She listened to the woman’s words carefully, but the same need to see to their well-being had trickled away. Once upon a time, her heart had beat for the love of her people – could it be possible the woman standing here now was the same one from then? “I used to pity them. How frightening it must be not to have control over your own fate. I used to envy them. How beautiful it must be to only worry about your own fate.” She let out a small sigh, accepting whatever fate had been thrust her way. “I doubt the fear will vanish anytime soon.” 
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Tania’s brows quirked upwards. There was a decidedly entrancing way the other woman spoke, poetic in a manner only queens and nobles could accomplish. Had the dancer been the jealous type she would have been positively envious of the strangers ability to speak with such beauty. “When you lack basic necessities of life, fear is ever constant,” she agreed. Cautiously, she added, “Envy them? Do you have to worry about the fate of many?”
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liquid measure (of your steps)
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      A dark look flickered across Iapetus’ face at her words, but it was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared. “Disgusting,” he muttered under his breath, reaching out to take a couple of the vases out of her arms. When he spoke again, he was once again addressing the woman before him. “They send you out to do something as inconsequential and frivolous as putting flowers in their rooms when you could die from wandering the grounds alone? Egads, I hate Westedell.” 
      He glanced out the window. As he’d said, the sun was getting low; Medusa would be lurking soon enough, he was sure. There had been a time when he hadn’t minded the seemingly endless list of deaths the past weeks had brought, but that had been before he’d reached the end of his tether with the King and Queen. Now he had little to no desire to see collateral damage, and even less energy to play games. 
      ( And he was beginning to realize just how flippant he’d been getting with human and immortal life alike. He could always rationalize the deaths, and yet… He’d been sounding almost like… Zeus. )
      “Which way are you headed, child? Allow me to accompany you, for my peace of mind.”
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“As far as I can tell, even if I were wandering the grounds with a company of knights, there is no guarantee I wouldn’t die, milord,” Tania responded mildly, hoping her tone was apologetic enough to prevent any offense taken by the lord. “It is not their fault -- they are raised in an environment where they don’t see us, that is people like me.”
She thought she should protest when the Lord reached for the flowers, clearly aiming to help with a task that was far beneath his station. And yet, she was quite sure her protests would have fallen upon deaf ears. Lord Balor was the type to do as he wished, and far be it for a mere maid to tell him what he could or could not do.
“You really don’t have to Lord Balor,” Tania said, more for the sake of propriety. “I assure you, I can take care of myself. Besides it is only the last few rooms in the hallway behind you that I must finish.”
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“Ah.” Galen’s brow furrowed at her words, amusement warring with disapproval across his features for a moment. Amusement at the innocuously ridiculous request, disapproval at the terrible timing. The latter won out, and he sighed. “I know the very one. I’m assuming that one of the ladies of court asked you to get these clothes prettied up for her?” He offered her a wan smile, raising a brow. “What timing.” 
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He hoped she didn’t think less of the nobles for these menial tasks. He didn’t like that they were focusing on their pretty clothes and polished appearances in times like these, but he wasn’t actually surprised. They had been raised differently than people like him—and, he assumed, the pretty, dark-haired maid walking beside him. (Though he had been doing a better job of blending in with every passing year; if there was one thing he liked, it was not catching anyone’s attention.) 
“I’m sorry, Miss, my mistake—I never asked your name. You’re with the Odells, are you not?”
“If it were a Lord who had asked for dresses, I highly doubt they would have liked me telling anyone, let alone the chamberlain,” Tania teased. She hoped he hadn’t somehow offended the man with her careless words; she hadn’t meant to complain about the nobility. But truly, the dancer could say the crudest of insults, yet in her sweet voice, it would sound like the most poetic of compliments. 
“The timing isn’t the best, I’ll allow, but I suppose it’s a...defense mechanism for them. Pretending the monsters don’t exist by wearing dresses too pretty for a reality that dark.” She wasn’t defending the nobles, she wasn’t sure she ever could, but that didn’t mean she despised them. They were like butterflies, in her mind -- pretty and delicate. Creatures to be seen and not touched.
