honeytoast · 25 days
I'm putting this blog on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time.
To anyone that reads this, stay safe and stay cool. 💕
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honeytoast · 1 month
I realized I never made a post to introduce myself both in the tags and on my page so here it goes.
Hello! ♡ I’m Effie. She/her, 33, and currently residing in EST. I’m a semi-selective (Really I love writing with just about anyone so please don’t be shy.) multi-muse rper. I only write with 18+ writers and only write smut with 21+. I’m also fine with not writing smut if that’s preferred. I tend to just go with the flow when it comes to threads so I don't normally plot things out. I also tend to write a lot in replies, but please don’t ever feel pressured to match the length if we do write together.
I’ve been out of the indie rp community for a while, but I am eager to find new people to write with. I will also note that I do have pretty severe social anxiety so if you shoot me a message and I don't reply right away I assure you I’m not ignoring you. I’m just working up the courage to respond. That being said, I promise I’m nice and would love to write with you. Ok. Enough about me.
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honeytoast · 2 months
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honeytoast · 2 months
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honeytoast · 2 months
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honeytoast · 2 months
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honeytoast · 3 months
Had. Never before did Isaac think that such a truly minuscule word could cut so deep. Was that what was expected of him? For him to simply walk away from the child he had spent the last fifteen years raising? He had only been a child himself when he decided to stay and raise Violet, even after her mother decided it was too much responsibility and took off. For the last fifteen years, every choice he made in life had taken her into account before all else. His career, his love life, or lack thereof. Violet came before anything and everything so he didn't understand how he was now expected to just turn his back on her like she wasn't the most important person in his life. Listening to Kris, Isaac wanted to scream. He wanted to yell and throw things and tell Kris to go fuck himself before storming off, but he knew that the life he had was over. That regardless of how heartbroken he felt, he couldn't go home. He couldn't walk through that front door and comfort his daughter, because he was dead, and today Violet buried the man she knew as her dad. Death did not care that he was all she had left. It did not care that the realization that he would never speak to or hold his daughter again hurt more than all the losses he had experienced put together. Death didn't give a fuck that sitting in that diner, being told that not only did he not have a choice in this matter, but that the life he had loved so much was over made him feel exactly like he was thirteen again, lying in his bathtub crippled with grief and waiting for his veins to empty. Only this time, he couldn't escape it. He was already dead and all he wanted to do was be alive again. Maybe this was penance. There was a sort of irony to it. His mother died young because of him and now he had a daughter who he left far too soon, but rather than getting to move on, he was stuck here with Kris who may already hate him. Isaac sat and stared at Kris who leaned back in his seat, apparently having said all that he needed to say on this matter. He knew he should apologize for his anger, and while the anger he felt did give way to plain old grief, he still felt it simmering beneath. "I know the healthy and mature thing would be for me to apologize because you're just doing your job, and it's like being mad at a minimum wage employee for doing what they’re told, but I need someone to be mad at right now. Just for a little bit, because it has been a very bad week and the only thing I can do is be mad because I loved my life and even dead, I still have a daughter out there who just lost the last person she had left. I mean, she has my dad, but that's as good as being alone. So I need to be mad for a little longer, and I hope you don't hate me for it." Even as he spoke now, his tone was no longer one filled with rage, but instead, it dripped with sorrow. He felt helpless, and like anger, it wasn't a feeling he was all too familiar with. He leaned back now and rubbed his face, wishing that he had a cup of water so he could have something to sip to keep himself from crying. Instead, he took in a deep breath and let it out nice and slow. "Do they have chocolate chip pancakes?" Though he made them often for his daughter, he hadn't had chocolate chip pancakes since before his mother's death, but it felt oddly fitting to have them again now.
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he'd be a damn hypocrite if he said he hadn't felt the same rage isaac was displaying now , it came with the territory of the freshly buried who didn't get their light at the end of their life . kris had lived in that rage for a year after his own nature life .
