Imagine first year Harry Potter looking for Fred and George to see if they want to have a snowball fight with him and Ron and finding an odd piece of parchment lying in their room. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter picking the parchment up and examining it, because he’s learning that in the wizarding world nothing is ever as it seems, not even old pieces of parchment. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter tapping his wand to the parchment to see if anything happens and, to his surprise, seeing thin, angular writing appear as if written by an invisible hand. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter’s excitement when the parchment reads: Mr. Prongs asks who is trying to uncover the carefully guarded secrets of the Marauders. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter whispering “My name is Harry Potter and I didn’t mean to pry,” before hurriedly trying to refold it and return it to where he’d found it 
Imagine first year Harry Potter’s astonishment when the writing reappears, this time saying: Let Mr. Prongs share his immense joy that Harry Potter has found this. He hopes that Harry will find the contents of this parchment useful and use it in a way that would make his father proud. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter’s smile sliding off his face as he says quietly, “I don’t know. My father’s dead, you see. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter’s confusion when the writing appears once again, saying: Mr. Prongs wishes to tell Harry Potter that while his father may be dead, he is still looking out for him and is incredibly proud of him. Mr. Prongs hopes that Harry Potter knows his father loves him very much. 
Imagine first year Harry Potter taking the map back to his dormitory and spending the rest of the evening talking to the mysterious Mr. Prongs about his mother and father, about whom the invisible man seems to know quite a bit.
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people in fanfiction are so good at identifying v specific smells. I literally struggle to identify vanilla when I’m sniffing a candle labelled “VANILLA” how are these kids getting woodsmoke, rain, mint, and a whiff of byronic despair from a fuckin tshirt
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i like talking on tumblr because it’s like shouting into a void but sometimes the void replies and they’re like “hell yeah!”. it’s nice
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Sirius: Reggie!!!
Regulus *mumbles*: you’re lucky that you’re my brother or you wouldn’t be alive right now
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James: *almost getting stabbed* bloody hell!
Sirius: *watching instead of helping him* yeah.
Remus: *not looking up from his book* why do i even bother?
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oh yes i am super down for this.
voice ask meme!
i really wanted to make one ok
send me a number and i’ll make an audio post with the prompt!
I’ll say my own URL, and where it came from
I’ll talk about my favorite foods
I’ll talk about my favorite outfit
I’ll talk about my siblings
I’ll talk about what I did today
I’ll talk about something I’m obsessed with/currently interested in
I’ll sing verses from a song
I’ll read a page from a book
I’ll say a sentence in an accent that isn’t mine
I’ll describe where I’m sitting at the moment
I’ll talk about my pets/what pets I want
I’ll talk about my sexuality
I’ll talk about my favorite character
I’ll talk about something embarrassing that happened to me
I’ll talk about a dream I had
I’ll tell a story
I’ll talk about something I miss
I’ll talk about something I’ve never done
I’ll talk about something I’m proud of
I’ll talk about the music I’m listening to at the moment
I’ll talk about something that bothers me
I’ll talk about something that makes me happy
I’ll talk in a voice I don’t usually use
I’ll talk about something! (my choice)
I’ll talk about something! (your choice)
 ask away! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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Reblog to let all the trans people on their dash know they are amazing today!!!
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lions are like transgendering lol
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@urupotter I don't know if I should cry or yell or do both.
The handwriting thing is so stupid. people's handwriting change. my handwriting changed from when I was teen to now and I can't recognise it sometimes.
that whole post is a mess
It’s funny how people hate snape but yet give other characters like James and regulus or even peter his qualities that they hate about him just to make them better characters or even a character.
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You have the biggest online hug from me.
I was allowed back into class. Unfortunately, it is incredibly obvious that I was crying.
I had a breakdown. Over school. With my mom there to witness it.
Does she now believe school is the issue? Nope.
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@urupotter wtf, it's literally stated so many times that James is a god damn pureblood. Who the hell made it and what were they thinking?
It’s funny how people hate snape but yet give other characters like James and regulus or even peter his qualities that they hate about him just to make them better characters or even a character.
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I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
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The bean jar
[My Chemical Romance voice]: When I was…. a young boy… my Father… had what he called the bean jar…
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have i mentioned recently @allieinarden is the best
Since Gerard Way wrote The Umbrella Acedemy comics, I felt the most powerful need to commission this. It’s finally done. Thank you, @eamhhair
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This is it
Hands down my favorite post
The best post on tumblr.
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friendly reminder that sirius always delivered his letters to harry with some kind of exotic, extravagant bird whilst he was in hiding because he is sirius black, the most dramatic boy to ever live, drama queen of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and the keeper of all our hearts
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This Sheep Cafe In Korea Shares Viral Photos Of A Sheep Getting Washed
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