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Her pleasant smile faltered ever so slightly when the conversation turned towards her name. She had rather hoped Galen wouldn’t notice her lie of omission. Tania much preferred those to the outright lie she was about to tell.
“Yes, the Lord and Lady Odell were kind enough to let me work for them. They call me Tara.”
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“I mean I may look innocent, but I pack a mean punch.” she chuckled.
Noticing the girl reaching her arm out, she thought for few minutes, before linking arms with the girl. It was of conscious decision, so it would effect  her. The girl seemed to be friendly.
“They’re delicious.” she said honestly, and the market was interesting, Piper had to do things for herself now. “My name is Piper, and you are?”
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“That is....” Tania trailed off, searching for the appropriate word. “Admirable.”
She worried her lip slightly, then elaborated. “Defending oneself is so very necessary in a place like the Keep.”
Leading the way with ease, the dancer couldn’t help but nod her agreement - apples were good, but they were never quite her favorite. She blinked once, biting her lip before she could reveal the name that in certain circles was infamous for her performance. Instead she simply said, “Tara. I’m a maid of House Odell.”
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Growing up she had learned that the best lie was a half-told truth, and so she smiled at the question, eyes downcast in something as close to bashfulness as she was capable of. “Not quite. I’m from Highmeadow, but I rarely found cause to go to the markets. I must admit the Keep is rather congested though, isn’t it? People certainly seem…upset.” The last word was difficult to form, for what did these people have to be upset about? 
She had lost her everything, and her everything continued to crumble around her. The only ones who had dared earn the right to be so upset were those who had lost family as well. ( The rest could burn, for all she cared. ) “Is the Keep normally like this?” 
She may as well gain some information while she was out. 
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That was one way to put it. Tania wondered if the understated word choice was due to the other woman’s attempt at sensitivity or if she was simply too naive to understand the emotions of the common folk. Perhaps it was a bit of both, so (rather charitably, in her opinion) she offered her the benefit of doubt, and shrugged lightly.
“Yes, I suppose, but at the same time, no.” Her words were not meant to be enigmatic - for Tania, it was a simple truth. “The folk here come to the Keep with the expectation of a better life -- and very rarely does that come true. We’re not nobility; we struggle and toil in our day to day lives. The Keep is often downcast, but with the nights passing as they do, and the days passing the same way...the fear is certainly new to the atmosphere.”
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liquid measure (of your steps)
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12; 21
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
i. Tania absolutely cannot be asleep while the sun is out. For as long as she can remember, now matter how late she went to bed, the dancer has been risen at dawn.ii. She is not entirely convinced romantic love is real. The notion of a soulmate is ridiculous, as is the idea to marry for love. Platonic, familial love she has experienced, and therefore believes...besides, so far all attempts at romance she has seen have been poorly veiled assertions of lust.iii. Tania has no idea how quiet and stealthy she can be. After training as a performer for so long, she is used to having eyes on herself. But now as a maid, she is quite surprised when people don’t realize she is present -- this is in part due to her low station, but her grace has other uses she has not yet discovered.iv. She rarely leaves her hair open. The nature of her work before and even now makes open hair a luxury; it is simple practicality to tie her tresses in a plait. She also misses the feel of someone playing with her hair.v. Tania always adds too much spice when she cooks. She’s used to a spicier palate than most.
21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
i. An audience who appreciates her; she so desperately misses enjoying dance for the sake of dance.ii. A hot bath and a massage; her muscles and feet ache every night (this is no different from her time as a performer), and her station dictates that she must live with this discomfort.iii. The ability to read; without her family, who used to tell the most wonderful stories, Tania finds herself with empty, restless hours in the night - she wishes she could read books to fill the lonely silence.
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1, 7, 19.
1. What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this – optional.
Tania sleeps on her side, with one arm folded under her head or pillow, and the other wrapped across her stomach, knees curling upwards. It’s an old habit, borne of trying to take as little space as possible in a caravan with limited space -- when they traveled in winter, especially, it was the best position to keep warm.