at the question something resembling pain flashed across his face , " had . " it was such a simple little word that was just above a whisper for a question that really dug at the humanity he still held tight to his chest . crossing his arms on the table kris leaned forward to try and get his next handful of points across to the other . " i want you to listen , because i'm only going to explain it to you once . death is something that happens . there's no discrimination whether you're single , married , young , old , a parent , childfree , and every other great combination of things that come with the living experience . death's a bitch that simply and bluntly . doesn't . care . " he kept his voice a low harsh whisper to match isaac's and tried not to let anything resembling frustration flare up , " don't mistake my harshness as anything other than wanting to get you prepared for what's to come , i'm undead not heartless and its always a goddamn tragedy when a child is involved in the aftermath . BUT whether you like it or not it is another day . you're death WAS NOT an inconvenience just business as usual for me and it will be for you as well , soon enough . attachments aren't something one in our position can afford . you really don't have the luxury of free will when it comes to accepting or rejecting it , you can think of it as community service rather than a job if you'd like . " when he felt he'd said his peace he leaned back again nestling into the red vinyl of the booth seat his gaze still set on the other . " you're also aiming all -- this -- at the wrong person . unfortunately for both you and i hr isn't very communicative . " he said with a wave of his hand his tone changed to something more like they were just friends meeting for a meal , " the french toast is also acceptable -- maybe a little soggy depending on the cook -- if you'd rather get that . the coffee is also -- drinkable . "
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honeytoast · 3 months
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honeytoast · 3 months
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honeytoast · 3 months
☆ Open to: All ☆ Potential Connection: blind date, friend, old crush, current crush, friend secretly crushing on him, ex, stranger taking pity on him, really anything. ☆ Location: Bar ☆ Muse: Isaac: 32-year-old single dad who works as a 12th grade English teacher & author ☆ Verse: Main ☆ Time of day: Evening
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Isaac sat at the bar, slowly turning his glass as his gaze flitted between the bar’s entrance and the phone sitting screen-side up in front of him. It was now half an hour past when they were supposed to meet, and he was just now beginning to entertain the idea that he had been stood up. Picking up his phone, he unlocked it once more and saw no new messages before putting it back down screen-side down only to flip it over a second later. Maybe they were running late. Maybe there was traffic or they got a flat tire… Maybe they had come in, taken one look at him, and turned right back around. He frowned a little the thought.
It wasn’t often that Isaac allowed himself to go on a date. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to. He did. A hopeless romantic at heart, he had always wanted to find someone to be stupidly happy with, but that wasn’t so easy when you were raising a kid alone. He couldn’t just think about himself, and he sure as shit couldn’t trust just anyone around his kid. So, he did what he thought was best and limited how often he went out, and if something did work out, he didn’t introduce his kid unless it was serious, but Violet was older now and he was lonely. So, he said yes. It was a decision he was beginning to regret. Taking a small sip from his glass, he nearly dropped it as he turned his head at the sound of someone else walking in reached his ears, his expression hopeful.
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honeytoast · 3 months
In life, Isaac had been a kind, loving, and genuinely happy person. Despite the people he lost and the hardships handed to him by an uncaring and often downright cruel universe, he had always been able to find joy, but as he sat in that diner, listening to a man he barely knew talk of this week, and pancakes, he wasn’t sure he would ever find that joy again. It wasn’t that he was so lost in his grief over his life having been cut tragically short, though that still weighed heavy on him, so much as it was rage. It wasn’t an emotion Isaac felt often and certainly wasn’t one he was all that comfortable with, but as he stared at the man across from him, it was all he could feel because he was dead. He was dead, his daughter was now alone in this world, and this man was suggesting he eat pancakes while they talked about some job that he had neither applied for nor wanted.
“Do you have kids?” The question left his lips before the thought had fully formed. “I’m asking because you’re sitting here talking about this week like it was just an inconvenience, and recommending pancakes like it’s any other day. My daughter lost the last person she had this week. I just had to watch her bury me.” Isaac leaned forward and tapped the table as he spoke, his tone hushed despite the shaking of his voice. “She has no one. She’s too young to have nobody. I don’t want a job or fucking pancakes. I want my life back. I want to go home and be with my kid.”
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open . m / w / nb 25 + . @indiestarter muse . krishan ' kris ' varma . rahul kohli . status ; undead ( grim reaper ) . appears thirty-six actually eighty . he / him pronouns . demiromantic . rube from dead like me vibes . please note my blog is still a mess as i sort out my character page situation but my rules are here and kris' pinterest board is in the source . plot / inspo . kris is a grim reaper and y/m was his mentors last reap before moving on and now wham bam y/m has a job in the afterlife and kris is their mentor . very much inspired by a rewatch of dead like me . tw . death mention .
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it had almost become a ritual at this point to take new recruits to the diner with the greasy food and coffee that was far to watered down to enjoy , but it was oddly comforting . you'd think after nearly eighty years of being on earth he'd have a better grasp on death and on how to string words of condolences together that sounded genuine before diving into a spew of welcome to being a reaper ! he had always been in the passenger seat and never the one driving the car but now his mentor got his chance to pass on and here he was sitting across from a stranger who attended their own funeral a few hours before . with hardly any customers and a wait staff far to interested in gossiping to actually be taking care of their tables whispering was hardly needed but kris still found himself keeping his voice , " i know this week was hard . " it was a start he just had to make a proper deliver and not come off as a complete ass , " if you want to order something i'll buy , i suggest the pancakes . -- it's always better to eat while going over your new -- job . "
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honeytoast · 3 months
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honeytoast · 5 months
Listening to her, Isaac’s smile bloomed into a full-on grin. While he highly doubted a single soul was crushing on him in this entire town, he didn’t say so. Instead, he offered a solemn and understanding nod. “Yeah, that would suck, but just know you’ll be on the top of the list in my heart.” He gently patted his chest as he joked. While he hadn’t known Maddy all that long, he had quickly grown a liking to her and genuinely enjoyed her company. To him, she was like that first warm spring day after a long harsh winter. Truth be told, Isaac may have developed a small crush on her, but that would have surprised no one. After all, Isaac fell just a little bit in love with just about everybody he met. It was a curse really. Still, he hoped that she at least enjoyed his company.
