honeypussy · 8 years
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honeypussy · 8 years
One year after Berta Cáceres’ murder, environmental activists in Honduras refuse to submit
| ROAR Magazine | March 3rd 2017
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In Honduras, indigenous peoples are in revolt. They are fighting for their rights to exist in a system that has no part for them to play beyond subservience.
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honeypussy · 8 years
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A girl with a teddy bear at a runestone in Söderby, Sweden, in 1930. The inscription reads, “Sibbe and Tjarve had the stone raised in memory of Torkel, their father.”
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honeypussy · 8 years
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Once in a lifetime shot. (Source: http://ift.tt/2kJ6bby)
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honeypussy · 8 years
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Cat’s can be pretty human at times and they’ve brought me a lot of comfort a human could never have.
Happy Caturday. 
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honeypussy · 8 years
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The great tradition of hitting assholes on camera continues: 
A reporter from PowNews, a Dutch (racist right-wing & populist) TV station that is known for incessantly stalking people who do not want to be interviewed, received a good smack from a mother yesterday (1 Feb 2017). The mother had repeated multiple times that she did not want to be on television and when the ‘reporter’ continued his harassment she expertly backhanded him.
(If you enjoy this video as much as I have, please share gifs like this and NOT footage showing her face.)
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honeypussy · 8 years
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honeypussy · 8 years
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honeypussy · 8 years
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Bae Yoon Young by Kim Moo Il for Beauty+ Feb 2016
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honeypussy · 8 years
North Carolina teacher has personalized handshakes with each of his students. “It was just one or two students and then it became contagious. I saw how much it meant to them.” http://abcn.ws/2jxFDgt
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honeypussy · 8 years
10 Ways You Can Support Black Women
1. Stop slandering our natural features. Stop with the dark skin jokes. Stop with the natural hair jokes. Stop dehumanizing black women for our features. Black women–especially young black girls–internalize these “jokes” and grow to sincerely hate their blackness. Cut it out.
2. Respect our choices. All of them. You don’t have to like it but you need to respect it. If we choose to wear our natural hair, respect it. If we choose to wear weave, respect it. Stop chastising us for the choices we make for ourselves. Stop policing how we choose to live our lives. Let us be great. Gahdamn.
3. Stop with the respectability politics. You can’t say you love black women and then pick and choose which black women you’ll respect based on your standards. You still give a black woman respect regardless of how she chooses to live her life. You respect all black women because we are human just like you, not just the ones who wear natural hair, listen to erykah badu and shit.
4. No means no. If you approach a black woman and she says she’s not interested, oh my fucking god, my nigga, just leave her alone. Move on. Let it go. Please do not persist. Take the rejection gracefully. Don’t call her out name, don’t follow her, don’t assault her. Let her be. She doesn’t owe you an explanation. Her “no” is enough and you will deal my friend. 
5. LISTEN. Bruh, when black women are telling you something you’re doing is harming them, can you put your ego aside and just L I S T E N. Why is that your first reaction is to get defensive? If you love black women like you say you do, wouldn’t you want to know when you’re doing something harmful to them? Stop getting defensive every time a black woman calls out your misogynoir. Stop brushing that off as “bashing black men.” Stop calling black women “shea butter bitches” for calling out how you harm black women. Black women are just asking for empathy at the end of the day. That’s the least you can do.
6. Stop slut-shaming. Stop shaming black women for their sexuality. Stop calling black women “thots” and all kinds of hoes because her sex life is something YOU disagree with or because she presents herself in a way that conflicts with YOUR standards. Someone’s sexuality has nothing to do with you and you don’t have the right to police what a woman does with her body. Stop reducing a black woman’s worth because you don’t like what she does with HER body.
7. Understand that our identity intersects. Stop telling black women they have to “pick a side.” Black women aren’t black men or white women’s “side kicks.” We are our own people with our own unique struggle that, yes, may have similarities to BM’s and WW’s struggles, but is not identical to theirs. We are black and we are women. You can’t be an ally to black women and not be intersectional when our existence is the epitome of intersectionality. Black women don’t just experience racial violence, we experience gender violence as well. Stop insisting that we have to divide our identity down the middle to suit you.
8. Say something when you see black women being attacked. When you see black women being harassed online and offline, do something. Ya’ll gotta start holding each other accountable. Stop @-ing me telling me how terrible it is that I’m being attacked. @ ole dude who’s attacking me. Tell them to stop. Have my back. Intervene in the best possible way you can. Stop allowing the violence against black women to persist right in front of your eyes.
9. Please kill the “strong black woman” narrative. Placing this title on us constantly, denies us humanity. Black women aren’t allowed to be vulnerable like everyone else. We’re constantly told be strong or we’re written off as only angry and bitter. We’re told how we’re suppose to feel and how to respond to violence against us. Black women are humans. We laugh, we cry, we smile. We can’t be your idea of “strong” all the time.
10. Show up for black women. Black women consistently show up for everyone else but when it comes time for us, hardly anyone is there to be found. Police brutality doesn’t just happen to black men. Recognize it. Know the names of the many black female victims of state violence. Know their stories. Share their stories. Fight for them like you fight for Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and Sean Bell. Fight for black women like black women fight for you. Organize and show up for black women. Stop leaving us hanging. Stop expecting our support and giving us little to none in return.
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honeypussy · 8 years
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Times Square
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honeypussy · 8 years
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Trevor Hill is the gay socialist revolutionary we need right now.
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honeypussy · 8 years
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honeypussy · 8 years
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honeypussy · 8 years
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honeypussy · 8 years
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