I can finally write about a happy ending, a happy romance ending. This is growth.
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1028 1118 I am calling it.
Before anything else,
I just want to tell you...
to trust the process.
Trust the process.
Love the most difficult times, because He has prepared more than you could ever wish for.
Trust the process.
Celebrate life!
These things'll take time, and'll be granted when you least expect it.
Trust the process.
I love you.
Go ahead, love yourself.
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esement CALLING IT.
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5th of September, 2020
I've got a confession: I've only been drawing human faces and figures in this artist journey.
Yep, I've got to sketch more plants and animals, and abstract figures. Create realism.
Enhance architectural skills!!
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It's hard to stay in love with Architecture.
oh, how I wish myself well
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I'm a Fool.
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I'm a Fool.
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Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretched like me...
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(No ranking.)
- Sushi
- Dry seaweed (original/natural please, no other icky flavors)
- Rice (I'm Asian.)
- I can eat the sweetest, the sourest, the saltiest, and the bitterest, but I can't handle spice AT ALL.
- Who the hec thought of 'SWEET and SPICY'?
- Meat: Beef. (I don't like pork. I don't like chicken.)
- Tea
(How Asian can I get?)
- Popcorn (VV ESSENTIAL when in a movie theatre.)
- Flavor: Cheese
- Udon (Japanese noodles)
- Kimbap (Korean cuisine. Except kimchi.)
- Pasta's okay, but not always.
- Broccoli. Surprisingly, I eat any vegetable. I think.
- Chinese food (basically, everything. Except those hot buns.)
- Fish. Seafood. ANY.
- Though, I've never eaten oysters yet.
- I don't like matcha. I don't like milktea. Though they're okay. Just okay.
- I don't like softdrinks.
- I just drink water. I like apple juice though.
- That blended PURE carrot-pineapple-apple mix.
- I like lemon sweets. Not so much mango, not so much apple, not so much strawberry.
- I don't drink.
- I haven't drank wAyN in a long long long time.
- I like pizza, burgers, and all those junk food. Though, minimally.
- I don't like sandwiches as much as I did before.
- Out of all the processed foods, I don't like ham/spam and the like.
- In bread, I prefer au naturale.
- Though in spreads, I prefer cheese, sugar and butter, and mayo over peanut butter and chocolate. Anytime.
- I like soup. The sour ones moreso.
(Okay, I'll stop here.)
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I met him again on the first of March.
Haven't talked. At all. W/ each other.
4th of March—I find out he has a girlfriend of more than 2 years.
There it is.
The Improbability of Him Reciprocrating My ‘Attraction’ Towards Him: Or the Probability of the First Relationship I Will Never Have
It began on the 16th of Feb.
No. of times I saw him after: 1 (02-22)
No. of times we interacted after: 0
Total no. of days I saw him: 4
Total no. of times I interacted with him: 5
- He said my name the first time.
- He played cards with us.
- He smiled at me.
- He asked someone for my name.
- He added me on a social media account.
Total no. of times I talked to him: 0
I will update at the end of the week.
This ‘crush’ will be a field study, a logical thesis, an experiment, because nothing more can come out of it.
This could only be instant attraction since he is goodlooking and stylish, seems smart and kind enough. And he and I share a couple of interests. That is all.
Synchrocity is what I tend to do.
If I’m going to be superstitious, this is what we call karma.
Hello there.
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It's so sad.
I've accepted my fate.
His person will be someone he might meet tom. (02-28 or 03-01)
^An experiment. A hypothesis. I'm calling it.
The Improbability of Him Reciprocrating My ‘Attraction’ Towards Him: Or the Probability of the First Relationship I Will Never Have
It began on the 16th of Feb.
No. of times I saw him after: 1 (02-22)
No. of times we interacted after: 0
Total no. of days I saw him: 4
Total no. of times I interacted with him: 5
- He said my name the first time.
- He played cards with us.
- He smiled at me.
- He asked someone for my name.
- He added me on a social media account.
Total no. of times I talked to him: 0
I will update at the end of the week.
This 'crush’ will be a field study, a logical thesis, an experiment, because nothing more can come out of it.
This could only be instant attraction since he is goodlooking and stylish, seems smart and kind enough. And he and I share a couple of interests. That is all.
Synchrocity is what I tend to do.
If I’m going to be superstitious, this is what we call karma.
Hello there.
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The Improbability of Him Reciprocrating My 'Attraction' Towards Him: Or the Probability of the First Relationship I Will Never Have
It began on the 16th of Feb.
No. of times I saw him after: 1 (02-22)
No. of times we interacted after: 0
Total no. of days I saw him: 4
Total no. of times I interacted with him: 5
- He said my name the first time.
- He played cards with us.
- He smiled at me.
- He asked someone for my name.
- He added me on a social media account.
Total no. of times I talked to him: 0
I will update at the end of the week.
This 'crush' will be a field study, a logical thesis, an experiment, because nothing more can come out of it.
This could only be instant attraction since he is goodlooking and stylish, seems smart and kind enough. And he and I share a couple of interests. That is all.
Synchrocity is what I tend to do.
If I'm going to be superstitious, this is what we call karma.
Hello there.
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Gone are the days of being sedentary.
Though I'm still writing, sketching (not as much for the past month but will start again since it's expected of the course I am in), practicing film and photography (not as much for the past half year), I've decided to venture off to a brand new chapter of the long list of activities I'd want to pursue:
I listen to music 24/7.
I've wrote and composed songs before, but this time, since I really truly do love singing, I may as well try out something related to that.
Which leads me to...
I was a school theatre kid back then, I haven't done much of that, though.
Dancing is a sport. And I enjoy dancing. Maybe it's because I was a theatre kid ever since I could remember and we did musicals most of the time. But, yeah.
And I don't exercise...so I'd want an excuse to stay fit.
I'd like to venture off to music and sports, and by music and sports, I mean singing and dancing (or some other sport, softball, maybe?, that isn't football because I've been banned due to past happenings).
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Mark this day.
The past will return and haunt me.
I know it.
I'm warning You, future me.
Buckle up. Breathe in. Breathe out.
You did this.
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Today, I saw a hot guy.
(A first—119)
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I AM actually HAPPY.
(Singing is left...)
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Shay's TSoLoA RE:
24th of November, 2017
There was this dude who kept looking at my direction for the whole ride home and he even allowed me to get off the bus first.
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