7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
She sees herself in a rather positive light....mostly. She is well aware of her skill and grace and is proud of both. And on a typical day, Tania is more likely to blame the audience for their inability to see the pure beauty of her dance. But on occasion, she will suffer a crisis of doubt, and wonder if it is her fault; if she is deliberately seductive in her movement, if she is overreacting, if she is somehow doing her dance wrong. On those days, she sees herself in a rather negative light.
19. If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
This depends entirely on the context of the situation. Tania has a tendency to be self-righteous, and with this tendency comes a certain streak of reckless courage that allows her to be braver than she really is and fight. However, if there is even a sliver of doubt in her mind, she will turn and run. Her strength comes from her conviction, and that makes all the difference.
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What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this – optional.
Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.
Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
What are their chief tension areas? 
If you were to pick one song – and only one song – to describe your character, what would it be and why?
How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like?
Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something? 
Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo?
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time?
What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each.
Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people?
Are they a leader, do they prefer to follow, or would they rather just stay on the sidelines altogether?
If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
Does your character trust people right off the bat or does it take them some time to warm up to someone?
Do they prefer romance or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart?
Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why?
Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks?
How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble?
If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?
Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?
Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
30 Uncommon Character Development Questions ( send me a number )
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nor any drop to drink {flashback ~ one year ago} || jude + tania
Her anklets shone even in the dim light of the pub, as she raised the edge of her skirt to avoid stepping in a pool of spilled drink. Tania’s performance had ended not more than an hour ago, and because it was the travelling performers’ last night in this particular port, the entire company had decided to enjoy some celebratory drinks. They had done well, selling out nearly every night, but the time had come to move on. The dark haired dancer was more than ready to get back on the road in particular.
For while the show had been more profitable than usual, there were far more jeers than she would have liked. Nonetheless, Tania was proud of herself for enduring the base remarks and wolf whistles with uncommon grace - and besides, at least in this port drunken admirers hadn’t come blundering into her tent as if they owned the place. Dark eyes lined with half smeared kohl, and hands and feet decorated with temporary red dye, Tania knew she was drawing gazes her way, despite her simple dress. She couldn’t help it; the sway of her hips as she walked, the black tresses pulled over one shoulder, the rosy hued lips -- they were all enticing.
But Tania remained deliberately oblivious to the keen stares and made her way to the barmaid. Before she could order her drink however, a mug was slid her way, the liquid sloshing in a pendulous motion. The sharp scent of pears mixed with a hint of nutmeg and cinnamon wafted towards her -- her favorite drink: spiced perry. Tania couldn’t help one corner of her mouth pulling upwards as she accepted the drink, and turned towards the man who bought it (and the only member of the audience who would know what alcohol she preferred).
“A ship is safe in a port, but that’s not what ships are for -- isn’t that what they say?” Her eyes shone with poorly concealed mirth. “Ser Jude, how is it you manage to show up everywhere I perform?”
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Drunk RP prompts
Red wine: Send a glass of red wine for a drunken kiss.
Rosé wine: Send a glass of rosé wine for a drunken confession.
White wine: Send a glass of white wine for a drunken story.
Shot of Whiskey: Send a shot of whiskey for my muse to mistake yours for someone they hate.
Shot of Vodka: Send a shot of vodka for my muse to mistake yours for someone they're friends with.
Shot of Tequila: Send a shot of tequila for my muse to mistake yours for someone they're in love with.
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“Thank you, my dear. Only the gods can help us now.” Ainsley replied solemnly. “Tell me, how long have you served in the castle? Your face is unfamiliar to me.”
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Tania glanced down then back up again, feeling more than a little self conscious. “I began serving House Odell only a few months ago, when I came to the Keep.” She smiled. “I will take your unfamiliarity as a compliment. I do try to remain unobtrusive.”
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“You can’t always expect everyone here to be what people often say.”
The keep may have been the odd choice, but that was the only choice she really had. It was a risk to meet new people, because she didn’t know what she would get into. People deserve chances, at least one.
“That would be delightful, thank you.” she smiled at the female.
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“So you’re not a doe eyed innocent, then?” 