“What?” Isaac let out a dramatic gasp as she stated that their marriage would be short. “I’ll have you know that I think we would last. I’m talking old on a porch swing watching grandkids kind of lasting. You would be unbelievably happy with me, but fine, fine. I promise I won’t propose. You’re not there yet.” His tone was joking though he gave another somber nod of his head with a sigh. Still, that somber expression didn’t last long as she pushed the box closer to him. He looked from her to the offered donuts, any self-control he had, crumbling so quickly it bordered on shameful. “Thank you. I’m just going to take two for her ‘cause if I take more than that, that’s all she’ll have for dinner.” He knew her well enough to know that if she had the choice between filling up on donuts or whatever meal he made, she would ditch him so fast he wouldn’t know what happened. Taking one in the shape of a star and one normal round donut, he wrapped them in a spare napkin with great care before snagging one more for himself because if Isaac was anything, he was weak. At least when it came to sweets. “I’ll make sure she takes detailed notes so you can know what she thinks about them. I’m sure she’ll love them though. Thank you again.”
Isaac’s smile softened as she asked about his daughter. “She’s good,” he said before taking a small sip of his cocoa as he took that moment to think. Truthfully, he knew that like him, the holidays were a rough time for Violet. They weren’t always, but even when she was younger he could see it on her face. There was always this small moment where the joy she felt would fade as she thought of the people who weren’t there. At first, it had only been her mother. Though Vi didn’t mention her often, he knew that her mother’s absence hurt her. Then when his grandfather passed, he could see it in her fading smile as she remembered that it was another person gone, and now his grandmother. Their family had grown smaller with time and he could see how it hurt her and that alone made his own heart ache. This year, he had offered to take her away for the holidays. Anywhere in the world, but she didn’t seem to share his desire to flee from the pain as he did. No, she had always been stronger than him in that aspect. So, rather than run off to some other continent, she had told him that she wanted to stay home. She had even taken time to hang up his grandparent’s stockings right alongside theirs. “At least, I think she is. She doesn’t always tell me everything even if she knows she can. With my grandma gone this year, I asked her if she wanted to go away somewhere, but she says she prefers to stay home and do everything we usually do so that’s what we’re going to do. I think she’s good though. She’s a strong kid. Honestly, I don’t know where she gets it from.” He laughed, but truthfully it was just one of the many things he admired about his daughter. It was only then that he remembered she had asked about him as well. “I’m good, too, though. How about you? How have you been?”
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Maddy appreciated the fact that Isaac would follow her silliness, despite not truly having to. But, the way he handles it is even better than she could, so she finds herself easily laughing at his words. It helped to also hide the ecstatic joy she has at his comments on her job.
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"I'll be honest, I would not doubt it! But it'd be unfortunate to just be a name on the long list of people who are definitely already crushing hard on you, so do give me at least a little outing when I inevitably fall." She replies at the joke with another of her own as she takes a seat. It was easy to have a wide smile on her face alongside that man, it seemed he had an infinite list of comments and actions that would have her laughing and feeling good about herself for ages. Heck, the tree was even looking better than she initially thought it did. It was refreshing company, for sure. Quietly, she hoped the other could at least feel a fraction of that when she was around.
"I am so delighted to hear that, you have no idea! Though, yes, maybe don't try proposing -- it'd be the shortest marriage ever!" Maddy chuckles before she turns over to the box and pushes it closer, nodding before her eyes meet Isaac's yet again. Clasping her hands together, she speaks once more. "Of course! Your little girl, right? Yes, I need her input too, so please, you can take even a handful if you'd like! There's more where that came from so, don't hold back! Oh-- but you've got to promise you will let me know exactly what she said once she tries them, alright?"
Maddy takes a pause that barely seems like one, in less than a heartbeat, words leave her mouth again. "Also, I don't mean to pry much, but how is she? Has she been doing well? How have you both been?"
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honeytoast · 5 months
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honeytoast · 6 months
“Oh, no,” Isaac stated with a soft laugh of his own. “Those pastries know how I feel. The love we share transcends the need for words.”
