honored-in-hell · 10 years
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Oh really?" he smirked "An' yet ya bound ya'self to a prince..." he pointed out with a light chuckle.
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The mention of the ferryman had him smirking and he gave a shake of his head "Now why should I pay ya ferryman? Aint that ya princes job?" he teased "Not that Asmo would gimme a dime if he didn't have t' he's a bit of a scrooge." he laughed.
House rules // Kelly & Kale
Kelly laughs at Kale’s suggestion that speed is a gift that could be used to cheat the house. You can toss dice faster, but that’s still not gonna affect how they’re gonna land.
He shakes his head. “Never been one for risk myself. I like gambling, sure, but that’s about it. Nah, I like it when it’s safe. Easy.”
He’s having a good time with Kale. It’s pleasant, having someone he just sit and talk with like this. More than he’d have thought it would be, especially with this other pet.
"If you win this hand, you gonna pay the ferryman to bring me across too?"
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Nah, but speed is, a quick flick o' the wrist..." he smirked, shrugging a little "I like the risk though, gotta admit it... I'm a gamblin' man, if I weren't, I'd o' found a new profession by now!" he chuckled and gave a cock of his brow, taking a drink and making his next bet as he looked to the other pet and smiled "It's okay, I'll take the fast trip to hell, an' send the river man back f' ya." he teased, upping his bet with a grin.
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House rules // Kelly & Kale
Kelly chuckles, giving Kale a nod that comes more from his eyebrows raising than any actual movement of his head.
"Neither one of us is going to Heaven, Kale, but if you want to lay claim to the bigger pile of sin, I’m not gonna fight you for it."
His money is as much his own as Kale’s, but that still doesn’t mean he wants to lose it. It’s more a matter of pride than anything else. Luckily it goes better for them in the next hand, making the dealer shift her weight, almost nervous at their luck.
"Relax," Kelly says before taking a sip of his beer. "Luck is not one of the gifts, and Mammon knows it. Now deal."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
Money Stacks || Kale & Asmodeus
It had been a busy day, busier than most anyway. Kale had fought and won two fights since breakfast, the first was easy, the youngster went down in minutes, barely bruising Kale's knuckles, but the second, the male was big, he might not of been fast, but he sure as hell packed a punch, and he was hard to keep down, Kadyn's hands trembled, his ribs ached, feeling like they were cracked as he reached out to push open the door to Gomorrah and he gave a nod to the receptionist before heading through to the back.
His jaw still ached from one well aimed punch from the Angel, and he rocked it from side to side as he pushed the door to Asmodeus' office open without knocking. He hadn't seen his master in a few days and as he walked in, he honestly wasn't sure what he wanted, whether it was healing or fucking, or both, but he didn't stop till he was around the Prince's desk and pushing his chair back, leaning in and kissing him, his tongue fucking his mouth hungrily as his hand cradled his ribs. 
When the pet pulled back, he winced, straightening, before he used his free hand to reach into his jacket and pulled out two lumps of cash, dropping the stacks to the Prince's desk "I made ya lot's o' money today, an' that Angel that was causin' ya trouble, he won't be causin' it no more." he perched on the edge of his masters desk and smiled "It weren't exactly easy, but he won't be gettin' back up." 
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Oh please!" he smirks "I can gamble jus' as well when I'm drunk as a skunk, ya know why? Cause it ain't really m' money, so aint' like I got much t' worry 'bout." he chuckled, shrugging a little. He knew it was probably bad to be reckless with Asmo's money, but hell, he'd earnt it with his own blood and sweat, if he wanted to gamble it all away, he would.
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"Besises... who't hell say's I'll lose. We both know I'm't sinner between us, dont ya f'get it."
House rules // Kelly & Kale
The whisky burns with a familiar heat all the way down the back of his throat. Kelly’s not looking to get so drunk that he bets recklessly, even though he knows that’s probably something the house would like. 
He grins at Kale when the fighter encourages him from behind his own beer. 
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"You’re not planning on challenging me to a drinking contest while we play black jack, right? I’d hate to see you lose on two fronts simultaneously.”
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
The offer was there for Kelly if he decided to take it up, though the rather plain tone of the other pet expressed his feelings clearly and Kale sighed as he watched the Prince stand, closely followed by her pet, his eyes scanning them before he was on his feet and nodding at her words. “Ya don’t need sleep t’ be beautiful Prince, ya already are.” he smiled back to her and gave a quick glance to Kelly before the blonde mentioned Asmodeus and he cocks his brow before nodding at her again.
