honoraryskywalker · 2 years
I fell in love with SW thanks to Alec Guinness and the way Obi-Wan's eyes seemed to tell a story-behind-the-story. Ewan McGregor did the same here. He was phenomenal in this series.
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“Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal.” - Samuel Richardson
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
I've always been very skeptical about a possible second season of Obi-Wan Kenobi ... but, after reading this interview, call me intrigued. Warning: possible spoilers (in case there IS a season 2 and they decide to use some of the original ideas) So, that was the second step of the evolution for me, that Obi-Wan now has to come to terms with his own mortality, somehow in a prophecy, or Qui-Gon telling him, 'There's going to come a moment where you're gonna have to sacrifice yourself for the good,' And then [Obi-Wan] is like, 'What? No, no, no, no, I'm here to help... I can't, no.'  Maybe an actual prophecy would be a bit too heavy-handed, but I think it would be nice to see this further step in Obi-Wan's character development, and it would establish another beautiful parallel/contrast between him and Vader. In a sense, Obi-Wan is tempted by the wish for control just as much as Anakin. Anakin is afraid of losing his loved ones. Obi-Wan is afraid of leaving them alone.
I think I kinda want a season 2 now.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
Give me an "Adventures of Gandalf and Ghost Qui-Gon" TV show NOW.
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The Road goes ever on and on Down from the dune where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.
"Master? I have never heard of this song."
"Oh yes, I learnt it from the uh - the planet Middle Earth."
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
Some thoughts about Reva, Obi-Wan, and Vader
Mercy doesn't defeat an enemy, Master. Which is why you're going to lose. (Anakin to Obi-Wan, "Part V") By showing mercy, you have given them peace. You have honored them. (Obi-Wan to Reva, "Part VI")
Maybe some parts of Reva's story were handed a bit clumsily, but I think she's a nice foil both to Obi-Wan and Vader.
Just like them, at the start of the series she's trapped in her own story. She's obsessed with her tragic past and she can't move on. Like Obi-Wan, she ultimately chooses light. She lets go of her anger. She embraces mercy, and she finds peace and freedom. Vader despises mercy. And that's why, in the end, he is still trapped, still a slave to Palpatine and his own misery.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
Watch out when you give bread to a pigeon, the others are not so far away  x)
I’m happy to post another video of animation on Tumblr !
This time I tried something classical so I used the “Can Can” of  Offenbach and was inspired to animate the French Can Can as well =D (not only because I’m french bien sûr àUà ! )
Hope you will like this, took looot of hours to make but it was really fun as always !
Drew lots of pigeons !
Le pain danse aussi, oui oui !  
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
I love how Obi-Wan Kenobi finds so many ways to add deeper layers to ANH.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
As it turns out, the writers thought about this, too. It's not necessarily what I would have done, but... it does work. It's dark, Luke never sees anything other than a hooded figure, and then he wakes up in his bed. You can't really fault his 10-year-old brain for archiving the incident as "the 26th time Tuskens tried to kidnap me", or even "a weird nightmare". Also, considering how Shmi was kidnapped by the Tuskens for real, the lie probably came easy to Owen and Beru. And it must have hurt. I had no problems with the "Hello, there" scene, either. From the dialogue in ANH, I always got the impression that Luke and Obi-Wan were acquainted with each other. Of course, Luke only knew him as "Old Ben".
I've been thinking about the very last shot of "Part Five". I'll admit it has me excited and worried at the same time, because IMO this show has respected and enhanced the characterisation of Lucas's characters so far, and I really, really hope they don't make a huge mistake in the very last episode. I love the image of little Luke sleeping in his bed, living a simple life, blissfully unaware of the world outside and his connections to it, while little Leia is in the thick of the action, already shaping up to be a leader. It perfectly links forward to ANH and the situation we find them in: Leia, an Imperial Senator plotting with the rebels, and Luke, a wide-eyed daydreamer bored with the life of a farmer.
At the beginning of ANH, Luke is defined by innocence and inexperience (from which stems his great sense of wonder). I hope the series doesn't rob him of these fundamental traits by having him witness a lightsaber showdown in his courtyard. In Luke's eyes, Tatooine is the place where nothing happens. The farthest place from the bright centre of the universe. He's like the Hobbits of the Shire, who have no idea they're hiding Sauron's treasure, and think that Gandalf is just a weird old man with a talent for fireworks. Little Luke needs to stay that way. That's why, even if the action is moving to Tatooine, I hope he'll be as far as possible from it. Ok, I'll allow them to end the show with Owen giving Luke Ben's toy ship as a grudging sign of respect.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
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tell me this isn’t exactly what happened
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
Obi-Wan only sees Qui-Gon's ghost when he lets go of the other ghosts from his past.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
Obi-Wan keeps aiming at Vader's suit. Strategically, he wants to weaken him. Thematically, he wants to reveal Anakin within. Obi-Wan once thought as you do. And it's so tragically beautiful that he smiles when he finally gets a glimpse of Anakin's charred face.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
I was thinking that, if we count all 6 episodes, the total runtime of Obi-Wan Kenobi basically looks like the runtime of one of the LOTR extended editions. Which makes me feel that maybe this would actually have worked better as a stand-alone film, with a more streamlined story and less need for frequent cliffhangers (which potentially means a better chance of building up the "big moments" this show excels at). Still, I can't say I'm not happy with what we got. Yes, some things strain the suspension of disbelief, and yes, a couple of scenes walk the tight rope between affectionate nod and gratuitous fanservice, but I think the show has its heart in the right place. Maybe it wasn't strictly necessary, but IMO it works well to thematically complement the story as we know it from the films.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
Mercy does not defeat an enemy, Master.
And yet, Vader is powerless against mercy. Mercy is what keeps the spark of Anakin Skywalker alive. Mercy is what ultimately kills Vader.
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
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leia giving the advice we all need
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
the Kenobi rewatch, of course
okay real talk though after the Kenobi finale is well over…what are we going to post about? 😫
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honoraryskywalker · 2 years
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Norichan5059 on Instagram
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