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“Of course I noticed,” Isaac assured with a small laugh. “That is very clearly a tree and you did an amazing job.” The smile he wore grew wider, his expression downright jubilant as she stated he may be turning into her favorite person in their town. “Ah, see. I’m growing on you. If you’re not careful there will come a day where you may even find that you love me.” His tone was joking as he straightened a little more in his seat and took the offered donut. “Thank you!” He allowed himself a moment more to admire her craftsmanship before taking a bite and seemingly melted back in his seat as he chewed. “This is the most festive donut I’ve ever had.” He looked at it, examining it a little as he continued, “It’s perfectly baked. Soft and sweet, but not too sweet. It’s incredible. In fact, it’s so good I would propose if that was socially acceptable. You should probably take those away from me though, so other people stand a chance… Actually, is it alright if I take one more? Vi would be furious if she found out I didn’t grab one for her too.”
Even though he was an incredible charm, Isaac, to Madison, was more like a gentle breeze. Those words felt like a genuine compliment rather than a superficial throw-away sentence, something she welcomed. "You sure you don't want to say that to the pastries, instead?" She joked between a giggle before ultimately gasping over at the man's choice.
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"Yes, you noticed! Honestly, I was panicking when I made it... I thought the form wouldn't translate correctly.. Huh, you might just be turning into my favorite person in this town, too!" She replied, thinking it high-praise that her efforts hadn't been in vain. "Oh, of course! In fact, you can take as many as you'd like! I need your honest input. I'm hoping that one especially tastes as festive as it looks. Could you give me some pointers, please?"
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honeytoast · 6 months
If there was one thing Isaac hated about being an adult it was grocery shopping. While he was grateful that he was in a position to never have to worry about not being able to afford groceries, he still hated the act of having to get them. And nobody prepared him for how often he would have to go. Especially when raising a kid. Sighing, he pushed his cart as he walked and skimmed the list, mentally pathing it out so that he could get everything in the shortest amount of time. Most of it was snacks Violet had hastily scribbled down when she found out he was going to the store. Everything from Takis to those organic raspberry fig bars she devoured at a truly terrifying rate. Turning his cart, he jolted as the sound of things crashing to the floor yanked his attention from the paper he held. He looked up to see Jay standing surrounded by various fallen items with a look Isaac could only describe as defeat. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened. “Thanks,” he said as he moved to pick up the badly bruised pear as well as a few other things near him. “I don’t know. I think they would be in awe of how far you got without a cart or basket. I know I am.” Gathering up the stuff, Isaac placed them into his own cart before moving to take the few things he had gathered so far. “Here. You can take my cart. I can just get another one.”
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Status: Open Starter!
Where: The grocery store
When: December 22nd, 5:22 PM
It didn't matter how many times it happened, Jay never seemed to learn his lesson; here he was yet again with arms full of groceries, because he had neglected to take a basket on his way into the store. Tucking one of the pears he had underneath his chin to free up the use of his hand with which he'd been holding it, whilst lowering his chin in order to hold the fruit between it and his chest, he reached to the shelf slowly to try and grab something off of it, only for the pear, as well as several items he'd been clinging to to come crashing down onto the floor. Sighing deeply as he straightened out his posture now that he wasn't so heavily burdened and was able to do so, he met the gaze of the person coming towards him in the aisle and let out a wry little chuckle whilst he shook his head at himself. "You know, once upon a time people use to call me a genius. If only those people could see me now." He joked, before crouching down to collect the items at his feet. "Oh uh, and watch for that pear there. Don't want you to trip on it." He added with a quick glance up, pointing to the pear which had rolled away from him and out into the middle of the aisleway. @vrstarters
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honeytoast · 6 months
Sitting at the bar, Isaac’s gaze was on the book in front of him as he alternated between sipping the cocoa he had ordered and biting on the end of the pen perched in his left hand. He had the afternoon to himself self and rather than focusing on writing, he chose to throw caution to the wind and bury himself in a good book instead. Life was short, he needed to chase joy where he could. Pausing, he scribbled down some notes in the cramped margins before looking up as Madison approached, carrying a box of donuts with her. He smiled as she explained that she had baked too many and allowed his gaze to fall on the collection of fresh donuts in the now-open box. “Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite person in this town?” He looked at her as she spoke before his gaze zeroed in on a Christmas tree-shaped donut. “Oh-my-god is that a Christmas tree-shaped donut? That is beautiful.” He raised his hand a little before stopping himself. “You sure it’s alright if I take one?”
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Open Starter Location: Jack's Bar "Let's just say I baked one too many doughnuts and I wish to share them." Madison's eyes beamed the moment she opened one of the boxes of doughnuts she brought over to the bar. "They've been freshly baked today -- which by the way, feels like a special day, for some reason, don't you think?" Shaking her head, she continues. "Anyway, you can take any of your choosing and as many as you'd like, of course! Just let me know how they are, alright? I've been working hard on a bunch of these."
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