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“I’ll let ‘im know Apadiel, an’ I enjoyed the drinks, cheers Darl… Cheers.” he caught himself and gave a rather self satisfied grin to the other male that he’d corrected himself before watching her leave with the pet following close behind her and Kale just leaned against the chair for a moment, watching the dancers do their thing before he headed out of the Luxe and home seen as it was best not to go and see Ambriel the moment after a Prince had just commented on his relationship with her. He was that smart, at least.
Classified // Apadiel (Kelly) & Kale |FINISHED|
There is a look exchanged between Kale and Kelly that does not go unnoticed by Apadiel when Kale corrects himself, calls her by her name rather than the ‘darling’ she’s so quickly become used to. She wonders what exactly transpired between the two of them while she was away getting drinks, but it’s not something she wants to ask about now. Kelly can be almost overly protective of her at times, both of her person and her status and reputation, but Kale is hardly someone that she needs protection from.
Apadiel raises an eyebrow as she listens to Kale, tries to imagine what he could possibly mean by “all wrath o’ Hell an’ stuff.” She prides herself on her composure, both in public and in private. It’s not that she is not wrathful, but her rage is a black hole inside her, something that pulls in and swallows everything around it, crushing and destroying. Asmodeus’ rage is the opposite, an explosion that stretches out from the center and can have consequences for those far from the source.
But the idea that Kelly fears her, even a little, is enough to sour the sweet drink in her mouth. She and Kelly are not like Asmodeus and Kale, not below the surface, below the titles of Prince and Pet. Their intimacy is psychological rather than physical; each knows how the other thinks and feels on a level surpassing everyone else in their lives. 
No. If Kelly feared her, she would know. But she doesn’t like this seed of doubt that Kale has placed in her mind, and while she’ll do nothing with it now, in front of him, it’s something that she’ll be sure to take up with Kelly at another time.
"Yeah," Kelly mutters, brow furrowed at Kale’s suggestion. "I’ll be sure to take you up on that, if I ever want someone to punch me on my free time."
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Apadiel stands, leaving her empty glass on the table and smoothing her hands over her skirt. It seems as good a time as any to make an exit, before anyone involved says anything else to raise tempers or suspicions again. It occurs to her that perhaps she should say something about what she’d said about Brie, about the idea that her intentions were less than angelic, but she’s said nothing untrue, and if her words poison rather than enlighten, then that can hardly be blamed on her.
"Thank you for the company, Kale, and the conversation. I think some beauty sleep will do us all some good."
She takes a step away towards the door, giving Kelly room to stand and follow her.
"Do send my best to Asmodeus the next time you see him," she adds. "I imagine you’ll find yourself in his company again before I have the pleasure of it."
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One last smile, genuine but also tinged by the ever-present facade of civility and conceit, and then she’s gone, heading out of the club with Kelly at her heel, leaving Kale to finish his drink and watch the new group of dancers on his own.
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
Kale's brows arch as he watched the other pet place his bets and he smirks a little when he wins a hand, he can't help but want to rub it in the other pet's nose, it's part of who he is and he grins, taking a drink for himself and tipping the waitress as she passes "Cheers Darlin'."
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He chuckled and leaned back in his seat, looking over Kelly and downing his whisky quickly, taking hold of his beer and chasing it down with a large gulp. "Jus' drink it down! Good boy!" he smirked, winking cheekily to him.
House rules // Kelly & Kale
"You keep ordering like that and I think I know which one’s gonna happen first," Kelly replies, but he doesn’t mind. The Snake Eyes is generous to anyone who’s gambling, so that’s less money back into Mammon’s pocket. Kale is good company, though Kelly has no doubt he’ll be terrible to put up with if he keeps winning.
Kelly bets and waits while she deals. This time, it doesn’t go as well for him, and he can only laugh when he busts and the dealer sweeps away his chips.
"Perfect timing," he mutters when the waitress appears with a tray of drinks.
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
“Ta Darlin’.” he winked the moment she said there was no point in telling Asmodeus about his behaviour, before realising he was doing it again and cocking a brow, a small frown on his face “I mean Apadiel.” he looked pointedly to Kelly, knowing the other pet obviously couldn’t stand it when he talked to the Prince like she was just any other person in Purgatory, but Kale did that with everyone, everyone including Asmodeus, though the Prince was normally quick to correct him. It was just how he spoke to people, it was how he was made, so to speak.
