honeylavandertwist · 3 years
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honeylavandertwist · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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honeylavandertwist · 4 years
haikyuu boys’ toxic traits| pt.2
sugawara koushi obsesses over having the picture-perfect relationship with you. he knows humans are flawed. nothing can ever be perfect, but why not try? why not ignore the bumps in the road? why not stay quiet when something goes wrong? why risk the white picket fence? there’s something he loves about the image of a perfect relationship, maybe he’s a sick man, but god – everyone wishing they had his relationship? what a dream. being the object of people’s admiration – of their envy? he’s not the back-up setter in the world of relationships. he’s the genius. and he’ll be damned if it’s not the most perfect thing. dressed to impress everyday, matching couple items, unvoiced problems – he’ll ignore all the bad signs until one day, when the picture-perfect love he cultivated crumbles right before his very eyes. and it’s not himself he blames.
daichi sawamura is immensely controlling. at first it’ll start off as a little protective, maybe even a little possessive; but slowly his grip grows tighter and tighter on you. why are you wearing that? it shows too much skin, he’ll worry about you when you go out. why are you hanging out with them? they make you stay out too late and he’ll get worried. you know what – just stay home. he doesn’t think you should go out today. when you refuse his words he lets his anger get the best of him and he yells; loudly. it doesn’t register in his mind that his anger may scare you into submission rather than have you listen willingly. he just wants to make sure you’re safe – because he loves you. whenever you rebel out of spite he takes it to heart; he believes that he doesn’t matter to you. he worries you’ll leave him. and in retaliation to those thoughts, his grip grows tighter.
asahi azumane let’s his insecurities ruin the love. the what-ifs cloud his mind every second of every day. stability is just as good as it is scary to him; because the more stable something is, the worse it feels when it collapses. he wants to delve deep into your love, but what if you don’t like the way he loves you? what if you can’t understand him? what if he’s just not good enough? he’s on high alert all the time, he’s tense around you, scared to slip up. you can feel his hesitance, his fear, and it makes you feel like you’re in a mine field. one wrong word from you and he breaks, one issue and he thinks everything is over. anything a touch negative and his confidence crumbles. you try to be understanding, to love him carefully, but he’s just like a tower of cards, one blow and it comes falling. his irrational insecurities bring the one thing that scares him more than anything else; instability and the certainty of a failed love.
kiyoko shimizu is overly cautious with her feelings. she steps like eggshells liter the ground around her because she’s scared. she’s so, so scared. scared to let you see her ugly scars, scared to let you in, scared to show how much she loves you. but that cautiousness, that unwillingness to completely fall for you, hurts you more than she realizes. her communication is subpar, so she never expresses her complicated feelings, either. she just needs time, but she never asks for any. you are left feeling like she’s only in the relationship because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. does she even love you? when you ask, she hesitates. and that’s when it hurts you the most. she can’t understand that she needs to let herself blindly fall into your arms. in the end, she decides that it’s best to not fall at all – she doesn’t need another ugly scar.
nishinoya yuu makes promises he can’t keep. he promises you unconditional, steady love; he promises that he’ll never let go of your hand. but he’s a bird; he longs to stretch out his wings and soar. he’d never hurt you on purpose, but the days he forgets to text you, the week-long trips that happen every month; his need for adventure and his tendency to leave you behind hurt you more than he realizes. he believes that a few kisses here and there are enough to tide you over until he gets back from his travels; he hopes they are, at least. because if they aren’t; he has nothing else to offer you. deep in his heart, he knows he should do more, but his longing to explore overcomes the promise to be there for you. left and right he breaks his promises to you: the promise to come home in time for christmas, the promise to remember your birthday, the promise to never let go of you. he breaks them all and saves the worst for last. in the midst of his exciting life, he forgot his promise to love you. and you say nothing. because honestly, who are you to dull that sparkle in his eyes?
tanaka ryuunosuke can never move on from his first love. but yet he still dates you, because at least you’re someone he can hug at night. you’re not them, but at least you like him. there’s always something off about his affection, it feels guilty; like he’s hiding something. because, god, no, he doesn’t want to hurt you. but he does’t want to hurt either. he fills the void with your love, but it’s shallow. small talk happens way too often, and his dreams aren’t something he talks about. he gives you wide smiles and cheerful laughter, but every once in a while, he gets a faraway look in his eyes. he won’t ever get over them, they’ll always be on his mind. but you’re a good distraction. you’re fun to be around. you take his mind off the pain a little bit. sure, he feels guilty, but that bothers him way less than confronting his bleeding heart does. he’s not doing anything wrong. he’s just healing. just… healing.
