Baby giggles are just the absolute best. Came home from the doctors (today was rough) to find out I have some kind of virus, possibly strep. I have to keep my distance from Bear because I don’t want him catching anything - even though he’s already getting over some kind of cold, who knows, maybe I even caught it from him. But I just couldn’t stay away from these giggles!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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The only people to blame for children under the age of 10 having “addictions” to smart phones, tablets, and technology in general is the parents. I don’t want to hear people complain about their 4 year old knowing how to play with the settings on their ipad. You put the iPad in your kid’s life. You gave a 4 year old their own ipad. They learned to use it. You did that. It’s your fault. Don’t blame kid’s for poor parenting, incompetence, and laziness when it comes to raising children.
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My head is in a fog today... I caught Bear’s cold (hubby got it, too) so I’m just trying to function the best that I can this morning. 
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His giggles are the best sound ever ❤️
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Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed
I apologize in advance for the morbid nature of this post. But there have been a few moments in the last week or two where I have been genuinely surprised at how life throws you curveballs. I work at a country club, so a lot of our members are older. I’ve been there for over four years so I have developed some friendships over that time. Even though some are considered elderly, I find that age is truly just a number. I value their wisdom and experience.
Lately, I’ve discovered that a few of my “member-friends” have lost their lives. Either that or their spouses, friends, etc. have passed away. I suppose that comes with the nature of having friends who are 50+, but it just drills in a heightened sense and appreciation for life and how short it is. 
Today, I had a man call me and he broke down. He had no one to talk to. His wife passed away last Saturday. She hadn’t been sick. She had an accident (slipped and hit her head) and they went to the ER to ensure she was OK. Turns out after taking a few tests, they found she had lymphoma. She died two weeks later. His sons live up north so he didn’t have anyone to spend time with or talk to. I am horrible at consoling people, and all I could do was say “I’m so sorry.” I just hope that I helped him a little bit by having someone to talk to. I told him he could call anytime if he needed that. 
I look at my son and realize how short life can be, and that I need to soak in all the precious time and memories that I can. Tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone. 
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This kid is too much! Just look at that face. Got this picture from my mom, who’s currently watching him while I work. Miss him like crazy.
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I don’t really know why I’m here. I had a tumblr before hubby and bear. Now I just need a space to escape from my everyday life. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it. I love my new life as a mom. But I do need some time to myself. Hoping this is a way to discover the new me - and mix in a little bit of the old me in the process.  At least to some capacity. 
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