“I only fear a small part o’ him, the part that would get pissed off wi’ me callin’ ya Darlin’ and yet, if I didn’t say it to everyone else, wonder what the fuck was wrong wi’ me.” he chuckled a little “I fear his wrath, I’d be stupid not t’.” he looked to Kelly “Jus’ like I’m sure somewhere deep in there, Kel’s scared of ya when ya go all wrath o’ hell an’ stuff!” he smirked, trying to lighten the mood simply for the fact he knew Apadiel wasn’t exactly comfortable with his relationship with Asmodeus.
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When she said it was their last round he nodded to her, his eyes slipping to Kelly before Kale agreed “Yeh, me too, probably should be gettin’ home. Need me beauty sleep and stuff.” he chuckled and sipped at his drink. “Though Kel, if ya ever up for sparing some time, gimme a bell.” He knew it’d probably come across as snarky, but he meant it, and not just because he’d enjoy punching the guy in the face either.
Classified // Apadiel (Kelly) & Kale
Kelly takes the compliment from Kale for what it is, nodding a thank-you but not retracting any of what he’d already said. Kale is too familiar with Apadiel, and it bothers him that she does nothing to stop it. 
"There’s nothing to apologize for, Kale," Apadiel replies. "Though I do appreciate the gesture. But I think Asmodeus is well aware of what you get up to when he’s not looking, and telling him more gains me nothing, so I don’t see the point."
She sees a brief flash of disappointment cross Kelly’s face. No doubt he enjoys that he’s thought of as obedient and loyal to her, but loyalty has different meanings to different Princes, and Apadiel knows that Asmodeus is not always dissatisfied with his fighter. And she knows that he respects her, even if his manner of speaking does sometimes seem to indicate otherwise. 
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Apadiel smiles at Kale as she takes a sip of her drink. “You respect me. I can tell. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t apologize. And in case it wasn’t obvious—” She nods towards Kelly, “— I don’t see the point of fear in these types of relationships.”
It bothers her that there is this fear between Kale and Asmodeus. Kale does a good job hiding it, but she has no doubt that his asking was not without some motivation. He does more to provoke the Prince than Kelly does, but Asmodeus also has far more rules, a more tempting environment. If Apadiel had a home filled with beautiful musical instruments, but forbid Kelly from playing them, they might well also find themselves at odds before too long.
She can sense irritation rolling off of Kelly, more than she would’ve expected from a couple of comments from Kale. Apadiel suspects she’s missed something in the conversation, but from the change in atmosphere, she doesn’t think she wants to be filled in.
"I think this will probably be the last round for us," she offers, glancing towards the stage where a new group of dancers is making their way in. "We’ve interrupted your evening for more than long enough."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
Kale just rolls his eyes at the generous comment, ignoring it and smirking as he played the game, finally pulling his chips in and raking his fingers over them before looking back to the other pet and smiling "I'm fine wi' takin' Mammon's money... more than fine wi'it!" he chuckled and looked over the dealer before he nodded to the dealer to start the next game. 
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"Le's play till we' drunk or rich, shall we?" he grinned, and sipped at his drink with a smile and lifted his hand to get the attention of a passing waitress. "Two beers and two whisky shots."
House rules // Kelly & Kale
"Yeah, but I can see you’re struggling, and I’m well-known as a kind and generous guy, so I thought I’d make the effort for you."
Kelly swears he sees the dealer smile as they lay down the last of the cards. Not because it goes well for the house. Both Kelly and Kale manage better hands than the dealer, who busts.
Chips clink down in front of them, and the the dealer sweeps the cards away with a small, congratulatory nod. 
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"I’m smart enough to get by, clearly," he shoots back. "And it looks like both of us are taking Mammon’s money this time around."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
Maybe smacking Kelly, even in jest, was a bad idea. He sighed at the other pet’s reaction, not knowing what to do, how to act now his attempt at humour had failed, and apparently, drastically so, as the other pet spoke. But Kale’s eyes were too focused on Apadiel’s return to look at the other human, wondering just how much of the conversation she had heard, and hoping that the answer was ‘none’.
“Xactly.” he replied to her, shooting Kelly a grin, amused and actually glad that they both seemed to at least humour him, even if they didn’t appreciate his humour. “He plays good music, if ya’r inta tha’ stuff.” He shrugged, agreeing, but it was the most she would get out of him, seen as the classical stuff wasn’t his preference, not at all. He preferred a beat, a heavy thud to distract him, not, well, heavenly fanfares and music that just reminded him of church, somewhere he presumed he’d tried to avoid in his life. He didn’t see himself as a religious man, more of an anti-religious kinda man. 