<–aoba johsai–>
matsukawa issei dismisses your emotions on top of being inattentive. he’s always been a rather low-maintenance guy, he’s never needed a lot of attention or constant reassurance. it doesn’t register in his mind that other people just aren’t like that, especially lovers. he doesn’t feel the need to mention you’re his girlfriend when he introduces you to people, to him it’s obvious you’re dating. you came to the party together, didn’t you? what more does he need to do? his nonchalance makes his brushing you off that much more concerning, it just seems like he doesn’t care about you. when you latch on his arm he shakes you off and shoots you a look, he’s talking to someone right now, can you give him a minute? bringing up your concerns to him won’t do anything, either. he gives you a few unpromising words and goes back to what he’s doing. at some point, you give up. whats the point in talking with him? he doesn’t say much, anyway. and secretly, he’s glad you’ve stopped pestering him.
hanamaki takahiro is unapologetic and hurts your feelings under the guise of humor. the first few times it happens, he gets away clean. he’s sorry, he didn’t know that joke would hurt you. he loves you, he won’t say that again. but as the relationship goes on for longer and longer, his words come out unfeeling, almost annoyed. it’s when he jabs at your biggest insecurity that you snap at him: how could he say that? does he not even think before he opens his mouth? it’s the same time you snap that you realize how little patience he has for you. he sighs, waving his hand as he walks towards the front door. it was just a joke. he thought your skin was thicker than that. soon it seems that his jokes take on a harmful tone on purpose, like he wants you to hurt, like he’s tired of you – like he just wants things to end. in truth, he does. you make him feel like he has to filter what he says, and there’s nothing more he hates than that.
kunimi akira’s lack of interest and superficial words. his words never mean anything; they only exist to calm you down, to make excuses, to ignore the situation. “i swear i won’t do it again.” “you know i’d do anything for you,” “i’d never let you down.” but they’re always empty. he just doesn’t have the energy to argue, he doesn’t feel like talking right now, what bad does a little white lie do? a few pacifying words never hurt anybody. but the problems are left to ferment, mold grows; hate is all that’s left. you are a burden in his eyes. he doesn’t care anymore. he just wants you to please leave him alone. yes, he loves you, it’s nothing wrong with you – he’s just tired from practice. he swallows what he really wants to say, because he knows that leaving you costs a lot more energy than brushing you off.
yaku morisuke let’s his anger take control of him and lets thoughtless words slip from his mouth. yaku is madly in love with you, he’s stable, and he cares deeply for you. fights are rare, but when they do happen, they’re red and explosive. his words cuts deep, and he’s always on the offensive. why are you always picking a fight with him? do you not see how much he loves you? why are you constantly on his case? god – why is he even dating you. the words fall like anvils and the silence is heavy; his eyes are wide with realization, but his pride is protected by an obsidian wall. he doesn’t even turn to watch you when you storm out the door, his need to protect himself more important than you. he stays in his spot and stews in anger and regret, yet deep down he knows he won’t apologize. all he really needs is himself, anyway.
lev haiba is too cocky to acknowledge his mistakes in the relationship. one good thing he does for you inflates his ego to the point where his mistakes become invisible to him. sometimes he flat out refuses to believe he did anything wrong, opting to blame you for suspecting him. he wasn’t late to any dates – you probably got the time wrong in your head. besides, he paid for dinner, didn’t he? aren’t you asking for too much? even when faced with facts – he avoids them. hurtful words slip his mouth without realizing it – you’re just over-reacting; you’re being needy; you’re being a bitch. why are you asking for so much? he already does so much for you. he hasn’t done anything wrong. and no – he doesn’t believe what you’re saying because he knows he wouldn’t do something like that. what he doesn’t realize is that he does; and his child-like refusal to admit to such things will be his downfall.
<–date tech–>
futakuchi kenji is extremely hypocritical. he hates it when you hang out with guys because he knows they’ll try to hit on you. but why are you getting on his ass about hanging out with a few girls? he was just talking with them. why didn’t you text him that you were staying later for work? no, don’t bring up the time he did it too, he’s not talking about that. he refuses to see the hypocrisy in his actions, nor will he ever apologize. he doesn’t care if his words hurt you, either. honestly, you’re just being too sensitive. he meant it as a joke, you don’t actually look that bad in the dress. now you’re crying? great, just great. even if he feels bad, he won’t admit it. he’d rather break up with you than admit he feels bad, or that he’s wrong. you knew he was a handful before you started dating him, don’t start complaining now.
aone takanobu has incredibly intense feelings that he can’t control. aone isn’t one to just fall in love with anyone, so when he finally does, he knows you’ll be the one for the rest of his life. the beginning is perfect – wonderful, fairytale-esque. but then he asks about your opinion on a wedding venue. you brush it off, but then he asks about when you’re ready to have kids. when you go to the store he picks out baby clothes “for our future kid.” he has pure intentions, but the pressure he puts on you is immense. the first week and he’ll want to meet your parents. the first month and he’ll want to move in. the first year and he’s looking at houses with plans for five kids. he loves you so much that it’s completely overbearing, and he doesn’t realize how much it might scare you. for him, you’re his only option, and he’s willing to change everything for you. he doesn’t think twice about your life timeline. he already knows you must want the same thing as him – you love him just as much, don’t you?
