmet breaks off the armour after the relentless clashing it receives.
What if the harsh hits to his head create serious complications for Tony, and he loses his sight?
Illuminate Me by Half_SubmergedinPurgatory
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 130,041
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Tony isn’t a healthy man. He’s fine with that, really. It makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, he has a job to do that kind of has his health as a major requirement. So he unmakes himself, remakes the Accords, protects every single child super that enters his field of view, and hopes ferociously that the Avengers never come back to the US. He doesn’t spend any time at all rebuilding Bucky Barnes’ life. Not a single second. Anything he does that contributes to him is simply an accident.
Bucky is a patient man. It’s ok if Tony wants to ignore him for now. He won’t be able to forever.
(Somewhere in the world, a sense of dread crawls up the back of Tony’s spine)
Strong enough to trust by Enmuse (Scifiroots)
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 30,226
Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Steve makes a life-altering choice, and Bucky wakes up from cryostasis to better circumstances than he could anticipate: Mind free of triggers, name cleared, fully pardoned, and a ticket back to the USA. It’s far more than he deserves, but with no other plans or ties, he finds himself relocating to the Avengers Initiative Compound alongside Stevie’s rogue superheroes.
He begins establishing a new life - friends, work, maybe even love - but doesn’t realize that the castles he is painstakingly building are ones in the sky.
“I… don’t understand,“ Bucky admits in a murmur.
Stark’s gaze drops to the silver-plated shoulder. “I fix things,” he says. His fingers drum restlessly against his chest. “And this is something I broke. You shouldn’t have to just live with the consequences when something can be done about it.”
Misremembered by Arboreal
★ ★ ★
Words: 14,014
Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark
Complete: Yes
When Loki smirked at Rogers in the middle of a battle and told him he would give Rogers what he wanted most in the world, the mind of his old friend back, Tony had a very bad feeling.
Things in common by withered
★ ★ ★
Words: 1,793
Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark
Complete: Yes
Bucky and the Winter Soldier agree on several things, all of which greatly distresses Steve.
Tony Stark Defense Squad (not Bucky specific):
Perspective by d_aia
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 50,338
Pairing: Tony Stark/T’Challa
Completed: Yes
“My King.” Nareema bows. “A young man appeared at the southern border a couple of hours ago. He’s asking to see you.”
That gets T’Challa’s attention fast. His eyes narrow. “Sounds interesting.” He leans back in his seat.
“His name is Peter Parker. Mr. Parker claims to be Spider-Man. He has proved his abilities to Teela’s satisfaction,” Nareema announces. “He also claims that Tony Stark is missing, and no one will believe him. You, sir, are his last resort.”
T’Challa stares.
When Tony is kidnapped by HYDRA, T'Challa finds himself plunged into Avenger-drama, but it has its advantages.
(This series is restricted to only registered members of AO3)
Contractually Obligated by poetically_ordinary
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 26,911 (series)
Pairing: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Completed: Yes
When the wayward Avengers finally sign the Sokovia Accords, they return to a place that is no longer like they remember it to be. Everyone must come together to portray a united front to the world. Even if that’s the last thing happening behind the scenes.
Whispers of the Fallen by Wix
★ ★ ★
Words: 26,709
Pairing: Stephen Strange/Tony Stark
Completed: No
The Civil War has come and gone, but there are still lingering cracks in the foundation of the Avengers and there are always repercussions to be paid for choices made. Tony’s not too surprised that he seems to be the only one paying for anything around here these days, and things have just gotten so much more complicated.
I’ve Been Waiting to Smile by dls
★ ★ ★
Words: 3,220
Pairing: Tony Stark/T’Challa
Completed: Yes
Wakandans did not take kindly to outsiders, but sometimes exceptions were made for those who are truly extraordinary. Tony Stark was certainly one of those people.
Or: 5 Times Wakandans Welcomed an Outsider and the 1 Time They Evicted One (plus his friends)
Tangled Up in You by SailorChibi
★ ★ ★
Words: 29,969
Pairing: Tony Stark/T’Challa
Completed: Yes
Sometimes when you meet your soulmate, it’s just not the right time.