"Don’t you ever worry that your mouth will get you in trouble, or do you just take it for granted now, that I won’t go back to Asmodeus with the things you say to me?"
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Kale’s brows narrowed and he sat up straight, glancing to Kelly but he’d probably already burnt that bridge. “I honestly just don’t think, period.” he shrugged “If ya wanna go run to me master, feel free, I apologise Ma’am, but as ya seemed t’ want me t’ be at ease ‘round ya, di’nt think ya’d mind.” he said with a sigh “I don’t worry ‘bout me mouth, guess I don’t think that far ahead.” he admitted and glanced to Kelly before looking back to the Prince, brow arching “Are ya gonna tell Asmo?”
Classified // Apadiel (Kelly) & Kale
Kelly’s stomach drops, not fully recovering when Kale reaches over and hits him on the shoulder. The smile he gives is half-hearted, a clear indication that he didn’t find the joke amusing in the least, even if it was reassuring to hear that Kale and Apadiel’s relationship was no deeper than what Kelly had already seen.
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"No offense to your Prince, but it’s not up to him who Apadiel sleeps with. She’s not one of his whores."
Apadiel arrives too late to hear Kelly’s comment, but she does hear Kale’s mention of Gomorrah as a hobby, laughing as she settles into the booth.
"I don’t know that I’d call Gomorrah a hobby so much as a part of your social life," she remarks. "Or perhaps some sort of training regimen. Lots of muscles that get used in the sort of thing you get up to there, I would imagine."
She’s not sure if Kale is trying to get a rise out of her or out of Kelly, but she can tell that it’s working on her pet. Irritation rolls off him in waves in time with his heartbeat, and she doubts that she can do much to assuage it.
Apadiel, on the other hand, can give as good as she gets, knowing that she still holds the upper hand. She can see in his eyes that Kale’s still not entirely sure he’ll get away with his jokes about her hobbies, and about her sex life.
"I read, too," she replies. "And I used to sing, hence the good lungs."
It’s something Apadiel talks about rarely, and has never demonstrated for anyone, even Kelly. Singing was something that she did in Heaven, and now it feels more like a distant memory, something from another lifetime.
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"But these days I’m more of a good listener than anything else. Kelly’s music is my hobby. That, and the Arena."
She’s prepared for the reply that the Arena is a job and not a hobby, but she would argue differently. It is a duty, overseeing the Arena, and duties are not constrained to certain hours of the day. Even now she is still the Overseer.
"And as far as soundproofing goes." She gives Kale a knowing grin and picks up her glass. "If Asmodeus were to do that, then no one would know… how much his visitors were enjoying themselves. But when I’m not there, I like the quiet. Quiet, or music.”
The other Prince isn’t shy about his habits, and it’s simply one more way to exert power over those around him. No one would think to knock on the door to a Prince’s office and tell them to keep it down.
She eyes Kale for a moment from across the table. She’s glad that he feels more familiar with her now, but at the same time she can’t help but wonder at his constant testing of the boundaries of their friendship, if it could be called that. It’s as if he can’t help himself, as if he’s more comfortable with the thought of being in trouble than not.
"Don’t you ever worry that your mouth will get you in trouble, or do you just take it for granted now, that I won’t go back to Asmodeus with the things you say to me?"
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
Santos seemed to get it and he smiled “They have a reputation t’ keep up!” he admitted with a nod, but he could tell Santos wasn’t exactly comfortable with the topic, moving on seemed to be a good idea. Even if that meant the subject turned more towards himself, and that wasn’t something Kale was very comfortable with, still, it seemed better that he was uncomfortable than the kid.
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“Maybe I jus’ do tha’  t’ women! I mean look a’ me, I’m irresistible!” he chuckled, nodding and giving a shrug “Ya di’nt ruin me night Yola, don’t panic. We’re jus’ heading’ back t’ mine for a drink or two, or seven, ‘fore ya pass out, o’  course.” he was already changing direction when he glanced to the other male and he leaned over, ruffling his hair. Kale wasn’t the best person when it came to social interactions, but he still enjoyed company. Especially that of people like Santos, people that were easy to be around and actually liked him. He still couldn’t comprehend why though.