terushima yuuji can’t take the relationship seriously, or rather, doesn’t value it. he values the thrill, the impulse of life. he loves the adrenaline rush from hanging out with a group of guys and girls that are just there to enjoy the little time they have on earth – what’s the harm with a little flirt here and there? it’s nothing serious. besides, he’s having fun with his friends. he know’s you can’t hate him for that. he still loves you – he’s just, you know, joking around! what do you mean you don’t want him going out with those girls again? are you…trying to control him? put a leash on him? he loves you – why can’t you just trust him and stop taking everything so seriously? he loves you; but if you keep trying to tie him down, he doesn’t know how much longer he will.
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
we have GOT to stop glorifying the ‘mystery’ of jack the ripper. he was just another violent psychopath targeting vulnerable women in a society that had already written them off. 
there are numberless men like that throughout history and I’m tired of us turning them into legends
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
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Nobody gives two shits about an ENTIRE COUNTRY being hit by two cyclones consecutively. It’s displaced over 160,000 people and destroyed over 30,000 homes.
Yet no one cries.
No billionaires or other countries have talked about donating or helping the country out.
Please help by donating to charities and fundraisers dedicated to helping provide humanitarian aid to Mozambique!
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
“ You too must love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Deut. 10:19)
Here’s the deal:
🔘 Border Patrol can verify citizenship within 100 miles of a border or “external boundary.” This includes coastlines.
🔘 Border patrol can only ask brief questions about citizenship, and they cannot hold you for an extended time without cause.
🔘 You always have the right to remain silent. You do not need to answer their questions.
🔘 The most important acts of resistance are the small ones. Make it difficult and uncomfortable for ICE agents to do their jobs. They are counting on citizens to turn a blind eye and allow them to deport undocumented citizens without challenge. Disabuse of that notion.
🔘 If you are on a train, bus, or anything else and ICE or CBP boards, you need to stand up and loudly let everyone know that they have the right to remain silent or only answer questions in the presence of an attorney, no matter their citizenship or immigration status. There have been numerous reports that confronting the agents in this way has caused them to leave without verifying citizenship. THIS CAN SAVE LIVES. 🙌
🔘 If you see anyone being held up by immigration, loudly ask if they are being detained and if they are free to go.
🔘 Immigration officers cannot detain anyone without reasonable suspicion, an agent must have specific facts about you that make it reasonable to believe you are committing or committed, a violation of immigration law or federal law. If an agent detains you, you can ask for their basis for reasonable suspicion, and they should tell you.
🔘 Always say no to a search and let everyone know that they can and should refuse consent to a search.
🔘 They cannot search or arrest anyone without facts about that make it probable that they are committing, or committed, a violation of immigration law or federal law.
🔘 Silence alone meets neither of these standards. Nor does race or ethnicity alone suffice for either probable cause or reasonable suspicion
🔘 As white citizens, we have a level of privilege which protects us from retaliation from ICE for being “rude” and making a scene, which makes it our DUTY to speak up and make sure people without the same privilege know their rights. GET LOUD. YELL. YELL IN SPANISH IF YOU KNOW IT. LET PEOPLE KNOW THEY DON’T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING. MAKE ICE UNCOMFORTABLE. THROW SAND IN THE GEARS OF WHITE SUPREMACY.
⭐️ Bonus info- ⭐️ 🔘It is perfectly legal to record immigration agents as long as you are not on government property or at a port of entry. If your train/bus gets boarded, pull your phone out and start videotaping immediately.
🔘 If you are detained or see someone getting detained, get the agent’s name, number, and any other identifying information. Get it on video if possible.
🔘 Contact the ACLU or your local Immigrant/Migrant support orgs if you see someone’s rights being violated. The phone number for the ACLU of Minnesota is (651) 645-4097. Put it in your phone now, so you’ll have it if you ever need it.
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
One of the hardest small things for me in the reclaiming my culture has been learning to stop talking about it in a past tense.
I know we are still here. I know we still exist.
But it’s so very easy to slip into past tense of “Karelians did” and “Karelians used to” and “Karelians believed” because everyone around you, the books, the people, everything talks about our people like we are already gone.