In the aftermath of everything, T'Challa sets about proving that he really does want Tony.
Send in a fic request!
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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Well, ‘Early 2018′ doesn’t mean these fics were written in 2018, or even that this list includes only recent works. It just means that I’m creating this list in early 2018 and I want to distinguish it from my older rec lists, especially as it does include some fics that are quite new! But there are also quite a number of oldies (but goodies) in this list. I truly hope you enjoy them! And there are a lot of them to enjoy, haha. Over 200 fics made this list, and I totally could have added more. And yes, this is my pared down favorites list (and since Tumblr decided to break on me, I had to do my list in parts, so it’s even more ‘pared down’).
The vast majority of these fics I have read and loved myself, whether ultra-popular or come-from-obscurity, but a small number of them are fics that some of my friends suggested and contributed to this list (and I trust their taste 100%). I’d like to thank them for their help: @cuthian @perrydowning​ @grlie-girl @poerosehux and @elmidol (she rec’d some of my fics, so that’s why they’re on here – otherwise I wouldn’t have included them)!
Also, a big thank you to @elmidol for the gorgeous banner. She is multi-talented; both an amazing fic writer, and a dabbler in graphic design and art.
Anyway, who cares about all this? Get reading!
And remember!!!! : authors are people, too. They, we, love to be loved. Don’t forget to leave kudos at the very least, but comments are especially appreciated, even if it’s just to say “I liked this! Good job!”
Also, and I wish that this was needless to say, please check your ship wars at the door. We all love fic, no matter what ship, no matter what fandom. Let’s just enjoy that commonality.
[Part I - Star Wars]
[Part II - Marvel]
[Part III - Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Shadowhunters, Hannibal, Sherlock, DC, Harry Potter]
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General (but still fucking amazing - do read, you won’t regret it)
Basic Rules by StrivingArtist @striving-artist
All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray) by AvocadoLove @awesomeavocadolove **Mostly gen, but has Stucky at the end**
A Wrench in the Machine by withasideofangst
Stuckony/WinterIronShield [Steve Rogers x Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes]
Beware of Super Soldiers And Their Enticing Laps by Confused_Emo
Human Nature by surveycorpsjean @zanimez
Equilateral by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
Penny Candy and Sparklers by StrivingArtist @striving-artist
Hide A Heart Of War by RayShippouUchiha @rayshippouuchiha
Don’t Say It by bibliomaniac
and you needed someone to show you the way by SailorChibi @tsuki-chibi
Of Spiders and Super-Soldiers by AuddieAussie
From Winter’s Cold by 27 dragons @27dragons
The Stars Through Her Soul by ficlicious
eagles by spqr
The Mechanic, The Soldier, and The Captain by AvocadoLove @awesomeavocadolove
Hanging From a Cross of Iron by Juulna @juuls **I know it’s mine, but @elmidol insisted on it being one of her recommendations.**
Necrosis by Juulna @juuls **I know it’s mine, but @elmidol insisted on it being one of her recommendations.**
Second Chance (at happiness) by SailorChibi @tsuki-chibi **Filed as Stuckony as the easiest option. There are two Tony Starks, though, who’ll both be involved in the relationship!**
Ink by ficlicious
Minefields by arianapeterson19
WinterIron [Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark] 
The Evidence by StrivingArtist @striving-artist
(Iron Is A) Star Killer by RayShippouUchiha @rayshippouuchiha
(Not) A Lone Wolf by Lunatical @lunaticalwriter
Table 8 by marsmaywander @marsmaywander
all roads lead to this (only one road leads out of it) by badgerling
Bone Deep by Juulna @juuls **I know it’s mine, but @elmidol insisted on it being one of her recommendations.**
What Has Been Done by Tahlruil @tahlreth
WinterIron Collection by Potrix @potrix-the-queerschlaeger
The List by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Stony [Steve Rogers x Tony Stark]