“So has Lilith played with you?” he asked when they were closer to his apartment building, knowing that Santos might be happier to talk about her now they were away from the Luxe, and away from her. Though he’d never force the boy to talk about anything he didn’t want to, or do anything he didn’t want to for that matter.
Curtain Twitcher | Kale & Santos
Santos snorts about Kale’s pet line.  He’s sure it was the same for Lilith and Beth, no matter how often the two seemed to get on each others nerves.  Santos felt like he could see comradery there, if either of them tried.  He does have to resist the sudden urge to defend Lilith though, strange as it may be, but then he’s always felt the need to defend the Princes and the Arcs from others.  They had made up their minds about things and wanted to pursue them in their own way.  Neither side was wrong but Santos doubted either side was right, but it was best to keep that opinion to himself.
Santos did what he did to keep himself safe, and to keep the ones he cared about safe, Prince and Arcs be damned.  
He supposed he always wanted to defend Lilith more than the others because he’s certain he’s seen a heart in there somewhere.  Santos thinks she’s seen it too, which is why he gets away with his bluntness a bit more than with other people.  Santos blinks, and attempts to bring himself back on topic.  ”Yeah I bet, but the Princes always seemed to have this practiced air of detachment, you know?  They need everyone to think they care less then they do, so they make themselves not care sometimes.”  So much for keeping my mouth shut.
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"Well, most people don’t know you very well then."  Santos frowns.  He doesn’t like that this man thinks so little of himself, even if only because he pays attention to Santos when he doesn’t have any reason to.  He coughs.  "Probably.  I haven’t done much the past week except work and sleep really."  Which was sad and sort of pathetic, but it was also the truth.  He frowns at the last statement though.  "Is she really?  I didn’t think power plays via sex were her kind of thing."  He bites his lip, just for a moment, still too close to the Luxe for him to feel entirely comfortable saying anything more about it.
"Yeah, that might be best.  She doesn’t care what we do as long as we work really."  He let’s out a yawn and stifles it briefly with his hand.  "Sorry Kale.  I ruined your night.  You can just send me home if you want and find someone else to drink with."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Wow, well done. Dumbin' it down f' me must take a load o' thought, right?" he smirked "F' someone like you, I mean."
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"Cause ya' a real rocket scientist ain't ya!" he chuckled and rolled his eyes before looking to the dealer and taking his cards with a nod. "Okay bub, let's jus' see whose taking whose money!" he chuckled, glancing to the cards, still grinning.
House rules // Kelly & Kale
"You can want that as much as you like, it’s not gonna happen," Kelly replies, but he’s grinning.
He nods to the dealer, then to his cards. “Split.”
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"I still got plenty of manners. I just I’d, y’know, come down to your level so that you can understand what’s happening to you as I take all your money."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Schoolboy is right!" he smirked, chuckling till the other pet stuck both fingers up at him and he burst out laughing, unable to help it. He never thought that Kelly would be so much fun without his mistress, but apparently, the guy has a sense of humor.
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"Kay,kay, let's jus' focus on't game there big guy, I'd hate f' ya t' lose those manners Padi loves so much! I jus' want ya t' lose ya money!"
House rules // Kelly & Kale
"Yeah, I’m practically a schoolboy compared to you," Kelly replies as he watches the dealer. "No sex, no violence, just all the money and nice clothes. And luck."
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"Did I guess right?"
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Funny ain't ya... but some o' us enjoy a lil' violence 'ere an' there!" he rolled his eyes and shrugged giving a nod to the dealer as she started to deal out the cards.
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"Oh yeah? If ya so lucky.. guess which finger I'm bout to stick up at ya!"
House rules // Kelly & Kale
"Is it luckier to fight and win, or to not have to fight at all?"
Kelly leans back in his chair and smirks.
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"I’m not saying you’re not skillful. Just that you suck at card games."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Is that so?" he smirked.
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"I'm both lucky an' skillful t' come out o' that place wi'out losin'!" he smirked, meaning the Arena. "Fine bitch, we'll see!"
House rules // Kelly & Kale
"I think an argument can be made that I’m luckier than you are, yeah, but you’re probably more used to sinning than I am. I’m just better with cards."
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honored-in-hell · 10 years
"Oh yeah, because out of the two of us, you're the luckiest one? Or the one so used to sining?" he smirked.
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House rules // Kelly & Kale
"You know the only thing that’s going to happen here tonight is that your money is going to become my money, right?"
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