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
people thinking they’re trans and then deciding they aren’t:
-happens sometimes
-means are in a comfortable enough space where they can question their identity and arrive at a conclusion that works for them
-often find our new things about themselves and how they express and relate to their gender
-doesn’t mean there’s some hidden force trying to make people trans
-is not an excuse to make hrt and surgeries harder to access
-is not a reason to deny trans people a safe, comfortable, supportive environment to be who they are
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
Important details about the Marvel-Sony deal that nobody seems to be mentioning:
Sony does not make ANY money from the movies with Spider-Man in them that are not branded Spider-Man movies, they got no money from Civil War, Infinity War or Endgame, likewise, Marvel didn’t get much from Homecoming and Far From Home
Sony does get paid a licensing fee for Marvel to use Spider-Man, but that’s it, only a licensing fee, none of the profits of the movies
Sony pays for 100% of the Spider-Man movies, they pay to make the movies, while Marvel takes a creative lead and makes most/all of the choices on what happens in the movies
So, when people say ‘Marvel made those movies and Sony just slapped their name on them’ that is not true, Marvel did not pay a penny to make those movies, Sony’s the one that paid the bills to make those movies, it’s just that people from Marvel were involved in making the movie, so Marvel, as a company, got to slap their name on the movie
The deal was only ever for five movies (so, Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame and Far From Home), so the deal was up, and then Marvel came in with idiotic demands and that’s what caused the new deal to dissolve
We also don’t know 100% if this means no Spider-Man in the MCU, the only thing we know is that, as of right now, Marvel/Kevin Feige will not be taking a creative lead in Spider-Man movies, that does not mean Spider-Man is banned from the MCU, maybe it does, but we have no idea
Also, they’re probably still negotiating, so Sony might end up taking a deal, especially since idiots everywhere are berating them for not letting Disney be greedy (which is what Disney wants)
Also, lots of people are saying that Marvel helped Sony make their highest-grossing movie ever, which, while true, only surpassed Sony’s last highest-grossing movie by $2 million (and, since both those movies went above $1 billion, that means it’s only roughly 0.2% higher), so them then asking for 50% of future Spider-Man movies is asking quite a lot, since that would mean roughly a half billion dollar loss on Sony’s part per movie, and they’re supposed to be okay with that because Marvel helped them make $2 million more on this one movie than they’ve made before? None of the Spider-Man movies that Sony has ever made pulled in less than half of what Far From Home made
So, basically, what happened is this: Marvel, coming off the heels of making the number one highest-grossing movie in cinematic history (which Sony got no money from even though their characters were in the movie), and also having 5 of the top 6 highest-grossing movies of 2019 (the 1 they don’t have being Spider-Man: Far From Home), came to Sony and said ‘fuck you buddy we want 50% of the profits from your movies because we don’t have enough money,’ Sony said ‘how about we stick to our original deal?’ and then Marvel decided they wouldn’t help Sony make Spider-Man movies anymore, probably because they figure that it’ll lead to them being able to squeeze more money out of Sony. How the fuck is Sony the bad guy here in anybody’s eyes?
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
Your purpose in life is not to love yourself but to love being yourself.
If you goal is to love yourself, then your focus is directed inward toward yourself, and you end up constantly watching yourself from the outside, disconnected, trying to summon the “correct” feelings towards yourself or fashion yourself into something you can approve of.
If your goal is to love being yourself, then your focus is directed outward towards life, on living and making decisions based on what brings you pleasure and fulfillment.
Be the subject, not the object. It doesn’t matter what you think of yourself. You are experiencing life. Life is not experiencing you.
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
Another reason why Columbus was a d*ck 😂
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
something that's been on my mind for a while is how a lot of people, mainly white women, think billie eilish's decision to wear baggy clothing n not sexualise herself is revolutionary but when it comes to brown / Muslim women using the same logic in which to cover themselves it's not considered so (and that's no shade, like I love billie but like)
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
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As far as I am concerned, she has nights where they make food from the cultures of each respective kid. And she makes sure all her kids maintain their dual citizenship (where they’re from and US) & visit often. Jolie is an exception, she doesn’t steal, she respects, embraces and accepts. She raises her children with understanding and compassion of people of different race and culture. Bravo.
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
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to anyone who says “doing that will make you the stupid one”: the idea here is to make them explain the joke till they realize how racist they sound, how unfunny they are and how offensive their joke is, making them uncomfortable to retell the joke again
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
viewing queer identities as “this is the label that makes me happy and feels most accurate now” rather than “this is who I am, was, and always will be” will definitely take the pressure off, friends. changing your mind is proof that you have one.
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
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“Her fantasy novel Children of Blood and Bone, the first of a trilogy about a young girl’s battle with a prince over bringing magic back to West Africa,  is going to be released some time next year. But it’s already got a seven-figure publishing deal with Macmillan, and a massive deal with Fox Studios too, with the latter acquiring the movie rights pretty early on in the day for a book that hasn’t even been published yet.”
Source (x)
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honeylavandertwist · 5 years
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