Like Coming Home by missbecky @missbeckywrites
Open For Christmas by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
In Your Warmth I Forget How Cold It Can Be by izazov @izazov
A Proportional Response by MsErmestH @msermesth
Like a Comet Streaming On by Sineala @sineala
Genesis by teaberryblue @teaberryblue
Spellbound by missbecky @missbeckywrites
Adventures in Team Bonding -or- Steve Rogers’ Guide to Flirting by Arukou
The Scars of Your Love by blue_jack
Healing Hearts by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
Relativistic Heat Conduction by BlossomsintheMist @blossomsinthemist
Against The Norm by justanotherStonyfan
Serenity Oasis by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
Lost Together by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
Tales of the Bots by copperbadge, scifigrl47, reena_jenkins @scifigrl47 @copperbadge @reena-jenkins
In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) by scifigrl47 @scifigrl47 
Ironsides by copperbadge @copperbadge
Survival by missbecky @missbeckywrites
Paper Boats by Juulna @juuls **Okay, make that my second vanity rec, but I worked my ass off for this one, so I hope you enjoy it! (Well, apparently @grlie-girl is reccing this, as well.)**
Stucky [Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes]
Meet-Cute AU’s by 74days
Infinite Coffee and Protection Details by owlet
This is how it starts by rinnya
All’s fair in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] by redcigar
Dishonor by mandarou
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices, radialarch
4 Minute Window by Speranza
this city bleeds its aching heart by Renne
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film by eleveninches, Febricant, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, tigrrmilk
Thirty-Eight Days and Counting by thecommodore_squid
I love you like rlb by tolieawake
StarkSpangledWinterHawk [Steve Rogers x Tony Stark x Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes]
Lost Inside a Lonely Life by SierraNovember @sierranovembr
T’Tony [Tony Stark x T’Challa]
Of Bridges and Dams by Potrix @potrix-the-queerschlaeger
Court Me by syriala @bloody-bee-tea
Nine Days Too Long by infiniteGem
Malleable by Avengerz @anthonyfuckingstark
Loki cares about Tony, but has a lot of problems with everyone else by Larrklopp
Lavish in Love by TenSpencerRiedPlease @tenspencerriedplease
Treasure by SailorChibi @tsuki-chibi
T’Stuckony [T’Challa x Tony Stark x Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes]
All I Can Taste by SailorChibi @tsuki-chibi
Bearer of Threes by Naferty @naferty
Tony Stark/Avengers Family (OT9)
It Gnaws Me Through by ToAStranger
WinterShieldShock [Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes]
MARRY FUCK KILL by sevenfoxes
Everything She Didn’t Know She Wanted by bluecurls
Rule of Three by cylobaby27
Thor Odinson is Not Just A God of Thunder by Valeris
Irreverence Is My Superpower by Silent_journey
What Happens in the Safe House, Stays in the Safe House by meleedamage
Scared Stiff by meleedamage
StarkQuill [Peter Quill x Tony Stark]
The Solubility of Stardust by RayShippouUchiha @rayshippouuchiha
FrostIron [Loki Laufeyson x Tony Stark]
Love is Pain (darling, let’s hurt tonight) by ToAStranger @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
Things That Happened in 2020 That Don’t Feel Like They Did:
-The Witcher came out
-The movie Parasite wins at the Oscars
-Kim Jong Un “died” like three times
-Ray Bans Official Charity Sale For $26.99 Today
-The murder hornets appearing and disappearing in like a week
-The Sonic movie came out
-Jennifer Lopez pole dances at the Superbowl
-X Æ A-12 Musk
-UFOs are real apparently
-Plane flights were like $15 at one point
-For some reason, Clone High is making a comeback
-Leaving school in March for a “few weeks lockdown” and now we’re here
-Friday the 13th was the last “normal” day for a lot of us
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honestlyshywasteland ¡ 3 years
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“I have to tell you something. About your son.”
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