The grin on her face made it clear the words were said in jest. It was not Tania’s place to judge, after all, she was a mere maid now. She reached her arm out, a silent question to link it with the other woman’s.
“Any reason you’re particularly craving apples?” She tapped her forehead in exasperation. “Oh. Forgive me, I’ve completely forgotten to ask your name!”
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“Vance, but just Galen is fine.” (Lord Vance, technically, but both he and the Keep’s true nobility pretended that title didn’t exist. Why distance himself from the people he was actually one of?) “You may have seen me here and there around the Kitchens and in the servants’ quarters; I’m the Keep’s Chamberlain.” The blond shook his head and gave the woman another smile; it was still slight, but honest nonetheless. She wasn’t one of the Vitellos’ personal maids, he was rather sure; the new servants that’d been coming in with the noble families visiting the Keep—and then with the deaths of a good number of their staff—were difficult to keep track of, but he managed. She was one of the Odells’, if he wasn’t wrong. “But no, really, I insist. It would be rude of me to let you carry all this on your own, though I do believe you. Where are you headed, Miss?”  
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“Well then, thank you, Ser Galen.” Tania had never had any qualms using someone’s given name. Titles didn’t mean much to the traveling performers. Among them, she’d learned that a person’s worth was determined by the work they did, not their supposed rank. “Ah, of course. I knew your face looked familiar.”
The truth was, Tania kept to herself, never volunteering her alias let alone her real name - people were only faces to her. Just as an audience had only been faceless jeers. But Galen was recognizable, even through simple rumor (a few of the scullery maids were quite taken by his visage, and she could understand why).
“These clothes need to be taken to a tailor. Well --” Tania amended her statement. “Not just a tailor. He’s apparently well known for his detailed bead work.” The dancer had never had need for a tailor; a shadow passed her face as she remembered her mother and the wrinkles at the crease of her eyes as she put together Tania’s costumes by candlelight.
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      … Damn it. Did the Fates really have to throw someone so completely… inoffensive at him when he was in the right mindset to knock a man on his back for so much as looking at him the wrong way? Iapetus swallowed the sharp words on the tip of his tongue and closed his eyes, only opening them again when he’d calmed the rage that seemed to be constantly swirling under his skin in the past weeks. 
      (Terpsikhore had always been innocent in the conflicts of the Titans; she had not stood against them when they had retaken Olympus, and apparently in this life, she was just a maid. There were more deserving people to save his anger for.)
      When he spoke again, much of the venom had left his voice. “You shouldn’t be walking the halls alone; evening is nearing and the number of statues in the Keep is almost at three dozen.” He glanced down at the flowers in her hands. “I’m assuming you’re placing those around the castle before the fine Lords and Ladies of the Keep finish their supper?”
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The Lord was still, and yet Tania could feel the his anger reverberating within him for a moment before dissipating like a storm. (And really, wasn’t that apt for the lord of the cliff side stone castle?) Her shoulders, which she hadn’t even realized were clenched upwards, relaxed, and she ventured her gaze upwards to look upon Lord Balor.
“Thank you milord, for your concern.” Tania shifted her weight to one side, the flowers weren’t heavy but they were somewhat unwieldy, sprays of buds brushed against the curve of her neck and some of the thornier stems were pressing uncomfortably on her hip.
“I am.” And here, she felt confident enough to smile wryly and tease not him, but nobles in general. “The Lords and Ladies may perish without the fragrance of fresh roses to assuage their fears of monsters in the night.”
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There is also a third kind of madness, which is possession by the Muses, enters into a delicate and virgin soul, and there inspiring frenzy, awakens lyric....But he, who, not being inspired and having no touch of madness in his soul, comes to the door and thinks he will get into the temple by the help of art--he, I say, and his poetry are not admitted; the sane man is nowhere at all when he enters into rivalry with the madman.
Plato, Phaedo
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english translation:
like a butterfly, my heart flies away attached to a f r a g r a n c e somewhere distant what is this, so unheard of like darkness has been kissed by some b r i g h t n e s s like a butterfly, my heart flies away
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